blob: 6e453af6160dbda648242def27dddf963f97e3af [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
interface SuperInterface {
void superInterfaceMethod();
interface OtherInterface extends SuperInterface {
interface Interface extends SuperInterface {
void $noinline$f();
class Super implements Interface {
public void superInterfaceMethod() {}
public void $noinline$f() {
throw new RuntimeException();
public int $inline$h(boolean cond) {
Super obj = (cond ? this : null);
return obj.hashCode();
class SubclassA extends Super {
public void $noinline$f() {
throw new RuntimeException();
public String $noinline$h() {
throw new RuntimeException();
void $noinline$g() {
throw new RuntimeException();
class SubclassC extends SubclassA {
class SubclassB extends Super {
public void $noinline$f() {
throw new RuntimeException();
void $noinline$g() {
throw new RuntimeException();
class Generic<A> {
private A a = null;
public A get() {
return a;
final class Final {}
final class FinalException extends Exception {}
public class Main {
/// CHECK-START: void Main.testSimpleRemove() instruction_simplifier (before)
/// CHECK: CheckCast
/// CHECK-START: void Main.testSimpleRemove() instruction_simplifier (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: CheckCast
public void testSimpleRemove() {
Super s = new SubclassA();
/// CHECK-START: void Main.testSimpleKeep(Super) instruction_simplifier (before)
/// CHECK: CheckCast
/// CHECK-START: void Main.testSimpleKeep(Super) instruction_simplifier (after)
/// CHECK: CheckCast
public void testSimpleKeep(Super s) {
/// CHECK-START: java.lang.String Main.testClassRemove() instruction_simplifier (before)
/// CHECK: CheckCast
/// CHECK-START: java.lang.String Main.testClassRemove() instruction_simplifier (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: CheckCast
public String testClassRemove() {
Object s = SubclassA.class;
return ((Class<?>)s).getName();
/// CHECK-START: java.lang.String Main.testClassKeep() instruction_simplifier (before)
/// CHECK: CheckCast
/// CHECK-START: java.lang.String Main.testClassKeep() instruction_simplifier (after)
/// CHECK: CheckCast
public String testClassKeep() {
Object s = SubclassA.class;
return ((SubclassA)s).$noinline$h();
/// CHECK-START: void Main.testIfRemove(int) instruction_simplifier (before)
/// CHECK: CheckCast
/// CHECK-START: void Main.testIfRemove(int) instruction_simplifier (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: CheckCast
public void testIfRemove(int x) {
Super s;
if (x % 2 == 0) {
s = new SubclassA();
} else {
s = new SubclassC();
/// CHECK-START: void Main.testIfKeep(int) instruction_simplifier (before)
/// CHECK: CheckCast
/// CHECK-START: void Main.testIfKeep(int) instruction_simplifier (after)
/// CHECK: CheckCast
public void testIfKeep(int x) {
Super s;
if (x % 2 == 0) {
s = new SubclassA();
} else {
s = new SubclassB();
/// CHECK-START: void Main.testForRemove(int) instruction_simplifier (before)
/// CHECK: CheckCast
/// CHECK-START: void Main.testForRemove(int) instruction_simplifier (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: CheckCast
public void testForRemove(int x) {
Super s = new SubclassA();
for (int i = 0 ; i < x; i++) {
if (x % 2 == 0) {
s = new SubclassC();
/// CHECK-START: void Main.testForKeep(int) instruction_simplifier (before)
/// CHECK: CheckCast
/// CHECK-START: void Main.testForKeep(int) instruction_simplifier (after)
/// CHECK: CheckCast
public void testForKeep(int x) {
Super s = new SubclassA();
for (int i = 0 ; i < x; i++) {
if (x % 2 == 0) {
s = new SubclassC();
/// CHECK-START: void Main.testPhiFromCall(int) instruction_simplifier (before)
/// CHECK: CheckCast
/// CHECK-START: void Main.testPhiFromCall(int) instruction_simplifier (after)
/// CHECK: CheckCast
public void testPhiFromCall(int i) {
Object x;
if (i % 2 == 0) {
x = new SubclassC();
} else {
x = newObject(); // this one will have an unknown type.
