blob: f1442547cee6e34a878a1633d554aafeb1d00198 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Test the indirect reference table implementation.
#include "Dalvik.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#ifndef NDEBUG
class Stopwatch {
Stopwatch() {
void reset() {
start_ = now();
float elapsedSeconds() {
return (now() - start_) * 0.000001f;
u8 start_;
static u8 now() {
struct timespec tm;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID, &tm);
return tm.tv_sec * 1000000LL + tm.tv_nsec / 1000;
struct timeval tv;
gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
return tv.tv_sec * 1000000LL + tv.tv_usec;
* Basic add/get/delete tests in an unsegmented table.
static bool basicTest()
static const int kTableMax = 20;
IndirectRefTable irt;
IndirectRef iref0, iref1, iref2, iref3;
IndirectRef manyRefs[kTableMax];
ClassObject* clazz = dvmFindClass("Ljava/lang/Object;", NULL);
Object* obj0 = dvmAllocObject(clazz, ALLOC_DONT_TRACK);
Object* obj1 = dvmAllocObject(clazz, ALLOC_DONT_TRACK);
Object* obj2 = dvmAllocObject(clazz, ALLOC_DONT_TRACK);
Object* obj3 = dvmAllocObject(clazz, ALLOC_DONT_TRACK);
const u4 cookie = IRT_FIRST_SEGMENT;
bool result = false;
if (!irt.init(kTableMax/2, kTableMax, kIndirectKindGlobal)) {
return false;
iref0 = (IndirectRef) 0x11110;
if (irt.remove(cookie, iref0)) {
ALOGE("unexpectedly successful removal");
goto bail;
* Add three, check, remove in the order in which they were added.
DBUG_MSG("+++ START fifo\n");
iref0 = irt.add(cookie, obj0);
iref1 = irt.add(cookie, obj1);
iref2 = irt.add(cookie, obj2);
if (iref0 == NULL || iref1 == NULL || iref2 == NULL) {
ALOGE("trivial add1 failed");
goto bail;
if (irt.get(iref0) != obj0 ||
irt.get(iref1) != obj1 ||
irt.get(iref2) != obj2) {
ALOGE("objects don't match expected values %p %p %p vs. %p %p %p",
irt.get(iref0), irt.get(iref1), irt.get(iref2),
obj0, obj1, obj2);
goto bail;
} else {
DBUG_MSG("+++ obj1=%p --> iref1=%p\n", obj1, iref1);
if (!irt.remove(cookie, iref0) ||
!irt.remove(cookie, iref1) ||
!irt.remove(cookie, iref2))
ALOGE("fifo deletion failed");
goto bail;
/* table should be empty now */
if (irt.capacity() != 0) {
ALOGE("fifo del not empty");
goto bail;
/* get invalid entry (off the end of the list) */
if (irt.get(iref0) != kInvalidIndirectRefObject) {
ALOGE("stale entry get succeeded unexpectedly");
goto bail;
* Add three, remove in the opposite order.
DBUG_MSG("+++ START lifo\n");
iref0 = irt.add(cookie, obj0);
iref1 = irt.add(cookie, obj1);
iref2 = irt.add(cookie, obj2);
if (iref0 == NULL || iref1 == NULL || iref2 == NULL) {
ALOGE("trivial add2 failed");
goto bail;
if (!irt.remove(cookie, iref2) ||
!irt.remove(cookie, iref1) ||
!irt.remove(cookie, iref0))
ALOGE("lifo deletion failed");
goto bail;
/* table should be empty now */
if (irt.capacity() != 0) {
ALOGE("lifo del not empty");
goto bail;
* Add three, remove middle / middle / bottom / top. (Second attempt
* to remove middle should fail.)
DBUG_MSG("+++ START unorder\n");
iref0 = irt.add(cookie, obj0);
iref1 = irt.add(cookie, obj1);
iref2 = irt.add(cookie, obj2);
if (iref0 == NULL || iref1 == NULL || iref2 == NULL) {
ALOGE("trivial add3 failed");
goto bail;
if (irt.capacity() != 3) {
ALOGE("expected 3 entries, found %d", irt.capacity());
goto bail;
if (!irt.remove(cookie, iref1) || irt.remove(cookie, iref1)) {
ALOGE("unorder deletion1 failed");
goto bail;
/* get invalid entry (from hole) */
if (irt.get(iref1) != kInvalidIndirectRefObject) {
ALOGE("hole get succeeded unexpectedly");
goto bail;
if (!irt.remove(cookie, iref2) || !irt.remove(cookie, iref0)) {
ALOGE("unorder deletion2 failed");
goto bail;
/* table should be empty now */
if (irt.capacity() != 0) {
ALOGE("unorder del not empty");
goto bail;
* Add four entries. Remove #1, add new entry, verify that table size
* is still 4 (i.e. holes are getting filled). Remove #1 and #3, verify
* that we delete one and don't hole-compact the other.
DBUG_MSG("+++ START hole fill\n");
iref0 = irt.add(cookie, obj0);
iref1 = irt.add(cookie, obj1);
iref2 = irt.add(cookie, obj2);
iref3 = irt.add(cookie, obj3);
if (iref0 == NULL || iref1 == NULL || iref2 == NULL || iref3 == NULL) {
ALOGE("trivial add4 failed");
goto bail;
if (!irt.remove(cookie, iref1)) {
ALOGE("remove 1 of 4 failed");
goto bail;
iref1 = irt.add(cookie, obj1);
if (irt.capacity() != 4) {
ALOGE("hole not filled");
goto bail;
if (!irt.remove(cookie, iref1) || !irt.remove(cookie, iref3)) {
ALOGE("remove 1/3 failed");
goto bail;
if (irt.capacity() != 3) {
ALOGE("should be 3 after two deletions");
goto bail;
if (!irt.remove(cookie, iref2) || !irt.remove(cookie, iref0)) {
ALOGE("remove 2/0 failed");
goto bail;
if (irt.capacity() != 0) {
ALOGE("not empty after split remove");
goto bail;
* Add an entry, remove it, add a new entry, and try to use the original
* iref. They have the same slot number but are for different objects.
