blob: 8e6d9a8ef8af70161d9f5b4897dae9a8c1ca7cb8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "arm_lir.h"
#include "codegen_arm.h"
#include "dex/quick/mir_to_lir-inl.h"
namespace art {
/* This file contains codegen for the Thumb ISA. */
static int32_t EncodeImmSingle(int32_t value) {
int32_t res;
int32_t bit_a = (value & 0x80000000) >> 31;
int32_t not_bit_b = (value & 0x40000000) >> 30;
int32_t bit_b = (value & 0x20000000) >> 29;
int32_t b_smear = (value & 0x3e000000) >> 25;
int32_t slice = (value & 0x01f80000) >> 19;
int32_t zeroes = (value & 0x0007ffff);
if (zeroes != 0)
return -1;
if (bit_b) {
if ((not_bit_b != 0) || (b_smear != 0x1f))
return -1;
} else {
if ((not_bit_b != 1) || (b_smear != 0x0))
return -1;
res = (bit_a << 7) | (bit_b << 6) | slice;
return res;
* Determine whether value can be encoded as a Thumb2 floating point
* immediate. If not, return -1. If so return encoded 8-bit value.
static int32_t EncodeImmDouble(int64_t value) {
int32_t res;
int32_t bit_a = (value & INT64_C(0x8000000000000000)) >> 63;
int32_t not_bit_b = (value & INT64_C(0x4000000000000000)) >> 62;
int32_t bit_b = (value & INT64_C(0x2000000000000000)) >> 61;
int32_t b_smear = (value & INT64_C(0x3fc0000000000000)) >> 54;
int32_t slice = (value & INT64_C(0x003f000000000000)) >> 48;
uint64_t zeroes = (value & INT64_C(0x0000ffffffffffff));
if (zeroes != 0ull)
return -1;
if (bit_b) {
if ((not_bit_b != 0) || (b_smear != 0xff))
return -1;
} else {
if ((not_bit_b != 1) || (b_smear != 0x0))
return -1;
res = (bit_a << 7) | (bit_b << 6) | slice;
return res;
LIR* ArmMir2Lir::LoadFPConstantValue(int r_dest, int value) {
if (value == 0) {
// TODO: we need better info about the target CPU. a vector exclusive or
// would probably be better here if we could rely on its existance.
// Load an immediate +2.0 (which encodes to 0)
NewLIR2(kThumb2Vmovs_IMM8, r_dest, 0);
// +0.0 = +2.0 - +2.0
return NewLIR3(kThumb2Vsubs, r_dest, r_dest, r_dest);
} else {
int encoded_imm = EncodeImmSingle(value);
if (encoded_imm >= 0) {
return NewLIR2(kThumb2Vmovs_IMM8, r_dest, encoded_imm);
LIR* data_target = ScanLiteralPool(literal_list_, value, 0);
if (data_target == NULL) {
data_target = AddWordData(&literal_list_, value);
LIR* load_pc_rel = RawLIR(current_dalvik_offset_, kThumb2Vldrs,
r_dest, r15pc, 0, 0, 0, data_target);
SetMemRefType(load_pc_rel, true, kLiteral);
return load_pc_rel;
static int LeadingZeros(uint32_t val) {
uint32_t alt;
int32_t n;
int32_t count;
count = 16;
n = 32;
do {
alt = val >> count;
if (alt != 0) {
n = n - count;
val = alt;
count >>= 1;
} while (count);
return n - val;
* Determine whether value can be encoded as a Thumb2 modified
* immediate. If not, return -1. If so, return i:imm3:a:bcdefgh form.
int ArmMir2Lir::ModifiedImmediate(uint32_t value) {
int32_t z_leading;
int32_t z_trailing;
uint32_t b0 = value & 0xff;
/* Note: case of value==0 must use 0:000:0:0000000 encoding */
if (value <= 0xFF)
return b0; // 0:000:a:bcdefgh
if (value == ((b0 << 16) | b0))
return (0x1 << 8) | b0; /* 0:001:a:bcdefgh */
if (value == ((b0 << 24) | (b0 << 16) | (b0 << 8) | b0))
return (0x3 << 8) | b0; /* 0:011:a:bcdefgh */
b0 = (value >> 8) & 0xff;
if (value == ((b0 << 24) | (b0 << 8)))
return (0x2 << 8) | b0; /* 0:010:a:bcdefgh */
/* Can we do it with rotation? */
z_leading = LeadingZeros(value);
z_trailing = 32 - LeadingZeros(~value & (value - 1));
/* A run of eight or fewer active bits? */
if ((z_leading + z_trailing) < 24)
return -1; /* No - bail */
/* left-justify the constant, discarding msb (known to be 1) */
value <<= z_leading + 1;
/* Create bcdefgh */
value >>= 25;
/* Put it all together */
return value | ((0x8 + z_leading) << 7); /* [01000..11111]:bcdefgh */
bool ArmMir2Lir::InexpensiveConstantInt(int32_t value) {
return (ModifiedImmediate(value) >= 0) || (ModifiedImmediate(~value) >= 0);
bool ArmMir2Lir::InexpensiveConstantFloat(int32_t value) {
return EncodeImmSingle(value) >= 0;
bool ArmMir2Lir::InexpensiveConstantLong(int64_t value) {
return InexpensiveConstantInt(High32Bits(value)) && InexpensiveConstantInt(Low32Bits(value));
bool ArmMir2Lir::InexpensiveConstantDouble(int64_t value) {
return EncodeImmDouble(value) >= 0;
* Load a immediate using a shortcut if possible; otherwise
* grab from the per-translation literal pool.
