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| |
| <p>Use the <a href="../www/command-line-options.html#format_identify_">-format</a> option to print properties associated with an image in a format of your choosing. You can include the image filename, type, width, height, EXIF data, or other image attributes by embedding special format characters:</p> |
| |
| <pre class="text"> |
| %b file size |
| %c comment |
| %d directory |
| %e filename extension |
| %f filename |
| %g page geometry |
| %h current image height in pixels |
| %i input filename |
| %k number of unique colors |
| %l label |
| %m magick |
| %n number of scenes |
| %o output filename |
| %p page number |
| %q quantum depth |
| %r image class and colorspace |
| %s scene number |
| %t top of filename |
| %u unique temporary filename |
| %w current width in pixels |
| %x x resolution |
| %y y resolution |
| %z image depth |
| %A image alpha channel |
| %C image compression type |
| %D image dispose method |
| %H page height |
| %W page width |
| %X page x offset |
| %Y page y offset |
| %Q image compression quality |
| %T image delay |
| %@ bounding box |
| %# signature |
| %% a percent sign |
| \n newline |
| \r carriage return |
| </pre> |
| |
| <p>Here is a sample command and its output |
| for an image with filename <kbd>bird.miff</kbd> and whose width is 512 and height is 480.</p> |
| |
| <p class='crt'><span class="crtprompt"> $magick> </span><span class='crtin'>identify -format "%m:%f %wx%h" bird.miff</span><span class='crtout'>MIFF:bird.miff 512x480</span></p> |
| <p>Additional properties are recognized when enclosed in braces:</p> |
| |
| <pre class="text"> |
| %[base] base filename |
| %[channels] |
| %[colorspace] |
| %[depth] |
| %[directory] |
| %[extension] |
| %[group] |
| %[height] original height of image (when it was read in) |
| %[magick] |
| %[max] |
| %[mean] |
| %[min] |
| %[name] |
| %[page] |
| %[scene] |
| %[scenes] |
| %[size] original size of image (when it was read in) |
| %[standard-deviation] |
| %[unique] unique temporary filename |
| %[width] original width of image (when it was read in) |
| %[xresolution] |
| %[yresolution] |
| </pre> |
| |
| <p>Use <kbd>fx:</kbd> to evaluate <a href="../www/fx.html">FX</a> expressions:</p> |
| |
| <p class="text"> |
| %[fx:<em class="arg">expression</em>] |
| </p> |
| |
| <p>Use <kbd>pixel:</kbd> to evaluate a pixel color as defined by the <a href="../www/fx.html">FX</a> expression:</p> |
| |
| <pre class="text"> |
| %[pixel:<em class="arg">expression</em>] |
| </pre> |
| |
| <p>You can also use the following special formatting syntax to print EXIF information contained in the file:</p> |
| |
| <pre class="text"> |
| %[EXIF:<em class="arg">tag</em>] |
| </pre> |
| |
| <p>Choose <em class="arg">tag</em> from the following:</p> |
| |
| <pre class="text"> |
| * (print all EXIF tags, in keyword=data format) |
| ! (print all EXIF tags, in tag_number data format) |
| #hhhh (print data for EXIF tag #hhhh) |
| ImageWidth |
| ImageLength |
| BitsPerSample |
| Compression |
| PhotometricInterpretation |
| FillOrder |
| DocumentName |
| ImageDescription |
| Make |
| Model |
| StripOffsets |
| Orientation |
| SamplesPerPixel |
| RowsPerStrip |
| StripByteCounts |
| XResolution |
| YResolution |
| PlanarConfiguration |
| ResolutionUnit |
| TransferFunction |
| Software |
| DateTime |
| Artist |
| WhitePoint |
| PrimaryChromaticities |
| TransferRange |
| JPEGProc |
| JPEGInterchangeFormat |
| JPEGInterchangeFormatLength |
| YCbCrCoefficients |
| YCbCrSubSampling |
| YCbCrPositioning |
| ReferenceBlackWhite |
| CFARepeatPatternDim |
| CFAPattern |
| BatteryLevel |