/// CHECK-START: void Main.testInstanceOf(java.lang.Object) instruction_simplifier (before)
/// CHECK: CheckCast
/// CHECK: CheckCast
/// CHECK-NOT: CheckCast
/// CHECK-START: void Main.testInstanceOf(java.lang.Object) instruction_simplifier (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: CheckCast
public void testInstanceOf(Object o) {
if (o instanceof SubclassC) {
if (o instanceof SubclassB) {
public static boolean $inline$InstanceofSubclassB(Object o) { return o instanceof SubclassB; }
public static boolean $inline$InstanceofSubclassC(Object o) { return o instanceof SubclassC; }
/// CHECK-START: void Main.testInstanceOf_Inlined(java.lang.Object) inliner (after)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<IOf:z\d+>> InstanceOf
/// CHECK-DAG: If [<<IOf>>]
/// CHECK-START: void Main.testInstanceOf_Inlined(java.lang.Object) instruction_simplifier$after_bce (before)
/// CHECK: CheckCast
/// CHECK-NOT: CheckCast
/// CHECK-START: void Main.testInstanceOf_Inlined(java.lang.Object) instruction_simplifier$after_bce (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: CheckCast
public void testInstanceOf_Inlined(Object o) {
if (!$inline$InstanceofSubclassC(o)) {
// Empty branch to flip the condition.
} else {
/// CHECK-START: void Main.testInstanceOfKeep(java.lang.Object) instruction_simplifier (before)
/// CHECK: CheckCast
/// CHECK: CheckCast
/// CHECK-START: void Main.testInstanceOfKeep(java.lang.Object) instruction_simplifier (after)
/// CHECK: CheckCast
/// CHECK: CheckCast
public void testInstanceOfKeep(Object o) {
if (o instanceof SubclassC) {
if (o instanceof SubclassB) {
/// CHECK-START: void Main.testInstanceOfNested(java.lang.Object) instruction_simplifier (before)
/// CHECK: CheckCast
/// CHECK: CheckCast
/// CHECK-START: void Main.testInstanceOfNested(java.lang.Object) instruction_simplifier (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: CheckCast
public void testInstanceOfNested(Object o) {
if (o instanceof SubclassC) {
if (o instanceof SubclassB) {
} else {
/// CHECK-START: void Main.testInstanceOfWithPhi(int) instruction_simplifier (before)
/// CHECK: CheckCast
/// CHECK-START: void Main.testInstanceOfWithPhi(int) instruction_simplifier (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: CheckCast
public void testInstanceOfWithPhi(int i) {
Object o;
if (i == 0) {
o = new SubclassA();
} else {
o = new SubclassB();
if (o instanceof SubclassB) {
/// CHECK-START: void Main.testInstanceOfInFor(int) instruction_simplifier (before)
/// CHECK: CheckCast
/// CHECK-START: void Main.testInstanceOfInFor(int) instruction_simplifier (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: CheckCast
public void testInstanceOfInFor(int n) {
Object o = new SubclassA();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (i / 2 == 0) {
o = new SubclassB();
if (o instanceof SubclassB) {
/// CHECK-START: void Main.testInstanceOfSubclass() instruction_simplifier (before)
/// CHECK: CheckCast
/// CHECK-START: void Main.testInstanceOfSubclass() instruction_simplifier (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: CheckCast
public void testInstanceOfSubclass() {
Object o = new SubclassA();
if (o instanceof Super) {
/// CHECK-START: void Main.testInstanceOfWithPhiSubclass(int) instruction_simplifier (before)
/// CHECK: CheckCast
/// CHECK-START: void Main.testInstanceOfWithPhiSubclass(int) instruction_simplifier (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: CheckCast