* No additional register clobbering operation performed. Use this version when
* 1) r_dest is freshly returned from AllocTemp or
* 2) The codegen is under fixed register usage
LIR* ArmMir2Lir::LoadConstantNoClobber(RegStorage r_dest, int value) {
LIR* res;
int mod_imm;
if (ARM_FPREG(r_dest.GetReg())) {
return LoadFPConstantValue(r_dest.GetReg(), value);
/* See if the value can be constructed cheaply */
if (ARM_LOWREG(r_dest.GetReg()) && (value >= 0) && (value <= 255)) {
return NewLIR2(kThumbMovImm, r_dest.GetReg(), value);
/* Check Modified immediate special cases */
mod_imm = ModifiedImmediate(value);
if (mod_imm >= 0) {
res = NewLIR2(kThumb2MovI8M, r_dest.GetReg(), mod_imm);
return res;
mod_imm = ModifiedImmediate(~value);
if (mod_imm >= 0) {
res = NewLIR2(kThumb2MvnI8M, r_dest.GetReg(), mod_imm);
return res;
/* 16-bit immediate? */
if ((value & 0xffff) == value) {
res = NewLIR2(kThumb2MovImm16, r_dest.GetReg(), value);
return res;
/* Do a low/high pair */
res = NewLIR2(kThumb2MovImm16, r_dest.GetReg(), Low16Bits(value));
NewLIR2(kThumb2MovImm16H, r_dest.GetReg(), High16Bits(value));
return res;
LIR* ArmMir2Lir::OpUnconditionalBranch(LIR* target) {
LIR* res = NewLIR1(kThumbBUncond, 0 /* offset to be patched during assembly*/);
res->target = target;
return res;
LIR* ArmMir2Lir::OpCondBranch(ConditionCode cc, LIR* target) {
// This is kThumb2BCond instead of kThumbBCond for performance reasons. The assembly
// time required for a new pass after kThumbBCond is fixed up to kThumb2BCond is
// substantial.
LIR* branch = NewLIR2(kThumb2BCond, 0 /* offset to be patched */,
branch->target = target;
return branch;
LIR* ArmMir2Lir::OpReg(OpKind op, RegStorage r_dest_src) {
ArmOpcode opcode = kThumbBkpt;
switch (op) {
case kOpBlx:
opcode = kThumbBlxR;
case kOpBx:
opcode = kThumbBx;
LOG(FATAL) << "Bad opcode " << op;
return NewLIR1(opcode, r_dest_src.GetReg());
LIR* ArmMir2Lir::OpRegRegShift(OpKind op, RegStorage r_dest_src1, RegStorage r_src2,
int shift) {
bool thumb_form =
((shift == 0) && ARM_LOWREG(r_dest_src1.GetReg()) && ARM_LOWREG(r_src2.GetReg()));
ArmOpcode opcode = kThumbBkpt;
switch (op) {
case kOpAdc:
opcode = (thumb_form) ? kThumbAdcRR : kThumb2AdcRRR;
case kOpAnd:
opcode = (thumb_form) ? kThumbAndRR : kThumb2AndRRR;
case kOpBic:
opcode = (thumb_form) ? kThumbBicRR : kThumb2BicRRR;
case kOpCmn:
DCHECK_EQ(shift, 0);
opcode = (thumb_form) ? kThumbCmnRR : kThumb2CmnRR;
case kOpCmp:
if (thumb_form)
opcode = kThumbCmpRR;
else if ((shift == 0) && !ARM_LOWREG(r_dest_src1.GetReg()) && !ARM_LOWREG(r_src2.GetReg()))
opcode = kThumbCmpHH;
else if ((shift == 0) && ARM_LOWREG(r_dest_src1.GetReg()))
opcode = kThumbCmpLH;
else if (shift == 0)
opcode = kThumbCmpHL;
opcode = kThumb2CmpRR;
case kOpXor:
opcode = (thumb_form) ? kThumbEorRR : kThumb2EorRRR;
case kOpMov:
DCHECK_EQ(shift, 0);
if (ARM_LOWREG(r_dest_src1.GetReg()) && ARM_LOWREG(r_src2.GetReg()))
opcode = kThumbMovRR;
else if (!ARM_LOWREG(r_dest_src1.GetReg()) && !ARM_LOWREG(r_src2.GetReg()))
opcode = kThumbMovRR_H2H;
else if (ARM_LOWREG(r_dest_src1.GetReg()))
opcode = kThumbMovRR_H2L;
opcode = kThumbMovRR_L2H;
case kOpMul:
DCHECK_EQ(shift, 0);
opcode = (thumb_form) ? kThumbMul : kThumb2MulRRR;
case kOpMvn:
opcode = (thumb_form) ? kThumbMvn : kThumb2MnvRR;
case kOpNeg:
DCHECK_EQ(shift, 0);
opcode = (thumb_form) ? kThumbNeg : kThumb2NegRR;
case kOpOr:
opcode = (thumb_form) ? kThumbOrr : kThumb2OrrRRR;
case kOpSbc:
opcode = (thumb_form) ? kThumbSbc : kThumb2SbcRRR;
case kOpTst:
opcode = (thumb_form) ? kThumbTst : kThumb2TstRR;
case kOpLsl:
DCHECK_EQ(shift, 0);
opcode = (thumb_form) ? kThumbLslRR : kThumb2LslRRR;
case kOpLsr:
DCHECK_EQ(shift, 0);
opcode = (thumb_form) ? kThumbLsrRR : kThumb2LsrRRR;
case kOpAsr:
DCHECK_EQ(shift, 0);
opcode = (thumb_form) ? kThumbAsrRR : kThumb2AsrRRR;
case kOpRor:
DCHECK_EQ(shift, 0);
opcode = (thumb_form) ? kThumbRorRR : kThumb2RorRRR;
case kOpAdd:
opcode = (thumb_form) ? kThumbAddRRR : kThumb2AddRRR;
case kOpSub:
opcode = (thumb_form) ? kThumbSubRRR : kThumb2SubRRR;
case kOpRev:
DCHECK_EQ(shift, 0);
if (!thumb_form) {
// Binary, but rm is encoded twice.
