blob: 316eb7a1a84dd73eabea1c56c3affa0afa8e6c79 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <array>
#include <atomic>
#include <optional>
#include <sstream>
#include <string_view>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>
#include "android-base/logging.h"
#include "base/bit_utils.h"
#include "base/compiler_filter.h"
#include "base/time_utils.h"
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic error "-Wconversion"
// See in this directory for how to define metrics.
METRIC(ClassLoadingTotalTime, MetricsCounter) \
METRIC(ClassVerificationTotalTime, MetricsCounter) \
METRIC(ClassVerificationCount, MetricsCounter) \
METRIC(MutatorPauseTimeDuringGC, MetricsCounter) \
METRIC(YoungGcCount, MetricsCounter) \
METRIC(FullGcCount, MetricsCounter) \
METRIC(TotalBytesAllocated, MetricsCounter) \
METRIC(TotalGcMetaDataSize, MetricsCounter) \
METRIC(JitMethodCompileTime, MetricsHistogram, 15, 0, 1'000'000) \
METRIC(JitMethodCompileCount, MetricsCounter) \
METRIC(YoungGcCollectionTime, MetricsHistogram, 15, 0, 60'000) \
METRIC(FullGcCollectionTime, MetricsHistogram, 15, 0, 60'000) \
METRIC(YoungGcThroughput, MetricsHistogram, 15, 0, 1'000) \
METRIC(FullGcThroughput, MetricsHistogram, 15, 0, 1'000)
// A lot of the metrics implementation code is generated by passing one-off macros into ART_COUNTERS
// and ART_HISTOGRAMS. This means metrics.h and are very #define-heavy, which can be
// challenging to read. The alternative was to require a lot of boilerplate code for each new metric
// added, all of which would need to be rewritten if the metrics implementation changed. Using
// macros lets us add new metrics by adding a single line to either ART_COUNTERS or ART_HISTOGRAMS,
// and modifying the implementation only requires changing the implementation once, instead of once
// per metric.
namespace art {
class Runtime;
struct RuntimeArgumentMap;
namespace metrics {
* An enumeration of all ART counters and histograms.
enum class DatumId {
#define METRIC(name, type, ...) k##name,
#undef METRIC
// We log compilation reasons as part of the metadata we report. Since elsewhere compilation reasons
// are specified as a string, we define them as an enum here which indicates the reasons that we
// support.
enum class CompilationReason {
constexpr const char* CompilationReasonName(CompilationReason reason) {
switch (reason) {
case CompilationReason::kError:
return "error";
case CompilationReason::kUnknown:
return "unknown";
case CompilationReason::kFirstBoot:
return "first-boot";
case CompilationReason::kBootAfterOTA:
return "boot-after-ota";
case CompilationReason::kPostBoot:
return "post-boot";
case CompilationReason::kInstall:
return "install";
case CompilationReason::kInstallFast:
return "install-fast";
case CompilationReason::kInstallBulk:
return "install-bulk";
case CompilationReason::kInstallBulkSecondary:
return "install-bulk-secondary";
case CompilationReason::kInstallBulkDowngraded:
return "install-bulk-downgraded";
case CompilationReason::kInstallBulkSecondaryDowngraded:
return "install-bulk-secondary-downgraded";
case CompilationReason::kBgDexopt:
return "bg-dexopt";
case CompilationReason::kABOTA:
return "ab-ota";
case CompilationReason::kInactive:
return "inactive";
case CompilationReason::kShared:
return "shared";
case CompilationReason::kInstallWithDexMetadata:
return "install-with-dex-metadata";
constexpr CompilationReason CompilationReasonFromName(std::string_view name) {
// Names come from
if (name == "unknown") {
return CompilationReason::kUnknown;
if (name == "first-boot") {
return CompilationReason::kFirstBoot;
if (name == "boot-after-ota") {
return CompilationReason::kBootAfterOTA;
if (name == "post-boot") {
return CompilationReason::kPostBoot;
if (name == "install") {
return CompilationReason::kInstall;
if (name == "install-fast") {
return CompilationReason::kInstallFast;
if (name == "install-bulk") {
return CompilationReason::kInstallBulk;
if (name == "install-bulk-secondary") {
return CompilationReason::kInstallBulkSecondary;
if (name == "install-bulk-downgraded") {
return CompilationReason::kInstallBulkDowngraded;
if (name == "install-bulk-secondary-downgraded") {
return CompilationReason::kInstallBulkSecondaryDowngraded;
if (name == "bg-dexopt") {
return CompilationReason::kBgDexopt;
if (name == "ab-ota") {
return CompilationReason::kABOTA;
if (name == "inactive") {
return CompilationReason::kInactive;
if (name == "shared") {
return CompilationReason::kShared;
if (name == "install-with-dex-metadata") {
return CompilationReason::kInstallWithDexMetadata;
return CompilationReason::kError;
// SessionData contains metadata about a metrics session (basically the lifetime of an ART process).