public void testInstanceOfWithPhiSubclass(int i) {
Object o;
if (i == 0) {
o = new SubclassA();
} else {
o = new SubclassC();
if (o instanceof Super) {
/// CHECK-START: void Main.testInstanceOfWithPhiTop(int) instruction_simplifier (before)
/// CHECK: CheckCast
/// CHECK-START: void Main.testInstanceOfWithPhiTop(int) instruction_simplifier (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: CheckCast
public void testInstanceOfWithPhiTop(int i) {
Object o;
if (i == 0) {
o = new Object();
} else {
o = new SubclassC();
if (o instanceof Super) {
/// CHECK-START: void Main.testInstanceOfSubclassInFor(int) instruction_simplifier (before)
/// CHECK: CheckCast
/// CHECK-START: void Main.testInstanceOfSubclassInFor(int) instruction_simplifier (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: CheckCast
public void testInstanceOfSubclassInFor(int n) {
Object o = new SubclassA();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (o instanceof Super) {
if (i / 2 == 0) {
o = new SubclassC();
/// CHECK-START: void Main.testInstanceOfTopInFor(int) instruction_simplifier (before)
/// CHECK: CheckCast
/// CHECK-START: void Main.testInstanceOfTopInFor(int) instruction_simplifier (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: CheckCast
public void testInstanceOfTopInFor(int n) {
Object o = new SubclassA();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (o instanceof Super) {
if (i / 2 == 0) {
o = new Object();
public Object newObject() {
try {
return Object.class.newInstance();
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
public SubclassA a = new SubclassA();
public static SubclassA b = new SubclassA();
/// CHECK-START: void Main.testInstanceFieldGetSimpleRemove() instruction_simplifier (before)
/// CHECK: CheckCast
/// CHECK-START: void Main.testInstanceFieldGetSimpleRemove() instruction_simplifier (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: CheckCast
public void testInstanceFieldGetSimpleRemove() {
Main m = new Main();
Super a = m.a;
/// CHECK-START: void Main.testStaticFieldGetSimpleRemove() instruction_simplifier (before)
/// CHECK: CheckCast
/// CHECK-START: void Main.testStaticFieldGetSimpleRemove() instruction_simplifier (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: CheckCast
public void testStaticFieldGetSimpleRemove() {
Super b = Main.b;
public SubclassA $noinline$getSubclass() { throw new RuntimeException(); }
/// CHECK-START: void Main.testArraySimpleRemove() instruction_simplifier (before)
/// CHECK: CheckCast
/// CHECK-START: void Main.testArraySimpleRemove() instruction_simplifier (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: CheckCast
public void testArraySimpleRemove() {
Super[] b = new SubclassA[10];
SubclassA[] c = (SubclassA[])b;
/// CHECK-START: void Main.testInvokeSimpleRemove() instruction_simplifier (before)
/// CHECK: CheckCast
/// CHECK-START: void Main.testInvokeSimpleRemove() instruction_simplifier (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: CheckCast
public void testInvokeSimpleRemove() {
Super b = $noinline$getSubclass();
/// CHECK-START: void Main.testArrayGetSimpleRemove() instruction_simplifier (before)
/// CHECK: CheckCast
/// CHECK-START: void Main.testArrayGetSimpleRemove() instruction_simplifier (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: CheckCast
public void testArrayGetSimpleRemove() {
Super[] a = new SubclassA[10];