return NewLIR3(kThumb2RevRR, r_dest_src1.GetReg(), r_src2.GetReg(), r_src2.GetReg());
opcode = kThumbRev;
case kOpRevsh:
DCHECK_EQ(shift, 0);
if (!thumb_form) {
// Binary, but rm is encoded twice.
return NewLIR3(kThumb2RevshRR, r_dest_src1.GetReg(), r_src2.GetReg(), r_src2.GetReg());
opcode = kThumbRevsh;
case kOp2Byte:
DCHECK_EQ(shift, 0);
return NewLIR4(kThumb2Sbfx, r_dest_src1.GetReg(), r_src2.GetReg(), 0, 8);
case kOp2Short:
DCHECK_EQ(shift, 0);
return NewLIR4(kThumb2Sbfx, r_dest_src1.GetReg(), r_src2.GetReg(), 0, 16);
case kOp2Char:
DCHECK_EQ(shift, 0);
return NewLIR4(kThumb2Ubfx, r_dest_src1.GetReg(), r_src2.GetReg(), 0, 16);
LOG(FATAL) << "Bad opcode: " << op;
if (EncodingMap[opcode].flags & IS_BINARY_OP) {
return NewLIR2(opcode, r_dest_src1.GetReg(), r_src2.GetReg());
} else if (EncodingMap[opcode].flags & IS_TERTIARY_OP) {
if (EncodingMap[opcode].field_loc[2].kind == kFmtShift) {
return NewLIR3(opcode, r_dest_src1.GetReg(), r_src2.GetReg(), shift);
} else {
return NewLIR3(opcode, r_dest_src1.GetReg(), r_dest_src1.GetReg(), r_src2.GetReg());
} else if (EncodingMap[opcode].flags & IS_QUAD_OP) {
return NewLIR4(opcode, r_dest_src1.GetReg(), r_dest_src1.GetReg(), r_src2.GetReg(), shift);
} else {
LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected encoding operand count";
return NULL;
LIR* ArmMir2Lir::OpRegReg(OpKind op, RegStorage r_dest_src1, RegStorage r_src2) {
return OpRegRegShift(op, r_dest_src1, r_src2, 0);
LIR* ArmMir2Lir::OpMovRegMem(RegStorage r_dest, RegStorage r_base, int offset, MoveType move_type) {
return nullptr;
LIR* ArmMir2Lir::OpMovMemReg(RegStorage r_base, int offset, RegStorage r_src, MoveType move_type) {
return nullptr;
LIR* ArmMir2Lir::OpCondRegReg(OpKind op, ConditionCode cc, RegStorage r_dest, RegStorage r_src) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected use of OpCondRegReg for Arm";
return NULL;
LIR* ArmMir2Lir::OpRegRegRegShift(OpKind op, RegStorage r_dest, RegStorage r_src1,
RegStorage r_src2, int shift) {
ArmOpcode opcode = kThumbBkpt;
bool thumb_form = (shift == 0) && ARM_LOWREG(r_dest.GetReg()) && ARM_LOWREG(r_src1.GetReg()) &&
switch (op) {
case kOpAdd:
opcode = (thumb_form) ? kThumbAddRRR : kThumb2AddRRR;
case kOpSub:
opcode = (thumb_form) ? kThumbSubRRR : kThumb2SubRRR;
case kOpRsub:
opcode = kThumb2RsubRRR;
case kOpAdc:
opcode = kThumb2AdcRRR;
case kOpAnd:
opcode = kThumb2AndRRR;
case kOpBic:
opcode = kThumb2BicRRR;
case kOpXor:
opcode = kThumb2EorRRR;
case kOpMul:
DCHECK_EQ(shift, 0);
opcode = kThumb2MulRRR;
case kOpDiv:
DCHECK_EQ(shift, 0);
opcode = kThumb2SdivRRR;
case kOpOr:
opcode = kThumb2OrrRRR;
case kOpSbc:
opcode = kThumb2SbcRRR;
case kOpLsl:
DCHECK_EQ(shift, 0);
opcode = kThumb2LslRRR;
case kOpLsr:
DCHECK_EQ(shift, 0);
opcode = kThumb2LsrRRR;
case kOpAsr:
DCHECK_EQ(shift, 0);
opcode = kThumb2AsrRRR;
case kOpRor:
DCHECK_EQ(shift, 0);
opcode = kThumb2RorRRR;
LOG(FATAL) << "Bad opcode: " << op;
if (EncodingMap[opcode].flags & IS_QUAD_OP) {
return NewLIR4(opcode, r_dest.GetReg(), r_src1.GetReg(), r_src2.GetReg(), shift);
} else {
