blob: a90881c175f1132cf93747ec324b7891c3cd37e4 [file] [log] [blame]
// ART APEX module
// Contains both the Android Managed Runtime (ART) and the Android Core Library
// (Libcore).
package {
// See: http://go/android-license-faq
// A large-scale-change added 'default_applicable_licenses' to import
// all of the 'license_kinds' from "art_license"
// to get the below license kinds:
// SPDX-license-identifier-Apache-2.0
default_applicable_licenses: ["art_license"],
soong_config_module_type_import {
from: "art/build/SoongConfig.bp",
module_types: [
// Modules listed in LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES for module art-runtime in art/
// - Base requirements (binaries for which both 32- and 64-bit versions are built, if possible).
art_runtime_base_binaries_both = [
art_runtime_base_binaries_both_on_device_first_on_host = [
// - Base requirements (binaries for which a 32-bit version is preferred on device, but for which
// only the "first" (likely 64-bit) version is required on host).
art_runtime_base_binaries_prefer32_on_device_first_on_host = [
// - Base requirements (libraries).
// Note: ART on-device chroot-based testing and benchmarking is not yet using
// the ART APEX, meaning that copies of some of these libraries have to be
// installed in `/system` for the ART Buildbot set-up to work properly. This is
// done by the `standalone-apex-files` Make phony target, used by the ART
// Buildbot and Golem (see `art/`). If you add libraries to this list,
// you may have to also add them to `PRIVATE_ART_APEX_DEPENDENCY_LIBS` in
// `art/`.
// TODO(b/121117762): Remove this note when both the ART Buildbot and Golem use
// the ART APEX.
art_runtime_base_native_shared_libs = [
// External API (having APEX stubs).
// libadbconnection is internal and loaded with dlopen(), but it cannot use
// "required" because of cyclic dependency (b/124505714).
// TODO(b/124476339): Clean up the following libraries once "required"
// dependencies work with APEX libraries.
// TODO(chriswailes): Make libarttools a dependency for another target
// when such a target exists
art_runtime_base_native_device_only_shared_libs = [
bionic_native_shared_libs = [
// External API (having APEX stubs).
bionic_binaries_both = [
// - Debug variants (binaries for which a 32-bit version is preferred on device, but for which
// only the "first" (likely 64-bit) version is required on host).
art_runtime_debug_binaries_prefer32_on_device_first_on_host = [
art_runtime_debug_binaries_both_on_device_first_on_host = [
// - Debug variants (libraries).
art_runtime_debug_native_shared_libs = [
art_runtime_base_native_device_only_debug_shared_libs = [
// Libraries needed to execute ART run-tests.
// TODO(b/124476339): When bug 124476339 is fixed, add these libraries as `runtime_libs`
// dependencies of `libartd-compiler`, and remove `art_runtime_run_test_libs`.
art_runtime_run_test_libs = [
// Tools common to both device APEX and host APEX. Derived from art-tools in art/
art_tools_common_binaries = [
// Tools common to both device and host debug APEXes.
art_tools_debug_binaries = [
art_tools_debug_binaries_both = [
// Tools exclusively for the device APEX derived from art-tools in art/
art_tools_device_only_binaries = [
// oatdump cannot link with host linux_bionic due to not using clang lld;
// TODO: Make it work with clang lld.
// Same, but for only for debug packages.
art_tools_debug_device_only_binaries = [
// oatdumpd cannot link with host linux_bionic due to not using clang lld;
// TODO: Make it work with clang lld.
// Tools exclusively for the host APEX derived from art-tools in art/
art_tools_host_only_binaries = [
// FIXME: Does not work as-is, because `ahat` is defined in tools/ahat/
// (same issue as for `libart_fake` above).
// Core Java libraries.
libcore_java_libs = [
// ART Java libraries
art_java_libs = [
// Native libraries that support the core Java libraries.