// This information should not change for the lifetime of the session.
struct SessionData {
static SessionData CreateDefault();
static constexpr int64_t kInvalidSessionId = -1;
static constexpr int32_t kInvalidUserId = -1;
int64_t session_id;
int32_t uid;
CompilationReason compilation_reason;
std::optional<CompilerFilter::Filter> compiler_filter;
// MetricsBackends are used by a metrics reporter to write metrics to some external location. For
// example, a backend might write to logcat, or to a file, or to statsd.
class MetricsBackend {
virtual ~MetricsBackend() {}
// Begins an ART metrics session.
// This is called by the metrics reporter when the runtime is starting up. The session_data
// includes a session id which is used to correlate any metric reports with the same instance of
// the ART runtime. Additionally, session_data includes useful metadata such as the package name
// for this process.
virtual void BeginSession(const SessionData& session_data) = 0;
// Called by the metrics reporter to indicate that a new metrics report is starting.
virtual void BeginReport(uint64_t timestamp_since_start_ms) = 0;
// Called by the metrics reporter to give the current value of the counter with id counter_type.
// This will be called multiple times for each counter based on when the metrics reporter chooses
// to report metrics. For example, the metrics reporter may call this at shutdown or every N
// minutes. Counters are not reset in between invocations, so the value should represent the
// total count at the point this method is called.
virtual void ReportCounter(DatumId counter_type, uint64_t value) = 0;
// Called by the metrics reporter to report a histogram.
// This is called similarly to ReportCounter, but instead of receiving a single value, it receives
// a vector of the value in each bucket. Additionally, the function receives the lower and upper
// limit for the histogram. Note that these limits are the allowed limits, and not the observed
// range. Values below the lower limit will be counted in the first bucket, and values above the
// upper limit will be counted in the last bucket. Backends should store the minimum and maximum
// values to allow comparisons across module versions, since the minimum and maximum values may
// change over time.
virtual void ReportHistogram(DatumId histogram_type,
int64_t minimum_value,
int64_t maximum_value,
const std::vector<uint32_t>& buckets) = 0;
// Called by the metrics reporter to indicate that the current metrics report is complete.
virtual void EndReport() = 0;
template <DatumId counter_type, typename T>
friend class MetricsCounter;
template <DatumId histogram_type, size_t num_buckets, int64_t low_value, int64_t high_value>
friend class MetricsHistogram;
template <DatumId datum_id, typename T, const T& AccumulatorFunction(const T&, const T&)>
friend class MetricsAccumulator;
friend class ArtMetrics;
template <typename value_t>
class MetricsBase {
virtual void Add(value_t value) = 0;
virtual ~MetricsBase() { }
template <DatumId counter_type, typename T = uint64_t>
class MetricsCounter final : public MetricsBase<T> {
using value_t = T;
explicit constexpr MetricsCounter(uint64_t value = 0) : value_{value} {
// Ensure we do not have any unnecessary data in this class.