DCHECK(EncodingMap[opcode].flags & IS_TERTIARY_OP);
return NewLIR3(opcode, r_dest.GetReg(), r_src1.GetReg(), r_src2.GetReg());
LIR* ArmMir2Lir::OpRegRegReg(OpKind op, RegStorage r_dest, RegStorage r_src1, RegStorage r_src2) {
return OpRegRegRegShift(op, r_dest, r_src1, r_src2, 0);
LIR* ArmMir2Lir::OpRegRegImm(OpKind op, RegStorage r_dest, RegStorage r_src1, int value) {
LIR* res;
bool neg = (value < 0);
int32_t abs_value = (neg) ? -value : value;
ArmOpcode opcode = kThumbBkpt;
ArmOpcode alt_opcode = kThumbBkpt;
bool all_low_regs = (ARM_LOWREG(r_dest.GetReg()) && ARM_LOWREG(r_src1.GetReg()));
int32_t mod_imm = ModifiedImmediate(value);
switch (op) {
case kOpLsl:
if (all_low_regs)
return NewLIR3(kThumbLslRRI5, r_dest.GetReg(), r_src1.GetReg(), value);
return NewLIR3(kThumb2LslRRI5, r_dest.GetReg(), r_src1.GetReg(), value);
case kOpLsr:
if (all_low_regs)
return NewLIR3(kThumbLsrRRI5, r_dest.GetReg(), r_src1.GetReg(), value);
return NewLIR3(kThumb2LsrRRI5, r_dest.GetReg(), r_src1.GetReg(), value);
case kOpAsr:
if (all_low_regs)
return NewLIR3(kThumbAsrRRI5, r_dest.GetReg(), r_src1.GetReg(), value);
return NewLIR3(kThumb2AsrRRI5, r_dest.GetReg(), r_src1.GetReg(), value);
case kOpRor:
return NewLIR3(kThumb2RorRRI5, r_dest.GetReg(), r_src1.GetReg(), value);
case kOpAdd:
if (ARM_LOWREG(r_dest.GetReg()) && (r_src1 == rs_r13sp) &&
(value <= 1020) && ((value & 0x3) == 0)) {
return NewLIR3(kThumbAddSpRel, r_dest.GetReg(), r_src1.GetReg(), value >> 2);
} else if (ARM_LOWREG(r_dest.GetReg()) && (r_src1 == rs_r15pc) &&
(value <= 1020) && ((value & 0x3) == 0)) {
return NewLIR3(kThumbAddPcRel, r_dest.GetReg(), r_src1.GetReg(), value >> 2);
// Note: intentional fallthrough
case kOpSub:
if (all_low_regs && ((abs_value & 0x7) == abs_value)) {
if (op == kOpAdd)
opcode = (neg) ? kThumbSubRRI3 : kThumbAddRRI3;
opcode = (neg) ? kThumbAddRRI3 : kThumbSubRRI3;
return NewLIR3(opcode, r_dest.GetReg(), r_src1.GetReg(), abs_value);
if (mod_imm < 0) {
mod_imm = ModifiedImmediate(-value);
if (mod_imm >= 0) {
op = (op == kOpAdd) ? kOpSub : kOpAdd;
if (mod_imm < 0 && (abs_value & 0x3ff) == abs_value) {
// This is deliberately used only if modified immediate encoding is inadequate since
// we sometimes actually use the flags for small values but not necessarily low regs.
if (op == kOpAdd)
opcode = (neg) ? kThumb2SubRRI12 : kThumb2AddRRI12;
opcode = (neg) ? kThumb2AddRRI12 : kThumb2SubRRI12;
return NewLIR3(opcode, r_dest.GetReg(), r_src1.GetReg(), abs_value);
if (op == kOpSub) {
opcode = kThumb2SubRRI8M;
alt_opcode = kThumb2SubRRR;
} else {
opcode = kThumb2AddRRI8M;
alt_opcode = kThumb2AddRRR;
case kOpRsub:
opcode = kThumb2RsubRRI8M;
alt_opcode = kThumb2RsubRRR;
case kOpAdc:
opcode = kThumb2AdcRRI8M;
alt_opcode = kThumb2AdcRRR;
case kOpSbc:
opcode = kThumb2SbcRRI8M;
alt_opcode = kThumb2SbcRRR;
case kOpOr:
opcode = kThumb2OrrRRI8M;
alt_opcode = kThumb2OrrRRR;
case kOpAnd:
if (mod_imm < 0) {
mod_imm = ModifiedImmediate(~value);
if (mod_imm >= 0) {
return NewLIR3(kThumb2BicRRI8M, r_dest.GetReg(), r_src1.GetReg(), mod_imm);
opcode = kThumb2AndRRI8M;
