blob: cc117be4c53eda9f1d615a439e2199ecad040648 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import math
import os.path
import its.caps
import its.device
import its.image
import its.objects
from matplotlib import pylab
import matplotlib.pyplot
import numpy as np
JPEG_APPN_MARKERS = [[255, 224], [255, 225], [255, 226], [255, 227], [255, 228],
[255, 229], [255, 230], [255, 231], [255, 232], [255, 235]]
JPEG_DHT_MARKER = [255, 196] # JPEG Define Huffman Table
JPEG_DQT_MARKER = [255, 219] # JPEG Define Quantization Table
JPEG_DQT_TOL = 0.8 # -20% for each +20 in jpeg.quality (empirical number)
JPEG_EOI_MARKER = [255, 217] # JPEG End of Image
JPEG_SOI_MARKER = [255, 216] # JPEG Start of Image
JPEG_SOS_MARKER = [255, 218] # JPEG Start of Scan
NAME = os.path.basename(__file__).split('.')[0]
QUALITIES = [25, 45, 65, 85]
SYMBOLS = ['o', 's', 'v', '^', '<', '>']
def is_square(integer):
root = math.sqrt(integer)
return integer == int(root + 0.5) ** 2
def strip_soi_marker(jpeg):
"""strip off start of image marker.
SOI is of form [xFF xD8] and JPEG needs to start with marker.
jpeg: 1-D numpy int [0:255] array; values from JPEG capture
jpeg with SOI marker stripped off.
soi = jpeg[0:2]
assert list(soi) == JPEG_SOI_MARKER, 'JPEG has no Start Of Image marker'
return jpeg[2:]
def strip_appn_data(jpeg):
"""strip off application specific data at beginning of JPEG.
APPN markers are of form [xFF, xE*, size_msb, size_lsb] and should follow
SOI marker.
jpeg: 1-D numpy int [0:255] array; values from JPEG capture
jpeg with APPN marker(s) and data stripped off.
length = 0
i = 0
# find APPN markers and strip off payloads at beginning of jpeg
while i < len(jpeg)-1:
if [jpeg[i], jpeg[i+1]] in JPEG_APPN_MARKERS:
length = jpeg[i+2] * 256 + jpeg[i+3] + 2
print ' stripped APPN length:', length
jpeg = np.concatenate((jpeg[0:i], jpeg[length:]), axis=None)
elif ([jpeg[i], jpeg[i+1]] == JPEG_DQT_MARKER or
[jpeg[i], jpeg[i+1]] == JPEG_DHT_MARKER):
i += 1
return jpeg
def find_dqt_markers(marker, jpeg):
"""Find location(s) of marker list in jpeg.
DQT marker is of form [xFF, xDB].
marker: list; marker values
jpeg: 1-D numpy int [0:255] array; JPEG capture w/ SOI & APPN stripped
locs: list; marker locations in jpeg
locs = []
marker_len = len(marker)
for i in xrange(len(jpeg)-marker_len+1):
if list(jpeg[i:i+marker_len]) == marker:
return locs
def extract_dqts(jpeg, debug=False):
"""Find and extract the DQT info in the JPEG.
SOI marker and APPN markers plus data are stripped off front of JPEG.
DQT marker is of form [xFF, xDB] followed by [size_msb, size_lsb].
Size includes the size values, but not the marker values.
Luma DQT is prefixed by 0, Chroma DQT by 1.
DQTs can have both luma & chroma or each individually.
There can be more than one DQT table for luma and chroma.
jpeg: 1-D numpy int [0:255] array; values from JPEG capture
debug: bool; command line flag to print debug data
lumas, chromas: lists of numpy means of luma & chroma DQT matrices.
