blob: f5d80f8cf7dcc0e83415cdd2d0c4da7665f2fea4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* JDWP internal interfaces.
#define LOG_TAG "jdwp"
#include "jdwp/Jdwp.h"
#include "jdwp/JdwpEvent.h"
#include "Debugger.h"
#include <pthread.h>
* JDWP constants.
#define kJDWPHeaderLen 11
#define kJDWPFlagReply 0x80
/* DDM support */
#define kJDWPDdmCmdSet 199 /* 0xc7, or 'G'+128 */
#define kJDWPDdmCmd 1
* Transport-specific network status.
struct JdwpNetState;
typedef struct JdwpNetState JdwpNetState;
struct JdwpState;
* Transport functions.
typedef struct JdwpTransport {
bool (*startup)(struct JdwpState* state, const JdwpStartupParams* pParams);
bool (*accept)(struct JdwpState* state);
bool (*establish)(struct JdwpState* state);
void (*close)(struct JdwpState* state);
void (*shutdown)(struct JdwpState* state);
void (*free)(struct JdwpState* state);
bool (*isConnected)(struct JdwpState* state);
bool (*awaitingHandshake)(struct JdwpState* state);
bool (*processIncoming)(struct JdwpState* state);
bool (*sendRequest)(struct JdwpState* state, ExpandBuf* pReq);
bool (*sendBufferedRequest)(struct JdwpState* state, const void* header,
size_t headerLen, const void* body, size_t bodyLen);
} JdwpTransport;
const JdwpTransport* dvmJdwpSocketTransport();
const JdwpTransport* dvmJdwpAndroidAdbTransport();
* State for JDWP functions.
struct JdwpState {
JdwpStartupParams params;
/* wait for creation of the JDWP thread */
pthread_mutex_t threadStartLock;
pthread_cond_t threadStartCond;
bool debugThreadStarted;
pthread_t debugThreadHandle;
ObjectId debugThreadId;
bool run;
const JdwpTransport* transport;
JdwpNetState* netState;
/* for wait-for-debugger */
pthread_mutex_t attachLock;
pthread_cond_t attachCond;
/* time of last debugger activity; "sec" zeroed while processing */
volatile long lastActivitySec;
volatile long lastActivityMsec;
/* global counters and a mutex to protect them */
u4 requestSerial;
u4 eventSerial;
pthread_mutex_t serialLock;
* Events requested by the debugger (breakpoints, class prep, etc).
int numEvents; /* #of elements in eventList */
JdwpEvent* eventList; /* linked list of events */
pthread_mutex_t eventLock; /* guards numEvents/eventList */
* Synchronize suspension of event thread (to avoid receiving "resume"
* events before the thread has finished suspending itself).
pthread_mutex_t eventThreadLock;
pthread_cond_t eventThreadCond;
ObjectId eventThreadId;
* DDM support.
bool ddmActive;
/* reset all session-specific data */
void dvmJdwpResetState(JdwpState* state);
/* atomic ops to get next serial number */
u4 dvmJdwpNextRequestSerial(JdwpState* state);
u4 dvmJdwpNextEventSerial(JdwpState* state);
/* get current time, in msec */
void dvmJdwpGetNowMsec(long* pSec, long* pMsec);
* Transport functions.
INLINE bool dvmJdwpNetStartup(JdwpState* state,
const JdwpStartupParams* pParams)
return (*state->transport->startup)(state, pParams);
INLINE bool dvmJdwpAcceptConnection(JdwpState* state) {
return (*state->transport->accept)(state);
INLINE bool dvmJdwpEstablishConnection(JdwpState* state) {
return (*state->transport->establish)(state);
INLINE void dvmJdwpCloseConnection(JdwpState* state) {
INLINE void dvmJdwpNetShutdown(JdwpState* state) {
INLINE void dvmJdwpNetFree(JdwpState* state) {
INLINE bool dvmJdwpIsTransportDefined(JdwpState* state) {
return state != NULL && state->transport != NULL;
INLINE bool dvmJdwpIsConnected(JdwpState* state) {
return state != NULL && (*state->transport->isConnected)(state);
INLINE bool dvmJdwpAwaitingHandshake(JdwpState* state) {
return (*state->transport->awaitingHandshake)(state);
INLINE bool dvmJdwpProcessIncoming(JdwpState* state) {
return (*state->transport->processIncoming)(state);
INLINE bool dvmJdwpSendRequest(JdwpState* state, ExpandBuf* pReq) {
return (*state->transport->sendRequest)(state, pReq);
INLINE bool dvmJdwpSendBufferedRequest(JdwpState* state, const void* header,
size_t headerLen, const void* body, size_t bodyLen)
return (*state->transport->sendBufferedRequest)(state, header, headerLen,
body, bodyLen);