blob: 1c12a17baec4c8f8168bcaf59e6210d10d956d03 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 Google LLC
// This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
$assert MR % 4 == 0
#include <assert.h>
#include <wasm_simd128.h>
#include <xnnpack/spmm.h>
$ARCH_SUFFIX = "_x86" if X86 else "_arm"
void xnn_f32_spmm_minmax_ukernel_${MR}x${NR}__wasmsimd${ARCH_SUFFIX}${"_x" + str(UNROLL) if UNROLL > 1 else ""}(
size_t mc,
size_t nc,
const float*restrict input,
const float*restrict weights,
const int32_t*restrict widx_dmap,
const uint32_t*restrict nidx_nnzmap,
float*restrict output,
size_t output_stride,
const union xnn_f32_minmax_params params[restrict XNN_MIN_ELEMENTS(1)])
assert(mc != 0);
assert(mc % sizeof(float) == 0);
assert(nc != 0);
const v128_t vmin = wasm_v32x4_load_splat(&params->scalar.min);
const v128_t vmax = wasm_v32x4_load_splat(&params->scalar.max);
$if UNROLL > 1:
const v128_t vzero = wasm_f64x2_splat(0.0);
size_t output_decrement = output_stride * nc - ${MR} * sizeof(float);
while XNN_LIKELY(mc >= ${MR} * sizeof(float)) {
const float*restrict w = weights;
const int32_t* dmap = widx_dmap;
const uint32_t* nnzmap = nidx_nnzmap;
size_t n = nc;
do {
uint32_t nnz = *nnzmap++;
$if UNROLL > 1:
v128_t vacc0123x0 = wasm_v32x4_load_splat(w);
w += 1;
$for K in range(1, UNROLL):
v128_t vacc0123x${K} = vzero;
$for M in range(4, MR, 4):
v128_t vacc${ABC[M:M+4]}x0 = vacc0123x0;
$for K in range(1, UNROLL):
v128_t vacc${ABC[M:M+4]}x${K} = vzero;
for (; nnz >= ${UNROLL}; nnz -= ${UNROLL}) {
$for K in range(UNROLL):
const intptr_t diff${K} = dmap[${K}];
dmap += ${UNROLL};
$for K in range(UNROLL):
const v128_t vi0123x${K} = wasm_v128_load(input);
$for M in range(4, MR, 4):
const v128_t vi${ABC[M:M+4]}x${K} = wasm_v128_load(input + ${M});
input = (const float*restrict) ((uintptr_t) input + (uintptr_t) diff${K});
const v128_t vw${K} = wasm_v32x4_load_splat(w);
w += 1;
$for M in range(0, MR, 4):
vacc${ABC[M:M+4]}x${K} = wasm_f32x4_add(vacc${ABC[M:M+4]}x${K}, wasm_f32x4_mul(vi${ABC[M:M+4]}x${K}, vw${K}));
$for M in range(0, MR, 4):
v128_t vacc${ABC[M:M+4]} = vacc${ABC[M:M+4]}x0;
$for K in range(1, UNROLL):
$for M in range(0, MR, 4):
vacc${ABC[M:M+4]} = wasm_f32x4_add(vacc${ABC[M:M+4]}, vacc${ABC[M:M+4]}x${K});
v128_t vacc0123 = wasm_v32x4_load_splat(w); w += 1;
$for M in range(4, MR, 4):
v128_t vacc${ABC[M:M+4]} = vacc0123;
if XNN_LIKELY(nnz != 0) {
do {
const intptr_t diff = *dmap++;
const v128_t vi0123 = wasm_v128_load(input);
$for M in range(4, MR, 4):
const v128_t vi${ABC[M:M+4]} = wasm_v128_load(input + ${M});
input = (const float*restrict) ((uintptr_t) input + (uintptr_t) diff);
const v128_t vw = wasm_v32x4_load_splat(w); w += 1;
$for M in range(0, MR, 4):
vacc${ABC[M:M+4]} = wasm_f32x4_add(vacc${ABC[M:M+4]}, wasm_f32x4_mul(vi${ABC[M:M+4]}, vw));
} while (--nnz != 0);
$if X86:
$for M in range(0, MR, 4):
v128_t vout${ABC[M:M+4]} = wasm_v128_bitselect(vacc${ABC[M:M+4]}, vmax, wasm_f32x4_le(vacc${ABC[M:M+4]}, vmax));
$for M in range(0, MR, 4):
vout${ABC[M:M+4]} = wasm_v128_bitselect(vmin, vout${ABC[M:M+4]}, wasm_f32x4_lt(vout${ABC[M:M+4]}, vmin));
$for M in range(0, MR, 4):
v128_t vout${ABC[M:M+4]} = wasm_f32x4_min(vacc${ABC[M:M+4]}, vmax);