/// CHECK-START: int Main.testLoadExceptionInCatchNonExact(int, int) builder (after)
/// CHECK: LoadException klass:java.lang.ArithmeticException can_be_null:false exact:false
public int testLoadExceptionInCatchNonExact(int x, int y) {
try {
return x / y;
} catch (ArithmeticException ex) {
return ex.hashCode();
/// CHECK-START: int Main.testLoadExceptionInCatchExact(int) builder (after)
/// CHECK: LoadException klass:FinalException can_be_null:false exact:true
public int testLoadExceptionInCatchExact(int x) {
try {
if (x == 42) {
throw new FinalException();
} else {
return x;
} catch (FinalException ex) {
return ex.hashCode();
/// CHECK-START: int Main.testLoadExceptionInCatchAll(int, int) builder (after)
/// CHECK: LoadException klass:java.lang.Throwable can_be_null:false exact:false
public int testLoadExceptionInCatchAll(int x, int y) {
try {
x = x / y;
} finally {
return x;
private Generic<SubclassC> genericC = new Generic<SubclassC>();
private Generic<Final> genericFinal = new Generic<Final>();
private SubclassC get() {
return genericC.get();
private Final getFinal() {
return genericFinal.get();
/// CHECK-START: SubclassC Main.inlineGenerics() builder (after)
/// CHECK: <<Invoke:l\d+>> InvokeStaticOrDirect klass:SubclassC exact:false
/// CHECK-NEXT: Return [<<Invoke>>]
/// CHECK-START: SubclassC Main.inlineGenerics() inliner (after)
/// CHECK: <<BoundType:l\d+>> BoundType klass:SubclassC exact:false
/// CHECK: Return [<<BoundType>>]
private SubclassC inlineGenerics() {
SubclassC c = get();
return c;
/// CHECK-START: Final Main.inlineGenericsFinal() builder (after)
/// CHECK: <<Invoke:l\d+>> InvokeStaticOrDirect klass:Final exact:true
/// CHECK-NEXT: Return [<<Invoke>>]
/// CHECK-START: Final Main.inlineGenericsFinal() inliner (after)
/// CHECK: <<BoundType:l\d+>> BoundType klass:Final exact:true
/// CHECK: Return [<<BoundType>>]
private Final inlineGenericsFinal() {
Final f = getFinal();
return f;
/// CHECK-START: void Main.boundOnlyOnceIfNotNull(java.lang.Object) inliner (after)
/// CHECK: BoundType
/// CHECK-NOT: BoundType
private void boundOnlyOnceIfNotNull(Object o) {
if (o != null) {
/// CHECK-START: void Main.boundOnlyOnceIfInstanceOf(java.lang.Object) inliner (after)
/// CHECK: BoundType
/// CHECK-NOT: BoundType
private void boundOnlyOnceIfInstanceOf(Object o) {
if (o instanceof Main) {
/// CHECK-START: Final Main.boundOnlyOnceCheckCast(Generic) inliner (after)
/// CHECK: BoundType
/// CHECK-NOT: BoundType
private Final boundOnlyOnceCheckCast(Generic<Final> o) {
Final f = o.get();
return f;
private Super getSuper() {
return new SubclassA();
/// CHECK-START: void Main.updateNodesInTheSameBlockAsPhi(boolean) builder (after)
/// CHECK: <<Phi:l\d+>> Phi klass:Super
/// CHECK: NullCheck [<<Phi>>] klass:Super
/// CHECK-START: void Main.updateNodesInTheSameBlockAsPhi(boolean) inliner (after)
/// CHECK: <<Phi:l\d+>> Phi klass:SubclassA
/// CHECK: NullCheck [<<Phi>>] klass:SubclassA
private void updateNodesInTheSameBlockAsPhi(boolean cond) {
Super s = getSuper();
if (cond) {
s = new SubclassA();
/// CHECK-START: java.lang.String Main.checkcastPreserveNullCheck(java.lang.Object) inliner (after)
/// CHECK: <<This:l\d+>> ParameterValue
/// CHECK: <<Param:l\d+>> ParameterValue
/// CHECK: <<Clazz:l\d+>> LoadClass
/// CHECK: CheckCast [<<Param>>,<<Clazz>>]
/// CHECK: BoundType [<<Param>>] can_be_null:true
/// CHECK-START: java.lang.String Main.checkcastPreserveNullCheck(java.lang.Object) instruction_simplifier (after)