// Adding intptr_t to accommodate vtable, and rounding up to incorporate
// padding.
static_assert(RoundUp(sizeof(*this), sizeof(uint64_t))
== RoundUp(sizeof(intptr_t) + sizeof(value_t), sizeof(uint64_t)));
void AddOne() { Add(1u); }
void Add(value_t value) { value_.fetch_add(value, std::memory_order::memory_order_relaxed); }
void Report(MetricsBackend* backend) const { backend->ReportCounter(counter_type, Value()); }
void Reset() {
value_ = 0;
value_t Value() const { return value_.load(std::memory_order::memory_order_relaxed); }
std::atomic<value_t> value_;
friend class ArtMetrics;
template <DatumId histogram_type_,
size_t num_buckets_,
int64_t minimum_value_,
int64_t maximum_value_>
class MetricsHistogram final : public MetricsBase<int64_t> {
static_assert(num_buckets_ >= 1);
static_assert(minimum_value_ < maximum_value_);
using value_t = uint32_t;
constexpr MetricsHistogram() : buckets_{} {
// Ensure we do not have any unnecessary data in this class.
// Adding intptr_t to accommodate vtable, and rounding up to incorporate
// padding.
static_assert(RoundUp(sizeof(*this), sizeof(uint64_t))
== RoundUp(sizeof(intptr_t) + sizeof(value_t) * num_buckets_, sizeof(uint64_t)));
void Add(int64_t value) {
const size_t i = FindBucketId(value);
buckets_[i].fetch_add(1u, std::memory_order::memory_order_relaxed);
void Report(MetricsBackend* backend) const {
backend->ReportHistogram(histogram_type_, minimum_value_, maximum_value_, GetBuckets());
void Reset() {
for (auto& bucket : buckets_) {
bucket = 0;
inline constexpr size_t FindBucketId(int64_t value) const {
// Values below the minimum are clamped into the first bucket.
if (value <= minimum_value_) {
return 0;
// Values above the maximum are clamped into the last bucket.
if (value >= maximum_value_) {
return num_buckets_ - 1;
// Otherise, linearly interpolate the value into the right bucket
constexpr size_t bucket_width = maximum_value_ - minimum_value_;
return static_cast<size_t>(value - minimum_value_) * num_buckets_ / bucket_width;
std::vector<value_t> GetBuckets() const {
// The loads from buckets_ will all be memory_order_seq_cst, which means they will be acquire
// loads. This is a stricter memory order than is needed, but this should not be a
// performance-critical section of code.
return std::vector<value_t>{buckets_.begin(), buckets_.end()};
std::array<std::atomic<value_t>, num_buckets_> buckets_;
friend class ArtMetrics;
template <DatumId datum_id, typename T, const T& AccumulatorFunction(const T&, const T&)>
class MetricsAccumulator final : MetricsBase<T> {
explicit constexpr MetricsAccumulator(T value = 0) : value_{value} {
// Ensure we do not have any unnecessary data in this class.
// Adding intptr_t to accommodate vtable, and rounding up to incorporate
// padding.
static_assert(RoundUp(sizeof(*this), sizeof(uint64_t)) ==
RoundUp(sizeof(intptr_t) + sizeof(T), sizeof(uint64_t)));
void Add(T value) {
T current = value_.load(std::memory_order::memory_order_relaxed);
T new_value;
do {
new_value = AccumulatorFunction(current, value);
// If the value didn't change, don't bother storing it.
if (current == new_value) {
} while (!value_.compare_exchange_weak(
current, new_value, std::memory_order::memory_order_relaxed));
// Report the metric as a counter, since this has only a single value.
void Report(MetricsBackend* backend) const {
backend->ReportCounter(datum_id, static_cast<uint64_t>(Value()));
void Reset() {
value_ = 0;
T Value() const { return value_.load(std::memory_order::memory_order_relaxed); }
std::atomic<T> value_;
friend class ArtMetrics;
// A backend that writes metrics in a human-readable format to a string.
