| # Only use ANDROID_BUILD_SHELL to wrap around bash. |
| # DO NOT use other shells such as zsh. |
| else |
| # Use bash, not whatever shell somebody has installed as /bin/sh |
| # This is repeated in config.mk, since envsetup.sh runs that file |
| # directly. |
| SHELL := /bin/bash |
| endif |
| |
| # this turns off the suffix rules built into make |
| |
| # If a rule fails, delete $@. |
| |
| # Figure out where we are. |
| #TOP := $(dir $(word $(words $(MAKEFILE_LIST)),$(MAKEFILE_LIST))) |
| #TOP := $(patsubst %/,%,$(TOP)) |
| |
| # TOPDIR is the normal variable you should use, because |
| # if we are executing relative to the current directory |
| # it can be "", whereas TOP must be "." which causes |
| # pattern matching probles when make strips off the |
| # trailing "./" from paths in various places. |
| #ifeq ($(TOP),.) |
| #TOPDIR := |
| #else |
| #TOPDIR := $(TOP)/ |
| #endif |
| |
| # check for broken versions of make |
| ifeq (0,$(shell expr $$(echo $(MAKE_VERSION) | sed "s/[^0-9\.].*//") \>= 3.81)) |
| $(warning ********************************************************************************) |
| $(warning * You are using version $(MAKE_VERSION) of make.) |
| $(warning * You must upgrade to version 3.81 or greater.) |
| $(warning * see http://source.android.com/source/download.html) |
| $(warning ********************************************************************************) |
| $(error stopping) |
| endif |
| |
| TOP := . |
| TOPDIR := |
| |
| BUILD_SYSTEM := $(TOPDIR)build/core |
| |
| # This is the default target. It must be the first declared target. |
| .PHONY: droid |
| DEFAULT_GOAL := droid |
| |
| # Used to force goals to build. Only use for conditionally defined goals. |
| FORCE: |
| |
| # Set up various standard variables based on configuration |
| # and host information. |
| include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/config.mk |
| |
| # This allows us to force a clean build - included after the config.make |
| # environment setup is done, but before we generate any dependencies. This |
| # file does the rm -rf inline so the deps which are all done below will |
| # be generated correctly |
| include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/cleanbuild.mk |
| |
| -include $(OUT_DIR)/versions_checked.mk |
| |
| $(info Checking build tools versions...) |
| |
| ifeq ($(BUILD_OS),linux) |
| build_arch := $(shell uname -m) |
| ifneq (64,$(findstring 64,$(build_arch))) |
| $(warning ************************************************************) |
| $(warning You are attempting to build on a 32-bit system.) |
| $(warning Only 64-bit build environments are supported now.) |
| $(warning ************************************************************) |
| $(error stop) |
| endif |
| endif |
| |
| ifneq ($(HOST_OS),windows) |
| ifneq ($(HOST_OS)-$(HOST_ARCH),darwin-ppc) |
| # check for a case sensitive file system |
| ifneq (a,$(shell mkdir -p $(OUT_DIR) ; \ |
| echo a > $(OUT_DIR)/casecheck.txt; \ |
| echo B > $(OUT_DIR)/CaseCheck.txt; \ |
| cat $(OUT_DIR)/casecheck.txt)) |
| $(warning ************************************************************) |
| $(warning You are building on a case-insensitive filesystem.) |
| $(warning Please move your source tree to a case-sensitive filesystem.) |
| $(warning ************************************************************) |
| $(error Case-insensitive filesystems not supported) |
| endif |
| endif |
| endif |
| |
| # Make sure that there are no spaces in the absolute path; the |
| # build system can't deal with them. |
| ifneq ($(words $(shell pwd)),1) |
| $(warning ************************************************************) |
| $(warning You are building in a directory whose absolute path contains) |
| $(warning a space character:) |
| $(warning $(space)) |
| $(warning "$(shell pwd)") |
| $(warning $(space)) |
