blob: d1d2df6e6e44d2ae5bd642b12c01e1958f49e9b6 [file] [log] [blame]
%verify "executed"
%verify "class not resolved"
%verify "class cannot be resolved"
%verify "class not initialized"
%verify "class fails to initialize"
%verify "class already resolved/initialized"
%verify "class is abstract or interface"
%verify "allocation fails"
* Create a new instance of a class.
/* new-instance vAA, class@BBBB */
ldr r3, [rGLUE, #offGlue_methodClassDex] @ r3<- pDvmDex
FETCH(r1, 1) @ r1<- BBBB
ldr r3, [r3, #offDvmDex_pResClasses] @ r3<- pDvmDex->pResClasses
ldr r0, [r3, r1, lsl #2] @ r0<- resolved class
EXPORT_PC() @ req'd for init, resolve, alloc
cmp r0, #0 @ already resolved?
beq .L${opcode}_resolve @ no, resolve it now
.L${opcode}_resolved: @ r0=class
ldrb r1, [r0, #offClassObject_status] @ r1<- ClassStatus enum
cmp r1, #CLASS_INITIALIZED @ has class been initialized?
bne .L${opcode}_needinit @ no, init class now
.L${opcode}_initialized: @ r0=class
ldr r3, [r0, #offClassObject_accessFlags] @ r3<- clazz->accessFlags
tst r3, #(ACC_INTERFACE|ACC_ABSTRACT) @ abstract or interface?
mov r1, #ALLOC_DONT_TRACK @ flags for alloc call
beq .L${opcode}_finish @ concrete class, continue
b .L${opcode}_abstract @ fail
.balign 32 @ minimize cache lines
.L${opcode}_finish: @ r0=class
bl dvmAllocObject @ r0<- new object
mov r3, rINST, lsr #8 @ r3<- AA
cmp r0, #0 @ failed?
beq common_exceptionThrown @ yes, handle the exception
FETCH_ADVANCE_INST(2) @ advance rPC, load rINST
GET_INST_OPCODE(ip) @ extract opcode from rINST
SET_VREG(r0, r3) @ vAA<- r0
GOTO_OPCODE(ip) @ jump to next instruction
* Class initialization required.
* r0 holds class object
mov r9, r0 @ save r0
bl dvmInitClass @ initialize class
cmp r0, #0 @ check boolean result
mov r0, r9 @ restore r0
bne .L${opcode}_initialized @ success, continue
b common_exceptionThrown @ failed, deal with init exception
* Resolution required. This is the least-likely path.
* r1 holds BBBB
ldr r3, [rGLUE, #offGlue_method] @ r3<- glue->method
mov r2, #0 @ r2<- false
ldr r0, [r3, #offMethod_clazz] @ r0<- method->clazz
bl dvmResolveClass @ r0<- resolved ClassObject ptr
cmp r0, #0 @ got null?
bne .L${opcode}_resolved @ no, continue
b common_exceptionThrown @ yes, handle exception
* We can't instantiate an abstract class or interface, so throw an
* InstantiationError with the class descriptor as the message.
* r0 holds class object
ldr r1, [r0, #offClassObject_descriptor]
ldr r0, .LstrInstantiationErrorPtr
bl dvmThrowExceptionWithClassMessage
b common_exceptionThrown
.word .LstrInstantiationError