blob: d4ff4d8dee0febacd281328caf7e86c55fcb8ff4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "register_allocator.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include "base/bit_vector-inl.h"
#include "code_generator.h"
#include "ssa_liveness_analysis.h"
namespace art {
static constexpr size_t kMaxLifetimePosition = -1;
static constexpr size_t kDefaultNumberOfSpillSlots = 4;
// For simplicity, we implement register pairs as (reg, reg + 1).
// Note that this is a requirement for double registers on ARM, since we
// allocate SRegister.
static int GetHighForLowRegister(int reg) { return reg + 1; }
static bool IsLowRegister(int reg) { return (reg & 1) == 0; }
static bool IsLowOfUnalignedPairInterval(LiveInterval* low) {
return GetHighForLowRegister(low->GetRegister()) != low->GetHighInterval()->GetRegister();
RegisterAllocator::RegisterAllocator(ArenaAllocator* allocator,
CodeGenerator* codegen,
const SsaLivenessAnalysis& liveness)
: allocator_(allocator),
unhandled_core_intervals_(allocator, 0),
unhandled_fp_intervals_(allocator, 0),
handled_(allocator, 0),
active_(allocator, 0),
inactive_(allocator, 0),
physical_core_register_intervals_(allocator, codegen->GetNumberOfCoreRegisters()),
physical_fp_register_intervals_(allocator, codegen->GetNumberOfFloatingPointRegisters()),
temp_intervals_(allocator, 4),
int_spill_slots_(allocator, kDefaultNumberOfSpillSlots),
long_spill_slots_(allocator, kDefaultNumberOfSpillSlots),
float_spill_slots_(allocator, kDefaultNumberOfSpillSlots),
double_spill_slots_(allocator, kDefaultNumberOfSpillSlots),
safepoints_(allocator, 0),
maximum_number_of_live_fp_registers_(0) {
static constexpr bool kIsBaseline = false;
// Always reserve for the current method and the graph's max out registers.
// TODO: compute it instead.
reserved_out_slots_ = 1 + codegen->GetGraph()->GetMaximumNumberOfOutVRegs();
bool RegisterAllocator::CanAllocateRegistersFor(const HGraph& graph ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
InstructionSet instruction_set) {
return instruction_set == kArm64
|| instruction_set == kX86_64
|| instruction_set == kArm
|| instruction_set == kX86
|| instruction_set == kThumb2;
static bool ShouldProcess(bool processing_core_registers, LiveInterval* interval) {
if (interval == nullptr) return false;
bool is_core_register = (interval->GetType() != Primitive::kPrimDouble)
&& (interval->GetType() != Primitive::kPrimFloat);
return processing_core_registers == is_core_register;
void RegisterAllocator::AllocateRegisters() {
if (kIsDebugBuild) {
processing_core_registers_ = true;
processing_core_registers_ = false;
// Check that the linear order is still correct with regards to lifetime positions.
// Since only parallel moves have been inserted during the register allocation,
// these checks are mostly for making sure these moves have been added correctly.
size_t current_liveness = 0;
for (HLinearOrderIterator it(*codegen_->GetGraph()); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
HBasicBlock* block = it.Current();
for (HInstructionIterator inst_it(block->GetPhis()); !inst_it.Done(); inst_it.Advance()) {
HInstruction* instruction = inst_it.Current();
DCHECK_LE(current_liveness, instruction->GetLifetimePosition());
current_liveness = instruction->GetLifetimePosition();
for (HInstructionIterator inst_it(block->GetInstructions());
inst_it.Advance()) {
HInstruction* instruction = inst_it.Current();
DCHECK_LE(current_liveness, instruction->GetLifetimePosition()) << instruction->DebugName();
current_liveness = instruction->GetLifetimePosition();
void RegisterAllocator::BlockRegister(Location location,
size_t start,
size_t end) {
int reg = location.reg();
DCHECK(location.IsRegister() || location.IsFpuRegister());
LiveInterval* interval = location.IsRegister()
? physical_core_register_intervals_.Get(reg)
: physical_fp_register_intervals_.Get(reg);
Primitive::Type type = location.IsRegister()
? Primitive::kPrimInt
: Primitive::kPrimFloat;
if (interval == nullptr) {
interval = LiveInterval::MakeFixedInterval(allocator_, reg, type);
if (location.IsRegister()) {
physical_core_register_intervals_.Put(reg, interval);
} else {
physical_fp_register_intervals_.Put(reg, interval);
DCHECK(interval->GetRegister() == reg);
interval->AddRange(start, end);
void RegisterAllocator::AllocateRegistersInternal() {
// Iterate post-order, to ensure the list is sorted, and the last added interval
// is the one with the lowest start position.
for (HLinearPostOrderIterator it(*codegen_->GetGraph()); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
HBasicBlock* block = it.Current();
for (HBackwardInstructionIterator back_it(block->GetInstructions()); !back_it.Done();
back_it.Advance()) {
for (HInstructionIterator inst_it(block->GetPhis()); !inst_it.Done(); inst_it.Advance()) {
number_of_registers_ = codegen_->GetNumberOfCoreRegisters();
registers_array_ = allocator_->AllocArray<size_t>(number_of_registers_);
processing_core_registers_ = true;
unhandled_ = &unhandled_core_intervals_;
for (size_t i = 0, e = physical_core_register_intervals_.Size(); i < e; ++i) {
LiveInterval* fixed = physical_core_register_intervals_.Get(i);
if (fixed != nullptr) {
// Fixed interval is added to inactive_ instead of unhandled_.
// It's also the only type of inactive interval whose start position
// can be after the current interval during linear scan.
// Fixed interval is never split and never moves to unhandled_.
number_of_registers_ = codegen_->GetNumberOfFloatingPointRegisters();
registers_array_ = allocator_->AllocArray<size_t>(number_of_registers_);
processing_core_registers_ = false;
unhandled_ = &unhandled_fp_intervals_;
for (size_t i = 0, e = physical_fp_register_intervals_.Size(); i < e; ++i) {
LiveInterval* fixed = physical_fp_register_intervals_.Get(i);
if (fixed != nullptr) {
// Fixed interval is added to inactive_ instead of unhandled_.
// It's also the only type of inactive interval whose start position
// can be after the current interval during linear scan.
// Fixed interval is never split and never moves to unhandled_.
void RegisterAllocator::ProcessInstruction(HInstruction* instruction) {
LocationSummary* locations = instruction->GetLocations();
size_t position = instruction->GetLifetimePosition();
if (locations == nullptr) return;
// Create synthesized intervals for temporaries.
for (size_t i = 0; i < locations->GetTempCount(); ++i) {
Location temp = locations->GetTemp(i);
if (temp.IsRegister() || temp.IsFpuRegister()) {
BlockRegister(temp, position, position + 1);
} else {
switch (temp.GetPolicy()) {
case Location::kRequiresRegister: {
LiveInterval* interval =
LiveInterval::MakeTempInterval(allocator_, Primitive::kPrimInt);
interval->AddTempUse(instruction, i);
case Location::kRequiresFpuRegister: {
LiveInterval* interval =
LiveInterval::MakeTempInterval(allocator_, Primitive::kPrimDouble);
interval->AddTempUse(instruction, i);
if (codegen_->NeedsTwoRegisters(Primitive::kPrimDouble)) {
interval->AddHighInterval(/* is_temp */ true);
LiveInterval* high = interval->GetHighInterval();
LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected policy for temporary location "
<< temp.GetPolicy();
bool core_register = (instruction->GetType() != Primitive::kPrimDouble)
&& (instruction->GetType() != Primitive::kPrimFloat);
if (locations->CanCall()) {
if (codegen_->IsLeafMethod()) {
// TODO: We do this here because we do not want the suspend check to artificially
// create live registers. We should find another place, but this is currently the
// simplest.
if (locations->OnlyCallsOnSlowPath()) {
// We add a synthesized range at this position to record the live registers
// at this position. Ideally, we could just update the safepoints when locations
// are updated, but we currently need to know the full stack size before updating
// locations (because of parameters and the fact that we don't have a frame pointer).