| $(warning Please move your source tree to a path that does not contain) |
| $(warning any spaces.) |
| $(warning ************************************************************) |
| $(error Directory names containing spaces not supported) |
| endif |
| |
| |
| # Check for the correct version of java |
| java_version := $(shell java -version 2>&1 | head -n 1 | grep '[ "]1\.6[\. "$$]') |
| ifeq ($(strip $(java_version)),) |
| $(info ************************************************************) |
| $(info You are attempting to build with the incorrect version) |
| $(info of java.) |
| $(info $(space)) |
| $(info Your version is: $(shell java -version 2>&1 | head -n 1).) |
| $(info The correct version is: 1.6.) |
| $(info $(space)) |
| $(info Please follow the machine setup instructions at) |
| $(info $(space)$(space)$(space)$(space)http://source.android.com/source/download.html) |
| $(info ************************************************************) |
| $(error stop) |
| endif |
| |
| # Check for the correct version of javac |
| javac_version := $(shell javac -version 2>&1 | head -n 1 | grep '[ "]1\.6[\. "$$]') |
| ifeq ($(strip $(javac_version)),) |
| $(info ************************************************************) |
| $(info You are attempting to build with the incorrect version) |
| $(info of javac.) |
| $(info $(space)) |
| $(info Your version is: $(shell javac -version 2>&1 | head -n 1).) |
| $(info The correct version is: 1.6.) |
| $(info $(space)) |
| $(info Please follow the machine setup instructions at) |
| $(info $(space)$(space)$(space)$(space)http://source.android.com/source/download.html) |
| $(info ************************************************************) |
| $(error stop) |
| endif |
| |
| > $(OUT_DIR)/versions_checked.mk) |
| endif |
| |
| # These are the modifier targets that don't do anything themselves, but |
| # change the behavior of the build. |
| # (must be defined before including definitions.make) |
| INTERNAL_MODIFIER_TARGETS := showcommands checkbuild |
| |
| # Bring in standard build system definitions. |
| include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/definitions.mk |
| |
| ifneq ($(filter eng user userdebug tests,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),) |
| $(info ***************************************************************) |
| $(info ***************************************************************) |
| $(info Don't pass '$(filter eng user userdebug tests,$(MAKECMDGOALS))' on \ |
| the make command line.) |
| # XXX The single quote on this line fixes gvim's syntax highlighting. |
| # Without which, the rest of this file is impossible to read. |
| $(info Set TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT in buildspec.mk, or use lunch or) |
| $(info choosecombo.) |
| $(info ***************************************************************) |
| $(info ***************************************************************) |
| $(error stopping) |
| endif |
| |
| $(info ***************************************************************) |
| $(info ***************************************************************) |
| $(info Invalid variant: $(TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT) |
| $(info Valid values are: $(INTERNAL_VALID_VARIANTS) |
| $(info ***************************************************************) |
| $(info ***************************************************************) |
| $(error stopping) |
| endif |
| |
| ### |
| ### In this section we set up the things that are different |
| ### between the build variants |
| ### |
| |
| is_sdk_build := |
| ifneq ($(filter sdk,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),) |
| is_sdk_build := true |
| endif |
| ifneq ($(filter win_sdk,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),) |
| is_sdk_build := true |
| endif |
