blob: b9eae647bd7ed81fa752fd61bfe34cc633ea1358 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
//#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
#define LOG_TAG "NativeMuxerTest"
#include <log/log.h>
#include <NdkMediaExtractor.h>
#include <NdkMediaFormat.h>
#include <NdkMediaMuxer.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <jni.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstring>
#include <fstream>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include "NativeMediaCommon.h"
* MuxerNativeTestHelper breaks a media file to elements that a muxer can use to rebuild its clone.
* While testing muxer, if the test doesn't use MediaCodecs class to generate elementary stream,
* but uses MediaExtractor, this class will be handy
class MuxerNativeTestHelper {
explicit MuxerNativeTestHelper(const char* srcPath, const char* mime = nullptr,
int frameLimit = -1)
: mSrcPath(srcPath), mMime(mime), mTrackCount(0), mBuffer(nullptr) {
mFrameLimit = frameLimit < 0 ? INT_MAX : frameLimit;
~MuxerNativeTestHelper() {
for (auto format : mFormat) AMediaFormat_delete(format);
delete[] mBuffer;
for (const auto& buffInfoTrack : mBufferInfo) {
for (auto info : buffInfoTrack) delete info;
int getTrackCount() { return mTrackCount; }
bool registerTrack(AMediaMuxer* muxer);
bool insertSampleData(AMediaMuxer* muxer);
bool muxMedia(AMediaMuxer* muxer);
bool combineMedias(AMediaMuxer* muxer, MuxerNativeTestHelper* that, const int* repeater);
bool isSubsetOf(MuxerNativeTestHelper* that);
void offsetTimeStamp(int64_t tsAudioOffsetUs, int64_t tsVideoOffsetUs, int sampleOffset);
void splitMediaToMuxerParameters();
static const int STTS_TOLERANCE_US = 100;
const char* mSrcPath;
const char* mMime;
int mTrackCount;
std::vector<AMediaFormat*> mFormat;
uint8_t* mBuffer;
std::vector<std::vector<AMediaCodecBufferInfo*>> mBufferInfo;
std::map<int, int> mInpIndexMap;
std::vector<int> mTrackIdxOrder;
int mFrameLimit;
// combineMedias() uses local version of this variable
std::map<int, int> mOutIndexMap;
void MuxerNativeTestHelper::splitMediaToMuxerParameters() {
FILE* ifp = fopen(mSrcPath, "rbe");
int fd;
int fileSize;
if (ifp) {
struct stat buf {};
stat(mSrcPath, &buf);
fileSize = buf.st_size;
fd = fileno(ifp);
} else {
AMediaExtractor* extractor = AMediaExtractor_new();
if (extractor == nullptr) {
// Set up MediaExtractor to read from the source.
media_status_t status = AMediaExtractor_setDataSourceFd(extractor, fd, 0, fileSize);
if (AMEDIA_OK != status) {
// Set up MediaFormat
int index = 0;
for (size_t trackID = 0; trackID < AMediaExtractor_getTrackCount(extractor); trackID++) {
AMediaExtractor_selectTrack(extractor, trackID);
AMediaFormat* format = AMediaExtractor_getTrackFormat(extractor, trackID);
if (mMime == nullptr) {
mInpIndexMap[trackID] = index++;
} else {
const char* mime;
bool hasKey = AMediaFormat_getString(format, AMEDIAFORMAT_KEY_MIME, &mime);
if (hasKey && !strcmp(mime, mMime)) {
mInpIndexMap[trackID] = index;
} else {