alt_opcode = kThumb2AndRRR;
case kOpXor:
opcode = kThumb2EorRRI8M;
alt_opcode = kThumb2EorRRR;
case kOpMul:
// TUNING: power of 2, shift & add
mod_imm = -1;
alt_opcode = kThumb2MulRRR;
case kOpCmp: {
LIR* res;
if (mod_imm >= 0) {
res = NewLIR2(kThumb2CmpRI8M, r_src1.GetReg(), mod_imm);
} else {
mod_imm = ModifiedImmediate(-value);
if (mod_imm >= 0) {
res = NewLIR2(kThumb2CmnRI8M, r_src1.GetReg(), mod_imm);
} else {
RegStorage r_tmp = AllocTemp();
res = LoadConstant(r_tmp, value);
OpRegReg(kOpCmp, r_src1, r_tmp);
return res;
LOG(FATAL) << "Bad opcode: " << op;
if (mod_imm >= 0) {
return NewLIR3(opcode, r_dest.GetReg(), r_src1.GetReg(), mod_imm);
} else {
RegStorage r_scratch = AllocTemp();
LoadConstant(r_scratch, value);
if (EncodingMap[alt_opcode].flags & IS_QUAD_OP)
res = NewLIR4(alt_opcode, r_dest.GetReg(), r_src1.GetReg(), r_scratch.GetReg(), 0);
res = NewLIR3(alt_opcode, r_dest.GetReg(), r_src1.GetReg(), r_scratch.GetReg());
return res;
/* Handle Thumb-only variants here - otherwise punt to OpRegRegImm */
LIR* ArmMir2Lir::OpRegImm(OpKind op, RegStorage r_dest_src1, int value) {
bool neg = (value < 0);
int32_t abs_value = (neg) ? -value : value;
bool short_form = (((abs_value & 0xff) == abs_value) && ARM_LOWREG(r_dest_src1.GetReg()));
ArmOpcode opcode = kThumbBkpt;
switch (op) {
case kOpAdd:
if (!neg && (r_dest_src1 == rs_r13sp) && (value <= 508)) { /* sp */
DCHECK_EQ((value & 0x3), 0);
return NewLIR1(kThumbAddSpI7, value >> 2);
} else if (short_form) {
opcode = (neg) ? kThumbSubRI8 : kThumbAddRI8;
case kOpSub:
if (!neg && (r_dest_src1 == rs_r13sp) && (value <= 508)) { /* sp */
DCHECK_EQ((value & 0x3), 0);
return NewLIR1(kThumbSubSpI7, value >> 2);
} else if (short_form) {
opcode = (neg) ? kThumbAddRI8 : kThumbSubRI8;
case kOpCmp:
if (!neg && short_form) {
opcode = kThumbCmpRI8;
} else {
short_form = false;
/* Punt to OpRegRegImm - if bad case catch it there */
short_form = false;
if (short_form) {
return NewLIR2(opcode, r_dest_src1.GetReg(), abs_value);
} else {
return OpRegRegImm(op, r_dest_src1, r_dest_src1, value);
LIR* ArmMir2Lir::LoadConstantWide(RegStorage r_dest, int64_t value) {
LIR* res = NULL;
int32_t val_lo = Low32Bits(value);
int32_t val_hi = High32Bits(value);
int target_reg = S2d(r_dest.GetLowReg(), r_dest.GetHighReg());
if (ARM_FPREG(r_dest.GetLowReg())) {
if ((val_lo == 0) && (val_hi == 0)) {
// TODO: we need better info about the target CPU. a vector exclusive or
// would probably be better here if we could rely on its existance.
// Load an immediate +2.0 (which encodes to 0)
NewLIR2(kThumb2Vmovd_IMM8, target_reg, 0);
// +0.0 = +2.0 - +2.0
res = NewLIR3(kThumb2Vsubd, target_reg, target_reg, target_reg);
} else {
int encoded_imm = EncodeImmDouble(value);
if (encoded_imm >= 0) {
res = NewLIR2(kThumb2Vmovd_IMM8, target_reg, encoded_imm);
} else {
if ((InexpensiveConstantInt(val_lo) && (InexpensiveConstantInt(val_hi)))) {
res = LoadConstantNoClobber(r_dest.GetLow(), val_lo);
LoadConstantNoClobber(r_dest.GetHigh(), val_hi);
if (res == NULL) {
// No short form - load from the literal pool.