| ifneq ($(filter sdk_addon,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),) |
| is_sdk_build := true |
| endif |
| |
| |
| ## user/userdebug ## |
| |
| user_variant := $(filter userdebug user,$(TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT)) |
| enable_target_debugging := true |
| ifneq (,$(user_variant)) |
| # Target is secure in user builds. |
| |
| tags_to_install := user |
| ifeq ($(user_variant),userdebug) |
| # Pick up some extra useful tools |
| tags_to_install += debug |
| |
| # Enable Dalvik lock contention logging for userdebug builds. |
| ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES += dalvik.vm.lockprof.threshold=500 |
| else |
| # Disable debugging in plain user builds. |
| enable_target_debugging := |
| endif |
| |
| # TODO: Always set WITH_DEXPREOPT (for user builds) once it works on OSX. |
| # Also, remove the corresponding block in config/product_config.make. |
| ifeq ($(HOST_OS)-$(WITH_DEXPREOPT_buildbot),linux-true) |
| WITH_DEXPREOPT := true |
| endif |
| |
| # Disallow mock locations by default for user builds |
| ADDITIONAL_DEFAULT_PROPERTIES += ro.allow.mock.location=0 |
| |
| else # !user_variant |
| # Turn on checkjni for non-user builds. |
| ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES += ro.kernel.android.checkjni=1 |
| # Set device insecure for non-user builds. |
| # Allow mock locations by default for non user builds |
| ADDITIONAL_DEFAULT_PROPERTIES += ro.allow.mock.location=1 |
| endif # !user_variant |
| |
| ifeq (true,$(strip $(enable_target_debugging))) |
| # Target is more debuggable and adbd is on by default |
| ADDITIONAL_DEFAULT_PROPERTIES += ro.debuggable=1 persist.service.adb.enable=1 |
| # Include the debugging/testing OTA keys in this build. |
| else # !enable_target_debugging |
| # Target is less debuggable and adbd is off by default |
| ADDITIONAL_DEFAULT_PROPERTIES += ro.debuggable=0 persist.service.adb.enable=0 |
| endif # !enable_target_debugging |
| |
| ## eng ## |
| |
| ifeq ($(TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT),eng) |
| tags_to_install := user debug eng |
| # Don't require the setup wizard on eng builds |
| ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES := $(filter-out ro.setupwizard.mode=%,\ |
| $(call collapse-pairs, $(ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES))) \ |
| ro.setupwizard.mode=OPTIONAL |
| endif |
| |
| ## tests ## |
| |
| ifeq ($(TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT),tests) |
| tags_to_install := user debug eng tests |
| endif |
| |
| ## sdk ## |
| |
| ifdef is_sdk_build |
| ifneq ($(words $(filter-out $(INTERNAL_MODIFIER_TARGETS),$(MAKECMDGOALS))),1) |
| $(error The 'sdk' target may not be specified with any other targets) |
| endif |
| |
| # TODO: this should be eng I think. Since the sdk is built from the eng |
| # variant. |
| tags_to_install := user debug eng |
| ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES += xmpp.auto-presence=true |
| ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES += ro.config.nocheckin=yes |
| else # !sdk |
| endif |
| |
| BUILD_WITHOUT_PV := true |
| |
| ## precise GC ## |
| |
| ifneq ($(filter dalvik.gc.type-precise,$(PRODUCT_TAGS)),) |
| # Enabling type-precise GC results in larger optimized DEX files. The |
| # additional storage requirements for ".odex" files can cause /system |
| # to overflow on some devices, so this is configured separately for |
| # each product. |
| ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES += dalvik.vm.dexopt-flags=m=y |
| endif |
| |
| # Install an apns-conf.xml file if one's not already being installed. |
| ifeq (,$(filter %:system/etc/apns-conf.xml, $(PRODUCT_COPY_FILES))) |
| development/data/etc/apns-conf_sdk.xml:system/etc/apns-conf.xml |
| ifeq ($(filter eng tests,$(TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT)),) |