AMediaExtractor_unselectTrack(extractor, trackID);
if (mTrackCount <= 0) {
// Set up location for elementary stream
int bufferSize = ((fileSize + 127) >> 7) << 7;
// Ideally, Sum of return values of extractor.readSampleData(...) should not exceed
// source file size. But in case of Vorbis, aosp extractor appends an additional 4 bytes to
// the data at every readSampleData() call. bufferSize <<= 1 empirically large enough to
// hold the excess 4 bytes per read call
bufferSize <<= 1;
mBuffer = new uint8_t[bufferSize];
if (mBuffer == nullptr) {
mTrackCount = 0;
// Let MediaExtractor do its thing
bool sawEOS = false;
int frameCount = 0;
int offset = 0;
while (!sawEOS && frameCount < mFrameLimit) {
auto* bufferInfo = new AMediaCodecBufferInfo();
bufferInfo->offset = offset;
bufferInfo->size =
AMediaExtractor_readSampleData(extractor, mBuffer + offset, (bufferSize - offset));
if (bufferInfo->size < 0) {
sawEOS = true;
} else {
bufferInfo->presentationTimeUs = AMediaExtractor_getSampleTime(extractor);
bufferInfo->flags = AMediaExtractor_getSampleFlags(extractor);
int trackID = AMediaExtractor_getSampleTrackIndex(extractor);
offset += bufferInfo->size;
bool MuxerNativeTestHelper::registerTrack(AMediaMuxer* muxer) {
for (int trackID = 0; trackID < mTrackCount; trackID++) {
int dstIndex = AMediaMuxer_addTrack(muxer, mFormat[trackID]);
if (dstIndex < 0) return false;
mOutIndexMap[trackID] = dstIndex;
return true;
bool MuxerNativeTestHelper::insertSampleData(AMediaMuxer* muxer) {
// write all registered tracks in interleaved order
int* frameCount = new int[mTrackCount]{0};
for (int trackID : mTrackIdxOrder) {
int index =;
AMediaCodecBufferInfo* info = mBufferInfo[index][frameCount[index]];
if (AMediaMuxer_writeSampleData(muxer,, mBuffer, info) !=
delete[] frameCount;
return false;
ALOGV("Track: %d Timestamp: %" PRId64 "", trackID, info->presentationTimeUs);
delete[] frameCount;
ALOGV("Total track samples %zu", mTrackIdxOrder.size());
return true;
bool MuxerNativeTestHelper::muxMedia(AMediaMuxer* muxer) {
return (registerTrack(muxer) && (AMediaMuxer_start(muxer) == AMEDIA_OK) &&
insertSampleData(muxer) && (AMediaMuxer_stop(muxer) == AMEDIA_OK));
bool MuxerNativeTestHelper::combineMedias(AMediaMuxer* muxer, MuxerNativeTestHelper* that,
const int* repeater) {
if (that == nullptr) return false;
if (repeater == nullptr) return false;
// register tracks
int totalTracksToAdd = repeater[0] * this->mTrackCount + repeater[1] * that->mTrackCount;
int outIndexMap[totalTracksToAdd];
MuxerNativeTestHelper* group[2]{this, that};
for (int k = 0, idx = 0; k < 2; k++) {
for (int j = 0; j < repeater[k]; j++) {
for (AMediaFormat* format : group[k]->mFormat) {
int dstIndex = AMediaMuxer_addTrack(muxer, format);
if (dstIndex < 0) return false;
outIndexMap[idx++] = dstIndex;
// start
if (AMediaMuxer_start(muxer) != AMEDIA_OK) return false;
// write sample data
// write all registered tracks in planar order viz all samples of a track A then all
// samples of track B, ...