Higher values represent higher compression.
dqt_markers = find_dqt_markers(JPEG_DQT_MARKER, jpeg)
print 'DQT header loc(s):', dqt_markers
lumas = []
chromas = []
for i, dqt in enumerate(dqt_markers):
if debug:
print '\n DQT %d start: %d, marker: %s, length: %s' % (
i, dqt, jpeg[dqt:dqt+2], jpeg[dqt+2:dqt+4])
dqt_size = jpeg[dqt+2]*256 + jpeg[dqt+3] - 2 # strip off size marker
if dqt_size % 2 == 0: # even payload means luma & chroma
print ' both luma & chroma DQT matrices in marker'
dqt_size = (dqt_size - 2) / 2 # subtact off luma/chroma markers
assert is_square(dqt_size), 'DQT size: %d' % dqt_size
luma_start = dqt + 5 # skip header, length, & matrix id
chroma_start = luma_start + dqt_size + 1 # skip lumen & matrix_id
luma = np.array(jpeg[luma_start:luma_start+dqt_size])
chroma = np.array(jpeg[chroma_start:chroma_start+dqt_size])
if debug:
h = int(math.sqrt(dqt_size))
print ' luma:', luma.reshape(h, h)
print ' chroma:', chroma.reshape(h, h)
else: # odd payload means only 1 matrix
print ' single DQT matrix in marker'
dqt_size = dqt_size - 1 # subtract off luma/chroma marker
assert is_square(dqt_size), 'DQT size: %d' % dqt_size
start = dqt + 5
matrix = np.array(jpeg[start:start+dqt_size])
if jpeg[dqt+4]: # chroma == 1
if debug:
h = int(math.sqrt(dqt_size))
print ' chroma:', matrix.reshape(h, h)
else: # luma == 0
if debug:
h = int(math.sqrt(dqt_size))
print ' luma:', matrix.reshape(h, h)
return lumas, chromas
def plot_data(qualities, lumas, chromas):
"""Create plot of data."""
print 'qualities: %s' % str(qualities)
print 'luma DQT avgs: %s' % str(lumas)
print 'chroma DQT avgs: %s' % str(chromas)
for i in range(lumas.shape[1]):
pylab.plot(qualities, lumas[:, i], '-g'+SYMBOLS[i],
pylab.plot(qualities, chromas[:, i], '-r'+SYMBOLS[i],
pylab.xlim([0, 100])
pylab.ylim([0, None])
pylab.ylabel('DQT luma/chroma matrix averages')
pylab.legend(loc='upper right', numpoints=1, fancybox=True)
matplotlib.pyplot.savefig('%s_plot.png' % NAME)
def main():
"""Test the camera JPEG compression quality.
Step JPEG qualities through android.jpeg.quality. Ensure quanitization
matrix decreases with quality increase. Matrix should decrease as the
matrix represents the division factor. Higher numbers --> fewer quantization
# determine debug
debug = its.caps.debug_mode()
# init variables
lumas = []
chromas = []
with its.device.ItsSession() as cam:
props = cam.get_camera_properties()
# do captures over jpeg quality range
req = its.objects.auto_capture_request()
for q in QUALITIES:
print '\njpeg.quality: %.d' % q
req['android.jpeg.quality'] = q
cap = cam.do_capture(req, cam.CAP_JPEG)
jpeg = cap['data']
# strip off start of image
jpeg = strip_soi_marker(jpeg)
# strip off application specific data
jpeg = strip_appn_data(jpeg)
print 'remaining JPEG header:', jpeg[0:4]
# find and extract DQTs
lumas_i, chromas_i = extract_dqts(jpeg, debug)
# save JPEG image
img = its.image.convert_capture_to_rgb_image(cap, props=props)
its.image.write_image(img, '%s_%d.jpg' % (NAME, q))
# turn lumas/chromas into np array to ease multi-dimensional plots/asserts
lumas = np.array(lumas)
chromas = np.array(chromas)
# create plot of luma & chroma averages vs quality
plot_data(QUALITIES, lumas, chromas)
# assert decreasing luma/chroma with improved jpeg quality
for i in range(lumas.shape[1]):
l = lumas[:, i]
c = chromas[:, i]
emsg = 'luma DQT avgs: %s, TOL: %.1f' % (str(l), JPEG_DQT_TOL)
assert all(y < x * JPEG_DQT_TOL for x, y in zip(l, l[1:])), emsg
emsg = 'chroma DQT avgs: %s, TOL: %.1f' % (str(c), JPEG_DQT_TOL)
assert all(y < x * JPEG_DQT_TOL for x, y in zip(c, c[1:])), emsg
if __name__ == '__main__':