/// CHECK: <<This:l\d+>> ParameterValue
/// CHECK: <<Param:l\d+>> ParameterValue
/// CHECK: <<Clazz:l\d+>> LoadClass
/// CHECK: CheckCast [<<Param>>,<<Clazz>>]
/// CHECK: <<Bound:l\d+>> BoundType [<<Param>>]
/// CHECK: NullCheck [<<Bound>>]
public String checkcastPreserveNullCheck(Object a) {
return ((SubclassA)a).toString();
/// CHECK-START: void Main.argumentCheck(Super, double, SubclassA, Final) builder (after)
/// CHECK: ParameterValue klass:Main can_be_null:false exact:false
/// CHECK: ParameterValue klass:Super can_be_null:true exact:false
/// CHECK: ParameterValue
/// CHECK: ParameterValue klass:SubclassA can_be_null:true exact:false
/// CHECK: ParameterValue klass:Final can_be_null:true exact:true
/// CHECK-NOT: ParameterValue
private void argumentCheck(Super s, double d, SubclassA a, Final f) {
private Main getNull() {
return null;
private int mainField = 0;
/// CHECK-START: SuperInterface Main.getWiderType(boolean, Interface, OtherInterface) builder (after)
/// CHECK: <<Phi:l\d+>> Phi klass:java.lang.Object
/// CHECK: Return [<<Phi>>]
private SuperInterface getWiderType(boolean cond, Interface a, OtherInterface b) {
return cond ? a : b;
/// CHECK-START: void Main.testInlinerWidensReturnType(boolean, Interface, OtherInterface) inliner (before)
/// CHECK: <<Invoke:l\d+>> InvokeStaticOrDirect klass:SuperInterface
/// CHECK: <<NullCheck:l\d+>> NullCheck [<<Invoke>>] klass:SuperInterface exact:false
/// CHECK: InvokeInterface [<<NullCheck>>]
/// CHECK-START: void Main.testInlinerWidensReturnType(boolean, Interface, OtherInterface) inliner (after)
/// CHECK: <<Phi:l\d+>> Phi klass:java.lang.Object
/// CHECK: <<NullCheck:l\d+>> NullCheck [<<Phi>>] klass:SuperInterface exact:false
/// CHECK: InvokeInterface [<<NullCheck>>]
private void testInlinerWidensReturnType(boolean cond, Interface a, OtherInterface b) {
getWiderType(cond, a, b).superInterfaceMethod();
/// CHECK-START: void Main.testInlinerReturnsNull() inliner (before)
/// CHECK: <<Int:i\d+>> IntConstant 0
/// CHECK: <<Invoke:l\d+>> InvokeStaticOrDirect klass:Main
/// CHECK: <<NullCheck:l\d+>> NullCheck [<<Invoke>>] klass:Main exact:false
/// CHECK: InstanceFieldSet [<<NullCheck>>,<<Int>>]
/// CHECK-START: void Main.testInlinerReturnsNull() inliner (after)
/// CHECK: <<Int:i\d+>> IntConstant 0
/// CHECK: <<Null:l\d+>> NullConstant klass:java.lang.Object
/// CHECK: <<NullCheck:l\d+>> NullCheck [<<Null>>] klass:Main exact:false
/// CHECK: InstanceFieldSet [<<NullCheck>>,<<Int>>]
private void testInlinerReturnsNull() {
Main o = getNull();
o.mainField = 0;
/// CHECK-START: void Main.testThisArgumentMoreSpecific(boolean) inliner (before)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Arg:l\d+>> NewInstance
/// CHECK-DAG: InvokeVirtual [<<Arg>>,{{z\d+}}] method_name:Super.$inline$h
/// CHECK-START: void Main.testThisArgumentMoreSpecific(boolean) inliner (after)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Arg:l\d+>> NewInstance
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Null:l\d+>> NullConstant
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Phi:l\d+>> Phi [<<Arg>>,<<Null>>] klass:SubclassA
/// CHECK-DAG: <<NCPhi:l\d+>> NullCheck [<<Phi>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: InvokeVirtual [<<NCPhi>>] method_name:Super.hashCode
public void testThisArgumentMoreSpecific(boolean cond) {
// Inlining method from Super will build it with `this` typed as Super.
// Running RTP will sharpen it to SubclassA.
