blob: f426d02c5b194de0a88421364aebd84348751cf9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include "android-base/stringprintf.h"
#include "android-base/strings.h"
#include "base/bit_utils.h"
#include "base/hiddenapi_flags.h"
#include "base/mem_map.h"
#include "base/os.h"
#include "base/stl_util.h"
#include "base/unix_file/fd_file.h"
#include "dex/art_dex_file_loader.h"
#include "dex/class_accessor-inl.h"
#include "dex/dex_file-inl.h"
namespace art {
namespace hiddenapi {
const char kErrorHelp[] = "\nSee go/hiddenapi-error for help.";
static int original_argc;
static char** original_argv;
static std::string CommandLine() {
std::vector<std::string> command;
for (int i = 0; i < original_argc; ++i) {
return android::base::Join(command, ' ');
static void UsageErrorV(const char* fmt, va_list ap) {
std::string error;
android::base::StringAppendV(&error, fmt, ap);
LOG(ERROR) << error;
static void UsageError(const char* fmt, ...) {
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
UsageErrorV(fmt, ap);
NO_RETURN static void Usage(const char* fmt, ...) {
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
UsageErrorV(fmt, ap);
UsageError("Command: %s", CommandLine().c_str());
UsageError("Usage: hiddenapi [command_name] [options]...");
UsageError(" Command \"encode\": encode API list membership in boot dex files");
UsageError(" --input-dex=<filename>: dex file which belongs to boot class path");
UsageError(" --output-dex=<filename>: file to write encoded dex into");
UsageError(" input and output dex files are paired in order of appearance");
UsageError(" --api-flags=<filename>:");
UsageError(" CSV file with signatures of methods/fields and their respective flags");
UsageError(" --no-force-assign-all:");
UsageError(" Disable check that all dex entries have been assigned a flag");
UsageError(" Command \"list\": dump lists of public and private API");
UsageError(" --boot-dex=<filename>: dex file which belongs to boot class path");
UsageError(" --public-stub-classpath=<filenames>:");
UsageError(" --core-platform-stub-classpath=<filenames>:");
UsageError(" colon-separated list of dex/apk files which form API stubs of boot");
UsageError(" classpath. Multiple classpaths can be specified");
UsageError(" --out-api-flags=<filename>: output file for a CSV file with API flags");
template<typename E>
static bool Contains(const std::vector<E>& vec, const E& elem) {
return std::find(vec.begin(), vec.end(), elem) != vec.end();
class DexClass : public ClassAccessor {
explicit DexClass(const ClassAccessor& accessor) : ClassAccessor(accessor) {}
const uint8_t* GetData() const { return dex_file_.GetClassData(GetClassDef()); }
const dex::TypeIndex GetSuperclassIndex() const { return GetClassDef().superclass_idx_; }
bool HasSuperclass() const { return dex_file_.IsTypeIndexValid(GetSuperclassIndex()); }
std::string GetSuperclassDescriptor() const {
return HasSuperclass() ? dex_file_.StringByTypeIdx(GetSuperclassIndex()) : "";
std::set<std::string> GetInterfaceDescriptors() const {
std::set<std::string> list;
const dex::TypeList* ifaces = dex_file_.GetInterfacesList(GetClassDef());
for (uint32_t i = 0; ifaces != nullptr && i < ifaces->Size(); ++i) {
return list;
inline bool IsPublic() const { return HasAccessFlags(kAccPublic); }
inline bool Equals(const DexClass& other) const {
bool equals = strcmp(GetDescriptor(), other.GetDescriptor()) == 0;
if (equals) {
// TODO(dbrazdil): Check that methods/fields match as well once b/111116543 is fixed.
