blob: 1cefd789ac80c6073c2f7fcf35ff970f2e4cea7e [file] [log] [blame]
Jean-Baptiste Queru4074f232010-09-03 16:32:58 -07001#
2# Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
4# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6# You may obtain a copy of the License at
10# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14# limitations under the License.
17# This is the list of modules grandfathered to use a user tag
21# user modules are hard to control and audit and we don't want
22# to add any new such module in the system
26-include vendor/google/
29 01-test \
30 20-dns.conf \
31 95-configured \
32 aapt \
33 acp \
34 adb \
35 adbd \
36 aidl \
37 am \
38 android \
39 android-common \
40 android-common-carousel \
41 android.policy \
42 androidprefs \
43 android.test.runner \
44 ant \
45 antlr-2.7.7 \
46 anttasks \
47 apicheck \
48 apkcheck \
49 applypatch \
50 app_process \
51 apriori \
52 archquery \
53 asm-3.1 \
54 atree \
55 audio \
56 badblocks \
57 badblocks_host \
58 bb2sym \
59 bb_dump \
60 bbprof \
61 bcc \
62 bison \
63 bluetoothd \
64 bmgr \
65 bootanimation \
66 bouncycastle \
67 brcm_patchram_plus \
68 bugreport \
69 cfassembler \
70 check_stack \
71 check_trace \
72 cmu2nuance \
73 \
74 \
75 \
76 commons-compress-1.0 \
77 copybit.qsd8k \
78 copybit.s5pc110 \
79 core \
80 core-junit \
81 coverage \
82 cpufeatures \
83 create_test_dmtrace \
84 cts \
85 CtsAppSecurityTests \
86 cts-dalvik-buildutil \
87 dalvikvm \
88 dasm \
89 dbus-daemon \
90 ddmlib \
91 ddmlib-prebuilt \
92 ddmlibTests \
93 ddms \
94 ddmuilib \
95 debuggerd \
96 descGen \
97 dexdeps \
98 dexdump \
99 dexlist \
100 dexopt \
101 dex-tools \
102 dhcpcd \
103 dhcpcd.conf \
104 dhcpcd-run-hooks \
105 dictTest \
106 dmtracedump \
107 dnsmasq \
108 doclava \
109 draw9patch \
110 dumpeventlog \
111 dumpkey \
112 dump_regions \
113 dumpstate \
114 dumpsys \
115 dvz \
116 dx \
117 dx-tests \
118 e2fsck \
119 e2fsck_host \
120 easymock \
121 easymocklib \
122 edify \
123 elftree \
124 emmalib \
125 emulator \
126 emulator-arm \
127 emulator-core \
128 emulator-elff \
129 emulator-hw \
130 emulator-memcheck \
131 emulator-tcg \
132 emulator-ui \
133 etc1tool \
134 eventanalyzer \
135 exc_dump \
136 ext \
137 fastboot \
138 framework \
139 FrameworkCoreHostTests \
140 fsck_msdos \
141 fs_get_stats \
142 fw_bcm4329_apsta.bin \
143 fw_bcm4329.bin \
144 genext2fs \
145 gps.mahimahi \
146 gralloc.default \
147 gralloc.qsd8k \
148 groovy-all-1.7.0 \
149 grxmlcompile \
150 guava \
151 guavalib \
152 gzip \
153 hciattach \
154 hierarchyviewer \
155 hierarchyviewer1 \
156 hierarchyviewer2 \
157 hierarchyviewerlib \
158 hist_trace \
159 hosttestlib \
160 hprof-conv \
161 icudata \
162 idegen \
163 ime \
164 init \
165 input \
166 installd \
167 iptables \
168 ip-up-vpn \
169 iself \
170 isprelinked \
171 jarjar \
172 jasmin \
173 jasmin.jar \
174 javax.obex \
175 jcommon-1.0.12 \
176 jdiff \
177 jdwpspy \
178 jfreechart-1.0.9 \
179 jfreechart-1.0.9-swt \
180 jsilver \
181 jsr305 \
182 jsr305lib \
183 junit \
184 jython \
185 kcm \
186 keystore \
187 kxml2-2.3.0 \
188 layoutlib \
189 layoutlib_api \
190 layoutlib_create \
191 layoutlib_utils \
192 layoutopt \
193 liba2dp \
194 libabi \
195 libandroid \
196 libandroid_runtime \
197 libandroid_servers \
198 libarity \
199 libastl \
200 libastl_host \
201 libaudio \
202 libaudioeffect_jni \
203 libaudioflinger \
204 libaudiointerface \
205 libaudiopolicy \
206 libaudiopolicybase \
207 libbcc \
208 libbinder \