SubclassA obj = new SubclassA();
((Super) obj).$inline$h(cond);
public static int $inline$hashCode(Super obj) {
return obj.hashCode();
/// CHECK-START: void Main.testExplicitArgumentMoreSpecific(SubclassA) inliner (before)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Arg:l\d+>> ParameterValue klass:SubclassA
// Note: The ArtMethod* (typed as int or long) is optional after sharpening.
/// CHECK-DAG: InvokeStaticOrDirect [<<Arg>>{{(,[ij]\d+)?}}] method_name:Main.$inline$hashCode
/// CHECK-START: void Main.testExplicitArgumentMoreSpecific(SubclassA) inliner (after)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Arg:l\d+>> ParameterValue klass:SubclassA
/// CHECK-DAG: <<NCArg:l\d+>> NullCheck [<<Arg>>] klass:SubclassA
/// CHECK-DAG: InvokeVirtual [<<NCArg>>] method_name:Super.hashCode
public void testExplicitArgumentMoreSpecific(SubclassA obj) {
// Inlining a method will build it with reference types from its signature,
// here the callee graph is built with Super as the type of its only argument.
// Running RTP after its ParameterValue instructions are replaced with actual
// arguments will type the inner graph more precisely.
/// CHECK-START: void Main.testPhiHasOnlyNullInputs(boolean) inliner (before)
/// CHECK: <<Int:i\d+>> IntConstant 0
/// CHECK: <<Phi:l\d+>> Phi klass:Main exact:false
/// CHECK: <<NullCheck:l\d+>> NullCheck [<<Phi>>] klass:Main exact:false
/// CHECK: InstanceFieldSet [<<NullCheck>>,<<Int>>]
/// CHECK-START: void Main.testPhiHasOnlyNullInputs(boolean) inliner (after)
/// CHECK: <<Int:i\d+>> IntConstant 0
/// CHECK: <<Null:l\d+>> NullConstant klass:java.lang.Object
/// CHECK: <<Phi:l\d+>> Phi [<<Null>>,<<Null>>] klass:java.lang.Object exact:false
/// CHECK: <<NullCheck:l\d+>> NullCheck [<<Phi>>] klass:java.lang.Object exact:false
/// CHECK: InstanceFieldSet [<<NullCheck>>,<<Int>>]
private void testPhiHasOnlyNullInputs(boolean cond) {
Main o = cond ? null : getNull();
o.mainField = 0;
// getSuper() will force a type propagation after inlining
// because returns a more precise type.
/// CHECK-START: void Main.testLoopPhiWithNullFirstInput(boolean) builder (after)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Null:l\d+>> NullConstant
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Main:l\d+>> NewInstance klass:Main exact:true
/// CHECK-DAG: <<LoopPhi:l\d+>> Phi [<<Null>>,<<LoopPhi>>,<<Main>>] klass:Main exact:true
private void testLoopPhiWithNullFirstInput(boolean cond) {
Main a = null;
while (a == null) {
if (cond) {
a = new Main();
/// CHECK-START: java.lang.Object[] Main.testInstructionsWithUntypedParent() builder (after)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Null:l\d+>> NullConstant
/// CHECK-DAG: <<LoopPhi:l\d+>> Phi [<<Null>>,<<Phi:l\d+>>] klass:java.lang.Object[] exact:true
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Array:l\d+>> NewArray klass:java.lang.Object[] exact:true
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Phi>> Phi [<<Array>>,<<LoopPhi>>] klass:java.lang.Object[] exact:true
/// CHECK-DAG: <<NC:l\d+>> NullCheck [<<LoopPhi>>] klass:java.lang.Object[] exact:true
/// CHECK-DAG: ArrayGet [<<NC>>,{{i\d+}}] klass:java.lang.Object exact:false
private Object[] testInstructionsWithUntypedParent() {
Object[] array = null;
boolean cond = true;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
if (cond) {
array = new Object[10];
array[0] = new Object();
cond = false;
} else {
array[i] = array[0];
return array;
public static void main(String[] args) {