blob: 71f4cc073157891ed6bd512a727ac706d974209b [file] [log] [blame]
target_config = {
# Configuration syntax:
# Required keys: (Use one or more of these)
# * golem - specify a golem machine-type to build, e.g. android-armv8
# (uses art/tools/golem/
# * make - specify a make target to build, e.g. build-art-host
# * run-test - runs the tests in art/test/ directory with,
# specify a list of arguments to pass to
# Optional keys: (Use any of these)
# * env - Add additional environment variable to the current environment.
# *** IMPORTANT ***:
# This configuration is used by the android build server. Targets must not be renamed
# or removed.
# General ART configurations.
# Calls make and testrunner both.
'art-test' : {
'make' : 'test-art-host-gtest',
'run-test' : []
'art-test-javac' : {
'run-test' : ['--jvm']
# ART run-test configurations
# (calls testrunner which builds and then runs the test targets)
'art-ndebug' : {
'run-test' : ['--ndebug']
'art-interpreter' : {
'run-test' : ['--interpreter']
'art-interpreter-access-checks' : {
'run-test' : ['--interp-ac']
'art-jit' : {
'run-test' : ['--jit', '--debuggable', '--ndebuggable']
'art-jit-on-first-use' : {
'run-test' : ['--jit',
'art-pictest' : {
'run-test' : ['--pictest',
'art-gcstress-gcverify': {
# Do not exercise '--interpreter', '--optimizing', nor '--jit' in this
# configuration, as they are covered by the 'art-interpreter-gcstress',
# 'art-optimizing-gcstress' and 'art-jit-gcstress' configurations below.
'run-test': ['--interp-ac',
# Rename this configuration as 'art-interpreter-gcstress-gcverify' (b/62611253).
'art-interpreter-gcstress' : {
'run-test' : ['--interpreter',
# Rename this configuration as 'art-optimizing-gcstress-gcverify' (b/62611253).
'art-optimizing-gcstress' : {
'run-test' : ['--optimizing',
# Rename this configuration as 'art-jit-gcstress-gcverify' (b/62611253).
'art-jit-gcstress' : {
'run-test' : ['--jit',
'art-jit-on-first-use-gcstress' : {
'run-test' : ['--jit',
# TODO: Rename or repurpose this configuration as
# 'art-read-barrier-heap-poisoning' (b/62611253).
'art-read-barrier' : {
'run-test': ['--interpreter',
'env' : {
# TODO: Remove or disable this configuration, as it is now covered
# by 'art-interpreter-gcstress' and 'art-optimizing-gcstress' --
# except for heap poisoning, but that's fine (b/62611253).
'art-read-barrier-gcstress' : {
'run-test' : ['--interpreter',
'env' : {
'art-read-barrier-table-lookup' : {
'run-test' : ['--interpreter',
'env' : {
'art-debug-gc' : {
'run-test' : ['--interpreter',
'env' : {
'ART_TEST_DEBUG_GC' : 'true',
'art-ss-gc' : {
'run-test' : ['--interpreter',
'env' : {
'art-gss-gc' : {
'run-test' : ['--interpreter',
'env' : {
'art-ss-gc-tlab' : {
'run-test' : ['--interpreter',
'env' : {
'ART_USE_TLAB' : 'true',
'art-gss-gc-tlab' : {
'run-test' : ['--interpreter',
'env' : {
'ART_USE_TLAB' : 'true',
'art-tracing' : {
'run-test' : ['--trace']
'art-interpreter-tracing' : {
'run-test' : ['--interpreter',
'art-forcecopy' : {
'run-test' : ['--forcecopy']
'art-no-prebuild' : {
'run-test' : ['--no-prebuild']
'art-no-image' : {
'run-test' : ['--no-image']
'art-interpreter-no-image' : {
'run-test' : ['--interpreter',
'art-relocate-no-patchoat' : {
'run-test' : ['--relocate-npatchoat']
'art-no-dex2oat' : {
'run-test' : ['--no-dex2oat']
'art-heap-poisoning' : {
'run-test' : ['--interpreter',
'env' : {
# Disable compact dex to get coverage of standard dex file usage.
'art-preopt' : {
# This test configuration is intended to be representative of the case
# of preopted apps, which are precompiled compiled pic against an
# unrelocated image, then used with a relocated image.
'run-test' : ['--pictest',
# ART gtest configurations
# (calls make 'target' which builds and then runs the gtests).
'art-gtest' : {
'make' : 'test-art-host-gtest'
'art-gtest-read-barrier': {
'make' : 'test-art-host-gtest',
'env' : {
'art-gtest-read-barrier-table-lookup': {
'make' : 'test-art-host-gtest',
'env': {
'art-gtest-ss-gc': {
'make' : 'test-art-host-gtest',
'env': {
# Disable compact dex to get coverage of standard dex file usage.
'art-gtest-gss-gc': {
'make' : 'test-art-host-gtest',
'env' : {
'art-gtest-ss-gc-tlab': {
'make' : 'test-art-host-gtest',
'env': {
'ART_USE_TLAB' : 'true',
'art-gtest-gss-gc-tlab': {
'make' : 'test-art-host-gtest',
'env': {
'ART_USE_TLAB' : 'true',
'art-gtest-debug-gc' : {
'make' : 'test-art-host-gtest',
'env' : {
'ART_TEST_DEBUG_GC' : 'true',
'art-gtest-valgrind32': {
# Disabled: x86 valgrind does not understand SSE4.x
# 'make' : 'valgrind-test-art-host32',
'env': {
'art-gtest-valgrind64': {
'make' : 'valgrind-test-art-host64',
'env': {
# ASAN (host) configurations.
# These configurations need detect_leaks=0 to work in non-setup environments like build bots,
# as our build tools leak. b/37751350
'art-gtest-asan': {
'make' : 'test-art-host-gtest',
'env': {
'SANITIZE_HOST' : 'address',
'ASAN_OPTIONS' : 'detect_leaks=0'
'art-asan': {
'run-test' : ['--interpreter',
'env': {
'SANITIZE_HOST' : 'address',
'ASAN_OPTIONS' : 'detect_leaks=0'
'art-gtest-heap-poisoning': {
'make' : 'test-art-host-gtest',
'env' : {
'SANITIZE_HOST' : 'address',
'ASAN_OPTIONS' : 'detect_leaks=0'
# ART Golem build targets used by go/lem (continuous ART benchmarking),
# (art-opt-cc is used by default since it mimics the default preopt config),
# calls golem/ which builds a golem tarball of the target name,
# e.g. 'golem: android-armv7' produces an 'android-armv7.tar.gz' upon success.
'art-golem-android-armv7': {
'golem' : 'android-armv7'
'art-golem-android-armv8': {
'golem' : 'android-armv8'
'art-golem-linux-armv7': {
'golem' : 'linux-armv7'
'art-golem-linux-armv8': {
'golem' : 'linux-armv8'
'art-golem-linux-ia32': {
'golem' : 'linux-ia32'
'art-golem-linux-x64': {
'golem' : 'linux-x64'