blob: 04477fb523c95aa69e48254343370b212f77504d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Dalvik-specific side of debugger support. (The JDWP code is intended to
* be relatively generic.)
#include "Common.h"
#include "Misc.h"
#include "jdwp/Jdwp.h"
#include <pthread.h>
/* fwd decl */
struct Object;
struct ClassObject;
struct Method;
struct Thread;
* Used by StepControl to track a set of addresses associated with
* a single line.
typedef struct AddressSet {
u4 setSize;
u1 set[1];
} AddressSet;
INLINE void dvmAddressSetSet(AddressSet *pSet, u4 toSet)
if (toSet < pSet->setSize) {
pSet->set[toSet/8] |= 1 << (toSet % 8);
INLINE bool dvmAddressSetGet(const AddressSet *pSet, u4 toGet)
if (toGet < pSet->setSize) {
return (pSet->set[toGet/8] & (1 << (toGet % 8))) != 0;
} else {
return false;
* Single-step management.
typedef struct StepControl {
/* request */
enum JdwpStepSize size;
enum JdwpStepDepth depth;
struct Thread* thread; /* don't deref; for comparison only */
/* current state */
bool active;
const struct Method* method;
int line; /* line #; could be -1 */
const AddressSet* pAddressSet; /* if non-null, address set for line */
int frameDepth;
} StepControl;
* Invoke-during-breakpoint support.
typedef struct DebugInvokeReq {
/* boolean; only set when we're in the tail end of an event handler */
bool ready;
/* boolean; set if the JDWP thread wants this thread to do work */
bool invokeNeeded;
/* request */
struct Object* obj; /* not used for ClassType.InvokeMethod */
struct Object* thread;
struct ClassObject* clazz;
struct Method* method;
u4 numArgs;
u8* argArray; /* will be NULL if numArgs==0 */
u4 options;
/* result */
JdwpError err;
u1 resultTag;
JValue resultValue;
ObjectId exceptObj;
/* condition variable to wait on while the method executes */
pthread_mutex_t lock;
pthread_cond_t cv;
} DebugInvokeReq;
/* system init/shutdown */
bool dvmDebuggerStartup(void);
void dvmDebuggerShutdown(void);
void dvmDbgInitMutex(pthread_mutex_t* pMutex);
void dvmDbgLockMutex(pthread_mutex_t* pMutex);
void dvmDbgUnlockMutex(pthread_mutex_t* pMutex);
void dvmDbgInitCond(pthread_cond_t* pCond);
void dvmDbgCondWait(pthread_cond_t* pCond, pthread_mutex_t* pMutex);
void dvmDbgCondSignal(pthread_cond_t* pCond);
void dvmDbgCondBroadcast(pthread_cond_t* pCond);
* Return the DebugInvokeReq for the current thread.
DebugInvokeReq* dvmDbgGetInvokeReq(void);
* Enable/disable breakpoints and step modes. Used to provide a heads-up
* when the debugger attaches.
void dvmDbgConnected(void);
void dvmDbgActive(void);
void dvmDbgDisconnected(void);
* Returns "true" if a debugger is connected. Returns "false" if it's
* just DDM.
bool dvmDbgIsDebuggerConnected(void);
* Time, in milliseconds, since the last debugger activity. Does not
* include DDMS activity. Returns -1 if there has been no activity.
* Returns 0 if we're in the middle of handling a debugger request.
s8 dvmDbgLastDebuggerActivity(void);
* Block/allow GC depending on what we're doing. These return the old
* status, which can be fed to dvmDbgThreadGoing() to restore the previous
* mode.
int dvmDbgThreadRunning(void);
int dvmDbgThreadWaiting(void);
int dvmDbgThreadContinuing(int status);
* The debugger wants the VM to exit.
void dvmDbgExit(int status);
* Class, Object, Array
const char* dvmDbgGetClassDescriptor(RefTypeId id);
ObjectId dvmDbgGetClassObject(RefTypeId id);
RefTypeId dvmDbgGetSuperclass(RefTypeId id);
ObjectId dvmDbgGetClassLoader(RefTypeId id);
u4 dvmDbgGetAccessFlags(RefTypeId id);
bool dvmDbgIsInterface(RefTypeId id);
void dvmDbgGetClassList(u4* pNumClasses, RefTypeId** pClassRefBuf);
void dvmDbgGetVisibleClassList(ObjectId classLoaderId, u4* pNumClasses,
RefTypeId** pClassRefBuf);
void dvmDbgGetClassInfo(RefTypeId classId, u1* pTypeTag, u4* pStatus,
char** pSignature);
bool dvmDbgFindLoadedClassBySignature(const char* classDescriptor,
RefTypeId* pRefTypeId);
void dvmDbgGetObjectType(ObjectId objectId, u1* pRefTypeTag,
RefTypeId* pRefTypeId);
u1 dvmDbgGetClassObjectType(RefTypeId refTypeId);
char* dvmDbgGetSignature(RefTypeId refTypeId);
const char* dvmDbgGetSourceFile(RefTypeId refTypeId);
char* dvmDbgGetObjectTypeName(ObjectId objectId);
int dvmDbgGetSignatureTag(const char* signature);
int dvmDbgGetObjectTag(ObjectId objectId, const char* type);
int dvmDbgGetTagWidth(int tag);
int dvmDbgGetArrayLength(ObjectId arrayId);
int dvmDbgGetArrayElementTag(ObjectId arrayId);
