blob: 0417f0bf9819ecc1247aca7198f3eafb874d8f04 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 Google LLC
// This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
#include <math.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <xnnpack/common.h>
#include <xnnpack/log.h>
#include <xnnpack/subgraph.h>
// This function is defined inline when logging is disabled
const char* xnn_node_type_to_string(enum xnn_node_type type) {
switch (type) {
case xnn_node_type_invalid:
return "Invalid";
case xnn_node_type_add2:
return "Add2";
case xnn_node_type_argmax_pooling_2d:
return "ArgMax Pooling 2D";
case xnn_node_type_average_pooling_2d:
return "Average Pooling 2D";
case xnn_node_type_clamp:
return "Clamp";
case xnn_node_type_constant_pad:
return "Constant Pad";
case xnn_node_type_convolution_2d:
return "Convolution 2D";
case xnn_node_type_deconvolution_2d:
return "Deconvolution 2D";
case xnn_node_type_depthwise_convolution_2d:
return "Depthwise Convolution 2D";
case xnn_node_type_divide:
return "Divide";
case xnn_node_type_fully_connected:
return "Fully Connected";
case xnn_node_type_hardswish:
return "HardSwish";
case xnn_node_type_maximum2:
return "Maximum2";
case xnn_node_type_minimum2:
return "Minimum2";
case xnn_node_type_multiply2:
return "Multiply2";
case xnn_node_type_max_pooling_2d:
return "Max Pooling 2D";
case xnn_node_type_prelu:
return "PReLU";
case xnn_node_type_sigmoid:
return "Sigmoid";
case xnn_node_type_softmax:
return "Softmax";
case xnn_node_type_squared_difference:
return "Squared Difference";
case xnn_node_type_subtract:
return "Subtract";
case xnn_node_type_unpooling_2d:
return "Unpooling 2D";
return NULL;
#endif // XNN_LOG_LEVEL > 0