// And knowing the full stack size requires to know the maximum number of live
// registers at calls in slow paths.
// By adding the following interval in the algorithm, we can compute this
// maximum before updating locations.
LiveInterval* interval = LiveInterval::MakeSlowPathInterval(allocator_, instruction);
interval->AddRange(position, position + 1);
AddSorted(&unhandled_core_intervals_, interval);
AddSorted(&unhandled_fp_intervals_, interval);
if (locations->WillCall()) {
// Block all registers.
for (size_t i = 0; i < codegen_->GetNumberOfCoreRegisters(); ++i) {
if (!codegen_->IsCoreCalleeSaveRegister(i)) {
position + 1);
for (size_t i = 0; i < codegen_->GetNumberOfFloatingPointRegisters(); ++i) {
if (!codegen_->IsFloatingPointCalleeSaveRegister(i)) {
position + 1);
for (size_t i = 0; i < instruction->InputCount(); ++i) {
Location input = locations->InAt(i);
if (input.IsRegister() || input.IsFpuRegister()) {
BlockRegister(input, position, position + 1);
} else if (input.IsPair()) {
BlockRegister(input.ToLow(), position, position + 1);
BlockRegister(input.ToHigh(), position, position + 1);
LiveInterval* current = instruction->GetLiveInterval();
if (current == nullptr) return;
GrowableArray<LiveInterval*>& unhandled = core_register
? unhandled_core_intervals_
: unhandled_fp_intervals_;
DCHECK(unhandled.IsEmpty() || current->StartsBeforeOrAt(unhandled.Peek()));
if (codegen_->NeedsTwoRegisters(current->GetType())) {
for (size_t safepoint_index = safepoints_.Size(); safepoint_index > 0; --safepoint_index) {
HInstruction* safepoint = safepoints_.Get(safepoint_index - 1);
size_t safepoint_position = safepoint->GetLifetimePosition();
// Test that safepoints are ordered in the optimal way.
DCHECK(safepoint_index == safepoints_.Size()
|| safepoints_.Get(safepoint_index)->GetLifetimePosition() < safepoint_position);
if (safepoint_position == current->GetStart()) {
// The safepoint is for this instruction, so the location of the instruction
// does not need to be saved.
DCHECK_EQ(safepoint_index, safepoints_.Size());
DCHECK_EQ(safepoint, instruction);
} else if (current->IsDeadAt(safepoint_position)) {
} else if (!current->Covers(safepoint_position)) {
// Hole in the interval.
// Some instructions define their output in fixed register/stack slot. We need
// to ensure we know these locations before doing register allocation. For a
// given register, we create an interval that covers these locations. The register
// will be unavailable at these locations when trying to allocate one for an
// interval.
// The backwards walking ensures the ranges are ordered on increasing start positions.
Location output = locations->Out();
if (output.IsUnallocated() && output.GetPolicy() == Location::kSameAsFirstInput) {
Location first = locations->InAt(0);
if (first.IsRegister() || first.IsFpuRegister()) {
current->SetFrom(position + 1);
} else if (first.IsPair()) {
current->SetFrom(position + 1);
LiveInterval* high = current->GetHighInterval();
high->SetFrom(position + 1);
} else if (output.IsRegister() || output.IsFpuRegister()) {
// Shift the interval's start by one to account for the blocked register.
current->SetFrom(position + 1);
BlockRegister(output, position, position + 1);
} else if (output.IsPair()) {
current->SetFrom(position + 1);
LiveInterval* high = current->GetHighInterval();
high->SetFrom(position + 1);
BlockRegister(output.ToLow(), position, position + 1);
BlockRegister(output.ToHigh(), position, position + 1);
} else if (output.IsStackSlot() || output.IsDoubleStackSlot()) {
} else {
DCHECK(output.IsUnallocated() || output.IsConstant());
// If needed, add interval to the list of unhandled intervals.
if (current->HasSpillSlot() || instruction->IsConstant()) {
// Split just before first register use.
size_t first_register_use = current->FirstRegisterUse();
if (first_register_use != kNoLifetime) {
LiveInterval* split = SplitBetween(current, current->GetStart(), first_register_use - 1);
// Don't add directly to `unhandled`, it needs to be sorted and the start
// of this new interval might be after intervals already in the list.
AddSorted(&unhandled, split);
} else {
// Nothing to do, we won't allocate a register for this value.
} else {
// Don't add directly to `unhandled`, temp or safepoint intervals
// for this instruction may have been added, and those can be
// processed first.
AddSorted(&unhandled, current);
class AllRangesIterator : public ValueObject {
explicit AllRangesIterator(LiveInterval* interval)
: current_interval_(interval),
current_range_(interval->GetFirstRange()) {}
bool Done() const { return current_interval_ == nullptr; }
LiveRange* CurrentRange() const { return current_range_; }
LiveInterval* CurrentInterval() const { return current_interval_; }
void Advance() {
current_range_ = current_range_->GetNext();
if (current_range_ == nullptr) {
current_interval_ = current_interval_->GetNextSibling();
if (current_interval_ != nullptr) {
current_range_ = current_interval_->GetFirstRange();
LiveInterval* current_interval_;
LiveRange* current_range_;
bool RegisterAllocator::ValidateInternal(bool log_fatal_on_failure) const {
// To simplify unit testing, we eagerly create the array of intervals, and
// call the helper method.
GrowableArray<LiveInterval*> intervals(allocator_, 0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < liveness_.GetNumberOfSsaValues(); ++i) {
HInstruction* instruction = liveness_.GetInstructionFromSsaIndex(i);
if (ShouldProcess(processing_core_registers_, instruction->GetLiveInterval())) {
if (processing_core_registers_) {
for (size_t i = 0, e = physical_core_register_intervals_.Size(); i < e; ++i) {
LiveInterval* fixed = physical_core_register_intervals_.Get(i);
if (fixed != nullptr) {
} else {
for (size_t i = 0, e = physical_fp_register_intervals_.Size(); i < e; ++i) {
LiveInterval* fixed = physical_fp_register_intervals_.Get(i);
if (fixed != nullptr) {
for (size_t i = 0, e = temp_intervals_.Size(); i < e; ++i) {
LiveInterval* temp = temp_intervals_.Get(i);
if (ShouldProcess(processing_core_registers_, temp)) {
return ValidateIntervals(intervals, GetNumberOfSpillSlots(), reserved_out_slots_, *codegen_,
allocator_, processing_core_registers_, log_fatal_on_failure);
bool RegisterAllocator::ValidateIntervals(const GrowableArray<LiveInterval*>& intervals,
size_t number_of_spill_slots,
size_t number_of_out_slots,
const CodeGenerator& codegen,
ArenaAllocator* allocator,
bool processing_core_registers,
bool log_fatal_on_failure) {
size_t number_of_registers = processing_core_registers
? codegen.GetNumberOfCoreRegisters()
: codegen.GetNumberOfFloatingPointRegisters();
GrowableArray<ArenaBitVector*> liveness_of_values(
allocator, number_of_registers + number_of_spill_slots);
// Allocate a bit vector per register. A live interval that has a register
// allocated will populate the associated bit vector based on its live ranges.
for (size_t i = 0; i < number_of_registers + number_of_spill_slots; ++i) {
liveness_of_values.Add(new (allocator) ArenaBitVector(allocator, 0, true));
for (size_t i = 0, e = intervals.Size(); i < e; ++i) {
for (AllRangesIterator it(intervals.Get(i)); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
LiveInterval* current = it.CurrentInterval();
HInstruction* defined_by = current->GetParent()->GetDefinedBy();
if (current->GetParent()->HasSpillSlot()
// Parameters and current method have their own stack slot.