// Note: ART on-device chroot-based testing and benchmarking is not yet using
// the ART APEX, meaning that copies of some of these libraries have to be
// installed in `/system` for the ART Buildbot set-up to work properly. This is
// done by the `standalone-apex-files` Make phony target, used by the ART
// Buildbot and Golem (see `art/`). If you add libraries to this list,
// you may have to also add them to `PRIVATE_ART_APEX_DEPENDENCY_LIBS` in
// `art/`.
// TODO(b/121117762): Remove this note when both the ART Buildbot and Golem use
// the ART APEX.
libcore_native_shared_libs = [
// External API (having APEX stubs).
// TODO(b/124476339): Clean up the following libraries once "required"
// dependencies work with APEX libraries.
libcore_debug_native_shared_libs = [
// Temporary library includes for b/123591866 as all libraries are moved into the main art-apex.
art_runtime_libraries_zipapex = [
android_app_certificate {
name: "",
certificate: "",
apex_key {
name: "",
public_key: "",
private_key: "",
art_module_apex_defaults {
name: "",
// Enable if SOONG_CONFIG_art_module_source_build is true.
enabled: false,
soong_config_variables: {
source_build: {
enabled: true,
target: {
windows: {
// When the Soong config variable above sets enabled:true, it
// overrides the default false for targets, so we need to disable
// windows explicitly.
enabled: false,
// Default values shared by device ART APEXes.
apex_defaults {
name: "",
defaults: [""],
compile_multilib: "both",
manifest: "manifest-art.json",
bootclasspath_fragments: ["art-bootclasspath-fragment"],
compat_configs: ["libcore-platform-compat-config"],
java_libs: libcore_java_libs + art_java_libs,
native_shared_libs: art_runtime_base_native_shared_libs +
art_runtime_base_native_device_only_shared_libs +
binaries: [
multilib: {
both: {
binaries: art_runtime_base_binaries_both +
prefer32: {
binaries: art_runtime_base_binaries_prefer32_on_device_first_on_host,
first: {
binaries: art_tools_common_binaries +
key: "",
required: [
prebuilts: [
// ART APEXes depend on bouncycastle which is disabled for PDK builds.
// Since the dependency is disabled, ART APEXes can't be built either.
// Disable the APEXes too. See b/157267166.
product_variables: {
pdk: {
enabled: false,
min_sdk_version: "S",
// Indicates that pre-installed version of this apex can be compressed.
// Whether it actually will be compressed is controlled on per-device basis.
compressible: true,
// Default values shared by (device) Debug and Testing ART APEXes.
apex_defaults {
name: "",
defaults: [""],
native_shared_libs: art_runtime_base_native_device_only_debug_shared_libs +
art_runtime_run_test_libs +
art_runtime_debug_native_shared_libs +
multilib: {
both: {
binaries: art_tools_debug_binaries_both +
prefer32: {
binaries: art_runtime_debug_binaries_prefer32_on_device_first_on_host,
first: {
binaries: art_tools_debug_binaries +
apex_test {
name: "",
defaults: [""],
manifest: "test_apex_manifest.json",
file_contexts: "",
certificate: "",
installable: false,
// Release version of the ART APEX module (not containing debug
// variants nor tools), included in user builds. Also used for
// storage-constrained devices in userdebug and eng builds.
art_apex {
name: "",
defaults: [""],
certificate: "",
// "Debug" version of the ART APEX module (containing both release and
// debug variants, as well as additional tools), included in userdebug and
// eng build.
art_apex {
name: "",
defaults: [""],
certificate: "",
// ART gtests with dependencies on internal ART APEX libraries.
art_gtests = [
// "Testing" version of the ART APEX module (containing both release
// and debug variants, additional tools, and ART gtests), for testing
// purposes only.
art_apex_test {
name: "",
defaults: [""],
file_contexts: "",
certificate: "",
tests: art_gtests,
binaries: ["signal_dumper"], // Need signal_dumper for run-tests.
updatable: false,
// TODO: Do this better. art_apex_test_host will disable host builds when
// HOST_PREFER_32_BIT is set. We cannot simply use
// because binaries have different multilib classes and 'multilib: {}' isn't
// supported by target: { ... }.