* With the extended checks in place, this should fail.
DBUG_MSG("+++ START switched\n");
iref0 = irt.add(cookie, obj0);
irt.remove(cookie, iref0);
iref1 = irt.add(cookie, obj1);
if (irt.remove(cookie, iref0)) {
ALOGE("mismatched del succeeded (%p vs %p)", iref0, iref1);
goto bail;
if (!irt.remove(cookie, iref1)) {
ALOGE("switched del failed");
goto bail;
if (irt.capacity() != 0) {
ALOGE("switching del not empty");
goto bail;
* Same as above, but with the same object. A more rigorous checker
* (e.g. with slot serialization) will catch this.
DBUG_MSG("+++ START switched same object\n");
iref0 = irt.add(cookie, obj0);
irt.remove(cookie, iref0);
iref1 = irt.add(cookie, obj0);
if (iref0 != iref1) {
/* try 0, should not work */
if (irt.remove(cookie, iref0)) {
ALOGE("temporal del succeeded (%p vs %p)", iref0, iref1);
goto bail;
if (!irt.remove(cookie, iref1)) {
ALOGE("temporal cleanup failed");
goto bail;
if (irt.capacity() != 0) {
ALOGE("temporal del not empty");
goto bail;
DBUG_MSG("+++ START null lookup\n");
if (irt.get(NULL) != kInvalidIndirectRefObject) {
ALOGE("null lookup succeeded");
goto bail;
DBUG_MSG("+++ START stale lookup\n");
iref0 = irt.add(cookie, obj0);
irt.remove(cookie, iref0);
if (irt.get(iref0) != kInvalidIndirectRefObject) {
ALOGE("stale lookup succeeded");
goto bail;
* Test table overflow.
DBUG_MSG("+++ START overflow\n");
int i;
for (i = 0; i < kTableMax; i++) {
manyRefs[i] = irt.add(cookie, obj0);
if (manyRefs[i] == NULL) {
ALOGE("Failed adding %d of %d", i, kTableMax);
goto bail;
if (irt.add(cookie, obj0) != NULL) {
ALOGE("Table overflow succeeded");
goto bail;
if (irt.capacity() != (size_t)kTableMax) {
ALOGE("Expected %d entries, found %d", kTableMax, irt.capacity());
goto bail;
irt.dump("table with 20 entries, all filled");
for (i = 0; i < kTableMax-1; i++) {
if (!irt.remove(cookie, manyRefs[i])) {
ALOGE("multi-remove failed at %d", i);
goto bail;
irt.dump("table with 20 entries, 19 of them holes");
/* because of removal order, should have 20 entries, 19 of them holes */
if (irt.capacity() != (size_t)kTableMax) {
ALOGE("Expected %d entries (with holes), found %d",
kTableMax, irt.capacity());
goto bail;
if (!irt.remove(cookie, manyRefs[kTableMax-1])) {
ALOGE("multi-remove final failed");
goto bail;
if (irt.capacity() != 0) {
ALOGE("multi-del not empty");
goto bail;
/* Done */
DBUG_MSG("+++ basic test complete\n");
result = true;
return result;
static bool performanceTest()
static const int kTableMax = 100;
IndirectRefTable irt;
IndirectRef manyRefs[kTableMax];
ClassObject* clazz = dvmFindClass("Ljava/lang/Object;", NULL);
Object* obj0 = dvmAllocObject(clazz, ALLOC_DONT_TRACK);
const u4 cookie = IRT_FIRST_SEGMENT;
const int kLoops = 100000;
Stopwatch stopwatch;
DBUG_MSG("+++ START performance\n");
if (!irt.init(kTableMax, kTableMax, kIndirectKindGlobal)) {
return false;
for (int loop = 0; loop < kLoops; loop++) {
for (int i = 0; i < kTableMax; i++) {
manyRefs[i] = irt.add(cookie, obj0);
for (int i = 0; i < kTableMax; i++) {
irt.remove(cookie, manyRefs[i]);
DBUG_MSG("Add/remove %d objects FIFO order, %d iterations, %0.3fms / iteration",
kTableMax, kLoops, stopwatch.elapsedSeconds() * 1000 / kLoops);
for (int loop = 0; loop < kLoops; loop++) {
for (int i = 0; i < kTableMax; i++) {
manyRefs[i] = irt.add(cookie, obj0);
for (int i = kTableMax; i-- > 0; ) {
irt.remove(cookie, manyRefs[i]);
DBUG_MSG("Add/remove %d objects LIFO order, %d iterations, %0.3fms / iteration",
kTableMax, kLoops, stopwatch.elapsedSeconds() * 1000 / kLoops);
for (int i = 0; i < kTableMax; i++) {
manyRefs[i] = irt.add(cookie, obj0);
for (int loop = 0; loop < kLoops; loop++) {
for (int i = 0; i < kTableMax; i++) {
DBUG_MSG("Get %d objects, %d iterations, %0.3fms / iteration",
kTableMax, kLoops, stopwatch.elapsedSeconds() * 1000 / kLoops);
for (int i = kTableMax; i-- > 0; ) {
irt.remove(cookie, manyRefs[i]);
return true;
* Some quick tests.
bool dvmTestIndirectRefTable()
if (!basicTest()) {
ALOGE("IRT basic test failed");
return false;
if (!performanceTest()) {
ALOGE("IRT performance test failed");
return false;
return true;
#endif /*NDEBUG*/