blob: 40bc979b8284da94298fa987d82d27692fbd9079 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""Verifies post RAW sensitivity boost."""
import logging
import os.path
import matplotlib
from matplotlib import pylab
from mobly import test_runner
import numpy as np
import its_base_test
import camera_properties_utils
import capture_request_utils
import error_util
import image_processing_utils
import its_session_utils
import target_exposure_utils
_COLORS = ('R', 'G', 'B')
_MAX_YUV_SIZE = (1920, 1080)
_NAME = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0]
_PATCH_H = 0.1 # center 10%
_PATCH_W = 0.1
_PATCH_X = 0.5 - _PATCH_W/2
_PATCH_Y = 0.5 - _PATCH_H/2
_RATIO_TOL = 0.1 # +/-10% TOL on images vs expected values
_RAW_PIXEL_THRESH = 0.03 # Waive check if RAW [0, 1] value below this thresh
def create_requests(cam, props, log_path):
"""Create the requests and settings lists."""
w, h = capture_request_utils.get_available_output_sizes(
'yuv', props, _MAX_YUV_SIZE)[0]
if camera_properties_utils.raw16(props):
raw_format = 'raw'
elif camera_properties_utils.raw10(props):
raw_format = 'raw10'
elif camera_properties_utils.raw12(props):
raw_format = 'raw12'
else: # should not reach here
raise error_util.Error('Cannot find available RAW output format')
out_surfaces = [{'format': raw_format},
{'format': 'yuv', 'width': w, 'height': h}]
sens_min, sens_max = props['']
sens_boost_min, sens_boost_max = props[
exp_target, sens_target = target_exposure_utils.get_target_exposure_combos(
log_path, cam)['midSensitivity']
reqs = []
settings = []
sens_boost = sens_boost_min
while sens_boost <= sens_boost_max:
sens_raw = int(round(sens_target * 100.0 / sens_boost))
if sens_raw < sens_min or sens_raw > sens_max:
req = capture_request_utils.manual_capture_request(sens_raw, exp_target)
req['android.control.postRawSensitivityBoost'] = sens_boost
settings.append((sens_raw, sens_boost))
if sens_boost == sens_boost_max:
sens_boost *= 2
# Always try to test maximum sensitivity boost value
if sens_boost > sens_boost_max:
sens_boost = sens_boost_max
return settings, reqs, out_surfaces
def compute_patch_means(cap, props, file_name):
"""Compute the RGB means for center patch of capture."""
rgb_img = image_processing_utils.convert_capture_to_rgb_image(
cap, props=props)
patch = image_processing_utils.get_image_patch(
rgb_img, _PATCH_X, _PATCH_Y, _PATCH_W, _PATCH_H)
image_processing_utils.write_image(patch, file_name)
return image_processing_utils.compute_image_means(patch)
def create_plots(idx, raw_means, yuv_means, log_path):
"""Create plots from data.
idx: capture request indices for x-axis.
raw_means: array of RAW capture RGB converted means.
yuv_means: array of YUV capture RGB converted means.
log_path: path to save files.
for i, _ in enumerate(_COLORS):
pylab.plot(idx, [ch[i] for ch in yuv_means], '-'+'rgb'[i]+'s', label='YUV',
pylab.plot(idx, [ch[i] for ch in raw_means], '-'+'rgb'[i]+'o', label='RAW',
pylab.ylim([0, 1])
pylab.title('%s' % _NAME)
pylab.ylabel('RGB means')
pylab.legend(loc='lower right', numpoints=1, fancybox=True)
matplotlib.pyplot.savefig('%s_plot_means.png' % os.path.join(log_path, _NAME))
class PostRawSensitivityBoost(its_base_test.ItsBaseTest):
"""Check post RAW sensitivity boost.
Captures a set of RAW/YUV images with different sensitivity/post RAW
sensitivity boost combination and checks if output means match req settings
RAW images should get brighter. YUV images should stay about the same.
asserts RAW is ~2x brighter per step
asserts YUV is about the same per step
def test_post_raw_sensitivity_boost(self):
logging.debug('Starting %s', _NAME)
with its_session_utils.ItsSession(
hidden_physical_id=self.hidden_physical_id) as cam:
props = cam.get_camera_properties()
props = cam.override_with_hidden_physical_camera_props(props)
camera_properties_utils.raw_output(props) and
camera_properties_utils.post_raw_sensitivity_boost(props) and
camera_properties_utils.compute_target_exposure(props) and
camera_properties_utils.per_frame_control(props) and
not camera_properties_utils.mono_camera(props))
log_path = self.log_path
# Load chart for scene
cam, props, self.scene, self.tablet, self.chart_distance)
# Create reqs & do caps
settings, reqs, out_surfaces = create_requests(cam, props, log_path)
raw_caps, yuv_caps = cam.do_capture(reqs, out_surfaces)
if not isinstance(raw_caps, list):
raw_caps = [raw_caps]
if not isinstance(yuv_caps, list):
yuv_caps = [yuv_caps]
# Extract data
raw_means = []
yuv_means = []
for i in range(len(reqs)):
sens, sens_boost = settings[i]
raw_file_name = '%s_raw_s=%04d_boost=%04d.jpg' % (
os.path.join(log_path, _NAME), sens, sens_boost)
raw_means.append(compute_patch_means(raw_caps[i], props, raw_file_name))
yuv_file_name = '%s_yuv_s=%04d_boost=%04d.jpg' % (
os.path.join(log_path, _NAME), sens, sens_boost)
yuv_means.append(compute_patch_means(yuv_caps[i], props, yuv_file_name))
logging.debug('s=%d, s_boost=%d: raw_means %s, yuv_means %s',
sens, sens_boost, str(raw_means[-1]), str(yuv_means[-1]))
cap_idxs = range(len(reqs))
# Create plots
create_plots(cap_idxs, raw_means, yuv_means, log_path)
# RAW asserts
for step in range(1, len(reqs)):
sens_prev, _ = settings[step - 1]
sens, sens_boost = settings[step]
expected_ratio = sens_prev / sens
for ch, _ in enumerate(_COLORS):
ratio_per_step = raw_means[step-1][ch] / raw_means[step][ch]
logging.debug('Step: (%d, %d) %s channel: (%f, %f), ratio: %f,',
step - 1, step, _COLORS[ch], raw_means[step - 1][ch],
raw_means[step][ch], ratio_per_step)
if raw_means[step][ch] <= _RAW_PIXEL_THRESH:
if not np.isclose(ratio_per_step, expected_ratio, atol=_RATIO_TOL):
raise AssertionError(
f'step: {step}, ratio: {ratio_per_step}, expected ratio: '
f'{expected_ratio}.3f, ATOL: {_RATIO_TOL}')
# YUV asserts
for ch, _ in enumerate(_COLORS):
vals = [val[ch] for val in yuv_means]
for idx in cap_idxs:
if raw_means[idx][ch] <= _RAW_PIXEL_THRESH:
vals = vals[:idx]
mean = sum(vals) / len(vals)
logging.debug('%s channel vals %s mean %f', _COLORS[ch], vals, mean)
for step in range(len(vals)):
ratio_mean = vals[step] / mean
if not np.isclose(1.0, ratio_mean, atol=_RATIO_TOL):
raise AssertionError(
f'Capture vs mean ratio: {ratio_mean}, TOL: +/- {_RATIO_TOL}')
if __name__ == '__main__':