| $(warning implicitly installing apns-conf_sdk.xml) |
| endif |
| endif |
| # If we're on an eng or tests build, but not on the sdk, and we have |
| # a better one, use that instead. |
| ifneq ($(filter eng tests,$(TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT)),) |
| ifndef is_sdk_build |
| apns_to_use := $(wildcard vendor/google/etc/apns-conf.xml) |
| ifneq ($(strip $(apns_to_use)),) |
| $(filter-out %:system/etc/apns-conf.xml,$(PRODUCT_COPY_FILES)) \ |
| $(strip $(apns_to_use)):system/etc/apns-conf.xml |
| endif |
| endif |
| endif |
| |
| ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES += net.bt.name=Android |
| |
| # enable vm tracing in files for now to help track |
| # the cause of ANRs in the content process |
| ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES += dalvik.vm.stack-trace-file=/data/anr/traces.txt |
| |
| # ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| # Define a function that, given a list of module tags, returns |
| # non-empty if that module should be installed in /system. |
| |
| # For most goals, anything not tagged with the "tests" tag should |
| # be installed in /system. |
| define should-install-to-system |
| $(if $(filter tests,$(1)),,true) |
| endef |
| |
| ifdef is_sdk_build |
| # For the sdk goal, anything with the "samples" tag should be |
| # installed in /data even if that module also has "eng"/"debug"/"user". |
| define should-install-to-system |
| $(if $(filter samples tests,$(1)),,true) |
| endef |
| endif |
| |
| |
| # If they only used the modifier goals (showcommands, checkbuild), we'll actually |
| # build the default target. |
| ifeq ($(filter-out $(INTERNAL_MODIFIER_TARGETS),$(MAKECMDGOALS)),) |
| endif |
| |
| # These targets are going to delete stuff, don't bother including |
| # the whole directory tree if that's all we're going to do |
| ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),clean) |
| dont_bother := true |
| endif |
| ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),clobber) |
| dont_bother := true |
| endif |
| ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),dataclean) |
| dont_bother := true |
| endif |
| ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),installclean) |
| dont_bother := true |
| endif |
| |
| # Bring in all modules that need to be built. |
| ifneq ($(dont_bother),true) |
| |
| ifeq ($(HOST_OS)-$(HOST_ARCH),darwin-ppc) |
| SDK_ONLY := true |
| $(info Building the SDK under darwin-ppc is actually obsolete and unsupported.) |
| $(error stop) |
| endif |
| |
| ifeq ($(HOST_OS),windows) |
| SDK_ONLY := true |
| endif |
| |
| ifeq ($(SDK_ONLY),true) |
| |
| # ----- SDK for Windows ------ |
| # These configure the build targets that are available for the SDK under Windows. |
| # The first section defines all the C/C++ tools that can be compiled in C/C++, |
| # the second section defines all the Java ones (assuming javac is available.) |
| |
| subdirs := \ |
| prebuilt \ |
| build/libs/host \ |
| build/tools/zipalign \ |
| dalvik/dexdump \ |
| dalvik/libdex \ |
| dalvik/tools/dmtracedump \ |
| dalvik/tools/hprof-conv \ |
| development/host \ |
| development/tools/etc1tool \ |
| development/tools/line_endings \ |
| external/easymock \ |
| external/expat \ |
| external/libpng \ |
| external/qemu \ |
| external/sqlite/dist \ |
| external/zlib \ |
| frameworks/base \ |
| sdk/emulator/mksdcard \ |
| sdk/sdklauncher \ |
| system/core/adb \ |
| system/core/fastboot \ |
| system/core/libcutils \ |
| system/core/liblog \ |
| system/core/libzipfile |
| |
| # The following can only be built if "javac" is available. |
| # This check is used when building parts of the SDK under Cygwin. |
| ifneq (,$(shell which javac 2>/dev/null)) |
| subdirs += \ |
| build/tools/signapk \ |
| dalvik/dx \ |
| libcore \ |
| sdk/archquery \ |
| sdk/androidprefs \ |
| sdk/apkbuilder \ |
| sdk/ddms \ |