bool dvmDbgOutputArray(ObjectId arrayId, int firstIndex, int count,
ExpandBuf* pReply);
bool dvmDbgSetArrayElements(ObjectId arrayId, int firstIndex, int count,
const u1* buf);
ObjectId dvmDbgCreateString(const char* str);
ObjectId dvmDbgCreateObject(RefTypeId classId);
bool dvmDbgMatchType(RefTypeId instClassId, RefTypeId classId);
* Method and Field
const char* dvmDbgGetMethodName(RefTypeId refTypeId, MethodId id);
void dvmDbgOutputAllFields(RefTypeId refTypeId, bool withGeneric,
ExpandBuf* pReply);
void dvmDbgOutputAllMethods(RefTypeId refTypeId, bool withGeneric,
ExpandBuf* pReply);
void dvmDbgOutputAllInterfaces(RefTypeId refTypeId, ExpandBuf* pReply);
void dvmDbgOutputLineTable(RefTypeId refTypeId, MethodId methodId,
ExpandBuf* pReply);
void dvmDbgOutputVariableTable(RefTypeId refTypeId, MethodId id,
bool withGeneric, ExpandBuf* pReply);
int dvmDbgGetFieldTag(ObjectId objId, FieldId fieldId);
int dvmDbgGetStaticFieldTag(RefTypeId refTypeId, FieldId fieldId);
void dvmDbgGetFieldValue(ObjectId objId, FieldId fieldId, u1* ptr, int width);
void dvmDbgSetFieldValue(ObjectId objectId, FieldId fieldId, u8 value,
int width);
void dvmDbgGetStaticFieldValue(RefTypeId refTypeId, FieldId fieldId, u1* ptr,
int width);
void dvmDbgSetStaticFieldValue(RefTypeId refTypeId, FieldId fieldId,
u8 rawValue, int width);
char* dvmDbgStringToUtf8(ObjectId strId);
* Thread, ThreadGroup, Frame
char* dvmDbgGetThreadName(ObjectId threadId);
ObjectId dvmDbgGetThreadGroup(ObjectId threadId);
char* dvmDbgGetThreadGroupName(ObjectId threadGroupId);
ObjectId dvmDbgGetThreadGroupParent(ObjectId threadGroupId);
ObjectId dvmDbgGetSystemThreadGroupId(void);
ObjectId dvmDbgGetMainThreadGroupId(void);
bool dvmDbgGetThreadStatus(ObjectId threadId, u4* threadStatus,
u4* suspendStatus);
u4 dvmDbgGetThreadSuspendCount(ObjectId threadId);
bool dvmDbgThreadExists(ObjectId threadId);
bool dvmDbgIsSuspended(ObjectId threadId);
//void dvmDbgWaitForSuspend(ObjectId threadId);
void dvmDbgGetThreadGroupThreads(ObjectId threadGroupId,
ObjectId** ppThreadIds, u4* pThreadCount);
void dvmDbgGetAllThreads(ObjectId** ppThreadIds, u4* pThreadCount);
int dvmDbgGetThreadFrameCount(ObjectId threadId);
bool dvmDbgGetThreadFrame(ObjectId threadId, int num, FrameId* pFrameId,
JdwpLocation* pLoc);
ObjectId dvmDbgGetThreadSelfId(void);
void dvmDbgSuspendVM(bool isEvent);
void dvmDbgResumeVM(void);
void dvmDbgSuspendThread(ObjectId threadId);
void dvmDbgResumeThread(ObjectId threadId);
void dvmDbgSuspendSelf(void);
bool dvmDbgGetThisObject(ObjectId threadId, FrameId frameId, ObjectId* pThisId);
void dvmDbgGetLocalValue(ObjectId threadId, FrameId frameId, int slot,
u1 tag, u1* buf, int expectedLen);
void dvmDbgSetLocalValue(ObjectId threadId, FrameId frameId, int slot,
u1 tag, u8 value, int width);
* Debugger notification
void dvmDbgPostLocationEvent(const struct Method* method, int pcOffset,
struct Object* thisPtr, int eventFlags);
void dvmDbgPostException(void* throwFp, int throwRelPc, void* catchFp,
int catchRelPc, struct Object* exception);
void dvmDbgPostThreadStart(struct Thread* thread);
void dvmDbgPostThreadDeath(struct Thread* thread);
void dvmDbgPostClassPrepare(struct ClassObject* clazz);
// FieldAccess, FieldModification
/* for "eventFlags" */
enum {
bool dvmDbgWatchLocation(const JdwpLocation* pLoc);
void dvmDbgUnwatchLocation(const JdwpLocation* pLoc);
bool dvmDbgConfigureStep(ObjectId threadId, enum JdwpStepSize size,
enum JdwpStepDepth depth);
void dvmDbgUnconfigureStep(ObjectId threadId);
JdwpError dvmDbgInvokeMethod(ObjectId threadId, ObjectId objectId,
RefTypeId classId, MethodId methodId, u4 numArgs, u8* argArray,
u4 options, u1* pResultTag, u8* pResultValue, ObjectId* pExceptObj);
void dvmDbgExecuteMethod(DebugInvokeReq* pReq);
/* Make an AddressSet for a line, for single stepping */
const AddressSet *dvmAddressSetForLine(const struct Method* method, int line);
/* perform "late registration" of an object ID */
void dvmDbgRegisterObjectId(ObjectId id);
* DDM support.
bool dvmDbgDdmHandlePacket(const u1* buf, int dataLen, u1** pReplyBuf,
int* pReplyLen);
void dvmDbgDdmConnected(void);
void dvmDbgDdmDisconnected(void);
void dvmDbgDdmSendChunk(int type, size_t len, const u1* buf);
void dvmDbgDdmSendChunkV(int type, const struct iovec* iov, int iovcnt);
#define CHUNK_TYPE(_name) \
((_name)[0] << 24 | (_name)[1] << 16 | (_name)[2] << 8 | (_name)[3])