CHECK_EQ(GetAccessFlags(), other.GetAccessFlags())
<< "Inconsistent access flags of class " << GetDescriptor() << ": "
<< "0x" << std::hex << GetAccessFlags() << std::dec << " (" << dex_file_.GetLocation()
<< ") and 0x" << std::hex << other.GetAccessFlags() << std::dec << " ("
<< other.dex_file_.GetLocation() << ")";
CHECK_EQ(GetSuperclassDescriptor(), other.GetSuperclassDescriptor())
<< "Inconsistent superclass of class " << GetDescriptor() << ": "
<< GetSuperclassDescriptor() << " (" << dex_file_.GetLocation()
<< ") and " << other.GetSuperclassDescriptor() << " (" << other.dex_file_.GetLocation()
<< ")";
CHECK(GetInterfaceDescriptors() == other.GetInterfaceDescriptors())
<< "Inconsistent set of interfaces of class " << GetDescriptor() << ": "
<< JoinStringSet(GetInterfaceDescriptors()) << " (" << dex_file_.GetLocation()
<< ") and " << JoinStringSet(other.GetInterfaceDescriptors()) << " ("
<< other.dex_file_.GetLocation() << ")";
return equals;
uint32_t GetAccessFlags() const { return GetClassDef().access_flags_; }
bool HasAccessFlags(uint32_t mask) const { return (GetAccessFlags() & mask) == mask; }
static std::string JoinStringSet(const std::set<std::string>& s) {
return "{" + ::android::base::Join(std::vector<std::string>(s.begin(), s.end()), ",") + "}";
class DexMember {
DexMember(const DexClass& klass, const ClassAccessor::Field& item)
: klass_(klass), item_(item), is_method_(false) {
DCHECK_EQ(GetFieldId().class_idx_, klass.GetClassIdx());
DexMember(const DexClass& klass, const ClassAccessor::Method& item)
: klass_(klass), item_(item), is_method_(true) {
DCHECK_EQ(GetMethodId().class_idx_, klass.GetClassIdx());
inline const DexClass& GetDeclaringClass() const { return klass_; }
inline bool IsMethod() const { return is_method_; }
inline bool IsVirtualMethod() const { return IsMethod() && !GetMethod().IsStaticOrDirect(); }
inline bool IsConstructor() const { return IsMethod() && HasAccessFlags(kAccConstructor); }
inline bool IsPublicOrProtected() const {
return HasAccessFlags(kAccPublic) || HasAccessFlags(kAccProtected);
// Constructs a string with a unique signature of this class member.
std::string GetApiEntry() const {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << klass_.GetDescriptor() << "->" << GetName() << (IsMethod() ? "" : ":")
<< GetSignature();
return ss.str();
inline bool operator==(const DexMember& other) const {
// These need to match if they should resolve to one another.
bool equals = IsMethod() == other.IsMethod() &&
GetName() == other.GetName() &&
GetSignature() == other.GetSignature();
// Sanity checks if they do match.
if (equals) {
CHECK_EQ(IsVirtualMethod(), other.IsVirtualMethod());
return equals;
inline uint32_t GetAccessFlags() const { return item_.GetAccessFlags(); }
inline uint32_t HasAccessFlags(uint32_t mask) const { return (GetAccessFlags() & mask) == mask; }
inline std::string GetName() const {
return IsMethod() ? item_.GetDexFile().GetMethodName(GetMethodId())
: item_.GetDexFile().GetFieldName(GetFieldId());
inline std::string GetSignature() const {
return IsMethod() ? item_.GetDexFile().GetMethodSignature(GetMethodId()).ToString()
: item_.GetDexFile().GetFieldTypeDescriptor(GetFieldId());
inline const ClassAccessor::Method& GetMethod() const {
return down_cast<const ClassAccessor::Method&>(item_);
inline const dex::MethodId& GetMethodId() const {
return item_.GetDexFile().GetMethodId(item_.GetIndex());
inline const dex::FieldId& GetFieldId() const {
return item_.GetDexFile().GetFieldId(item_.GetIndex());
const DexClass& klass_;
const ClassAccessor::BaseItem& item_;
const bool is_method_;
class ClassPath final {
ClassPath(const std::vector<std::string>& dex_paths, bool open_writable) {
OpenDexFiles(dex_paths, open_writable);
template<typename Fn>
void ForEachDexClass(Fn fn) {
for (auto& dex_file : dex_files_) {
for (ClassAccessor accessor : dex_file->GetClasses()) {
template<typename Fn>
void ForEachDexMember(Fn fn) {
ForEachDexClass([&fn](const DexClass& klass) {
for (const ClassAccessor::Field& field : klass.GetFields()) {
fn(DexMember(klass, field));
for (const ClassAccessor::Method& method : klass.GetMethods()) {
fn(DexMember(klass, method));
std::vector<const DexFile*> GetDexFiles() const {
return MakeNonOwningPointerVector(dex_files_);
void UpdateDexChecksums() {
for (auto& dex_file : dex_files_) {
// Obtain a writeable pointer to the dex header.