| sdk/hierarchyviewer2 \ |
| sdk/jarutils \ |
| sdk/layoutlib_api \ |
| sdk/layoutlib_utils \ |
| sdk/layoutopt \ |
| sdk/ninepatch \ |
| sdk/sdkstats \ |
| sdk/sdkmanager \ |
| development/apps \ |
| development/tools/mkstubs \ |
| packages |
| else |
| $(warning SDK_ONLY: javac not available.) |
| endif |
| |
| # Exclude tools/acp when cross-compiling windows under linux |
| ifeq ($(findstring Linux,$(UNAME)),) |
| subdirs += build/tools/acp |
| endif |
| |
| else # !SDK_ONLY |
| ifeq ($(BUILD_TINY_ANDROID), true) |
| |
| # TINY_ANDROID is a super-minimal build configuration, handy for board |
| # bringup and very low level debugging |
| |
| subdirs := \ |
| bionic \ |
| system/core \ |
| build/libs \ |
| build/target \ |
| build/tools/acp \ |
| build/tools/apriori \ |
| build/tools/kcm \ |
| build/tools/soslim \ |
| external/elfcopy \ |
| external/elfutils \ |
| external/yaffs2 \ |
| external/zlib |
| |
| # |
| # Typical build; include any Android.mk files we can find. |
| # |
| subdirs := $(TOP) |
| |
| FULL_BUILD := true |
| |
| |
| endif # !SDK_ONLY |
| |
| ifneq ($(ONE_SHOT_MAKEFILE),) |
| # We've probably been invoked by the "mm" shell function |
| # with a subdirectory's makefile. |
| include $(ONE_SHOT_MAKEFILE) |
| # Change CUSTOM_MODULES to include only modules that were |
| # defined by this makefile; this will install all of those |
| # modules as a side-effect. Do this after including ONE_SHOT_MAKEFILE |
| # so that the modules will be installed in the same place they |
| # would have been with a normal make. |
| CUSTOM_MODULES := $(sort $(call get-tagged-modules,$(ALL_MODULE_TAGS))) |
| # Stub out the notice targets, which probably aren't defined |
| # when using ONE_SHOT_MAKEFILE. |
| NOTICE-HOST-%: ; |
| |
| |
| # |
| # Include all of the makefiles in the system |
| # |
| |
| # Can't use first-makefiles-under here because |
| # --mindepth=2 makes the prunes not work. |
| subdir_makefiles := \ |
| $(shell build/tools/findleaves.py --prune=out --prune=.repo --prune=.git $(subdirs) Android.mk) |
| |
| include $(subdir_makefiles) |
| |
| # ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| # All module makefiles have been included at this point. |
| # ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| |
| # ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| # Include any makefiles that must happen after the module makefiles |
| # have been included. |
| # TODO: have these files register themselves via a global var rather |
| # than hard-coding the list here. |
| ifdef FULL_BUILD |
| # Only include this during a full build, otherwise we can't be |
| # guaranteed that any policies were included. |
| -include frameworks/policies/base/PolicyConfig.mk |
| endif |
| |
| # ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| # Fix up CUSTOM_MODULES to refer to installed files rather than |
| # just bare module names. Leave unknown modules alone in case |
| # they're actually full paths to a particular file. |
| known_custom_modules := $(filter $(ALL_MODULES),$(CUSTOM_MODULES)) |
| unknown_custom_modules := $(filter-out $(ALL_MODULES),$(CUSTOM_MODULES)) |
| $(call module-installed-files,$(known_custom_modules)) \ |
| $(unknown_custom_modules) |
| |
| # ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| # Define dependencies for modules that require other modules. |
| # This can only happen now, after we've read in all module makefiles. |
| # |
| # TODO: deal with the fact that a bare module name isn't |
| # unambiguous enough. Maybe declare short targets like |
| # APPS:Quake or HOST:SHARED_LIBRARIES:libutils. |
| # BUG: the system image won't know to depend on modules that are |
| # brought in as requirements of other modules. |
| define add-required-deps |
| $(1): $(2) |
| endef |
| $(foreach m,$(ALL_MODULES), \ |
| $(eval r := $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).REQUIRED)) \ |