for (int k = 0, idx = 0; k < 2; k++) {
for (int j = 0; j < repeater[k]; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < group[k]->mTrackCount; i++) {
for (int p = 0; p < group[k]->mBufferInfo[i].size(); p++) {
AMediaCodecBufferInfo* info = group[k]->mBufferInfo[i][p];
if (AMediaMuxer_writeSampleData(muxer, outIndexMap[idx], group[k]->mBuffer,
info) != AMEDIA_OK) {
return false;
ALOGV("Track: %d Timestamp: %" PRId64 "", outIndexMap[idx],
// stop
return (AMediaMuxer_stop(muxer) == AMEDIA_OK);
// returns true if 'this' stream is a subset of 'o'. That is all tracks in current media
// stream are present in ref media stream
bool MuxerNativeTestHelper::isSubsetOf(MuxerNativeTestHelper* that) {
if (this == that) return true;
if (that == nullptr) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < mTrackCount; i++) {
AMediaFormat* thisFormat = mFormat[i];
const char* thisMime = nullptr;
AMediaFormat_getString(thisFormat, AMEDIAFORMAT_KEY_MIME, &thisMime);
int tolerance = !strncmp(thisMime, "video/", strlen("video/")) ? STTS_TOLERANCE_US : 0;
tolerance += 1; // rounding error
int j = 0;
for (; j < that->mTrackCount; j++) {
AMediaFormat* thatFormat = that->mFormat[j];
const char* thatMime = nullptr;
AMediaFormat_getString(thatFormat, AMEDIAFORMAT_KEY_MIME, &thatMime);
if (thisMime != nullptr && thatMime != nullptr && !strcmp(thisMime, thatMime)) {
if (!isFormatSimilar(thisFormat, thatFormat)) continue;
if (mBufferInfo[i].size() == that->mBufferInfo[j].size()) {
int k = 0;
for (; k < mBufferInfo[i].size(); k++) {
AMediaCodecBufferInfo* thisInfo = mBufferInfo[i][k];
AMediaCodecBufferInfo* thatInfo = that->mBufferInfo[j][k];
if (thisInfo->flags != thatInfo->flags) {
if (thisInfo->size != thatInfo->size) {
} else if (memcmp(mBuffer + thisInfo->offset,
that->mBuffer + thatInfo->offset, thisInfo->size)) {
if (abs(thisInfo->presentationTimeUs - thatInfo->presentationTimeUs) >
tolerance) {
if (k == mBufferInfo[i].size()) break;
if (j == that->mTrackCount) {
AMediaFormat_getString(thisFormat, AMEDIAFORMAT_KEY_MIME, &thisMime);
ALOGV("For mime %s, Couldn't find a match", thisMime);
return false;
return true;
void MuxerNativeTestHelper::offsetTimeStamp(int64_t tsAudioOffsetUs, int64_t tsVideoOffsetUs,
int sampleOffset) {
// offset pts of samples from index sampleOffset till the end by tsOffset for each audio and
// video track
for (int trackID = 0; trackID < mTrackCount; trackID++) {
int64_t tsOffsetUs = 0;
const char* thisMime = nullptr;
AMediaFormat_getString(mFormat[trackID], AMEDIAFORMAT_KEY_MIME, &thisMime);
if (thisMime != nullptr) {
if (strncmp(thisMime, "video/", strlen("video/")) == 0) {
tsOffsetUs = tsVideoOffsetUs;
} else if (strncmp(thisMime, "audio/", strlen("audio/")) == 0) {
tsOffsetUs = tsAudioOffsetUs;
for (int i = sampleOffset; i < mBufferInfo[trackID].size(); i++) {
AMediaCodecBufferInfo *info = mBufferInfo[trackID][i];
info->presentationTimeUs += tsOffsetUs;
static bool isCodecContainerPairValid(MuxerFormat format, const char* mime) {
static const std::map<MuxerFormat, std::vector<const char*>> codecListforType = {
if (format == OUTPUT_FORMAT_MPEG_4 &&
strncmp(mime, "application/", strlen("application/")) == 0)
return true;
auto it = codecListforType.find(format);
if (it != codecListforType.end())
for (auto it2 : it->second)
if (strcmp(it2, mime) == 0) return true;
return false;
static jboolean nativeTestSetLocation(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jint jformat, jstring jsrcPath,
jstring jdstPath) {
bool isPass = true;
bool isGeoDataSupported;