209 libbluedroid \
210 libbluetooth \
211 libbluetoothd \
212 libbuiltinplugin \
213 libbundlewrapper \
214 libbz \
215 libc \
216 libcamera_client \
217 libcameraservice \
218 libcamerastub \
219 libc_common \
220 libchromium_net \
221 libclangAnalysis \
222 libclangAST \
223 libclangBasic \
224 libclangCodeGen \
225 libclangIndex \
226 libclangLex \
227 libclangParse \
228 libclangSema \
229 libc_nomalloc \
230 libcrypto \
231 libctest \
232 libcutils \
233 libdb \
234 libdbus \
235 libdex \
236 libdiskconfig \
237 libdiskconfig_host \
238 libdl \
239 libdrm1 \
240 libdrm1_jni \
241 libdvm \
242 libebl \
243 libebl_arm \
244 libebl_sh \
245 libedify \
246 libeffects \
247 libEGL \
248 libelf \
249 libelfcopy \
250 libESR_Portable \
251 libESR_Shared \
252 libETC1 \
253 libexif \
254 libexpat \
255 libext \
256 libext2_blkid \
257 libext2_blkid_host \
258 libext2_com_err \
259 libext2_com_err_host \
260 libext2_e2p \
261 libext2_e2p_host \
262 libext2fs \
263 libext2fs_host \
264 libext2_profile \
265 libext2_profile_host \
266 libext2_uuid \
267 libext2_uuid_host \
268 libfdlibm \
269 libFFTEm \
270 libfst \
271 libft2 \
272 libgdbus_static \
273 libgif \
274 libGLES_android \
275 libGLESv1_CM \
276 libGLESv2 \
277 libglib \
278 libgui \
279 libhardware \
280 libhardware_legacy \
281 libhost \
282 libhyphenation \
283 libicui18n \
284 libicuuc \
285 libiprouteutil \
286 libiptc \
287 libjavacore \
288 libjnigraphics \
289 libjni_latinime \
290 libjni_pinyinime \
291 libjpeg \
292 liblinenoise \
293 libLLVMAnalysis \
294 libLLVMARMAsmPrinter \
295 libLLVMARMCodeGen \
296 libLLVMARMDisassembler \
297 libLLVMARMInfo \
298 libLLVMAsmParser \
299 libLLVMAsmPrinter \
300 libLLVMBitReader \
301 libLLVMBitWriter \
302 libLLVMCodeGen \
303 libLLVMCore \
304 libLLVMInstCombine \
305 libLLVMInstrumentation \
306 libLLVMipa \
307 libLLVMipo \
308 libLLVMJIT \
309 libLLVMLinker \
310 libLLVMMC \
311 libLLVMMCParser \
312 libLLVMScalarOpts \
313 libLLVMSelectionDAG \
314 libLLVMSupport \
315 libLLVMSystem \
316 libLLVMTarget \
317 libLLVMTransformUtils \
318 libLLVMX86AsmPrinter \
319 libLLVMX86CodeGen \
320 libLLVMX86Disassembler \
321 libLLVMX86Info \
322 libloc_api-rpc \
323 liblog \
324 libm \
325 libmedia \
326 libmedia_jni \
327 libmediaplayerservice \
328 libmincrypt \
329 libminelf \
330 libminui \
331 libminzip \
332 libmtdutils \
333 libmtp \
334 libmusicbundle \
335 libnativehelper \
336 libnetlink \
337 libnetutils \
338 libop \
339 libOpenSLES \
340 libopensles_helper \
341 libOpenSLESUT \
342 libpcap \
343 libpixelflinger \
344 libpixelflinger_static \
345 libpng \
346 libpopt \
347 libpower \
348 libprotobuf-cpp-2.3.0-full \
349 libprotobuf-cpp-2.3.0-lite \
350 libprotobuf-java-2.3.0-lite \
351 libprotobuf-java-2.3.0-micro \
352 librecovery_ui_htc \
353 libreference-ril \
354 libreverb \
355 libreverbwrapper \
356 libril \
357 librilproto-java \
358 librpc \
359 librtp_jni \
360 libsafe_iop \
361 libSDL \
362 libSDLmain \
363 libsensorservice \
364 libskia \
365 libskiagl \
366 libsonivox \
367 libsoundpool \
368 libspeex \
369 libsqlite \
370 libsqlite3_android \
371 libsqlite_jni \
372 libSR_AcousticModels \
373 libSR_AcousticState \
374 libSR_AudioIn \
375 libSR_Core \
376 libsrec_jni \
377 libSR_EventLog \
378 libSR_G2P \
379 libSR_Grammar \
380 libSR_Nametag \
381 libSR_Recognizer \
382 libSR_Semproc \
383 libSR_Session \
384 libSR_Vocabulary \
385 libssl \
386 libstagefright \
387 libstagefright_aacdec \