DexFile::Header* header = const_cast<DexFile::Header*>(&dex_file->GetHeader());
// Recalculate checksum and overwrite the value in the header.
header->checksum_ = dex_file->CalculateChecksum();
void OpenDexFiles(const std::vector<std::string>& dex_paths, bool open_writable) {
ArtDexFileLoader dex_loader;
std::string error_msg;
if (open_writable) {
for (const std::string& filename : dex_paths) {
File fd(filename.c_str(), O_RDWR, /* check_usage= */ false);
CHECK_NE(fd.Fd(), -1) << "Unable to open file '" << filename << "': " << strerror(errno);
// Memory-map the dex file with MAP_SHARED flag so that changes in memory
// propagate to the underlying file. We run dex file verification as if
// the dex file was not in boot claass path to check basic assumptions,
// such as that at most one of public/private/protected flag is set.
// We do those checks here and skip them when loading the processed file
// into boot class path.
std::unique_ptr<const DexFile> dex_file(dex_loader.OpenDex(fd.Release(),
/* location= */ filename,
/* verify= */ true,
/* verify_checksum= */ true,
/* mmap_shared= */ true,
CHECK(dex_file.get() != nullptr) << "Open failed for '" << filename << "' " << error_msg;
CHECK(dex_file->IsStandardDexFile()) << "Expected a standard dex file '" << filename << "'";
<< "Failed to enable write permission for '" << filename << "'";
} else {
for (const std::string& filename : dex_paths) {
bool success = dex_loader.Open(filename.c_str(),
/* location= */ filename,
/* verify= */ true,
/* verify_checksum= */ true,
CHECK(success) << "Open failed for '" << filename << "' " << error_msg;
// Opened dex files. Note that these are opened as `const` but may be written into.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>> dex_files_;
class HierarchyClass final {
HierarchyClass() {}
void AddDexClass(const DexClass& klass) {
CHECK(dex_classes_.empty() || klass.Equals(dex_classes_.front()));
void AddExtends(HierarchyClass& parent) {
CHECK(!Contains(extends_, &parent));
CHECK(!Contains(parent.extended_by_, this));
const DexClass& GetOneDexClass() const {
return dex_classes_.front();
// See comment on Hierarchy::ForEachResolvableMember.
template<typename Fn>
bool ForEachResolvableMember(const DexMember& other, Fn fn) {
return ForEachResolvableMember_Impl(other, fn) != ResolutionResult::kNotFound;
// Returns true if this class contains at least one member matching `other`.
bool HasMatchingMember(const DexMember& other) {
return ForEachMatchingMember(
other, [](const DexMember&) { return true; }) != ResolutionResult::kNotFound;
// Recursively iterates over all subclasses of this class and invokes `fn`
// on each one. If `fn` returns false for a particular subclass, exploring its
// subclasses is skipped.
template<typename Fn>
void ForEachSubClass(Fn fn) {
for (HierarchyClass* subclass : extended_by_) {
if (fn(subclass)) {
// Result of resolution which takes into account whether the member was found
// for the first time or not. This is just a performance optimization to prevent
// re-visiting previously visited members.
// Note that order matters. When accumulating results, we always pick the maximum.
enum class ResolutionResult {
inline ResolutionResult Accumulate(ResolutionResult a, ResolutionResult b) {
return static_cast<ResolutionResult>(
std::max(static_cast<unsigned>(a), static_cast<unsigned>(b)));
template<typename Fn>
ResolutionResult ForEachResolvableMember_Impl(const DexMember& other, Fn fn) {
// First try to find a member matching `other` in this class.
ResolutionResult foundInClass = ForEachMatchingMember(other, fn);
switch (foundInClass) {
case ResolutionResult::kFoundOld:
// A matching member was found and previously explored. All subclasses
// must have been explored too.
case ResolutionResult::kFoundNew:
// A matching member was found and this was the first time it was visited.