const float atlanticLat = 14.59f;
const float atlanticLong = 28.67f;
const float tooFarNorth = 90.5f;
const float tooFarWest = -180.5f;
const float tooFarSouth = -90.5f;
const float tooFarEast = 180.5f;
const float annapurnaLat = 28.59f;
const float annapurnaLong = 83.82f;
const char* cdstPath = env->GetStringUTFChars(jdstPath, nullptr);
FILE* ofp = fopen(cdstPath, "wbe+");
if (ofp) {
AMediaMuxer* muxer = AMediaMuxer_new(fileno(ofp), (OutputFormat)jformat);
media_status_t status = AMediaMuxer_setLocation(muxer, tooFarNorth, atlanticLong);
if (status == AMEDIA_OK) {
isPass = false;
ALOGE("setLocation succeeds on bad args: (%f, %f)", tooFarNorth, atlanticLong);
status = AMediaMuxer_setLocation(muxer, tooFarSouth, atlanticLong);
if (status == AMEDIA_OK) {
isPass = false;
ALOGE("setLocation succeeds on bad args: (%f, %f)", tooFarSouth, atlanticLong);
status = AMediaMuxer_setLocation(muxer, atlanticLat, tooFarWest);
if (status == AMEDIA_OK) {
isPass = false;
ALOGE("setLocation succeeds on bad args: (%f, %f)", atlanticLat, tooFarWest);
status = AMediaMuxer_setLocation(muxer, atlanticLat, tooFarEast);
if (status == AMEDIA_OK) {
isPass = false;
ALOGE("setLocation succeeds on bad args: (%f, %f)", atlanticLat, tooFarEast);
status = AMediaMuxer_setLocation(muxer, tooFarNorth, tooFarWest);
if (status == AMEDIA_OK) {
isPass = false;
ALOGE("setLocation succeeds on bad args: (%f, %f)", tooFarNorth, tooFarWest);
status = AMediaMuxer_setLocation(muxer, atlanticLat, atlanticLong);
isGeoDataSupported = (status == AMEDIA_OK);
if (isGeoDataSupported) {
status = AMediaMuxer_setLocation(muxer, annapurnaLat, annapurnaLong);
if (status != AMEDIA_OK) {
isPass = false;
ALOGE("setLocation fails on args: (%f, %f)", annapurnaLat, annapurnaLong);
} else {
isPass &= ((MuxerFormat)jformat != OUTPUT_FORMAT_MPEG_4 &&
(MuxerFormat)jformat != OUTPUT_FORMAT_THREE_GPP);
const char* csrcPath = env->GetStringUTFChars(jsrcPath, nullptr);
auto* mediaInfo = new MuxerNativeTestHelper(csrcPath);
if (mediaInfo->registerTrack(muxer) && AMediaMuxer_start(muxer) == AMEDIA_OK) {
status = AMediaMuxer_setLocation(muxer, atlanticLat, atlanticLong);
if (status == AMEDIA_OK) {
isPass = false;
ALOGE("setLocation succeeds after starting the muxer");
if (mediaInfo->insertSampleData(muxer) && AMediaMuxer_stop(muxer) == AMEDIA_OK) {
status = AMediaMuxer_setLocation(muxer, atlanticLat, atlanticLong);
if (status == AMEDIA_OK) {
isPass = false;
ALOGE("setLocation succeeds after stopping the muxer");
} else {
isPass = false;
ALOGE("failed to writeSampleData or stop muxer");
} else {
isPass = false;
ALOGE("failed to addTrack or start muxer");
delete mediaInfo;
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jsrcPath, csrcPath);
} else {
isPass = false;
ALOGE("failed to open output file %s", cdstPath);
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jdstPath, cdstPath);
return static_cast<jboolean>(isPass);
static jboolean nativeTestSetOrientationHint(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jint jformat, jstring jsrcPath,
jstring jdstPath) {
bool isPass = true;
bool isOrientationSupported;
const int badRotation[] = {360, 45, -90};
const int oldRotation = 90;
const int currRotation = 180;
const char* cdstPath = env->GetStringUTFChars(jdstPath, nullptr);
FILE* ofp = fopen(cdstPath, "wbe+");
if (ofp) {
AMediaMuxer* muxer = AMediaMuxer_new(fileno(ofp), (OutputFormat)jformat);
media_status_t status;
for (int degrees : badRotation) {
status = AMediaMuxer_setOrientationHint(muxer, degrees);
if (status == AMEDIA_OK) {
