blob: b4d88bba3a70f058dc36d51e9348d2b95cb1b313 [file] [log] [blame]
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Perform the identified object static field operation with the identified static
field, loading or storing into the value register.
Note: These opcodes are reasonable candidates for static linking, altering the
field argument to be a more direct offset.
<table class="instruc">
<th>Op &amp; Format</th>
<th>Mnemonic / Syntax</th>
<td>67..6d 21c</td>
<td>s<i>staticop</i> vAA, field@BBBB<br/>
67: sput<br/>
68: sput-wide<br/>
69: sput-object<br/>
6a: sput-boolean<br/>
6b: sput-byte<br/>
6c: sput-char<br/>
6d: sput-short
<td><code>A:</code> source value register or pair; (8 bits)<br/>
<code>B:</code> static field reference index (16 bits)</td>
A must be a valid register index in the current stackframe.
For the -wide variant, also A+1 must be a valid register index in the
current stackframe.
B must be a valid index into the field reference pool.
The field must be static. The type of the field denoted by C must match the
variant of the instruction.
For the -object variant, the instance referenced by register vA must be
assignment-compatible to the type of the field.
For all but the -wide variant, the value of register vA is move into the
field, that is, &lt;class&gt;.&lt;field&gt;'=vA.
For the -wide variant, the registers vA and v(A+1) are moved into the field
as follows:
&lt;class&gt;.&lt;field&gt;' = vA &lt;&lt; 0x20 | v(A+1)
NullPointerException if vB=null.
IllegalAccessException if &lt;object&gt;.&lt;field&gt; is not visible from
the current context according to the usual visibility and access rules of
the Java programming language, or final.