// If it is a virtual method, visit all methods overriding/implementing it too.
if (other.IsVirtualMethod()) {
for (HierarchyClass* subclass : extended_by_) {
subclass->ForEachOverridingMember(other, fn);
case ResolutionResult::kNotFound:
// A matching member was not found in this class. Explore the superclasses
// and implemented interfaces.
for (HierarchyClass* superclass : extends_) {
foundInClass = Accumulate(
foundInClass, superclass->ForEachResolvableMember_Impl(other, fn));
return foundInClass;
template<typename Fn>
ResolutionResult ForEachMatchingMember(const DexMember& other, Fn fn) {
ResolutionResult found = ResolutionResult::kNotFound;
auto compare_member = [&](const DexMember& member) {
if (member == other) {
found = Accumulate(found, fn(member) ? ResolutionResult::kFoundNew
: ResolutionResult::kFoundOld);
for (const DexClass& dex_class : dex_classes_) {
for (const ClassAccessor::Field& field : dex_class.GetFields()) {
compare_member(DexMember(dex_class, field));
for (const ClassAccessor::Method& method : dex_class.GetMethods()) {
compare_member(DexMember(dex_class, method));
return found;
template<typename Fn>
void ForEachOverridingMember(const DexMember& other, Fn fn) {
ResolutionResult found = ForEachMatchingMember(other, fn);
if (found == ResolutionResult::kFoundOld) {
// No need to explore further.
} else {
for (HierarchyClass* subclass : extended_by_) {
subclass->ForEachOverridingMember(other, fn);
// DexClass entries of this class found across all the provided dex files.
std::vector<DexClass> dex_classes_;
// Classes which this class inherits, or interfaces which it implements.
std::vector<HierarchyClass*> extends_;
// Classes which inherit from this class.
std::vector<HierarchyClass*> extended_by_;
class Hierarchy final {
explicit Hierarchy(ClassPath& classpath) : classpath_(classpath) {
// Perform an operation for each member of the hierarchy which could potentially
// be the result of method/field resolution of `other`.
// The function `fn` should accept a DexMember reference and return true if
// the member was changed. This drives a performance optimization which only
// visits overriding members the first time the overridden member is visited.
// Returns true if at least one resolvable member was found.
template<typename Fn>
bool ForEachResolvableMember(const DexMember& other, Fn fn) {
HierarchyClass* klass = FindClass(other.GetDeclaringClass().GetDescriptor());
return (klass != nullptr) && klass->ForEachResolvableMember(other, fn);
// Returns true if `member`, which belongs to this classpath, is visible to
// code in child class loaders.
bool IsMemberVisible(const DexMember& member) {
if (!member.IsPublicOrProtected()) {
// Member is private or package-private. Cannot be visible.
return false;
} else if (member.GetDeclaringClass().IsPublic()) {
// Member is public or protected, and class is public. It must be visible.
return true;
} else if (member.IsConstructor()) {
// Member is public or protected constructor and class is not public.
// Must be hidden because it cannot be implicitly exposed by a subclass.
return false;
} else {
// Member is public or protected method, but class is not public. Check if
// it is exposed through a public subclass.
// Example code (`foo` exposed by ClassB):
// class ClassA { public void foo() { ... } }
// public class ClassB extends ClassA {}
HierarchyClass* klass = FindClass(member.GetDeclaringClass().GetDescriptor());
CHECK(klass != nullptr);
bool visible = false;
klass->ForEachSubClass([&visible, &member](HierarchyClass* subclass) {
if (subclass->HasMatchingMember(member)) {
// There is a member which matches `member` in `subclass`, either
// a virtual method overriding `member` or a field overshadowing
// `member`. In either case, `member` remains hidden.
CHECK(member.IsVirtualMethod() || !member.IsMethod());
return false; // do not explore deeper
} else if (subclass->GetOneDexClass().IsPublic()) {
// `subclass` inherits and exposes `member`.
visible = true;
return false; // do not explore deeper
} else {
// `subclass` inherits `member` but does not expose it.
return true; // explore deeper
return visible;
HierarchyClass* FindClass(const std::string& descriptor) {
auto it = classes_.find(descriptor);
if (it == classes_.end()) {
return nullptr;
} else {
return &it->second;
void BuildClassHierarchy() {
// Create one HierarchyClass entry in `classes_` per class descriptor
// and add all DexClass objects with the same descriptor to that entry.
classpath_.ForEachDexClass([this](const DexClass& klass) {
// Connect each HierarchyClass to its successors and predecessors.