LIR* data_target = ScanLiteralPoolWide(literal_list_, val_lo, val_hi);
if (data_target == NULL) {
data_target = AddWideData(&literal_list_, val_lo, val_hi);
if (ARM_FPREG(r_dest.GetLowReg())) {
res = RawLIR(current_dalvik_offset_, kThumb2Vldrd,
target_reg, r15pc, 0, 0, 0, data_target);
} else {
res = RawLIR(current_dalvik_offset_, kThumb2LdrdPcRel8,
r_dest.GetLowReg(), r_dest.GetHighReg(), r15pc, 0, 0, data_target);
SetMemRefType(res, true, kLiteral);
return res;
int ArmMir2Lir::EncodeShift(int code, int amount) {
return ((amount & 0x1f) << 2) | code;
LIR* ArmMir2Lir::LoadBaseIndexed(RegStorage r_base, RegStorage r_index, RegStorage r_dest,
int scale, OpSize size) {
bool all_low_regs = ARM_LOWREG(r_base.GetReg()) && ARM_LOWREG(r_index.GetReg()) &&
LIR* load;
ArmOpcode opcode = kThumbBkpt;
bool thumb_form = (all_low_regs && (scale == 0));
RegStorage reg_ptr;
if (ARM_FPREG(r_dest.GetReg())) {
if (ARM_SINGLEREG(r_dest.GetReg())) {
DCHECK((size == kWord) || (size == kSingle));
opcode = kThumb2Vldrs;
size = kSingle;
} else {
DCHECK((size == kLong) || (size == kDouble));
DCHECK_EQ((r_dest.GetReg() & 0x1), 0);
opcode = kThumb2Vldrd;
size = kDouble;
} else {
if (size == kSingle)
size = kWord;
switch (size) {
case kDouble: // fall-through
case kSingle:
reg_ptr = AllocTemp();
if (scale) {
NewLIR4(kThumb2AddRRR, reg_ptr.GetReg(), r_base.GetReg(), r_index.GetReg(),
EncodeShift(kArmLsl, scale));
} else {
OpRegRegReg(kOpAdd, reg_ptr, r_base, r_index);
load = NewLIR3(opcode, r_dest.GetReg(), reg_ptr.GetReg(), 0);
return load;
case kWord:
opcode = (thumb_form) ? kThumbLdrRRR : kThumb2LdrRRR;
case kUnsignedHalf:
opcode = (thumb_form) ? kThumbLdrhRRR : kThumb2LdrhRRR;
case kSignedHalf:
opcode = (thumb_form) ? kThumbLdrshRRR : kThumb2LdrshRRR;
case kUnsignedByte:
opcode = (thumb_form) ? kThumbLdrbRRR : kThumb2LdrbRRR;
case kSignedByte:
opcode = (thumb_form) ? kThumbLdrsbRRR : kThumb2LdrsbRRR;
LOG(FATAL) << "Bad size: " << size;
if (thumb_form)
load = NewLIR3(opcode, r_dest.GetReg(), r_base.GetReg(), r_index.GetReg());
load = NewLIR4(opcode, r_dest.GetReg(), r_base.GetReg(), r_index.GetReg(), scale);
return load;
LIR* ArmMir2Lir::StoreBaseIndexed(RegStorage r_base, RegStorage r_index, RegStorage r_src,
int scale, OpSize size) {
bool all_low_regs = ARM_LOWREG(r_base.GetReg()) && ARM_LOWREG(r_index.GetReg()) &&
LIR* store = NULL;
ArmOpcode opcode = kThumbBkpt;
bool thumb_form = (all_low_regs && (scale == 0));
RegStorage reg_ptr;
if (ARM_FPREG(r_src.GetReg())) {
if (ARM_SINGLEREG(r_src.GetReg())) {
DCHECK((size == kWord) || (size == kSingle));
opcode = kThumb2Vstrs;
size = kSingle;
} else {
DCHECK((size == kLong) || (size == kDouble));
DCHECK_EQ((r_src.GetReg() & 0x1), 0);
opcode = kThumb2Vstrd;
size = kDouble;
} else {
if (size == kSingle)
size = kWord;
switch (size) {
case kDouble: // fall-through
case kSingle:
reg_ptr = AllocTemp();
if (scale) {
NewLIR4(kThumb2AddRRR, reg_ptr.GetReg(), r_base.GetReg(), r_index.GetReg(),
EncodeShift(kArmLsl, scale));
} else {
OpRegRegReg(kOpAdd, reg_ptr, r_base, r_index);
store = NewLIR3(opcode, r_src.GetReg(), reg_ptr.GetReg(), 0);
return store;
case kWord:
opcode = (thumb_form) ? kThumbStrRRR : kThumb2StrRRR;
case kUnsignedHalf:
case kSignedHalf:
opcode = (thumb_form) ? kThumbStrhRRR : kThumb2StrhRRR;
case kUnsignedByte:
case kSignedByte:
opcode = (thumb_form) ? kThumbStrbRRR : kThumb2StrbRRR;
LOG(FATAL) << "Bad size: " << size;
if (thumb_form)
store = NewLIR3(opcode, r_src.GetReg(), r_base.GetReg(), r_index.GetReg());
store = NewLIR4(opcode, r_src.GetReg(), r_base.GetReg(), r_index.GetReg(), scale);
return store;
* Load value from base + displacement. Optionally perform null check
* on base (which must have an associated s_reg and MIR). If not
* performing null check, incoming MIR can be null.
LIR* ArmMir2Lir::LoadBaseDispBody(RegStorage r_base, int displacement, RegStorage r_dest,
OpSize size, int s_reg) {
LIR* load = NULL;
ArmOpcode opcode = kThumbBkpt;
bool short_form = false;
bool thumb2Form = (displacement < 4092 && displacement >= 0);
bool all_low = r_dest.Is32Bit() && ARM_LOWREG(r_base.GetReg() && ARM_LOWREG(r_dest.GetReg()));
int encoded_disp = displacement;
bool already_generated = false;
int dest_low_reg = r_dest.IsPair() ? r_dest.GetLowReg() : r_dest.GetReg();
bool null_pointer_safepoint = false;
switch (size) {
case kDouble:
case kLong:
if (ARM_FPREG(dest_low_reg)) {
// Note: following change to avoid using pairs for doubles, replace conversion w/ DCHECK.
