blob: 77fa4fb0f14c8ecf9d62d6afd7b9fad61f299c62 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2004 Bob Friesenhahn <>
# This file is part of Magick++, the C++ API for ImageMagick and
# ImageMagick. Please see the file "COPYING" included with Magick++
# for usage and copying restrictions.
SRCDIR=`dirname $0`
SRCDIR=`cd $SRCDIR && pwd`/
TOPSRCDIR=`cd $srcdir && pwd`
export SRCDIR
. ./common.shi
echo "1..24"
cd Magick++/demo || exit 1
./analyze "$SRCDIR/model.miff" && echo "ok" || echo "not ok"
for demo in button demo flip gravity piddle shapes
./${demo} && echo "ok" || echo "not ok"
for filter in bessel blackman box catrom cubic gaussian hamming hanning hermite lanczos mitchell point quadratic sample scale sinc triangle
./zoom -filter $filter -geometry 600x600 ${SRCDIR}/model.miff ${executable}_${filter}_out.miff && echo "ok" || echo "not ok"