// See b/120617876 for more information.
art_apex_test_host {
name: "",
defaults: [""],
compile_multilib: "both",
payload_type: "zip",
host_supported: true,
device_supported: false,
manifest: "manifest-art.json",
updatable: false,
java_libs: libcore_java_libs + art_java_libs,
ignore_system_library_special_case: true,
native_shared_libs: art_runtime_base_native_shared_libs +
art_runtime_debug_native_shared_libs +
libcore_native_shared_libs +
libcore_debug_native_shared_libs +
art_runtime_libraries_zipapex +
multilib: {
both: {
binaries: art_runtime_base_binaries_both +
first: {
binaries: art_runtime_base_binaries_prefer32_on_device_first_on_host +
art_runtime_base_binaries_both_on_device_first_on_host +
art_runtime_debug_binaries_prefer32_on_device_first_on_host +
art_runtime_debug_binaries_both_on_device_first_on_host +
art_tools_common_binaries +
art_tools_debug_binaries + // Host APEX is always debug.
key: "",
target: {
darwin: {
enabled: false,
linux_bionic: {
multilib: {
both: {
native_shared_libs: bionic_native_shared_libs,
binaries: bionic_binaries_both,
// ART APEXes depend on bouncycastle which is disabled for PDK builds.
// Since the dependency is disabled, ART APEXes can't be built either.
// Disable the APEXes too. See b/157267166.
product_variables: {
pdk: {
enabled: false,
python_binary_host {
name: "art-apex-tester",
srcs: [""],
main: "",
// Genrules so we can run the checker, and empty Java library so that it gets executed.
art_check_apex_gen_stem = "$(location art-apex-tester)" +
" --debugfs $(location debugfs)" +
" --tmpdir $(genDir)"
// The non-flattened APEXes are always checked, as they are always generated
// (even when APEX flattening is enabled).
art_module_genrule_defaults {
name: "art-check-apex-gen-defaults",
// Enable if SOONG_CONFIG_art_module_source_build is true.
enabled: false,
soong_config_variables: {
source_build: {
enabled: true,
tools: [
art_module_cc_defaults {
name: "art-check-apex-gen-fakebin-defaults",
host_supported: true,
device_supported: false,
// Enable if SOONG_CONFIG_art_module_source_build is true.
enabled: false,
soong_config_variables: {
source_build: {
enabled: true,
target: {
darwin: {
enabled: false, // No python3.
genrule {
name: "art-check-release-apex-gen",
defaults: ["art-check-apex-gen-defaults"],
srcs: [""],
cmd: art_check_apex_gen_stem +
" --flavor release" +
" $(in)" +
" && touch $(out)" +
" && chmod a+x $(out)",
out: ["art-check-release-apex-gen.unused"],
cc_prebuilt_binary {
name: "art-check-release-apex-gen-fakebin",
defaults: ["art-check-apex-gen-fakebin-defaults"],
srcs: [":art-check-release-apex-gen"],
genrule {
name: "art-check-debug-apex-gen",
defaults: ["art-check-apex-gen-defaults"],
srcs: [""],
cmd: art_check_apex_gen_stem +
" --flavor debug" +
" $(in)" +
" && touch $(out)" +
" && chmod a+x $(out)",
out: ["art-check-debug-apex-gen.unused"],
cc_prebuilt_binary {
name: "art-check-debug-apex-gen-fakebin",
defaults: ["art-check-apex-gen-fakebin-defaults"],
srcs: [":art-check-debug-apex-gen"],
genrule {
name: "art-check-testing-apex-gen",
defaults: ["art-check-apex-gen-defaults"],
srcs: [""],
cmd: art_check_apex_gen_stem +
" --flavor testing" +
" $(in)" +
" && touch $(out)" +
" && chmod a+x $(out)",
out: ["art-check-testing-apex-gen.unused"],
cc_prebuilt_binary {
name: "art-check-testing-apex-gen-fakebin",
defaults: ["art-check-apex-gen-fakebin-defaults"],
srcs: [":art-check-testing-apex-gen"],
linker_config {
name: "art-linker-config",
src: "linker.config.json",
installable: false,