&& !(defined_by != nullptr && (defined_by->IsParameterValue()
|| defined_by->IsCurrentMethod()))) {
BitVector* liveness_of_spill_slot = liveness_of_values.Get(number_of_registers
+ current->GetParent()->GetSpillSlot() / kVRegSize
- number_of_out_slots);
for (size_t j = it.CurrentRange()->GetStart(); j < it.CurrentRange()->GetEnd(); ++j) {
if (liveness_of_spill_slot->IsBitSet(j)) {
if (log_fatal_on_failure) {
std::ostringstream message;
message << "Spill slot conflict at " << j;
LOG(FATAL) << message.str();
} else {
return false;
} else {
if (current->HasRegister()) {
BitVector* liveness_of_register = liveness_of_values.Get(current->GetRegister());
for (size_t j = it.CurrentRange()->GetStart(); j < it.CurrentRange()->GetEnd(); ++j) {
if (liveness_of_register->IsBitSet(j)) {
if (current->IsUsingInputRegister() && current->CanUseInputRegister()) {
if (log_fatal_on_failure) {
std::ostringstream message;
message << "Register conflict at " << j << " ";
if (defined_by != nullptr) {
message << "(" << defined_by->DebugName() << ")";
message << "for ";
if (processing_core_registers) {
codegen.DumpCoreRegister(message, current->GetRegister());
} else {
codegen.DumpFloatingPointRegister(message, current->GetRegister());
LOG(FATAL) << message.str();
} else {
return false;
} else {
return true;
void RegisterAllocator::DumpInterval(std::ostream& stream, LiveInterval* interval) const {
stream << ": ";
if (interval->HasRegister()) {
if (interval->IsFloatingPoint()) {
codegen_->DumpFloatingPointRegister(stream, interval->GetRegister());
} else {
codegen_->DumpCoreRegister(stream, interval->GetRegister());
} else {
stream << "spilled";
stream << std::endl;
void RegisterAllocator::DumpAllIntervals(std::ostream& stream) const {
stream << "inactive: " << std::endl;
for (size_t i = 0; i < inactive_.Size(); i ++) {
DumpInterval(stream, inactive_.Get(i));
stream << "active: " << std::endl;
for (size_t i = 0; i < active_.Size(); i ++) {
DumpInterval(stream, active_.Get(i));
stream << "unhandled: " << std::endl;
auto unhandled = (unhandled_ != nullptr) ?
unhandled_ : &unhandled_core_intervals_;
for (size_t i = 0; i < unhandled->Size(); i ++) {
DumpInterval(stream, unhandled->Get(i));
stream << "handled: " << std::endl;
for (size_t i = 0; i < handled_.Size(); i ++) {
DumpInterval(stream, handled_.Get(i));
// By the book implementation of a linear scan register allocator.
void RegisterAllocator::LinearScan() {
while (!unhandled_->IsEmpty()) {
// (1) Remove interval with the lowest start position from unhandled.
LiveInterval* current = unhandled_->Pop();
DCHECK(!current->IsFixed() && !current->HasSpillSlot());
DCHECK(unhandled_->IsEmpty() || unhandled_->Peek()->GetStart() >= current->GetStart());
DCHECK(!current->IsLowInterval() || unhandled_->Peek()->IsHighInterval());
size_t position = current->GetStart();
// Remember the inactive_ size here since the ones moved to inactive_ from
// active_ below shouldn't need to be re-checked.
size_t inactive_intervals_to_handle = inactive_.Size();
// (2) Remove currently active intervals that are dead at this position.
// Move active intervals that have a lifetime hole at this position
// to inactive.
for (size_t i = 0; i < active_.Size(); ++i) {
LiveInterval* interval = active_.Get(i);
if (interval->IsDeadAt(position)) {
} else if (!interval->Covers(position)) {
// (3) Remove currently inactive intervals that are dead at this position.
// Move inactive intervals that cover this position to active.
for (size_t i = 0; i < inactive_intervals_to_handle; ++i) {
LiveInterval* interval = inactive_.Get(i);
DCHECK(interval->GetStart() < position || interval->IsFixed());
if (interval->IsDeadAt(position)) {
} else if (interval->Covers(position)) {
if (current->IsSlowPathSafepoint()) {
// Synthesized interval to record the maximum number of live registers
// at safepoints. No need to allocate a register for it.
if (processing_core_registers_) {
maximum_number_of_live_core_registers_ =
std::max(maximum_number_of_live_core_registers_, active_.Size());
} else {
maximum_number_of_live_fp_registers_ =
std::max(maximum_number_of_live_fp_registers_, active_.Size());
DCHECK(unhandled_->IsEmpty() || unhandled_->Peek()->GetStart() > current->GetStart());
if (current->IsHighInterval() && !current->GetLowInterval()->HasRegister()) {
// Allocating the low part was unsucessful. The splitted interval for the high part
// will be handled next (it is in the `unhandled_` list).
// (4) Try to find an available register.
bool success = TryAllocateFreeReg(current);
// (5) If no register could be found, we need to spill.
if (!success) {
success = AllocateBlockedReg(current);
// (6) If the interval had a register allocated, add it to the list of active
// intervals.
if (success) {
? Location::RegisterLocation(current->GetRegister())
: Location::FpuRegisterLocation(current->GetRegister()));
if (current->HasHighInterval() && !current->GetHighInterval()->HasRegister()) {
static void FreeIfNotCoverAt(LiveInterval* interval, size_t position, size_t* free_until) {
// Note that the same instruction may occur multiple times in the input list,
// so `free_until` may have changed already.
// Since `position` is not the current scan position, we need to use CoversSlow.
if (interval->IsDeadAt(position)) {
// Set the register to be free. Note that inactive intervals might later
// update this.
free_until[interval->GetRegister()] = kMaxLifetimePosition;
if (interval->HasHighInterval()) {
free_until[interval->GetHighInterval()->GetRegister()] = kMaxLifetimePosition;
} else if (!interval->CoversSlow(position)) {
// The interval becomes inactive at `defined_by`. We make its register
// available only until the next use strictly after `defined_by`.
free_until[interval->GetRegister()] = interval->FirstUseAfter(position);
if (interval->HasHighInterval()) {
free_until[interval->GetHighInterval()->GetRegister()] = free_until[interval->GetRegister()];
// Find a free register. If multiple are found, pick the register that
// is free the longest.
bool RegisterAllocator::TryAllocateFreeReg(LiveInterval* current) {
size_t* free_until = registers_array_;
// First set all registers to be free.
for (size_t i = 0; i < number_of_registers_; ++i) {
free_until[i] = kMaxLifetimePosition;
// For each active interval, set its register to not free.
for (size_t i = 0, e = active_.Size(); i < e; ++i) {
LiveInterval* interval = active_.Get(i);
free_until[interval->GetRegister()] = 0;
// An interval that starts an instruction (that is, it is not split), may
// re-use the registers used by the inputs of that instruciton, based on the
// location summary.