isPass = false;
ALOGE("setOrientationHint succeeds on bad args: %d", degrees);
status = AMediaMuxer_setOrientationHint(muxer, oldRotation);
isOrientationSupported = (status == AMEDIA_OK);
if (isOrientationSupported) {
status = AMediaMuxer_setOrientationHint(muxer, currRotation);
if (status != AMEDIA_OK) {
isPass = false;
ALOGE("setOrientationHint fails on args: %d", currRotation);
} else {
isPass &= ((MuxerFormat)jformat != OUTPUT_FORMAT_MPEG_4 &&
(MuxerFormat)jformat != OUTPUT_FORMAT_THREE_GPP);
const char* csrcPath = env->GetStringUTFChars(jsrcPath, nullptr);
auto* mediaInfo = new MuxerNativeTestHelper(csrcPath);
if (mediaInfo->registerTrack(muxer) && AMediaMuxer_start(muxer) == AMEDIA_OK) {
status = AMediaMuxer_setOrientationHint(muxer, currRotation);
if (status == AMEDIA_OK) {
isPass = false;
ALOGE("setOrientationHint succeeds after starting the muxer");
if (mediaInfo->insertSampleData(muxer) && AMediaMuxer_stop(muxer) == AMEDIA_OK) {
status = AMediaMuxer_setOrientationHint(muxer, currRotation);
if (status == AMEDIA_OK) {
isPass = false;
ALOGE("setOrientationHint succeeds after stopping the muxer");
} else {
isPass = false;
ALOGE("failed to writeSampleData or stop muxer");
} else {
isPass = false;
ALOGE("failed to addTrack or start muxer");
delete mediaInfo;
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jsrcPath, csrcPath);
} else {
isPass = false;
ALOGE("failed to open output file %s", cdstPath);
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jdstPath, cdstPath);
return static_cast<jboolean>(isPass);
static jboolean nativeTestMultiTrack(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jint jformat, jstring jsrcPathA,
jstring jsrcPathB, jstring jrefPath, jstring jdstPath) {
bool isPass = true;
const char* csrcPathA = env->GetStringUTFChars(jsrcPathA, nullptr);
const char* csrcPathB = env->GetStringUTFChars(jsrcPathB, nullptr);
auto* mediaInfoA = new MuxerNativeTestHelper(csrcPathA);
auto* mediaInfoB = new MuxerNativeTestHelper(csrcPathB);
if (mediaInfoA->getTrackCount() == 1 && mediaInfoB->getTrackCount() == 1) {
const char* crefPath = env->GetStringUTFChars(jrefPath, nullptr);
// number of times to repeat {mSrcFileA, mSrcFileB} in Output
// values should be in sync with testMultiTrack
static const int numTracks[][2] = {{1, 1}, {2, 0}, {0, 2}, {1, 2}, {2, 1}, {2, 2}};
// prepare reference
FILE* rfp = fopen(crefPath, "wbe+");
if (rfp) {
AMediaMuxer* muxer = AMediaMuxer_new(fileno(rfp), (OutputFormat)jformat);
bool muxStatus = mediaInfoA->combineMedias(muxer, mediaInfoB, numTracks[0]);
if (muxStatus) {
auto* refInfo = new MuxerNativeTestHelper(crefPath);
if (!mediaInfoA->isSubsetOf(refInfo) || !mediaInfoB->isSubsetOf(refInfo)) {
isPass = false;
ALOGE("testMultiTrack: inputs: %s %s, fmt: %d, error ! muxing src A and src B "
"failed", csrcPathA, csrcPathB, jformat);
} else {
const char* cdstPath = env->GetStringUTFChars(jdstPath, nullptr);
for (int i = 1; i < sizeof(numTracks) / sizeof(numTracks[0]) && isPass; i++) {
FILE* ofp = fopen(cdstPath, "wbe+");
if (ofp) {
muxer = AMediaMuxer_new(fileno(ofp), (OutputFormat)jformat);
bool status =
mediaInfoA->combineMedias(muxer, mediaInfoB, numTracks[i]);
if (status) {
auto* dstInfo = new MuxerNativeTestHelper(cdstPath);
if (!dstInfo->isSubsetOf(refInfo)) {
isPass = false;
ALOGE("testMultiTrack: inputs: %s %s, fmt: %d, error ! muxing "
"src A: %d, src B: %d failed", csrcPathA, csrcPathB,
jformat, numTracks[i][0], numTracks[i][1]);
delete dstInfo;
} else {
if ((MuxerFormat)jformat != OUTPUT_FORMAT_MPEG_4) {
