blob: 7d0fb52fc6f26178e1ba034fefc393a6c0e9f3e5 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import logging
import math
import os.path
import textwrap
from matplotlib import pylab
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mobly import test_runner
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal
import scipy.stats
import its_base_test
import capture_request_utils
import image_processing_utils
import its_session_utils
_BAYER_LIST = ('R', 'GR', 'GB', 'B')
_BRACKET_MAX = 8 # Exposure bracketing range in stops
_PLOT_COLORS = 'rygcbm' # Colors used for plotting the data for each exposure.
_MAX_SIGNAL_VALUE = 0.25 # Maximum value to allow mean of the tiles to go.
_NAME = os.path.basename(__file__).split('.')[0]
_STEPS_PER_STOP = 2 # How many sensitivities per stop to sample.
_TILE_SIZE = 32 # Tile size to compute mean/variance. Large tiles may have
# their variance corrupted by low freq image changes.
def check_auto_exposure_targets(auto_e, sens_min, sens_max, props):
"""Checks if AE too bright for highest gain & too dark for lowest gain."""
min_exposure_ns, max_exposure_ns = props[
if auto_e < min_exposure_ns*sens_max:
raise AssertionError('Scene is too bright to properly expose at highest '
f'sensitivity: {sens_max}')
if auto_e*_BRACKET_FACTOR > max_exposure_ns*sens_min:
raise AssertionError('Scene is too dark to properly expose at lowest '
f'sensitivity: {sens_min}')
def create_noise_model_code(noise_model_a, noise_model_b,
noise_model_c, noise_model_d,
sens_min, sens_max, digital_gain_cdef, log_path):
"""Creates the c file for the noise model."""
noise_model_a_array = ','.join([str(i) for i in noise_model_a])
noise_model_b_array = ','.join([str(i) for i in noise_model_b])
noise_model_c_array = ','.join([str(i) for i in noise_model_c])
noise_model_d_array = ','.join([str(i) for i in noise_model_d])
code = textwrap.dedent(f"""\
/* Generated test code to dump a table of data for external validation
* of the noise model parameters.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
double compute_noise_model_entry_S(int plane, int sens);
double compute_noise_model_entry_O(int plane, int sens);
int main(void) {{
for (int plane = 0; plane < {len(noise_model_a)}; plane++) {{
for (int sens = {sens_min}; sens <= {sens_max}; sens += 100) {{
double o = compute_noise_model_entry_O(plane, sens);
double s = compute_noise_model_entry_S(plane, sens);
printf("%d,%d,%lf,%lf\\n", plane, sens, o, s);
return 0;
/* Generated functions to map a given sensitivity to the O and S noise
* model parameters in the DNG noise model. The planes are in
* R, Gr, Gb, B order.
double compute_noise_model_entry_S(int plane, int sens) {{
static double noise_model_A[] = {{ {noise_model_a_array:s} }};
static double noise_model_B[] = {{ {noise_model_b_array:s} }};
double A = noise_model_A[plane];
double B = noise_model_B[plane];
double s = A * sens + B;
return s < 0.0 ? 0.0 : s;
double compute_noise_model_entry_O(int plane, int sens) {{
static double noise_model_C[] = {{ {noise_model_c_array:s} }};
static double noise_model_D[] = {{ {noise_model_d_array:s} }};
double digital_gain = {digital_gain_cdef:s};
double C = noise_model_C[plane];
double D = noise_model_D[plane];
double o = C * sens * sens + D * digital_gain * digital_gain;
return o < 0.0 ? 0.0 : o;
text_file = open(os.path.join(log_path, 'noise_model.c'), 'w')
text_file.write('%s' % code)
class DngNoiseModel(its_base_test.ItsBaseTest):
"""Create DNG noise model.