HInstruction* defined_by = current->GetDefinedBy();
if (defined_by != nullptr && !current->IsSplit()) {
LocationSummary* locations = defined_by->GetLocations();
if (!locations->OutputCanOverlapWithInputs() && locations->Out().IsUnallocated()) {
for (HInputIterator it(defined_by); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
// Take the last interval of the input. It is the location of that interval
// that will be used at `defined_by`.
LiveInterval* interval = it.Current()->GetLiveInterval()->GetLastSibling();
// Note that interval may have not been processed yet.
// TODO: Handle non-split intervals last in the work list.
if (interval->HasRegister() && interval->SameRegisterKind(*current)) {
// The input must be live until the end of `defined_by`, to comply to
// the linear scan algorithm. So we use `defined_by`'s end lifetime
// position to check whether the input is dead or is inactive after
// `defined_by`.
size_t position = defined_by->GetLifetimePosition() + 1;
FreeIfNotCoverAt(interval, position, free_until);
// For each inactive interval, set its register to be free until
// the next intersection with `current`.
for (size_t i = 0, e = inactive_.Size(); i < e; ++i) {
LiveInterval* inactive = inactive_.Get(i);
// Temp/Slow-path-safepoint interval has no holes.
DCHECK(!inactive->IsTemp() && !inactive->IsSlowPathSafepoint());
if (!current->IsSplit() && !inactive->IsFixed()) {
// Neither current nor inactive are fixed.
// Thanks to SSA, a non-split interval starting in a hole of an
// inactive interval should never intersect with that inactive interval.
// Only if it's not fixed though, because fixed intervals don't come from SSA.
DCHECK_EQ(inactive->FirstIntersectionWith(current), kNoLifetime);
if (free_until[inactive->GetRegister()] == 0) {
// Already used by some active interval. No need to intersect.
size_t next_intersection = inactive->FirstIntersectionWith(current);
if (next_intersection != kNoLifetime) {
free_until[inactive->GetRegister()] =
std::min(free_until[inactive->GetRegister()], next_intersection);
int reg = kNoRegister;
if (current->HasRegister()) {
// Some instructions have a fixed register output.
reg = current->GetRegister();
if (free_until[reg] == 0) {
// AllocateBlockedReg will spill the holder of the register.
return false;
} else {
int hint = current->FindFirstRegisterHint(free_until, liveness_);
if (hint != kNoRegister) {
reg = hint;
} else if (current->IsLowInterval()) {
reg = FindAvailableRegisterPair(free_until, current->GetStart());
} else {
reg = FindAvailableRegister(free_until, current);
DCHECK_NE(reg, kNoRegister);
// If we could not find a register, we need to spill.
if (free_until[reg] == 0) {
return false;
if (current->IsLowInterval()) {
// If the high register of this interval is not available, we need to spill.
int high_reg = current->GetHighInterval()->GetRegister();
if (high_reg == kNoRegister) {
high_reg = GetHighForLowRegister(reg);
if (free_until[high_reg] == 0) {
return false;
if (!current->IsDeadAt(free_until[reg])) {
// If the register is only available for a subset of live ranges
// covered by `current`, split `current` at the position where
// the register is not available anymore.
LiveInterval* split = Split(current, free_until[reg]);
DCHECK(split != nullptr);
AddSorted(unhandled_, split);
return true;
bool RegisterAllocator::IsBlocked(int reg) const {
return processing_core_registers_
? blocked_core_registers_[reg]
: blocked_fp_registers_[reg];
int RegisterAllocator::FindAvailableRegisterPair(size_t* next_use, size_t starting_at) const {
int reg = kNoRegister;
// Pick the register pair that is used the last.
for (size_t i = 0; i < number_of_registers_; ++i) {
if (IsBlocked(i)) continue;
if (!IsLowRegister(i)) continue;
int high_register = GetHighForLowRegister(i);
if (IsBlocked(high_register)) continue;
int existing_high_register = GetHighForLowRegister(reg);
if ((reg == kNoRegister) || (next_use[i] >= next_use[reg]
&& next_use[high_register] >= next_use[existing_high_register])) {
reg = i;
if (next_use[i] == kMaxLifetimePosition
&& next_use[high_register] == kMaxLifetimePosition) {
} else if (next_use[reg] <= starting_at || next_use[existing_high_register] <= starting_at) {
// If one of the current register is known to be unavailable, just unconditionally
// try a new one.
reg = i;
return reg;
bool RegisterAllocator::IsCallerSaveRegister(int reg) const {
return processing_core_registers_
? !codegen_->IsCoreCalleeSaveRegister(reg)
: !codegen_->IsFloatingPointCalleeSaveRegister(reg);
int RegisterAllocator::FindAvailableRegister(size_t* next_use, LiveInterval* current) const {
// We special case intervals that do not span a safepoint to try to find a caller-save
// register if one is available. We iterate from 0 to the number of registers,
// so if there are caller-save registers available at the end, we continue the iteration.
bool prefers_caller_save = !current->HasWillCallSafepoint();
int reg = kNoRegister;
for (size_t i = 0; i < number_of_registers_; ++i) {
if (IsBlocked(i)) {
// Register cannot be used. Continue.
// Best case: we found a register fully available.
if (next_use[i] == kMaxLifetimePosition) {
if (prefers_caller_save && !IsCallerSaveRegister(i)) {
// We can get shorter encodings on some platforms by using
// small register numbers. So only update the candidate if the previous
// one was not available for the whole method.
if (reg == kNoRegister || next_use[reg] != kMaxLifetimePosition) {
reg = i;
// Continue the iteration in the hope of finding a caller save register.
} else {
reg = i;
// We know the register is good enough. Return it.
// If we had no register before, take this one as a reference.
if (reg == kNoRegister) {
reg = i;
// Pick the register that is used the last.
if (next_use[i] > next_use[reg]) {
reg = i;
return reg;
bool RegisterAllocator::TrySplitNonPairOrUnalignedPairIntervalAt(size_t position,
size_t first_register_use,
size_t* next_use) {
for (size_t i = 0, e = active_.Size(); i < e; ++i) {
LiveInterval* active = active_.Get(i);
if (active->IsFixed()) continue;
if (active->IsHighInterval()) continue;
if (first_register_use > next_use[active->GetRegister()]) continue;
// Split the first interval found.
if (!active->IsLowInterval() || IsLowOfUnalignedPairInterval(active)) {
LiveInterval* split = Split(active, position);
if (split != active) {
AddSorted(unhandled_, split);
return true;
return false;
bool RegisterAllocator::PotentiallyRemoveOtherHalf(LiveInterval* interval,
GrowableArray<LiveInterval*>* intervals,
size_t index) {
if (interval->IsLowInterval()) {
DCHECK_EQ(intervals->Get(index), interval->GetHighInterval());
return true;
} else if (interval->IsHighInterval()) {
DCHECK_GT(index, 0u);
DCHECK_EQ(intervals->Get(index - 1), interval->GetLowInterval());
intervals->DeleteAt(index - 1);
return true;
} else {
return false;
// Find the register that is used the last, and spill the interval
// that holds it. If the first use of `current` is after that register
// we spill `current` instead.