| Copyright |
| ExposureTime |
| FNumber |
| EXIFOffset |
| InterColorProfile |
| ExposureProgram |
| SpectralSensitivity |
| GPSInfo |
| ISOSpeedRatings |
| OECF |
| EXIFVersion |
| DateTimeOriginal |
| DateTimeDigitized |
| ComponentsConfiguration |
| CompressedBitsPerPixel |
| ShutterSpeedValue |
| ApertureValue |
| BrightnessValue |
| ExposureBiasValue |
| MaxApertureValue |
| SubjectDistance |
| MeteringMode |
| LightSource |
| Flash |
| FocalLength |
| MakerNote |
| UserComment |
| SubSecTime |
| SubSecTimeOriginal |
| SubSecTimeDigitized |
| FlashPixVersion |
| ColorSpace |
| EXIFImageWidth |
| EXIFImageLength |
| InteroperabilityOffset |
| FlashEnergy |
| SpatialFrequencyResponse |
| FocalPlaneXResolution |
| FocalPlaneYResolution |
| FocalPlaneResolutionUnit |
| SubjectLocation |
| ExposureIndex |
| SensingMethod |
| FileSource |
| SceneType |
| </pre> |
| |
| <p>Surround the format specification with quotation marks to prevent your shell from misinterpreting any spaces and square brackets.</p> |
| |
| <p>The following special formatting syntax can be used to print IPTC information contained in the file:</p> |
| |
| <pre class="text"> |
| %[IPTC:<em class="arg">dataset</em>:<em class="arg">record</em>] |
| </pre> |
| |
| <p>Select <em class="arg">dataset</em> and <em class="arg">record</em> from the following:</p> |
| |
| <pre class="text"> |
| Envelope Record |
| 1:00 Model Version |
| 1:05 Destination |
| 1:20 File Format |
| 1:22 File Format Version |
| 1:30 Service Identifier |
| 1:40 Envelope Number |
| 1:50 Product ID |
| 1:60 Envelope Priority |
| 1:70 Date Sent |
| 1:80 Time Sent |
| 1:90 Coded Character Set |
| 1:100 UNO (Unique Name of Object) |
| 1:120 ARM Identifier |
| 1:122 ARM Version |
| |
| Application Record |
| 2:00 Record Version |
| 2:03 Object Type Reference |
| 2:05 Object Name (Title) |
| 2:07 Edit Status |
| 2:08 Editorial Update |
| 2:10 Urgency |
| 2:12 Subject Reference |
| 2:15 Category |
| 2:20 Supplemental Category |
| 2:22 Fixture Identifier |
| 2:25 Keywords |
| 2:26 Content Location Code |
| 2:27 Content Location Name |
| 2:30 Release Date |
| 2:35 Release Time |
| 2:37 Expiration Date |
| 2:35 Expiration Time |
| 2:40 Special Instructions |
| 2:42 Action Advised |
| 2:45 Reference Service |
| 2:47 Reference Date |
| 2:50 Reference Number |
| 2:55 Date Created |
| 2:60 Time Created |
| 2:62 Digital Creation Date |
| 2:63 Digital Creation Time |
| 2:65 Originating Program |
| 2:70 Program Version |
| 2:75 Object Cycle |
| 2:80 By-Line (Author) |
| 2:85 By-Line Title (Author Position) [Not used in Photoshop 7] |
| 2:90 City |
| 2:92 Sub-Location |
| 2:95 Province/State |
| 2:100 Country/Primary Location Code |
| 2:101 Country/Primary Location Name |
| 2:103 Original Transmission Reference |
| 2:105 Headline |
| 2:110 Credit |
| 2:115 Source |
| 2:116 Copyright Notice |
| 2:118 Contact |
| 2:120 Caption/Abstract |
| 2:122 Caption Writer/Editor |
| 2:125 Rasterized Caption |
| 2:130 Image Type |
| 2:131 Image Orientation |
| 2:135 Language Identifier |
| 2:150 Audio Type |
| 2:151 Audio Sampling Rate |
| 2:152 Audio Sampling Resolution |
| 2:153 Audio Duration |
| 2:154 Audio Outcue |
| 2:200 ObjectData Preview File Format |
| 2:201 ObjectData Preview File Format Version |
| 2:202 ObjectData Preview Data |
| |
| Pre-ObjectData Descriptor Record |
| 7:10 Size Mode |
| 7:20 Max Subfile Size |
| 7:90 ObjectData Size Announced |
| 7:95 Maximum ObjectData Size |
| |
| ObjectData Record |
| 8:10 Subfile |
| |
| Post ObjectData Descriptor Record |
| 9:10 Confirmed ObjectData Size |
| </pre> |
| |
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