// This is used as a base for LogBackend and FileBackend.
class StringBackend : public MetricsBackend {
void BeginSession(const SessionData& session_data) override;
void BeginReport(uint64_t timestamp_millis) override;
void ReportCounter(DatumId counter_type, uint64_t value) override;
void ReportHistogram(DatumId histogram_type,
int64_t low_value,
int64_t high_value,
const std::vector<uint32_t>& buckets) override;
void EndReport() override;
std::string GetAndResetBuffer();
std::ostringstream os_;
std::optional<SessionData> session_data_;
// A backend that writes metrics in human-readable format to the log (i.e. logcat).
class LogBackend : public StringBackend {
explicit LogBackend(android::base::LogSeverity level);
void BeginReport(uint64_t timestamp_millis) override;
void EndReport() override;
android::base::LogSeverity level_;
// A backend that writes metrics to a file.
// These are currently written in the same human-readable format used by StringBackend and
// LogBackend, but we will probably want a more machine-readable format in the future.
class FileBackend : public StringBackend {
explicit FileBackend(const std::string& filename);
void BeginReport(uint64_t timestamp_millis) override;
void EndReport() override;
std::string filename_;
* AutoTimer simplifies time-based metrics collection.
* Several modes are supported. In the default case, the timer starts immediately and stops when it
* goes out of scope. Example:
* {
* AutoTimer timer{metric};
* DoStuff();
* // timer stops and updates metric automatically here.
* }
* You can also stop the timer early:
* timer.Stop();
* Finally, you can choose to not automatically start the timer at the beginning by passing false as
* the second argument to the constructor:
* AutoTimer timer{metric, false};
* DoNotTimeThis();
* timer.Start();
* TimeThis();
* Manually started timers will still automatically stop in the destructor, but they can be manually
* stopped as well.
* Note that AutoTimer makes calls to MicroTime(), so this may not be suitable on critical paths, or
* in cases where the counter needs to be started and stopped on different threads.
template <typename Metric>
class AutoTimer {
explicit AutoTimer(Metric* metric, bool autostart = true)
: running_{false}, start_time_microseconds_{}, metric_{metric} {
if (autostart) {
~AutoTimer() {
if (running_) {
void Start() {
running_ = true;
start_time_microseconds_ = MicroTime();
// Stops a running timer. Returns the time elapsed since starting the timer in microseconds.
uint64_t Stop() {
uint64_t stop_time_microseconds = MicroTime();
running_ = false;
uint64_t elapsed_time = stop_time_microseconds - start_time_microseconds_;
metric_->Add(static_cast<typename Metric::value_t>(elapsed_time));
return elapsed_time;
bool running_;
uint64_t start_time_microseconds_;
Metric* metric_;
* This struct contains all of the metrics that ART reports.
class ArtMetrics {
void ReportAllMetrics(MetricsBackend* backend) const;
void DumpForSigQuit(std::ostream& os) const;
// Resets all metrics to their initial value. This is intended to be used after forking from the
// zygote so we don't attribute parent values to the child process.
void Reset();
#define METRIC_ACCESSORS(name, Kind, ...) \
Kind<DatumId::k##name, ##__VA_ARGS__>* name() { return &name##_; } \
const Kind<DatumId::k##name, ##__VA_ARGS__>* name() const { return &name##_; }
uint64_t beginning_timestamp_;
#define METRIC(name, Kind, ...) Kind<DatumId::k##name, ##__VA_ARGS__> name##_;
#undef METRIC
// Returns a human readable name for the given DatumId.
std::string DatumName(DatumId datum);
// We also log the thread type for metrics so we can distinguish things that block the UI thread
// from things that happen on the background thread. This enum keeps track of what thread types we
// support.
enum class ThreadType {
} // namespace metrics
} // namespace art
#pragma clang diagnostic pop // -Wconversion