bool RegisterAllocator::AllocateBlockedReg(LiveInterval* current) {
size_t first_register_use = current->FirstRegisterUse();
if (first_register_use == kNoLifetime) {
return false;
// We use the first use to compare with other intervals. If this interval
// is used after any active intervals, we will spill this interval.
size_t first_use = current->FirstUseAfter(current->GetStart());
// First set all registers as not being used.
size_t* next_use = registers_array_;
for (size_t i = 0; i < number_of_registers_; ++i) {
next_use[i] = kMaxLifetimePosition;
// For each active interval, find the next use of its register after the
// start of current.
for (size_t i = 0, e = active_.Size(); i < e; ++i) {
LiveInterval* active = active_.Get(i);
if (active->IsFixed()) {
next_use[active->GetRegister()] = current->GetStart();
} else {
size_t use = active->FirstUseAfter(current->GetStart());
if (use != kNoLifetime) {
next_use[active->GetRegister()] = use;
// For each inactive interval, find the next use of its register after the
// start of current.
for (size_t i = 0, e = inactive_.Size(); i < e; ++i) {
LiveInterval* inactive = inactive_.Get(i);
// Temp/Slow-path-safepoint interval has no holes.
DCHECK(!inactive->IsTemp() && !inactive->IsSlowPathSafepoint());
if (!current->IsSplit() && !inactive->IsFixed()) {
// Neither current nor inactive are fixed.
// Thanks to SSA, a non-split interval starting in a hole of an
// inactive interval should never intersect with that inactive interval.
// Only if it's not fixed though, because fixed intervals don't come from SSA.
DCHECK_EQ(inactive->FirstIntersectionWith(current), kNoLifetime);
size_t next_intersection = inactive->FirstIntersectionWith(current);
if (next_intersection != kNoLifetime) {
if (inactive->IsFixed()) {
next_use[inactive->GetRegister()] =
std::min(next_intersection, next_use[inactive->GetRegister()]);
} else {
size_t use = inactive->FirstUseAfter(current->GetStart());
if (use != kNoLifetime) {
next_use[inactive->GetRegister()] = std::min(use, next_use[inactive->GetRegister()]);
int reg = kNoRegister;
bool should_spill = false;
if (current->HasRegister()) {
reg = current->GetRegister();
// When allocating the low part, we made sure the high register was available.
DCHECK_LT(first_use, next_use[reg]);
} else if (current->IsLowInterval()) {
reg = FindAvailableRegisterPair(next_use, first_register_use);
// We should spill if both registers are not available.
should_spill = (first_use >= next_use[reg])
|| (first_use >= next_use[GetHighForLowRegister(reg)]);
} else {
reg = FindAvailableRegister(next_use, current);
should_spill = (first_use >= next_use[reg]);
DCHECK_NE(reg, kNoRegister);
if (should_spill) {
bool is_allocation_at_use_site = (current->GetStart() >= (first_register_use - 1));
if (current->IsLowInterval()
&& is_allocation_at_use_site
&& TrySplitNonPairOrUnalignedPairIntervalAt(current->GetStart(),
next_use)) {
// If we're allocating a register for `current` because the instruction at
// that position requires it, but we think we should spill, then there are
// non-pair intervals or unaligned pair intervals blocking the allocation.
// We split the first interval found, and put ourselves first in the
// `unhandled_` list.
LiveInterval* existing = unhandled_->Peek();
DCHECK_EQ(existing->GetLowInterval(), current);
} else {
// If the first use of that instruction is after the last use of the found
// register, we split this interval just before its first register use.
LiveInterval* split = SplitBetween(current, current->GetStart(), first_register_use - 1);
if (current == split) {
DumpInterval(std::cerr, current);
// This situation has the potential to infinite loop, so we make it a non-debug CHECK.
HInstruction* at = liveness_.GetInstructionFromPosition(first_register_use / 2);
CHECK(false) << "There is not enough registers available for "
<< split->GetParent()->GetDefinedBy()->DebugName() << " "
<< split->GetParent()->GetDefinedBy()->GetId()
<< " at " << first_register_use - 1 << " "
<< (at == nullptr ? "" : at->DebugName());
AddSorted(unhandled_, split);
return false;
} else {
// Use this register and spill the active and inactives interval that
// have that register.
for (size_t i = 0, e = active_.Size(); i < e; ++i) {
LiveInterval* active = active_.Get(i);
if (active->GetRegister() == reg) {
LiveInterval* split = Split(active, current->GetStart());
if (split != active) {
PotentiallyRemoveOtherHalf(active, &active_, i);
AddSorted(unhandled_, split);
for (size_t i = 0; i < inactive_.Size(); ++i) {
LiveInterval* inactive = inactive_.Get(i);
if (inactive->GetRegister() == reg) {
if (!current->IsSplit() && !inactive->IsFixed()) {
// Neither current nor inactive are fixed.
// Thanks to SSA, a non-split interval starting in a hole of an
// inactive interval should never intersect with that inactive interval.
// Only if it's not fixed though, because fixed intervals don't come from SSA.
DCHECK_EQ(inactive->FirstIntersectionWith(current), kNoLifetime);
size_t next_intersection = inactive->FirstIntersectionWith(current);
if (next_intersection != kNoLifetime) {
if (inactive->IsFixed()) {
LiveInterval* split = Split(current, next_intersection);
DCHECK_NE(split, current);
AddSorted(unhandled_, split);
} else {
// Split at the start of `current`, which will lead to splitting
// at the end of the lifetime hole of `inactive`.
LiveInterval* split = Split(inactive, current->GetStart());
// If it's inactive, it must start before the current interval.
DCHECK_NE(split, inactive);
if (PotentiallyRemoveOtherHalf(inactive, &inactive_, i) && inactive->IsHighInterval()) {
// We have removed an entry prior to `inactive`. So we need to decrement.
// Decrement because we have removed `inactive` from the list.
AddSorted(unhandled_, split);
return true;
void RegisterAllocator::AddSorted(GrowableArray<LiveInterval*>* array, LiveInterval* interval) {
DCHECK(!interval->IsFixed() && !interval->HasSpillSlot());
size_t insert_at = 0;
for (size_t i = array->Size(); i > 0; --i) {
LiveInterval* current = array->Get(i - 1);
// High intervals must be processed right after their low equivalent.
if (current->StartsAfter(interval) && !current->IsHighInterval()) {
insert_at = i;
} else if ((current->GetStart() == interval->GetStart()) && current->IsSlowPathSafepoint()) {
// Ensure the slow path interval is the last to be processed at its location: we want the
// interval to know all live registers at this location.