$for M in range(0, MR, 4):
vout${ABC[M:M+4]} = wasm_f32x4_max(vout${ABC[M:M+4]}, vmin);
wasm_v128_store(output, vout0123);
$for M in range(4, MR, 4):
wasm_v128_store(output + ${M}, vout${ABC[M:M+4]});
output = (float*restrict) ((uintptr_t) output + output_stride);
} while (--n != 0);
output = (float*restrict) ((uintptr_t) output - output_decrement);
input += ${MR};
mc -= ${MR} * sizeof(float);
if XNN_UNLIKELY(mc != 0) {
$for LOG2M in reversed(range((MR - 1).bit_length())):
$SUBMR = 1 << LOG2M
$if SUBMR * 2 >= MR:
output_decrement += ${MR - SUBMR} * sizeof(float);
output_decrement += ${SUBMR} * sizeof(float);
if (mc & (${SUBMR} * sizeof(float))) {
const float*restrict w = weights;
const int32_t* dmap = widx_dmap;
const uint32_t* nnzmap = nidx_nnzmap;
size_t n = nc;
do {
uint32_t nnz = *nnzmap++;
$if SUBMR == 1:
v128_t vacc0 = wasm_v32x4_load_splat(w); w += 1;
$elif SUBMR == 2:
v128_t vacc01 = wasm_v32x4_load_splat(w); w += 1;
v128_t vacc0123 = wasm_v32x4_load_splat(w); w += 1;
$for M in range(4, SUBMR, 4):
v128_t vacc${ABC[M:M+4]} = vacc0123;
if XNN_LIKELY(nnz != 0) {
do {
const intptr_t diff = *dmap++;
$if SUBMR >= 4:
const v128_t vi0123 = wasm_v128_load(input);
$elif SUBMR == 2:
const v128_t vi01 = wasm_v64x2_load_splat(input);
$elif SUBMR == 1:
const v128_t vi0 = wasm_v32x4_load_splat(input);
$for M in range(4, SUBMR, 4):
const v128_t vi${ABC[M:M+4]} = wasm_v128_load(input + ${M});
input = (const float*restrict) ((uintptr_t) input + (uintptr_t) diff);
const v128_t vw = wasm_v32x4_load_splat(w); w += 1;
$if SUBMR == 1:
vacc${ABC[0]} = wasm_f32x4_add(vacc${ABC[0]}, wasm_f32x4_mul(vi${ABC[0]}, vw));
$for M in range(0, SUBMR, 4):
vacc${ABC[M:min(M+4,SUBMR)]} = wasm_f32x4_add(vacc${ABC[M:min(M+4,SUBMR)]}, wasm_f32x4_mul(vi${ABC[M:min(M+4,SUBMR)]}, vw));
} while (--nnz != 0);
$if SUBMR == 1:
$if X86:
v128_t vout${ABC[0]} = wasm_v128_bitselect(vacc${ABC[0]}, vmax, wasm_f32x4_le(vacc${ABC[0]}, vmax));
vout${ABC[0]} = wasm_v128_bitselect(vmin, vout${ABC[0]}, wasm_f32x4_lt(vout${ABC[0]}, vmin));
v128_t vout${ABC[0]} = wasm_f32x4_min(vacc${ABC[0]}, vmax);
vout${ABC[0]} = wasm_f32x4_max(vout${ABC[0]}, vmin);
$if X86:
$for M in range(0, SUBMR, 4):
v128_t vout${ABC[M:min(M+4,SUBMR)]} = wasm_v128_bitselect(vacc${ABC[M:min(M+4,SUBMR)]}, vmax, wasm_f32x4_le(vacc${ABC[M:min(M+4,SUBMR)]}, vmax));
$for M in range(0, SUBMR, 4):
vout${ABC[M:min(M+4,SUBMR)]} = wasm_v128_bitselect(vmin, vout${ABC[M:min(M+4,SUBMR)]}, wasm_f32x4_lt(vout${ABC[M:min(M+4,SUBMR)]}, vmin));
$for M in range(0, SUBMR, 4):
v128_t vout${ABC[M:min(M+4,SUBMR)]} = wasm_f32x4_min(vacc${ABC[M:min(M+4,SUBMR)]}, vmax);
$for M in range(0, SUBMR, 4):
vout${ABC[M:min(M+4,SUBMR)]} = wasm_f32x4_max(vout${ABC[M:min(M+4,SUBMR)]}, vmin);
$if SUBMR >= 4:
wasm_v128_store(output, vout0123);
$elif SUBMR == 2:
*((double*) output) = wasm_f64x2_extract_lane(vout01, 0);
$elif SUBMR == 1:
*output = wasm_f32x4_extract_lane(vout0, 0);
$for M in range(4, SUBMR, 4):
wasm_v128_store(output + ${M}, vout${ABC[M:M+4]});
output = (float*restrict) ((uintptr_t) output + output_stride);
} while (--n != 0);
output = (float*restrict) ((uintptr_t) output - output_decrement);
input += ${SUBMR};