if (r_dest.IsPair()) {
r_dest = RegStorage::Solo64(S2d(r_dest.GetLowReg(), r_dest.GetHighReg()));
opcode = kThumb2Vldrd;
if (displacement <= 1020) {
short_form = true;
encoded_disp >>= 2;
} else {
if (displacement <= 1020) {
load = NewLIR4(kThumb2LdrdI8, r_dest.GetLowReg(), r_dest.GetHighReg(), r_base.GetReg(),
displacement >> 2);
} else {
load = LoadBaseDispBody(r_base, displacement, r_dest.GetLow(), kWord, s_reg);
null_pointer_safepoint = true;
LoadBaseDispBody(r_base, displacement + 4, r_dest.GetHigh(), kWord, INVALID_SREG);
already_generated = true;
case kSingle:
case kWord:
if (ARM_FPREG(r_dest.GetReg())) {
opcode = kThumb2Vldrs;
if (displacement <= 1020) {
short_form = true;
encoded_disp >>= 2;
if (ARM_LOWREG(r_dest.GetReg()) && (r_base.GetReg() == r15pc) &&
(displacement <= 1020) && (displacement >= 0)) {
short_form = true;
encoded_disp >>= 2;
opcode = kThumbLdrPcRel;
} else if (ARM_LOWREG(r_dest.GetReg()) && (r_base.GetReg() == r13sp) &&
(displacement <= 1020) && (displacement >= 0)) {
short_form = true;
encoded_disp >>= 2;
opcode = kThumbLdrSpRel;
} else if (all_low && displacement < 128 && displacement >= 0) {
DCHECK_EQ((displacement & 0x3), 0);
short_form = true;
encoded_disp >>= 2;
opcode = kThumbLdrRRI5;
} else if (thumb2Form) {
short_form = true;
opcode = kThumb2LdrRRI12;
case kUnsignedHalf:
if (all_low && displacement < 64 && displacement >= 0) {
DCHECK_EQ((displacement & 0x1), 0);
short_form = true;
encoded_disp >>= 1;
opcode = kThumbLdrhRRI5;
} else if (displacement < 4092 && displacement >= 0) {
short_form = true;
opcode = kThumb2LdrhRRI12;
case kSignedHalf:
if (thumb2Form) {
short_form = true;
opcode = kThumb2LdrshRRI12;
case kUnsignedByte:
if (all_low && displacement < 32 && displacement >= 0) {
short_form = true;
opcode = kThumbLdrbRRI5;
} else if (thumb2Form) {
short_form = true;
opcode = kThumb2LdrbRRI12;
case kSignedByte:
if (thumb2Form) {
short_form = true;
opcode = kThumb2LdrsbRRI12;
LOG(FATAL) << "Bad size: " << size;
if (!already_generated) {
if (short_form) {
load = NewLIR3(opcode, r_dest.GetReg(), r_base.GetReg(), encoded_disp);
} else {
RegStorage reg_offset = AllocTemp();
LoadConstant(reg_offset, encoded_disp);
if (ARM_FPREG(dest_low_reg)) {
// No index ops - must use a long sequence. Turn the offset into a direct pointer.
OpRegReg(kOpAdd, reg_offset, r_base);
load = LoadBaseDispBody(reg_offset, 0, r_dest, size, s_reg);
} else {
load = LoadBaseIndexed(r_base, reg_offset, r_dest, 0, size);
// TODO: in future may need to differentiate Dalvik accesses w/ spills
if (r_base == rs_rARM_SP) {
AnnotateDalvikRegAccess(load, displacement >> 2, true /* is_load */, r_dest.Is64Bit());
} else {
// We might need to generate a safepoint if we have two store instructions (wide or double).
if (!Runtime::Current()->ExplicitNullChecks() && null_pointer_safepoint) {
return load;
LIR* ArmMir2Lir::LoadBaseDisp(RegStorage r_base, int displacement, RegStorage r_dest, OpSize size,
int s_reg) {
DCHECK(!((size == kLong) || (size == kDouble)));
return LoadBaseDispBody(r_base, displacement, r_dest, size, s_reg);
LIR* ArmMir2Lir::LoadBaseDispWide(RegStorage r_base, int displacement, RegStorage r_dest,
int s_reg) {
return LoadBaseDispBody(r_base, displacement, r_dest, kLong, s_reg);
LIR* ArmMir2Lir::StoreBaseDispBody(RegStorage r_base, int displacement, RegStorage r_src,
OpSize size) {
LIR* store = NULL;
ArmOpcode opcode = kThumbBkpt;
bool short_form = false;
bool thumb2Form = (displacement < 4092 && displacement >= 0);
bool all_low = r_src.Is32Bit() && (ARM_LOWREG(r_base.GetReg()) && ARM_LOWREG(r_src.GetReg()));
int encoded_disp = displacement;
bool already_generated = false;
int src_low_reg = r_src.IsPair() ? r_src.GetLowReg() : r_src.GetReg();
bool null_pointer_safepoint = false;
switch (size) {
case kLong:
case kDouble:
if (!ARM_FPREG(src_low_reg)) {
if (displacement <= 1020) {
store = NewLIR4(kThumb2StrdI8, r_src.GetLowReg(), r_src.GetHighReg(), r_base.GetReg(),
displacement >> 2);
} else {
store = StoreBaseDispBody(r_base, displacement, r_src.GetLow(), kWord);
null_pointer_safepoint = true;
StoreBaseDispBody(r_base, displacement + 4, r_src.GetHigh(), kWord);
already_generated = true;
} else {
// Note: following change to avoid using pairs for doubles, replace conversion w/ DCHECK.