Captures RAW images with increasing analog gains to create the model.
def requires 'test' in name to actually run.
def test_dng_noise_model_generation(self):'Starting %s', _NAME)
with its_session_utils.ItsSession(
hidden_physical_id=self.hidden_physical_id) as cam:
props = cam.get_camera_properties()
props = cam.override_with_hidden_physical_camera_props(props)
log_path = self.log_path
# Get basic properties we need.
sens_min, sens_max = props['']
sens_max_analog = props['android.sensor.maxAnalogSensitivity']
sens_max_meas = sens_max_analog
white_level = props['']'Sensitivity range: [%d, %d]', sens_min, sens_max)'Max analog sensitivity: %d', sens_max_analog)
# Do AE to get a rough idea of where we are.
iso_ae, exp_ae, _, _, _ = cam.do_3a(
get_results=True, do_awb=False, do_af=False)
# Underexpose to get more data for low signal levels.
auto_e = iso_ae * exp_ae / _BRACKET_FACTOR
check_auto_exposure_targets(auto_e, sens_min, sens_max_meas, props)
# Focus at zero to intentionally blur the scene as much as possible.
f_dist = 0.0
# Start the sensitivities at the minimum.
iso = sens_min
samples = [[], [], [], []]
plots = []
measured_models = [[], [], [], []]
color_plane_plots = {}
while int(round(iso)) <= sens_max_meas:
iso_int = int(round(iso))'ISO %d', iso_int)
fig, [[plt_r, plt_gr], [plt_gb, plt_b]] = plt.subplots(
2, 2, figsize=(11, 11))
color_plane_plots[iso_int] = [plt_r, plt_gr, plt_gb, plt_b]
fig.suptitle('ISO %d' % iso_int, x=0.54, y=0.99)
for i, plot in enumerate(color_plane_plots[iso_int]):
plot.set_title('%s' % _BAYER_LIST[i])
plot.set_xlabel('Mean signal level')
samples_s = [[], [], [], []]
for b in range(_BRACKET_MAX):
# Get the exposure for this sensitivity and exposure time.
exposure = int(math.pow(2, b)*auto_e/iso)'exp %.3fms', round(exposure*1.0E-6, 3))
req = capture_request_utils.manual_capture_request(iso_int, exposure,
fmt_raw = {'format': 'rawStats',
'gridWidth': _TILE_SIZE,
'gridHeight': _TILE_SIZE}
cap = cam.do_capture(req, fmt_raw)
mean_img, var_img = image_processing_utils.unpack_rawstats_capture(
idxs = image_processing_utils.get_canonical_cfa_order(props)
means = [mean_img[:, :, i] for i in idxs]
vars_ = [var_img[:, :, i] for i in idxs]
s_read = cap['metadata']['android.sensor.sensitivity']
if not 1.0 >= s_read/float(iso_int) >= _RTOL_EXP_GAIN:
raise AssertionError(
f's_write: {iso}, s_read: {s_read}, RTOL: {_RTOL_EXP_GAIN}')'ISO_write: %d, ISO_read: %d', iso_int, s_read)
for pidx in range(len(means)):
plot = color_plane_plots[iso_int][pidx]
# convert_capture_to_planes normalizes the range to [0, 1], but
# without subtracting the black level.
black_level = image_processing_utils.get_black_level(
pidx, props, cap['metadata'])
means_p = (means[pidx] - black_level)/(white_level - black_level)
vars_p = vars_[pidx]/((white_level - black_level)**2)
# TODO(dsharlet): It should be possible to account for low
# frequency variation by looking at neighboring means, but I
# have not been able to make this work.
means_p = np.asarray(means_p).flatten()
vars_p = np.asarray(vars_p).flatten()
samples_e = []
for (mean, var) in zip(means_p, vars_p):
# Don't include the tile if it has samples that might be clipped.
if mean + 2*math.sqrt(max(var, 0)) < _MAX_SIGNAL_VALUE:
samples_e.append([mean, var])
if samples_e:
means_e, vars_e = zip(*samples_e)
means_e, vars_e, _PLOT_COLORS[b%len(_PLOT_COLORS)] + '.',
alpha=0.5, markersize=1)
for (pidx, p) in enumerate(samples_s):
[slope, intercept, rvalue, _, _] = scipy.stats.linregress(
measured_models[pidx].append([iso_int, slope, intercept])'%s sensitivity %d: %e*y + %e (R=%f)',
'RGKB'[pidx], iso_int, slope, intercept, rvalue)
# Add the samples for this sensitivity to the global samples list.
[(iso_int, mean, var) for (mean, var) in samples_s[pidx]])