DCHECK(i == 1 || array->Get(i - 2)->StartsAfter(current));
insert_at = i;
array->InsertAt(insert_at, interval);
// Insert the high interval before the low, to ensure the low is processed before.
if (interval->HasHighInterval()) {
array->InsertAt(insert_at, interval->GetHighInterval());
} else if (interval->HasLowInterval()) {
array->InsertAt(insert_at + 1, interval->GetLowInterval());
LiveInterval* RegisterAllocator::SplitBetween(LiveInterval* interval, size_t from, size_t to) {
HBasicBlock* block_from = liveness_.GetBlockFromPosition(from / 2);
HBasicBlock* block_to = liveness_.GetBlockFromPosition(to / 2);
DCHECK(block_from != nullptr);
DCHECK(block_to != nullptr);
// Both locations are in the same block. We split at the given location.
if (block_from == block_to) {
return Split(interval, to);
* Non-linear control flow will force moves at every branch instruction to the new location.
* To avoid having all branches doing the moves, we find the next non-linear position and
* split the interval at this position. Take the following example (block number is the linear
* order position):
* B1
* / \
* B2 B3
* \ /
* B4
* B2 needs to split an interval, whose next use is in B4. If we were to split at the
* beginning of B4, B3 would need to do a move between B3 and B4 to ensure the interval
* is now in the correct location. It makes performance worst if the interval is spilled
* and both B2 and B3 need to reload it before entering B4.
* By splitting at B3, we give a chance to the register allocator to allocate the
* interval to the same register as in B1, and therefore avoid doing any
* moves in B3.
if (block_from->GetDominator() != nullptr) {
const GrowableArray<HBasicBlock*>& dominated = block_from->GetDominator()->GetDominatedBlocks();
for (size_t i = 0; i < dominated.Size(); ++i) {
size_t position = dominated.Get(i)->GetLifetimeStart();
if ((position > from) && (block_to->GetLifetimeStart() > position)) {
// Even if we found a better block, we continue iterating in case
// a dominated block is closer.
// Note that dominated blocks are not sorted in liveness order.
block_to = dominated.Get(i);
DCHECK_NE(block_to, block_from);
// If `to` is in a loop, find the outermost loop header which does not contain `from`.
for (HLoopInformationOutwardIterator it(*block_to); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
HBasicBlock* header = it.Current()->GetHeader();
if (block_from->GetLifetimeStart() >= header->GetLifetimeStart()) {
block_to = header;
// Split at the start of the found block, to piggy back on existing moves
// due to resolution if non-linear control flow (see `ConnectSplitSiblings`).
return Split(interval, block_to->GetLifetimeStart());
LiveInterval* RegisterAllocator::Split(LiveInterval* interval, size_t position) {
DCHECK_GE(position, interval->GetStart());
if (position == interval->GetStart()) {
// Spill slot will be allocated when handling `interval` again.
if (interval->HasHighInterval()) {
} else if (interval->HasLowInterval()) {
return interval;
} else {
LiveInterval* new_interval = interval->SplitAt(position);
if (interval->HasHighInterval()) {
LiveInterval* high = interval->GetHighInterval()->SplitAt(position);
} else if (interval->HasLowInterval()) {
LiveInterval* low = interval->GetLowInterval()->SplitAt(position);
return new_interval;
void RegisterAllocator::AllocateSpillSlotFor(LiveInterval* interval) {
if (interval->IsHighInterval()) {
// The low interval will contain the spill slot.
LiveInterval* parent = interval->GetParent();
// An instruction gets a spill slot for its entire lifetime. If the parent
// of this interval already has a spill slot, there is nothing to do.
if (parent->HasSpillSlot()) {
HInstruction* defined_by = parent->GetDefinedBy();
if (defined_by->IsParameterValue()) {
// Parameters have their own stack slot.
if (defined_by->IsCurrentMethod()) {
if (defined_by->IsConstant()) {
// Constants don't need a spill slot.
LiveInterval* last_sibling = interval;
while (last_sibling->GetNextSibling() != nullptr) {
last_sibling = last_sibling->GetNextSibling();
size_t end = last_sibling->GetEnd();
GrowableArray<size_t>* spill_slots = nullptr;
switch (interval->GetType()) {
case Primitive::kPrimDouble:
spill_slots = &double_spill_slots_;
case Primitive::kPrimLong:
spill_slots = &long_spill_slots_;
case Primitive::kPrimFloat:
spill_slots = &float_spill_slots_;
case Primitive::kPrimNot:
case Primitive::kPrimInt:
case Primitive::kPrimChar:
case Primitive::kPrimByte:
case Primitive::kPrimBoolean:
case Primitive::kPrimShort:
spill_slots = &int_spill_slots_;
case Primitive::kPrimVoid:
LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected type for interval " << interval->GetType();
// Find an available spill slot.
size_t slot = 0;
for (size_t e = spill_slots->Size(); slot < e; ++slot) {
if (spill_slots->Get(slot) <= parent->GetStart()
&& (slot == (e - 1) || spill_slots->Get(slot + 1) <= parent->GetStart())) {
if (parent->NeedsTwoSpillSlots()) {
if (slot == spill_slots->Size()) {
// We need a new spill slot.
} else if (slot == spill_slots->Size() - 1) {
spill_slots->Put(slot, end);
} else {
spill_slots->Put(slot, end);
spill_slots->Put(slot + 1, end);
} else {
if (slot == spill_slots->Size()) {
// We need a new spill slot.
} else {
spill_slots->Put(slot, end);
// Note that the exact spill slot location will be computed when we resolve,
// that is when we know the number of spill slots for each type.
static bool IsValidDestination(Location destination) {
return destination.IsRegister()
|| destination.IsRegisterPair()
|| destination.IsFpuRegister()
|| destination.IsFpuRegisterPair()
|| destination.IsStackSlot()
|| destination.IsDoubleStackSlot();
void RegisterAllocator::AddMove(HParallelMove* move,
Location source,
Location destination,
HInstruction* instruction,
Primitive::Type type) const {
if (type == Primitive::kPrimLong
&& codegen_->ShouldSplitLongMoves()
// The parallel move resolver knows how to deal with long constants.
&& !source.IsConstant()) {
move->AddMove(source.ToLow(), destination.ToLow(), Primitive::kPrimInt, instruction);
move->AddMove(source.ToHigh(), destination.ToHigh(), Primitive::kPrimInt, nullptr);
} else {
move->AddMove(source, destination, type, instruction);
void RegisterAllocator::AddInputMoveFor(HInstruction* input,
HInstruction* user,
Location source,
Location destination) const {
if (source.Equals(destination)) return;
HInstruction* previous = user->GetPrevious();
HParallelMove* move = nullptr;
if (previous == nullptr
|| !previous->IsParallelMove()
|| previous->GetLifetimePosition() < user->GetLifetimePosition()) {
move = new (allocator_) HParallelMove(allocator_);
user->GetBlock()->InsertInstructionBefore(move, user);
} else {
move = previous->AsParallelMove();
DCHECK_EQ(move->GetLifetimePosition(), user->GetLifetimePosition());
AddMove(move, source, destination, nullptr, input->GetType());
static bool IsInstructionStart(size_t position) {
return (position & 1) == 0;
static bool IsInstructionEnd(size_t position) {
return (position & 1) == 1;
void RegisterAllocator::InsertParallelMoveAt(size_t position,
HInstruction* instruction,
Location source,
Location destination) const {
DCHECK(IsValidDestination(destination)) << destination;
if (source.Equals(destination)) return;
HInstruction* at = liveness_.GetInstructionFromPosition(position / 2);
HParallelMove* move;
if (at == nullptr) {
if (IsInstructionStart(position)) {
// Block boundary, don't do anything the connection of split siblings will handle it.