if (r_src.IsPair()) {
r_src = RegStorage::Solo64(S2d(r_src.GetLowReg(), r_src.GetHighReg()));
opcode = kThumb2Vstrd;
if (displacement <= 1020) {
short_form = true;
encoded_disp >>= 2;
case kSingle:
case kWord:
if (ARM_FPREG(r_src.GetReg())) {
opcode = kThumb2Vstrs;
if (displacement <= 1020) {
short_form = true;
encoded_disp >>= 2;
if (ARM_LOWREG(r_src.GetReg()) && (r_base == rs_r13sp) &&
(displacement <= 1020) && (displacement >= 0)) {
short_form = true;
encoded_disp >>= 2;
opcode = kThumbStrSpRel;
} else if (all_low && displacement < 128 && displacement >= 0) {
DCHECK_EQ((displacement & 0x3), 0);
short_form = true;
encoded_disp >>= 2;
opcode = kThumbStrRRI5;
} else if (thumb2Form) {
short_form = true;
opcode = kThumb2StrRRI12;
case kUnsignedHalf:
case kSignedHalf:
if (all_low && displacement < 64 && displacement >= 0) {
DCHECK_EQ((displacement & 0x1), 0);
short_form = true;
encoded_disp >>= 1;
opcode = kThumbStrhRRI5;
} else if (thumb2Form) {
short_form = true;
opcode = kThumb2StrhRRI12;
case kUnsignedByte:
case kSignedByte:
if (all_low && displacement < 32 && displacement >= 0) {
short_form = true;
opcode = kThumbStrbRRI5;
} else if (thumb2Form) {
short_form = true;
opcode = kThumb2StrbRRI12;
LOG(FATAL) << "Bad size: " << size;
if (!already_generated) {
if (short_form) {
store = NewLIR3(opcode, r_src.GetReg(), r_base.GetReg(), encoded_disp);
} else {
RegStorage r_scratch = AllocTemp();
LoadConstant(r_scratch, encoded_disp);
if (ARM_FPREG(src_low_reg)) {
// No index ops - must use a long sequence. Turn the offset into a direct pointer.
OpRegReg(kOpAdd, r_scratch, r_base);
store = StoreBaseDispBody(r_scratch, 0, r_src, size);
} else {
store = StoreBaseIndexed(r_base, r_scratch, r_src, 0, size);
// TODO: In future, may need to differentiate Dalvik & spill accesses
if (r_base == rs_rARM_SP) {
AnnotateDalvikRegAccess(store, displacement >> 2, false /* is_load */, r_src.Is64Bit());
} else {
// We might need to generate a safepoint if we have two store instructions (wide or double).
if (!Runtime::Current()->ExplicitNullChecks() && null_pointer_safepoint) {
return store;
LIR* ArmMir2Lir::StoreBaseDisp(RegStorage r_base, int displacement, RegStorage r_src,
OpSize size) {
DCHECK(!((size == kLong) || (size == kDouble)));
return StoreBaseDispBody(r_base, displacement, r_src, size);
LIR* ArmMir2Lir::StoreBaseDispWide(RegStorage r_base, int displacement, RegStorage r_src) {
return StoreBaseDispBody(r_base, displacement, r_src, kLong);
LIR* ArmMir2Lir::OpFpRegCopy(RegStorage r_dest, RegStorage r_src) {
int opcode;
DCHECK_EQ(ARM_DOUBLEREG(r_dest.GetReg()), ARM_DOUBLEREG(r_src.GetReg()));
if (ARM_DOUBLEREG(r_dest.GetReg())) {
opcode = kThumb2Vmovd;
} else {
if (ARM_SINGLEREG(r_dest.GetReg())) {
opcode = ARM_SINGLEREG(r_src.GetReg()) ? kThumb2Vmovs : kThumb2Fmsr;
} else {
opcode = kThumb2Fmrs;
LIR* res = RawLIR(current_dalvik_offset_, opcode, r_dest.GetReg(), r_src.GetReg());
if (!(cu_->disable_opt & (1 << kSafeOptimizations)) && r_dest == r_src) {
res->flags.is_nop = true;
return res;
LIR* ArmMir2Lir::OpThreadMem(OpKind op, ThreadOffset<4> thread_offset) {
if (op == kOpBlx) {
const uint32_t trampoline = cu_->compiler_driver->AddEntrypointTrampoline(
return NewLIR1(kThumb2BlTramp, trampoline);
} else {
LOG(FATAL) << "Invalid opcode for ARM OpThreadMem on Arm";
return NULL;
LIR* ArmMir2Lir::OpMem(OpKind op, RegStorage r_base, int disp) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected use of OpMem for Arm";
return NULL;
LIR* ArmMir2Lir::StoreBaseIndexedDisp(RegStorage r_base, RegStorage r_index, int scale,
int displacement, RegStorage r_src, RegStorage r_src_hi,
OpSize size, int s_reg) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected use of StoreBaseIndexedDisp for Arm";
return NULL;
LIR* ArmMir2Lir::OpRegMem(OpKind op, RegStorage r_dest, RegStorage r_base, int offset) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected use of OpRegMem for Arm";
return NULL;
LIR* ArmMir2Lir::LoadBaseIndexedDisp(RegStorage r_base, RegStorage r_index, int scale,
int displacement, RegStorage r_dest, RegStorage r_dest_hi,
OpSize size, int s_reg) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected use of LoadBaseIndexedDisp for Arm";
return NULL;
} // namespace art