for (auto& entry : classes_) {
HierarchyClass& klass = entry.second;
const DexClass& dex_klass = klass.GetOneDexClass();
if (!dex_klass.HasSuperclass()) {
<< "java/lang/Object should not implement any interfaces";
HierarchyClass* superclass = FindClass(dex_klass.GetSuperclassDescriptor());
CHECK(superclass != nullptr);
for (const std::string& iface_desc : dex_klass.GetInterfaceDescriptors()) {
HierarchyClass* iface = FindClass(iface_desc);
CHECK(iface != nullptr);
ClassPath& classpath_;
std::map<std::string, HierarchyClass> classes_;
// Builder of dex section containing hiddenapi flags.
class HiddenapiClassDataBuilder final {
explicit HiddenapiClassDataBuilder(const DexFile& dex_file)
: num_classdefs_(dex_file.NumClassDefs()),
data_(sizeof(uint32_t) * (num_classdefs_ + 1), 0u) {
*GetSizeField() = GetCurrentDataSize();
// Notify the builder that new flags for the next class def
// will be written now. The builder records the current offset
// into the header.
void BeginClassDef(uint32_t idx) {
CHECK_EQ(next_class_def_idx_, idx);
CHECK_LT(idx, num_classdefs_);
GetOffsetArray()[idx] = GetCurrentDataSize();
class_def_has_non_zero_flags_ = false;
// Notify the builder that all flags for this class def have been
// written. The builder updates the total size of the data struct
// and may set offset for class def in header to zero if no data
// has been written.
void EndClassDef(uint32_t idx) {
CHECK_EQ(next_class_def_idx_, idx);
CHECK_LT(idx, num_classdefs_);
if (!class_def_has_non_zero_flags_) {
// No need to store flags for this class. Remove the written flags
// and set offset in header to zero.
GetOffsetArray()[idx] = 0u;
dex_file_has_non_zero_flags_ |= class_def_has_non_zero_flags_;
if (idx == num_classdefs_ - 1) {
if (dex_file_has_non_zero_flags_) {
// This was the last class def and we have generated non-zero hiddenapi
// flags. Update total size in the header.
*GetSizeField() = GetCurrentDataSize();
} else {
// This was the last class def and we have not generated any non-zero
// hiddenapi flags. Clear all the data.
// Append flags at the end of the data struct. This should be called
// between BeginClassDef and EndClassDef in the order of appearance of
// fields/methods in the class data stream.
void WriteFlags(const ApiList& flags) {
uint32_t dex_flags = flags.GetDexFlags();
EncodeUnsignedLeb128(&data_, dex_flags);
class_def_has_non_zero_flags_ |= (dex_flags != 0u);
// Return backing data, assuming that all flags have been written.
const std::vector<uint8_t>& GetData() const {
CHECK_EQ(next_class_def_idx_, num_classdefs_) << "Incomplete data";
return data_;
// Returns pointer to the size field in the header of this dex section.
uint32_t* GetSizeField() {
// Assume malloc() aligns allocated memory to at least uint32_t.
return reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(;
// Returns pointer to array of offsets (indexed by class def indices) in the
// header of this dex section.
uint32_t* GetOffsetArray() { return &GetSizeField()[1]; }
uint32_t GetCurrentDataSize() const { return data_.size(); }
// Number of class defs in this dex file.
const uint32_t num_classdefs_;
// Next expected class def index.
uint32_t next_class_def_idx_;
// Whether non-zero flags have been encountered for this class def.
bool class_def_has_non_zero_flags_;
// Whether any non-zero flags have been encountered for this dex file.
bool dex_file_has_non_zero_flags_;
// Vector containing the data of the built data structure.
std::vector<uint8_t> data_;
// Edits a dex file, inserting a new HiddenapiClassData section.
class DexFileEditor final {
DexFileEditor(const DexFile& old_dex, const std::vector<uint8_t>& hiddenapi_class_data)
: old_dex_(old_dex),
loaded_dex_maplist_(nullptr) {}
// Copies dex file into a backing data vector, appends the given HiddenapiClassData
// and updates the MapList.
void Encode() {
// We do not support non-standard dex encodings, e.g. compact dex.
// If there are no data to append, copy the old dex file and return.
if (hiddenapi_class_data_.empty()) {
Append(old_dex_.Begin(), old_dex_.Size(), /* update_header= */ false);
// Find the old MapList, find its size.
const dex::MapList* old_map = old_dex_.GetMapList();
CHECK_LT(old_map->size_, std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max());
// Compute the size of the new dex file. We append the HiddenapiClassData,
// one MapItem and possibly some padding to align the new MapList.