# Add the linear fit to subplot for this sensitivity.
[intercept, intercept + slope * _MAX_SIGNAL_VALUE],
'rgkb'[pidx] + '--',
label='Linear fit')
xmax = max([max([x for (x, _) in p]) for p in samples_s
ymax = (intercept + slope * xmax) * _MAX_SCALE_FUDGE
color_plane_plots[iso_int][pidx].set_xlim(xmin=0, xmax=xmax)
color_plane_plots[iso_int][pidx].set_ylim(ymin=0, ymax=ymax)
'%s_samples_iso%04d.png' % (os.path.join(log_path, _NAME), iso_int))
plots.append([iso_int, fig])
# Move to the next sensitivity.
iso *= math.pow(2, 1.0/_STEPS_PER_STOP)
# Do model plots
(fig, (plt_slope, plt_intercept)) = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(11, 8.5))
plt_slope.set_title('Noise model')
noise_model = []
for (pidx, p) in enumerate(measured_models):
# Grab the sensitivities and line parameters from each sensitivity.
slp_measured = [e[1] for e in measured_models[pidx]]
int_measured = [e[2] for e in measured_models[pidx]]
sens = np.asarray([e[0] for e in measured_models[pidx]])
sens_sq = np.square(sens)
# Use a global linear optimization to fit the noise model.
gains = np.asarray([s[0] for s in samples[pidx]])
means = np.asarray([s[1] for s in samples[pidx]])
vars_ = np.asarray([s[2] for s in samples[pidx]])
gains = gains.flatten()
means = means.flatten()
vars_ = vars_.flatten()
# Define digital gain as the gain above the max analog gain
# per the Camera2 spec. Also, define a corresponding C
# expression snippet to use in the generated model code.
digital_gains = np.maximum(gains/sens_max_analog, 1)
if not np.all(digital_gains == 1):
raise AssertionError(f'Digital gain! gains: {gains}, '
f'Max analog gain: {sens_max_analog}.')
digital_gain_cdef = '(sens / %d.0) < 1.0 ? 1.0 : (sens / %d.0)' % (
sens_max_analog, sens_max_analog)
# Divide the whole system by gains*means.
f = lambda x, a, b, c, d: (c*(x[0]**2)+d+(x[1])*a*x[0]+(x[1])*b)/(x[0])
result, _ = scipy.optimize.curve_fit(f, (gains, means), vars_/(gains))
a_p, b_p, c_p, d_p = result[0:4]
# Plot noise model components with the values predicted by the model.
slp_model = result[0]*sens + result[1]
int_model = result[2]*sens_sq + result[3]*np.square(np.maximum(
sens/sens_max_analog, 1))
plt_slope.loglog(sens, slp_measured, 'rgkb'[pidx]+'+', base=10,
plt_slope.loglog(sens, slp_model, 'rgkb'[pidx]+'x', base=10,
plt_intercept.loglog(sens, int_measured, 'rgkb'[pidx]+'+', base=10,
plt_intercept.loglog(sens, int_model, 'rgkb'[pidx]+'x', base=10,
fig.savefig('%s.png' % os.path.join(log_path, _NAME))
# Generate individual noise model components
noise_model_a, noise_model_b, noise_model_c, noise_model_d = zip(
# Add models to subplots and re-save
for [s, fig] in plots: # re-step through figs...
dig_gain = max(s/sens_max_analog, 1)
for (pidx, p) in enumerate(measured_models):
slope = noise_model_a[pidx]*s + noise_model_b[pidx]
intercept = noise_model_c[pidx]*s**2 + noise_model_d[pidx]*dig_gain**2
[intercept, intercept+slope*_MAX_SIGNAL_VALUE],
'rgkb'[pidx]+'-', label='Model', alpha=0.5)
color_plane_plots[s][pidx].legend(loc='upper left')
'%s_samples_iso%04d.png' % (os.path.join(log_path, _NAME), s))
# Validity checks on model: read noise > 0, positive slope.
for i, _ in enumerate(_BAYER_LIST):
read_noise = noise_model_c[i] * sens_min * sens_min + noise_model_d[i]
if read_noise <= 0:
raise AssertionError(f'{_BAYER_LIST[i]} model min ISO noise < 0! '
f'C: {noise_model_c[i]:.4e}, '
f'D: {noise_model_d[i]:.4e}, '
f'read_noise: {read_noise:.4e}')
if noise_model_c[i] <= 0:
raise AssertionError(f'{_BAYER_LIST[i]} model slope is negative. '
f' slope={noise_model_c[i]:.4e}')
# Generate the noise model file.
noise_model_a, noise_model_b, noise_model_c, noise_model_d,
sens_min, sens_max, digital_gain_cdef, log_path)
if __name__ == '__main__':