| $(if $(r), \ |
| $(eval r := $(call module-installed-files,$(r))) \ |
| $(eval $(call add-required-deps,$(ALL_MODULES.$(m).INSTALLED),$(r))) \ |
| ) \ |
| ) |
| m := |
| r := |
| add-required-deps := |
| |
| # ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| # Figure out our module sets. |
| |
| # Of the modules defined by the component makefiles, |
| # determine what we actually want to build. |
| # TODO: Remove the 3 places in the tree that use |
| # ALL_DEFAULT_INSTALLED_MODULES and get rid of it from this list. |
| |
| ifdef FULL_BUILD |
| # The base list of modules to build for this product is specified |
| # by the appropriate product definition file, which was included |
| # by product_config.make. |
| user_PACKAGES := $(call module-installed-files, \ |
| ifeq (0,1) |
| $(info user packages for $(TARGET_DEVICE) ($(INTERNAL_PRODUCT)):) |
| $(foreach p,$(user_PACKAGES),$(info : $(p))) |
| $(error done) |
| endif |
| else |
| # We're not doing a full build, and are probably only including |
| # a subset of the module makefiles. Don't try to build any modules |
| # requested by the product, because we probably won't have rules |
| # to build them. |
| user_PACKAGES := |
| endif |
| # Use tags to get the non-APPS user modules. Use the product |
| # definition files to get the APPS user modules. |
| user_MODULES := $(sort $(call get-tagged-modules,user shell_$(TARGET_SHELL))) |
| user_MODULES := $(user_MODULES) $(user_PACKAGES) |
| |
| eng_MODULES := $(sort $(call get-tagged-modules,eng)) |
| debug_MODULES := $(sort $(call get-tagged-modules,debug)) |
| tests_MODULES := $(sort $(call get-tagged-modules,tests)) |
| |
| ifeq ($(strip $(tags_to_install)),) |
| $(error ASSERTION FAILED: tags_to_install should not be empty) |
| endif |
| modules_to_install := $(sort $(Default_MODULES) \ |
| $(foreach tag,$(tags_to_install),$($(tag)_MODULES))) |
| |
| # Some packages may override others using LOCAL_OVERRIDES_PACKAGES. |
| # Filter out (do not install) any overridden packages. |
| overridden_packages := $(call get-package-overrides,$(modules_to_install)) |
| ifdef overridden_packages |
| # old_modules_to_install := $(modules_to_install) |
| modules_to_install := \ |
| $(filter-out $(foreach p,$(overridden_packages),$(p) %/$(p).apk), \ |
| $(modules_to_install)) |
| endif |
| #$(error filtered out |
| # $(filter-out $(modules_to_install),$(old_modules_to_install))) |
| |
| # Don't include any GNU targets in the SDK. It's ok (and necessary) |
| # to build the host tools, but nothing that's going to be installed |
| # on the target (including static libraries). |
| ifdef is_sdk_build |
| target_gnu_MODULES := \ |
| $(filter \ |
| $(TARGET_OUT)/% \ |
| $(TARGET_OUT_DATA)/%, \ |
| $(sort $(call get-tagged-modules,gnu))) |
| $(info Removing from sdk:)$(foreach d,$(target_gnu_MODULES),$(info : $(d))) |
| modules_to_install := \ |
| $(filter-out $(target_gnu_MODULES),$(modules_to_install)) |
| endif |
| |
| |
| # build/core/Makefile contains extra stuff that we don't want to pollute this |
| # top-level makefile with. It expects that ALL_DEFAULT_INSTALLED_MODULES |
| # contains everything that's built during the current make, but it also further |
| ALL_DEFAULT_INSTALLED_MODULES := $(modules_to_install) |
| include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/Makefile |
| modules_to_install := $(sort $(ALL_DEFAULT_INSTALLED_MODULES)) |
| |
| endif # dont_bother |
| |
| # These are additional goals that we build, in order to make sure that there |
| # is as little code as possible in the tree that doesn't build. |
| modules_to_check := $(foreach m,$(ALL_MODULES),$(ALL_MODULES.$(m).CHECKED)) |
| |
| # If you would like to build all goals, and not skip any intermediate |
| # steps, you can pass the "all" modifier goal on the commandline. |