<< "End of input dex file is not 4-byte aligned, possibly because its MapList is not "
<< "at the end of the file.";
size_t size_delta =
RoundUp(hiddenapi_class_data_.size(), kMapListAlignment) + sizeof(dex::MapItem);
size_t new_size = old_dex_.Size() + size_delta;
// Copy the old dex file into the backing data vector. Load the copied
// dex file to obtain pointers to its header and MapList.
Append(old_dex_.Begin(), old_dex_.Size(), /* update_header= */ false);
ReloadDex(/* verify= */ false);
// Truncate the new dex file before the old MapList. This assumes that
// the MapList is the last entry in the dex file. This is currently true
// for our tooling.
// TODO: Implement the general case by zero-ing the old MapList (turning
// it into padding.
// Append HiddenapiClassData.
size_t payload_offset = AppendHiddenapiClassData();
// Wrute new MapList with an entry for HiddenapiClassData.
// Check that the pre-computed size matches the actual size.
CHECK_EQ(offset_, new_size);
// Reload to all data structures.
ReloadDex(/* verify= */ false);
// Update the dex checksum.
// Run DexFileVerifier on the new dex file as a CHECK.
ReloadDex(/* verify= */ true);
// Writes the edited dex file into a file.
void WriteTo(const std::string& path) {
std::ofstream ofs(path.c_str(), std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::binary);
ofs.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(, data_.size());
static constexpr size_t kMapListAlignment = 4u;
static constexpr size_t kHiddenapiClassDataAlignment = 4u;
void ReloadDex(bool verify) {
std::string error_msg;
DexFileLoader loader;
loaded_dex_ = loader.Open(,
/* oat_dex_file= */ nullptr,
/* verify= */ verify,
/* verify_checksum= */ verify,
if (loaded_dex_.get() == nullptr) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Failed to load edited dex file: " << error_msg;
// Load the location of header and map list before we start editing the file.
loaded_dex_header_ = const_cast<DexFile::Header*>(&loaded_dex_->GetHeader());
loaded_dex_maplist_ = const_cast<dex::MapList*>(loaded_dex_->GetMapList());
DexFile::Header& GetHeader() const {
CHECK(loaded_dex_header_ != nullptr);
return *loaded_dex_header_;
dex::MapList& GetMapList() const {
CHECK(loaded_dex_maplist_ != nullptr);
return *loaded_dex_maplist_;
void AllocateMemory(size_t total_size) {
offset_ = 0;
uint8_t* GetCurrentDataPtr() {
return + offset_;
void UpdateDataSize(off_t delta, bool update_header) {
offset_ += delta;
if (update_header) {
DexFile::Header& header = GetHeader();
header.file_size_ += delta;
header.data_size_ += delta;
template<typename T>
T* Append(const T* src, size_t len, bool update_header = true) {
CHECK_LE(offset_ + len, data_.size());
uint8_t* dst = GetCurrentDataPtr();
memcpy(dst, src, len);
UpdateDataSize(len, update_header);
return reinterpret_cast<T*>(dst);
void InsertPadding(size_t alignment) {
size_t len = RoundUp(offset_, alignment) - offset_;
std::vector<uint8_t> padding(len, 0);
Append(, padding.size());
void RemoveOldMapList() {
size_t map_size = GetMapList().Size();
uint8_t* map_start = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&GetMapList());
CHECK_EQ(map_start + map_size, GetCurrentDataPtr()) << "MapList not at the end of dex file";
UpdateDataSize(-static_cast<off_t>(map_size), /* update_header= */ true);
CHECK_EQ(map_start, GetCurrentDataPtr());
loaded_dex_maplist_ = nullptr; // do not use this map list any more
void CreateMapListWithNewItem(size_t payload_offset) {
InsertPadding(/* alignment= */ kMapListAlignment);
size_t new_map_offset = offset_;
dex::MapList* map = Append(old_dex_.GetMapList(), old_dex_.GetMapList()->Size());
// Check last map entry is a pointer to itself.
dex::MapItem& old_item = map->list_[map->size_ - 1];
CHECK(old_item.type_ == DexFile::kDexTypeMapList);
CHECK_EQ(old_item.size_, 1u);
CHECK_EQ(old_item.offset_, GetHeader().map_off_);
// Create a new MapItem entry with new MapList details.
dex::MapItem new_item;
new_item.type_ = old_item.type_;
new_item.unused_ = 0u; // initialize to ensure dex output is deterministic (b/119308882)
new_item.size_ = old_item.size_;
new_item.offset_ = new_map_offset;
// Update pointer in the header.