isPass = false;
ALOGE("testMultiTrack: inputs: %s %s, fmt: %d, error ! muxing "
"src A: %d, src B: %d failed", csrcPathA, csrcPathB,
jformat, numTracks[i][0], numTracks[i][1]);
} else {
isPass = false;
ALOGE("failed to open output file %s", cdstPath);
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jdstPath, cdstPath);
delete refInfo;
} else {
if ((MuxerFormat)jformat != OUTPUT_FORMAT_OGG) {
isPass = false;
ALOGE("testMultiTrack: inputs: %s %s, fmt: %d, error ! muxing src A and src B "
"failed", csrcPathA, csrcPathB, jformat);
} else {
isPass = false;
ALOGE("failed to open reference output file %s", crefPath);
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jrefPath, crefPath);
} else {
isPass = false;
if (mediaInfoA->getTrackCount() != 1) {
ALOGE("error: file %s, track count exp/rec - %d/%d", csrcPathA, 1,
if (mediaInfoB->getTrackCount() != 1) {
ALOGE("error: file %s, track count exp/rec - %d/%d", csrcPathB, 1,
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jsrcPathA, csrcPathA);
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jsrcPathB, csrcPathB);
delete mediaInfoA;
delete mediaInfoB;
return static_cast<jboolean>(isPass);
static jboolean nativeTestOffsetPts(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jint format, jstring jsrcPath,
jstring jdstPath, jintArray joffsetIndices) {
bool isPass = true;
// values should be in sync with testOffsetPresentationTime
static const int64_t OFFSET_TS_AUDIO_US[4] = {-23220LL, 0LL, 200000LL, 400000LL};
static const int64_t OFFSET_TS_VIDEO_US[3] = {0LL, 200000LL, 400000LL};
jsize len = env->GetArrayLength(joffsetIndices);
jint* coffsetIndices = env->GetIntArrayElements(joffsetIndices, nullptr);
const char* csrcPath = env->GetStringUTFChars(jsrcPath, nullptr);
const char* cdstPath = env->GetStringUTFChars(jdstPath, nullptr);
auto* mediaInfo = new MuxerNativeTestHelper(csrcPath);
if (mediaInfo->getTrackCount() != 0) {
for (int64_t audioOffsetUs : OFFSET_TS_AUDIO_US) {
for (int64_t videoOffsetUs : OFFSET_TS_VIDEO_US) {
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
mediaInfo->offsetTimeStamp(audioOffsetUs, videoOffsetUs, coffsetIndices[i]);
FILE *ofp = fopen(cdstPath, "wbe+");
if (ofp) {
AMediaMuxer *muxer = AMediaMuxer_new(fileno(ofp), (OutputFormat) format);
auto *outInfo = new MuxerNativeTestHelper(cdstPath);
isPass = mediaInfo->isSubsetOf(outInfo);
if (!isPass) {
ALOGE("Validation failed after adding timestamp offsets audio: %lld,"
" video: %lld", (long long) audioOffsetUs, (long long) videoOffsetUs);
delete outInfo;
} else {
isPass = false;
ALOGE("failed to open output file %s", cdstPath);
for (int i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
mediaInfo->offsetTimeStamp(-audioOffsetUs, -videoOffsetUs, coffsetIndices[i]);
} else {
isPass = false;
ALOGE("no valid track found in input file %s", csrcPath);
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jdstPath, cdstPath);
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jsrcPath, csrcPath);
env->ReleaseIntArrayElements(joffsetIndices, coffsetIndices, 0);
delete mediaInfo;
return static_cast<jboolean>(isPass);
static jboolean nativeTestSimpleMux(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jstring jsrcPath, jstring jdstPath,
jstring jmime, jstring jselector) {
bool isPass = true;
const char* cmime = env->GetStringUTFChars(jmime, nullptr);
const char* csrcPath = env->GetStringUTFChars(jsrcPath, nullptr);
const char* cselector = env->GetStringUTFChars(jselector, nullptr);
auto* mediaInfo = new MuxerNativeTestHelper(csrcPath, cmime);