388 libstagefright_aacenc \
389 libstagefright_amrnb_common \
390 libstagefright_amrnbdec \
391 libstagefright_amrnbenc \
392 libstagefright_amrwbdec \
393 libstagefright_amrwbenc \
394 libstagefright_avc_common \
395 libstagefright_avcdec \
396 libstagefright_avcenc \
397 libstagefright_color_conversion \
398 libstagefright_enc_common \
399 libstagefright_foundation \
400 libstagefright_g711dec \
401 libstagefright_httplive \
402 libstagefrighthw \
403 libstagefright_id3 \
404 libstagefright_m4vh263dec \
405 libstagefright_m4vh263enc \
406 libstagefright_matroska \
407 libstagefright_mp3dec \
408 libstagefright_mpeg2ts \
409 libstagefright_omx \
410 libstagefright_rtsp \
411 libstagefright_vorbisdec \
412 libstagefright_vpxdec \
413 libstagefright_yuv \
414 libstdc++ \
415 libstlport \
416 libstlport_static \
417 libstorage \
418 libsurfaceflinger \
419 libsurfaceflinger_client \
420 libsvoxpico \
421 libsystem_server \
422 libsysutils \
423 libthread_db \
424 libtinyxml \
425 libtomcrypt \
426 libtommath \
427 libttspico \
428 libttssynthproxy \
429 libui \
430 libunz \
431 libusbhost \
432 libutil \
433 libutils \
434 libv8 \
435 libvisualizer \
436 libvorbisidec \
437 libvpx \
438 libwebcore \
439 libwpa_client \
440 libxml2 \
441 libxslt \
442 libz \
443 libzipfile \
444 lights.kraken \
445 lights.qsd8k \
446 line_endings \
447 linker \
448 llvm-rs-link \
449 localize \
450 logcat \
451 logwrapper \
452 lsd \
453 mahimahi-keypad.kcm \
454 make_cfst \
455 makedict \
456 make_ext4fs \
457 make_g2g \
458 makekeycodes \
459 make_ve_grammar \
460 mediaserver \
461 minigzip \
462 mkbootfs \
463 mkbootimg \
464 mke2fs \
465 mke2fs_host \
466 mksdcard \
467 mksnapshot \
468 mkstubs \
469 \
470 mkyaffs2image \
471 mockrilcontroller \
472 monkey \
473 monkeyrunner \
474 MonkeyRunnerTest \
475 mtp \
476 mtpd \
477 ndc \
478 netcfg \
479 netd \
480 network \
481 ninepatch \
482 oauth \
483 obbtool \
484 omx_tests \
485 org.eclipse.core.commands_3.4.0.I20080509-2000 \
486 org.eclipse.equinox.common_3.4.0.v20080421-2006 \
487 org.eclipse.jface_3.4.2.M20090107-0800 \
488 org-netbeans-api-visual \
489 org-openide-util \
490 osgi \
491 pand \
492 parseStringTest \
493 ping \
494 platform.xml \
495 pm \
496 post_trace \
497 pppd \
498 preload \
499 profile_pid \
500 profile_trace \
501 q2dm \
502 q2g \
503 qemu-android \
504 qwerty2.kcm \
505 qwerty.kcm \
506 racoon \
507 read_addr \
508 read_method \
509 read_pid \
510 read_trace \
511 resize2fs \
512 resize2fs_host \
513 rgb2565 \
514 rild \
515 rsg-generator \
516 run-as \
517 schedtest \
518 screenshot \
519 screenshot2 \
520 sdcard \
521 sdklib \
522 sdkmanager \
523 sdkstats \
524 sdkuilib \
525 sdk_v4 \
526 sdk_v5 \
527 sdk_v6 \
528 sdk_v7 \
529 sdk_v8 \
530 sdptool \
531 service \
532 servicemanager \
533 services \
534 sig \
535 sig-check \
536 sig-create \
537 signapk \
538 signature-tools \
539 simg2img \
540 slang \
541 soslim \
542 spec-progress \
543 sqlite3 \
544 sqlite-jdbc \
545 stack_dump \
546 stingray-keypad.kcm \
547 stringtemplate \
548 surfaceflinger \
549 svc \
550 swing-worker-1.1 \
551 swt \
552 system_server \
553 tblgen \
554 tc \
555 temp_layoutlib \
556 test_g2g \
557 test-progress \
558 test-progress-new \
559 test_swiarb \
560 test_zipfile \
561 toolbox \
562 traceview \
563 tune2fs \
564 tune2fs_host \
565 tuttle2.kcm \
566 uix \
567 usbtest \
568 vdc \
569 vm-tests \
570 vold \
571 wdsclient \
572 whisperd \
573 wpa_supplicant \
574 yuv420sp2rgb \
575 zipalign