GetHeader().map_off_ = new_map_offset;
// Append a new MapItem and return its pointer.
Append(&new_item, sizeof(dex::MapItem));
// Change penultimate entry to point to metadata.
old_item.type_ = DexFile::kDexTypeHiddenapiClassData;
old_item.size_ = 1u; // there is only one section
old_item.offset_ = payload_offset;
size_t AppendHiddenapiClassData() {
size_t payload_offset = offset_;
CHECK_EQ(kMapListAlignment, kHiddenapiClassDataAlignment);
<< "Should not need to align the section, previous data was already aligned";
Append(, hiddenapi_class_data_.size());
return payload_offset;
void UpdateChecksum() {
GetHeader().checksum_ = loaded_dex_->CalculateChecksum();
const DexFile& old_dex_;
const std::vector<uint8_t>& hiddenapi_class_data_;
std::vector<uint8_t> data_;
size_t offset_;
std::unique_ptr<const DexFile> loaded_dex_;
DexFile::Header* loaded_dex_header_;
dex::MapList* loaded_dex_maplist_;
class HiddenApi final {
HiddenApi() : force_assign_all_(true) {}
void Run(int argc, char** argv) {
switch (ParseArgs(argc, argv)) {
case Command::kEncode:
case Command::kList:
enum class Command {
Command ParseArgs(int argc, char** argv) {
// Skip over the binary's path.
if (argc > 0) {
const StringPiece command(argv[0]);
if (command == "encode") {
for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
const StringPiece option(argv[i]);
if (option.starts_with("--input-dex=")) {
} else if (option.starts_with("--output-dex=")) {
} else if (option.starts_with("--api-flags=")) {
api_flags_path_ = option.substr(strlen("--api-flags=")).ToString();
} else if (option == "--no-force-assign-all") {
force_assign_all_ = false;
} else {
Usage("Unknown argument '%s'",;
return Command::kEncode;
} else if (command == "list") {
for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
const StringPiece option(argv[i]);
if (option.starts_with("--boot-dex=")) {
} else if (option.starts_with("--public-stub-classpath=")) {
} else if (option.starts_with("--core-platform-stub-classpath=")) {
} else if (option.starts_with("--out-api-flags=")) {
api_flags_path_ = option.substr(strlen("--out-api-flags=")).ToString();
} else {
Usage("Unknown argument '%s'",;
return Command::kList;
} else {
Usage("Unknown command '%s'",;
} else {
Usage("No command specified");
void EncodeAccessFlags() {
if (boot_dex_paths_.empty()) {
Usage("No input DEX files specified");
} else if (output_dex_paths_.size() != boot_dex_paths_.size()) {
Usage("Number of input DEX files does not match number of output DEX files");
// Load dex signatures.
std::map<std::string, ApiList> api_list = OpenApiFile(api_flags_path_);
// Iterate over input dex files and insert HiddenapiClassData sections.