static const std::map<MuxerFormat, const char*> formatStringPair = {
if (mediaInfo->getTrackCount() == 1) {
const char* cdstPath = env->GetStringUTFChars(jdstPath, nullptr);
for (int fmt = OUTPUT_FORMAT_START; fmt <= OUTPUT_FORMAT_LIST_END && isPass; fmt++) {
auto it = formatStringPair.find((MuxerFormat)fmt);
if (it == formatStringPair.end() || strstr(cselector, it->second) == nullptr) {
if (fmt == OUTPUT_FORMAT_WEBM) continue; // TODO(b/146923551)
FILE* ofp = fopen(cdstPath, "wbe+");
if (ofp) {
AMediaMuxer* muxer = AMediaMuxer_new(fileno(ofp), (OutputFormat)fmt);
bool muxStatus = mediaInfo->muxMedia(muxer);
bool result = true;
if (muxStatus) {
auto* outInfo = new MuxerNativeTestHelper(cdstPath, cmime);
result = mediaInfo->isSubsetOf(outInfo);
delete outInfo;
if ((muxStatus && !result) ||
(!muxStatus && isCodecContainerPairValid((MuxerFormat)fmt, cmime))) {
isPass = false;
ALOGE("error: file %s, mime %s, output != clone(input) for format %d", csrcPath,
cmime, fmt);
} else {
isPass = false;
ALOGE("error: file %s, mime %s, failed to open output file %s", csrcPath, cmime,
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jdstPath, cdstPath);
} else {
isPass = false;
ALOGE("error: file %s, mime %s, track count exp/rec - %d/%d", csrcPath, cmime, 1,
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jselector, cselector);
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jsrcPath, csrcPath);
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jmime, cmime);
delete mediaInfo;
return static_cast<jboolean>(isPass);
int registerAndroidMediaV2CtsMuxerTestApi(JNIEnv* env) {
const JNINativeMethod methodTable[] = {
{"nativeTestSetOrientationHint", "(ILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Z",
{"nativeTestSetLocation", "(ILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Z",
jclass c = env->FindClass("android/mediav2/cts/MuxerTest$TestApi");
return env->RegisterNatives(c, methodTable, sizeof(methodTable) / sizeof(JNINativeMethod));
int registerAndroidMediaV2CtsMuxerTestMultiTrack(JNIEnv* env) {
const JNINativeMethod methodTable[] = {
jclass c = env->FindClass("android/mediav2/cts/MuxerTest$TestMultiTrack");
return env->RegisterNatives(c, methodTable, sizeof(methodTable) / sizeof(JNINativeMethod));
int registerAndroidMediaV2CtsMuxerTestOffsetPts(JNIEnv* env) {
const JNINativeMethod methodTable[] = {
{"nativeTestOffsetPts", "(ILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[I)Z",
jclass c = env->FindClass("android/mediav2/cts/MuxerTest$TestOffsetPts");
return env->RegisterNatives(c, methodTable, sizeof(methodTable) / sizeof(JNINativeMethod));
int registerAndroidMediaV2CtsMuxerTestSimpleMux(JNIEnv* env) {
const JNINativeMethod methodTable[] = {
jclass c = env->FindClass("android/mediav2/cts/MuxerTest$TestSimpleMux");
return env->RegisterNatives(c, methodTable, sizeof(methodTable) / sizeof(JNINativeMethod));
extern int registerAndroidMediaV2CtsMuxerUnitTestApi(JNIEnv* env);
extern "C" JNIEXPORT jint JNI_OnLoad(JavaVM* vm, void*) {
JNIEnv* env;
if (vm->GetEnv(reinterpret_cast<void**>(&env), JNI_VERSION_1_6) != JNI_OK) return JNI_ERR;
if (registerAndroidMediaV2CtsMuxerTestApi(env) != JNI_OK) return JNI_ERR;
if (registerAndroidMediaV2CtsMuxerTestMultiTrack(env) != JNI_OK) return JNI_ERR;
if (registerAndroidMediaV2CtsMuxerTestOffsetPts(env) != JNI_OK) return JNI_ERR;
if (registerAndroidMediaV2CtsMuxerTestSimpleMux(env) != JNI_OK) return JNI_ERR;
if (registerAndroidMediaV2CtsMuxerUnitTestApi(env) != JNI_OK) return JNI_ERR;
return JNI_VERSION_1_6;