} else {
// Move must happen before the first instruction of the block.
at = liveness_.GetInstructionFromPosition((position + 1) / 2);
// Note that parallel moves may have already been inserted, so we explicitly
// ask for the first instruction of the block: `GetInstructionFromPosition` does
// not contain the `HParallelMove` instructions.
at = at->GetBlock()->GetFirstInstruction();
if (at->GetLifetimePosition() < position) {
// We may insert moves for split siblings and phi spills at the beginning of the block.
// Since this is a different lifetime position, we need to go to the next instruction.
at = at->GetNext();
if (at->GetLifetimePosition() != position) {
DCHECK_GT(at->GetLifetimePosition(), position);
move = new (allocator_) HParallelMove(allocator_);
at->GetBlock()->InsertInstructionBefore(move, at);
} else {
move = at->AsParallelMove();
} else if (IsInstructionEnd(position)) {
// Move must happen after the instruction.
move = at->GetNext()->AsParallelMove();
// This is a parallel move for connecting siblings in a same block. We need to
// differentiate it with moves for connecting blocks, and input moves.
if (move == nullptr || move->GetLifetimePosition() > position) {
move = new (allocator_) HParallelMove(allocator_);
at->GetBlock()->InsertInstructionBefore(move, at->GetNext());
} else {
// Move must happen before the instruction.
HInstruction* previous = at->GetPrevious();
if (previous == nullptr
|| !previous->IsParallelMove()
|| previous->GetLifetimePosition() != position) {
// If the previous is a parallel move, then its position must be lower
// than the given `position`: it was added just after the non-parallel
// move instruction that precedes `instruction`.
DCHECK(previous == nullptr
|| !previous->IsParallelMove()
|| previous->GetLifetimePosition() < position);
move = new (allocator_) HParallelMove(allocator_);
at->GetBlock()->InsertInstructionBefore(move, at);
} else {
move = previous->AsParallelMove();
DCHECK_EQ(move->GetLifetimePosition(), position);
AddMove(move, source, destination, instruction, instruction->GetType());
void RegisterAllocator::InsertParallelMoveAtExitOf(HBasicBlock* block,
HInstruction* instruction,
Location source,
Location destination) const {
DCHECK(IsValidDestination(destination)) << destination;
if (source.Equals(destination)) return;
DCHECK_EQ(block->GetSuccessors().Size(), 1u);
HInstruction* last = block->GetLastInstruction();
// We insert moves at exit for phi predecessors and connecting blocks.
// A block ending with an if cannot branch to a block with phis because
// we do not allow critical edges. It can also not connect
// a split interval between two blocks: the move has to happen in the successor.
HInstruction* previous = last->GetPrevious();
HParallelMove* move;
// This is a parallel move for connecting blocks. We need to differentiate
// it with moves for connecting siblings in a same block, and output moves.
size_t position = last->GetLifetimePosition();
if (previous == nullptr || !previous->IsParallelMove()
|| previous->AsParallelMove()->GetLifetimePosition() != position) {
move = new (allocator_) HParallelMove(allocator_);
block->InsertInstructionBefore(move, last);
} else {
move = previous->AsParallelMove();
AddMove(move, source, destination, instruction, instruction->GetType());
void RegisterAllocator::InsertParallelMoveAtEntryOf(HBasicBlock* block,
HInstruction* instruction,
Location source,
Location destination) const {
DCHECK(IsValidDestination(destination)) << destination;
if (source.Equals(destination)) return;
HInstruction* first = block->GetFirstInstruction();
HParallelMove* move = first->AsParallelMove();
size_t position = block->GetLifetimeStart();
// This is a parallel move for connecting blocks. We need to differentiate
// it with moves for connecting siblings in a same block, and input moves.
if (move == nullptr || move->GetLifetimePosition() != position) {
move = new (allocator_) HParallelMove(allocator_);
block->InsertInstructionBefore(move, first);
AddMove(move, source, destination, instruction, instruction->GetType());
void RegisterAllocator::InsertMoveAfter(HInstruction* instruction,
Location source,
Location destination) const {
DCHECK(IsValidDestination(destination)) << destination;
if (source.Equals(destination)) return;
if (instruction->IsPhi()) {
InsertParallelMoveAtEntryOf(instruction->GetBlock(), instruction, source, destination);
size_t position = instruction->GetLifetimePosition() + 1;
HParallelMove* move = instruction->GetNext()->AsParallelMove();
// This is a parallel move for moving the output of an instruction. We need
// to differentiate with input moves, moves for connecting siblings in a
// and moves for connecting blocks.
if (move == nullptr || move->GetLifetimePosition() != position) {
move = new (allocator_) HParallelMove(allocator_);
instruction->GetBlock()->InsertInstructionBefore(move, instruction->GetNext());
AddMove(move, source, destination, instruction, instruction->GetType());
void RegisterAllocator::ConnectSiblings(LiveInterval* interval) {
LiveInterval* current = interval;
if (current->HasSpillSlot()
&& current->HasRegister()
// Currently, we spill unconditionnally the current method in the code generators.
&& !interval->GetDefinedBy()->IsCurrentMethod()) {
// We spill eagerly, so move must be at definition.
? Location::DoubleStackSlot(interval->GetParent()->GetSpillSlot())
: Location::StackSlot(interval->GetParent()->GetSpillSlot()));
UsePosition* use = current->GetFirstUse();
UsePosition* env_use = current->GetFirstEnvironmentUse();
// Walk over all siblings, updating locations of use positions, and
// connecting them when they are adjacent.
do {
Location source = current->ToLocation();
// Walk over all uses covered by this interval, and update the location
// information.
LiveRange* range = current->GetFirstRange();
while (range != nullptr) {
while (use != nullptr && use->GetPosition() < range->GetStart()) {
use = use->GetNext();
while (use != nullptr && use->GetPosition() <= range->GetEnd()) {
DCHECK(current->CoversSlow(use->GetPosition()) || (use->GetPosition() == range->GetEnd()));
if (!use->IsSynthesized()) {
LocationSummary* locations = use->GetUser()->GetLocations();
Location expected_location = locations->InAt(use->GetInputIndex());
// The expected (actual) location may be invalid in case the input is unused. Currently
// this only happens for intrinsics.
if (expected_location.IsValid()) {
if (expected_location.IsUnallocated()) {
locations->SetInAt(use->GetInputIndex(), source);
} else if (!expected_location.IsConstant()) {
AddInputMoveFor(interval->GetDefinedBy(), use->GetUser(), source, expected_location);
} else {
DCHECK(use->GetUser()->AsInvoke()->GetIntrinsic() != Intrinsics::kNone);
use = use->GetNext();
// Walk over the environment uses, and update their locations.
while (env_use != nullptr && env_use->GetPosition() < range->GetStart()) {
env_use = env_use->GetNext();
while (env_use != nullptr && env_use->GetPosition() <= range->GetEnd()) {
|| (env_use->GetPosition() == range->GetEnd()));
HEnvironment* environment = env_use->GetUser()->GetEnvironment();
environment->SetLocationAt(env_use->GetInputIndex(), source);
env_use = env_use->GetNext();
range = range->GetNext();
// If the next interval starts just after this one, and has a register,
// insert a move.