| ifneq ($(filter all,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),) |
| modules_to_check += $(foreach m,$(ALL_MODULES),$(ALL_MODULES.$(m).BUILT)) |
| endif |
| |
| # for easier debugging |
| modules_to_check := $(sort $(modules_to_check)) |
| #$(error modules_to_check $(modules_to_check)) |
| |
| # ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| # This is used to to get the ordering right, you can also use these, |
| # but they're considered undocumented, so don't complain if their |
| # behavior changes. |
| .PHONY: prebuilt |
| prebuilt: $(ALL_PREBUILT) |
| |
| # An internal target that depends on all copied headers |
| # (see copy_headers.make). Other targets that need the |
| # headers to be copied first can depend on this target. |
| .PHONY: all_copied_headers |
| all_copied_headers: ; |
| |
| $(ALL_C_CPP_ETC_OBJECTS): | all_copied_headers |
| |
| # All the droid stuff, in directories |
| .PHONY: files |
| files: prebuilt \ |
| $(modules_to_install) \ |
| $(modules_to_check) \ |
| |
| # ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| |
| .PHONY: checkbuild |
| checkbuild: $(modules_to_check) |
| |
| .PHONY: ramdisk |
| |
| .PHONY: systemtarball |
| |
| .PHONY: boottarball |
| |
| .PHONY: userdataimage |
| |
| .PHONY: userdatatarball |
| |
| .PHONY: bootimage |
| |
| ifeq ($(BUILD_TINY_ANDROID), true) |
| endif |
| |
| # Build files and then package it into the rom formats |
| .PHONY: droidcore |
| droidcore: files \ |
| systemimage \ |
| |
| ifeq ($(EMMA_INSTRUMENT),true) |
| $(call dist-for-goals, droid, $(EMMA_META_ZIP)) |
| endif |
| |
| # dist_libraries only for putting your library into the dist directory with a full build. |
| .PHONY: dist_libraries |
| |
| ifneq ($(TARGET_BUILD_APPS),) |
| # If this build is just for apps, only build apps and not the full system by default. |
| |
| unbundled_build_modules := |
| ifneq ($(filter all,$(TARGET_BUILD_APPS)),) |
| # If they used the magic goal "all" then build all apps in the source tree. |
| unbundled_build_modules := $(foreach m,$(sort $(ALL_MODULES)),$(if $(filter APPS,$(ALL_MODULES.$(m).CLASS)),$(m))) |
| else |
| unbundled_build_modules := $(TARGET_BUILD_APPS) |
| endif |
| |
| # dist the unbundled app. |
| $(call dist-for-goals,apps_only, \ |
| $(foreach m,$(unbundled_build_modules),$(ALL_MODULES.$(m).INSTALLED)) \ |
| ) |
| |
| .PHONY: apps_only |
| apps_only: $(unbundled_build_modules) |
| |
| droid: apps_only |
| |
| $(call dist-for-goals, droidcore, \ |
| $(SYMBOLS_ZIP) \ |
| $(APPS_ZIP) \ |
| ) |
| |
| # Tests are installed in userdata.img. If we're building the tests |
| # variant, copy it for "make tests dist". Also copy a zip of the |
| # contents of userdata.img, so that people can easily extract a |
| # single .apk. |
| ifeq ($(TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT),tests) |
| $(call dist-for-goals, droid, \ |
| ) |
| endif |
| |
| # Building a full system-- the default is to build droidcore |
| droid: droidcore dist_libraries |
| |
| endif |
| |
| |
| .PHONY: droid tests |
| tests: droidcore |
| |
| # phony target that include any targets in $(ALL_MODULES) |
| .PHONY: all_modules |
| all_modules: $(ALL_MODULES) |
| |
| .PHONY: docs |
| docs: $(ALL_DOCS) |
| |
| .PHONY: sdk |
| sdk: $(ALL_SDK_TARGETS) |
| $(call dist-for-goals,sdk, \ |
| $(SYMBOLS_ZIP) \ |
| ) |
| |
| .PHONY: findbugs |
| |
| .PHONY: clean |
| clean: |
| @rm -rf $(OUT_DIR) |
| @echo "Entire build directory removed." |
| |
| .PHONY: clobber |
| clobber: clean |
| |
| # The rules for dataclean and installclean are defined in cleanbuild.mk. |
| |
| #xxx scrape this from ALL_MODULE_NAME_TAGS |
| .PHONY: modules |
| modules: |
| @echo "Available sub-modules:" |
| @echo "$(call module-names-for-tag-list,$(ALL_MODULE_TAGS))" | \ |
| tr -s ' ' '\n' | sort -u | $(COLUMN) |
| |
| .PHONY: showcommands |
| showcommands: |
| @echo >/dev/null |