for (size_t i = 0; i < boot_dex_paths_.size(); ++i) {
const std::string& input_path = boot_dex_paths_[i];
const std::string& output_path = output_dex_paths_[i];
ClassPath boot_classpath({ input_path }, /* open_writable= */ false);
std::vector<const DexFile*> input_dex_files = boot_classpath.GetDexFiles();
CHECK_EQ(input_dex_files.size(), 1u);
const DexFile& input_dex = *input_dex_files[0];
HiddenapiClassDataBuilder builder(input_dex);
boot_classpath.ForEachDexClass([&](const DexClass& boot_class) {
if (boot_class.GetData() != nullptr) {
auto fn_shared = [&](const DexMember& boot_member) {
auto it = api_list.find(boot_member.GetApiEntry());
bool api_list_found = (it != api_list.end());
CHECK(!force_assign_all_ || api_list_found)
<< "Could not find hiddenapi flags for dex entry: " << boot_member.GetApiEntry();
builder.WriteFlags(api_list_found ? it->second : ApiList::Whitelist());
auto fn_field = [&](const ClassAccessor::Field& boot_field) {
fn_shared(DexMember(boot_class, boot_field));
auto fn_method = [&](const ClassAccessor::Method& boot_method) {
fn_shared(DexMember(boot_class, boot_method));
boot_class.VisitFieldsAndMethods(fn_field, fn_field, fn_method, fn_method);
DexFileEditor dex_editor(input_dex, builder.GetData());
std::map<std::string, ApiList> OpenApiFile(const std::string& path) {
std::ifstream api_file(path, std::ifstream::in);
CHECK(! << "Unable to open file '" << path << "' " << strerror(errno);
std::map<std::string, ApiList> api_flag_map;
size_t line_number = 1;
for (std::string line; std::getline(api_file, line); line_number++) {
std::vector<std::string> values = android::base::Split(line, ",");
CHECK_GT(values.size(), 1u) << path << ":" << line_number
<< ": No flags found: " << line << kErrorHelp;
const std::string& signature = values[0];
CHECK(api_flag_map.find(signature) == api_flag_map.end()) << path << ":" << line_number
<< ": Duplicate entry: " << signature << kErrorHelp;
ApiList membership;
bool success = ApiList::FromNames(values.begin() + 1, values.end(), &membership);
CHECK(success) << path << ":" << line_number
<< ": Some flags were not recognized: " << line << kErrorHelp;
CHECK(membership.IsValid()) << path << ":" << line_number
<< ": Invalid combination of flags: " << line << kErrorHelp;
api_flag_map.emplace(signature, membership);
return api_flag_map;
void ListApi() {
if (boot_dex_paths_.empty()) {
Usage("No boot DEX files specified");
} else if (stub_classpaths_.empty()) {
Usage("No stub DEX files specified");
} else if (api_flags_path_.empty()) {
Usage("No output path specified");
// Complete list of boot class path members. The associated boolean states
// whether it is public (true) or private (false).
std::map<std::string, ApiList> boot_members;
// Deduplicate errors before printing them.
std::set<std::string> unresolved;
// Open all dex files.
ClassPath boot_classpath(boot_dex_paths_, /* open_writable= */ false);
Hierarchy boot_hierarchy(boot_classpath);
// Mark all boot dex members private.
boot_classpath.ForEachDexMember([&](const DexMember& boot_member) {
boot_members[boot_member.GetApiEntry()] = ApiList();
// Resolve each SDK dex member against the framework and mark it white.
for (const auto& cp_entry : stub_classpaths_) {
ClassPath stub_classpath(android::base::Split(cp_entry.first, ":"),
/* open_writable= */ false);
Hierarchy stub_hierarchy(stub_classpath);
const ApiList stub_api_list = cp_entry.second;
[&](const DexMember& stub_member) {
if (!stub_hierarchy.IsMemberVisible(stub_member)) {
// Typically fake constructors and inner-class `this` fields.
bool resolved = boot_hierarchy.ForEachResolvableMember(
[&](const DexMember& boot_member) {
std::string entry = boot_member.GetApiEntry();
auto it = boot_members.find(entry);
CHECK(it != boot_members.end());
if (it->second.Contains(stub_api_list)) {
return false; // has been marked before
} else {
it->second |= stub_api_list;
return true; // marked for the first time
if (!resolved) {
// Print errors.
for (const std::string& str : unresolved) {
LOG(WARNING) << "unresolved: " << str;
// Write into public/private API files.
std::ofstream file_flags(api_flags_path_.c_str());
for (const auto& entry : boot_members) {
if (entry.second.IsEmpty()) {
file_flags << entry.first << std::endl;
} else {
file_flags << entry.first << "," << entry.second << std::endl;
// Whether to check that all dex entries have been assigned flags.
// Defaults to true.
bool force_assign_all_;
// Paths to DEX files which should be processed.
std::vector<std::string> boot_dex_paths_;
// Output paths where modified DEX files should be written.
std::vector<std::string> output_dex_paths_;
// Set of public API stub classpaths. Each classpath is formed by a list
// of DEX/APK files in the order they appear on the classpath.
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, ApiList>> stub_classpaths_;
// Path to CSV file containing the list of API members and their flags.
// This could be both an input and output path.
std::string api_flags_path_;
} // namespace hiddenapi
} // namespace art
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
art::hiddenapi::original_argc = argc;
art::hiddenapi::original_argv = argv;
art::hiddenapi::HiddenApi().Run(argc, argv);