blob: 356f50445c7c2b225661be3f789f3b16e281870a [file] [log] [blame]
package main
import (
type Executor struct {
rules map[string]*Rule
implicitRules []*Rule
suffixRules map[string][]*Rule
firstRule *Rule
func newExecutor() *Executor {
return &Executor{
rules: make(map[string]*Rule),
suffixRules: make(map[string][]*Rule),
// TODO(ukai): use time.Time?
func getTimestamp(filename string) int64 {
st, err := os.Stat(filename)
if err != nil {
return -2
return st.ModTime().Unix()
func (ex *Executor) runCommands(cmds []string, output string) error {
for _, cmd := range cmds {
echo := true
ignoreErr := false
for {
if cmd == "" {
continue Loop
switch cmd[0] {
case '@':
echo = false
cmd = cmd[1:]
case '-':
ignoreErr = true
cmd = cmd[1:]
if echo {
fmt.Printf("%s\n", cmd)
args := []string{"/bin/sh", "-c", cmd}
cmd := exec.Cmd{
Path: args[0],
Args: args,
out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
exit := 0
if err != nil {
exit = 1
if err, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok {
if w, ok := err.ProcessState.Sys().(syscall.WaitStatus); ok {
exit = w.ExitStatus()
} else {
return err
fmt.Printf("%s", out)
if exit != 0 {
if ignoreErr {
fmt.Printf("[%s] Error %d (ignored)\n", output, exit)
return fmt.Errorf("command failed: %q. Error %d", cmd, exit)
return nil
func replaceSuffix(s string, newsuf string) string {
// TODO: Factor out the logic around suffix rules and use
// it from substitution references.
oldsuf := filepath.Ext(s)
return fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", s[:len(s)-len(oldsuf)], newsuf)
func (ex *Executor) canPickImplicitRule(rule *Rule, output string) bool {
outputPattern := rule.outputPatterns[0]
if !matchPattern(outputPattern, output) {
return false
for _, input := range rule.inputs {
input = substPattern(outputPattern, input, output)
if !exists(input) {
return false
return true
func (ex *Executor) pickRule(output string) (*Rule, bool) {
rule, present := ex.rules[output]
if present {
return rule, true
for _, rule := range ex.implicitRules {
if ex.canPickImplicitRule(rule, output) {
return rule, true
outputSuffix := filepath.Ext(output)
if len(outputSuffix) > 0 && outputSuffix[0] == '.' {
rules, present := ex.suffixRules[outputSuffix[1:]]
if present {
for _, rule := range rules {
if len(rule.inputs) != 1 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected number of input for a suffix rule (%d)", len(rule.inputs)))
if exists(replaceSuffix(output, rule.inputs[0])) {
return rule, true
return nil, false
func (ex *Executor) build(vars *VarTab, output string) (int64, error) {
Log("Building: %s", output)
outputTs := getTimestamp(output)
rule, present := ex.pickRule(output)
if !present {
if outputTs >= 0 {
return outputTs, nil
return outputTs, fmt.Errorf("no rule to make target %q", output)
latest := int64(-1)
var actualInputs []string
for _, input := range rule.inputs {
if len(rule.outputPatterns) > 0 {
if len(rule.outputPatterns) > 1 {
panic("TODO: multiple output pattern is not supported yet")
input = substPattern(rule.outputPatterns[0], input, output)
} else if rule.isSuffixRule {
input = replaceSuffix(output, input)
actualInputs = append(actualInputs, input)
ts, err :=, input)
if err != nil {
return outputTs, err
if latest < ts {
latest = ts
for _, input := range rule.orderOnlyInputs {
if exists(input) {
ts, err :=, input)
if err != nil {
return outputTs, err
if latest < ts {
latest = ts
if outputTs >= latest {
return outputTs, nil
localVars := NewVarTab(vars)
// automatic variables.
localVars.Assign("@", SimpleVar{value: output, origin: "automatic"})
if len(actualInputs) > 0 {
localVars.Assign("<", SimpleVar{
value: actualInputs[0],
origin: "automatic",
localVars.Assign("^", SimpleVar{
value: strings.Join(actualInputs, " "),
origin: "automatic",
ev := newEvaluator(localVars)
var cmds []string
for _, cmd := range rule.cmds {
if strings.IndexByte(cmd, '$') < 0 {
// fast path.
cmds = append(cmds, cmd)
ecmd := ev.evalExpr(cmd)
Log("build eval:%q => %q", cmd, ecmd)
cmds = append(cmds, strings.Split(ecmd, "\n")...)
err := ex.runCommands(cmds, output)
if err != nil {
return outputTs, err
outputTs = getTimestamp(output)
if outputTs < 0 {
outputTs = time.Now().Unix()
return outputTs, nil
func (ex *Executor) populateSuffixRule(rule *Rule, output string) bool {
if len(output) == 0 || output[0] != '.' {
return false
rest := output[1:]
dotIndex := strings.IndexByte(rest, '.')
// If there is only a single dot or the third dot, this is not a
// suffix rule.
if dotIndex < 0 || strings.IndexByte(rest[dotIndex+1:], '.') >= 0 {
return false
// This is a suffix rule.
inputSuffix := rest[:dotIndex]
outputSuffix := rest[dotIndex+1:]
r := &Rule{}
*r = *rule
r.inputs = []string{inputSuffix}
r.isSuffixRule = true
ex.suffixRules[outputSuffix] = append([]*Rule{r}, ex.suffixRules[outputSuffix]...)
return true
func (ex *Executor) populateExplicitRule(rule *Rule) {
for _, output := range rule.outputs {
isSuffixRule := ex.populateSuffixRule(rule, output)
if oldRule, present := ex.rules[output]; present {
if oldRule.isDoubleColon != rule.isDoubleColon {
Error(rule.filename, rule.lineno, "*** target file %q has both : and :: entries.", output)
if len(oldRule.cmds) > 0 && len(rule.cmds) > 0 && !isSuffixRule && !rule.isDoubleColon {
Warn(rule.filename, rule.cmdLineno, "overriding commands for target %q", output)
Warn(oldRule.filename, oldRule.cmdLineno, "ignoring old commands for target %q", output)
r := &Rule{}
*r = *rule
if rule.isDoubleColon {
r.cmds = append(oldRule.cmds, r.cmds...)
r.inputs = append(r.inputs, oldRule.inputs...)
ex.rules[output] = r
} else {
ex.rules[output] = rule
if ex.firstRule == nil && !isSuffixRule {
ex.firstRule = rule
func (ex *Executor) populateImplicitRule(rule *Rule) {
for _, outputPattern := range rule.outputPatterns {
r := &Rule{}
*r = *rule
r.outputPatterns = []string{outputPattern}
ex.implicitRules = append(ex.implicitRules, r)
func (ex *Executor) populateRules(er *EvalResult) {
for _, rule := range er.rules {
if len(rule.outputs) == 0 {
// Reverse the implicit rule for easier lookup.
for i, r := range ex.implicitRules {
if i >= len(ex.implicitRules)/2 {
j := len(ex.implicitRules) - i - 1
ex.implicitRules[i] = ex.implicitRules[j]
ex.implicitRules[j] = r
func (ex *Executor) exec(er *EvalResult, targets []string) error {
if len(targets) == 0 {
if ex.firstRule == nil {
ErrorNoLocation("*** No targets.")
targets = append(targets, ex.firstRule.outputs[0])
for _, target := range targets {
_, err :=, target)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func Exec(er *EvalResult, targets []string) error {
ex := newExecutor()
return ex.exec(er, targets)