LiveInterval* next_sibling = current->GetNextSibling();
if (next_sibling != nullptr
&& next_sibling->HasRegister()
&& current->GetEnd() == next_sibling->GetStart()) {
Location destination = next_sibling->ToLocation();
InsertParallelMoveAt(current->GetEnd(), interval->GetDefinedBy(), source, destination);
for (SafepointPosition* safepoint_position = current->GetFirstSafepoint();
safepoint_position != nullptr;
safepoint_position = safepoint_position->GetNext()) {
LocationSummary* locations = safepoint_position->GetLocations();
if ((current->GetType() == Primitive::kPrimNot) && current->GetParent()->HasSpillSlot()) {
locations->SetStackBit(current->GetParent()->GetSpillSlot() / kVRegSize);
switch (source.GetKind()) {
case Location::kRegister: {
if (kIsDebugBuild && locations->OnlyCallsOnSlowPath()) {
maximum_number_of_live_core_registers_ +
if (current->GetType() == Primitive::kPrimNot) {
case Location::kFpuRegister: {
case Location::kRegisterPair:
case Location::kFpuRegisterPair: {
case Location::kStackSlot: // Fall-through
case Location::kDoubleStackSlot: // Fall-through
case Location::kConstant: {
// Nothing to do.
default: {
LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected location for object";
current = next_sibling;
} while (current != nullptr);
if (kIsDebugBuild) {
// Following uses can only be synthesized uses.
while (use != nullptr) {
use = use->GetNext();
void RegisterAllocator::ConnectSplitSiblings(LiveInterval* interval,
HBasicBlock* from,
HBasicBlock* to) const {
if (interval->GetNextSibling() == nullptr) {
// Nothing to connect. The whole range was allocated to the same location.
// Find the intervals that cover `from` and `to`.
LiveInterval* destination = interval->GetSiblingAt(to->GetLifetimeStart());
LiveInterval* source = interval->GetSiblingAt(from->GetLifetimeEnd() - 1);
if (destination == source) {
// Interval was not split.
DCHECK(destination != nullptr && source != nullptr);
if (!destination->HasRegister()) {
// Values are eagerly spilled. Spill slot already contains appropriate value.
// If `from` has only one successor, we can put the moves at the exit of it. Otherwise
// we need to put the moves at the entry of `to`.
if (from->GetSuccessors().Size() == 1) {
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(to->GetPredecessors().Size(), 1u);
void RegisterAllocator::Resolve() {
// Adjust the Out Location of instructions.
// TODO: Use pointers of Location inside LiveInterval to avoid doing another iteration.
for (size_t i = 0, e = liveness_.GetNumberOfSsaValues(); i < e; ++i) {
HInstruction* instruction = liveness_.GetInstructionFromSsaIndex(i);
LiveInterval* current = instruction->GetLiveInterval();
LocationSummary* locations = instruction->GetLocations();
Location location = locations->Out();
if (instruction->IsParameterValue()) {
// Now that we know the frame size, adjust the parameter's location.
if (location.IsStackSlot()) {
location = Location::StackSlot(location.GetStackIndex() + codegen_->GetFrameSize());
} else if (location.IsDoubleStackSlot()) {
location = Location::DoubleStackSlot(location.GetStackIndex() + codegen_->GetFrameSize());
} else if (current->HasSpillSlot()) {
current->SetSpillSlot(current->GetSpillSlot() + codegen_->GetFrameSize());
} else if (instruction->IsCurrentMethod()) {
// The current method is always at offset 0.
DCHECK(!current->HasSpillSlot() || (current->GetSpillSlot() == 0));
} else if (current->HasSpillSlot()) {
// Adjust the stack slot, now that we know the number of them for each type.
// The way this implementation lays out the stack is the following:
// [parameter slots ]
// [double spill slots ]
// [long spill slots ]
// [float spill slots ]
// [int/ref values ]
// [maximum out values ] (number of arguments for calls)
// [art method ].
uint32_t slot = current->GetSpillSlot();
switch (current->GetType()) {
case Primitive::kPrimDouble:
slot += long_spill_slots_.Size();
case Primitive::kPrimLong:
slot += float_spill_slots_.Size();
case Primitive::kPrimFloat:
slot += int_spill_slots_.Size();
case Primitive::kPrimNot:
case Primitive::kPrimInt:
case Primitive::kPrimChar:
case Primitive::kPrimByte:
case Primitive::kPrimBoolean:
case Primitive::kPrimShort:
slot += reserved_out_slots_;
case Primitive::kPrimVoid:
LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected type for interval " << current->GetType();
current->SetSpillSlot(slot * kVRegSize);
Location source = current->ToLocation();
if (location.IsUnallocated()) {
if (location.GetPolicy() == Location::kSameAsFirstInput) {
if (locations->InAt(0).IsUnallocated()) {
locations->SetInAt(0, source);
} else {
} else {
// Connect siblings.
for (size_t i = 0, e = liveness_.GetNumberOfSsaValues(); i < e; ++i) {
HInstruction* instruction = liveness_.GetInstructionFromSsaIndex(i);
// Resolve non-linear control flow across branches. Order does not matter.
for (HLinearOrderIterator it(*codegen_->GetGraph()); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
HBasicBlock* block = it.Current();
BitVector* live = liveness_.GetLiveInSet(*block);
for (uint32_t idx : live->Indexes()) {
HInstruction* current = liveness_.GetInstructionFromSsaIndex(idx);
LiveInterval* interval = current->GetLiveInterval();
for (size_t i = 0, e = block->GetPredecessors().Size(); i < e; ++i) {
ConnectSplitSiblings(interval, block->GetPredecessors().Get(i), block);
// Resolve phi inputs. Order does not matter.
for (HLinearOrderIterator it(*codegen_->GetGraph()); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
HBasicBlock* current = it.Current();
for (HInstructionIterator inst_it(current->GetPhis()); !inst_it.Done(); inst_it.Advance()) {
HInstruction* phi = inst_it.Current();
for (size_t i = 0, e = current->GetPredecessors().Size(); i < e; ++i) {
HBasicBlock* predecessor = current->GetPredecessors().Get(i);
DCHECK_EQ(predecessor->GetSuccessors().Size(), 1u);
HInstruction* input = phi->InputAt(i);
Location source = input->GetLiveInterval()->GetLocationAt(
predecessor->GetLifetimeEnd() - 1);
Location destination = phi->GetLiveInterval()->ToLocation();
InsertParallelMoveAtExitOf(predecessor, phi, source, destination);
// Assign temp locations.
for (size_t i = 0; i < temp_intervals_.Size(); ++i) {
LiveInterval* temp = temp_intervals_.Get(i);
if (temp->IsHighInterval()) {
// High intervals can be skipped, they are already handled by the low interval.
HInstruction* at = liveness_.GetTempUser(temp);
size_t temp_index = liveness_.GetTempIndex(temp);
LocationSummary* locations = at->GetLocations();
switch (temp->GetType()) {
case Primitive::kPrimInt:
locations->SetTempAt(temp_index, Location::RegisterLocation(temp->GetRegister()));
case Primitive::kPrimDouble:
if (codegen_->NeedsTwoRegisters(Primitive::kPrimDouble)) {
Location location = Location::FpuRegisterPairLocation(
temp->GetRegister(), temp->GetHighInterval()->GetRegister());
locations->SetTempAt(temp_index, location);
} else {
locations->SetTempAt(temp_index, Location::FpuRegisterLocation(temp->GetRegister()));
LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected type for temporary location "
<< temp->GetType();
} // namespace art