blob: 400eeeb3c20154ee0fff330893315732f620e7b3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
cert_dir := cts/hostsidetests/appsecurity/certs/pkgsigverify
# This is the default test package signed with the default key.
include $(LOCAL_PATH)/
LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := CtsPkgInstallTinyApp
# This is the test package v2 signed with the default key.
include $(LOCAL_PATH)/
LOCAL_MANIFEST_FILE := AndroidManifest-v2.xml
LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := CtsPkgInstallTinyAppV2
# This is the test package signed using the V1/V2 signature schemes with
# two signers targeting SDK version 30 with sandbox version 1. From this
# package the v1-ec-p256-two-signers-targetSdk-30.apk is created with the
# following command:
# apksigner sign --in v1v2-ec-p256-two-signers-targetSdk-30.apk --out
# v1-ec-p256-two-signers-targetSdk-30.apk --cert ec-p256.x509.pem --key
# ec-p256.pk8 --next-signer --cert ec-p256_2.x509.pem --key ec-p256_2.pk8
# --v2-signing-enabled false --v3-signing-enabled false --v4-signing-enabled false
include $(LOCAL_PATH)/
LOCAL_MANIFEST_FILE := AndroidManifest-sandbox-v1.xml
LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := v1v2-ec-p256-two-signers-targetSdk-30
LOCAL_CERTIFICATE := $(cert_dir)/ec-p256
LOCAL_ADDITIONAL_CERTIFICATES := $(cert_dir)/ec-p256_2
# This is the test package signed using the V3 signature scheme
# with the previous key in the lineage and part of a sharedUid.
include $(LOCAL_PATH)/
LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := v3-ec-p256-1-sharedUid
LOCAL_MANIFEST_FILE := AndroidManifest-shareduid.xml
LOCAL_CERTIFICATE := $(cert_dir)/ec-p256
# This is the test package signed using the V3 signature scheme with
# a rotated key and one signer in the lineage with default capabilities.
include $(LOCAL_PATH)/
LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := v3-ec-p256-with-por_1_2-default-caps
LOCAL_CERTIFICATE := $(cert_dir)/ec-p256_2
LOCAL_CERTIFICATE_LINEAGE := $(cert_dir)/ec-p256-por_1_2-default-caps
# This is the test package signed using the V3 signature scheme with
# a rotated key and part of a shareduid. The capabilities of this lineage
# grant access to the previous key in the lineage to join the sharedUid.
include $(LOCAL_PATH)/
LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := v3-ec-p256-with-por_1_2-default-caps-sharedUid
LOCAL_MANIFEST_FILE := AndroidManifest-shareduid.xml
LOCAL_CERTIFICATE := $(cert_dir)/ec-p256_2
LOCAL_CERTIFICATE_LINEAGE := $(cert_dir)/ec-p256-por_1_2-default-caps
# This is the test package signed using the V3 signature scheme with
# a rotated key and part of a shareduid. The signing lineage begins
# with a key that is not in any of the other lineages and is intended
# to verify that two packages signed with lineages that have diverged
# ancestors are not allowed to be installed in the same sharedUserId.
include $(LOCAL_PATH)/
LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := v3-por_Y_1_2-default-caps-sharedUid
LOCAL_MANIFEST_FILE := AndroidManifest-shareduid.xml
LOCAL_CERTIFICATE := $(cert_dir)/ec-p256_2
LOCAL_ADDITIONAL_CERTIFICATES := $(cert_dir)/rsa-2048 $(cert_dir)/ec-p256
LOCAL_CERTIFICATE_LINEAGE := $(cert_dir)/por_Y_1_2-default-caps
# This is the test package signed using the V3 signature scheme with
# a rotated key and part of a shareduid. The capabilities of this lineage
# prevent the previous key in the lineage from joining the sharedUid.
include $(LOCAL_PATH)/
LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := v3-ec-p256-with-por_1_2-no-shUid-cap-sharedUid
LOCAL_MANIFEST_FILE := AndroidManifest-shareduid.xml
LOCAL_CERTIFICATE := $(cert_dir)/ec-p256_2
LOCAL_CERTIFICATE_LINEAGE := $(cert_dir)/ec-p256-por_1_2-no-shUid-cap
# This is the first companion package signed using the V3 signature scheme
# with a rotated key and part of a sharedUid. The capabilities of this lineage
# grant access to the previous key in the lineage to join the sharedUid.
include $(LOCAL_PATH)/
LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := v3-ec-p256-with-por_1_2-default-caps-sharedUid-companion
LOCAL_MANIFEST_FILE := AndroidManifest-companion-shareduid.xml
LOCAL_CERTIFICATE := $(cert_dir)/ec-p256_2
LOCAL_CERTIFICATE_LINEAGE := $(cert_dir)/ec-p256-por_1_2-default-caps
# This is the companion package signed using the V3 signature scheme with
# a rotated key and part of a shareduid. The signing lineage begins
# with a key that is not in any of the other lineages and is intended
# to verify that two packages signed with lineages that have diverged
# ancestors are not allowed to be installed in the same sharedUserId.
include $(LOCAL_PATH)/
LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := v3-por_Z_1_2-default-caps-sharedUid-companion
LOCAL_MANIFEST_FILE := AndroidManifest-shareduid.xml
LOCAL_CERTIFICATE := $(cert_dir)/ec-p256_2
LOCAL_ADDITIONAL_CERTIFICATES := $(cert_dir)/dsa-2048 $(cert_dir)/ec-p256
LOCAL_CERTIFICATE_LINEAGE := $(cert_dir)/por_Z_1_2-default-caps
# This is the first companion package signed using the V3 signature scheme
# # with a rotated key and part of a sharedUid but without the signing lineage.
# This app is intended to test lineage scenarios where an app is only signed
# with the latest key in the lineage.
include $(LOCAL_PATH)/
LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := v3-ec-p256-2-sharedUid-companion
LOCAL_MANIFEST_FILE := AndroidManifest-companion-shareduid.xml
LOCAL_CERTIFICATE := $(cert_dir)/ec-p256_2
# This is the second companion package signed using the V3 signature scheme
# with the previous key in the lineage and part of a sharedUid.
include $(LOCAL_PATH)/
LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := v3-ec-p256-1-sharedUid-companion2
LOCAL_MANIFEST_FILE := AndroidManifest-companion2-shareduid.xml
LOCAL_CERTIFICATE := $(cert_dir)/ec-p256
cert_dir :=