blob: 7192232c455b45c27c32d37c7f7b63b15a249846 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
// All rights reserved.
// Copyright 2019 Google LLC
// This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
#pragma once
#if defined(__cplusplus) && (__cplusplus >= 201103L)
#include <climits>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdbool>
#include <cassert>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <fp16.h>
#include <xnnpack/common.h>
#if defined(__clang__) && !defined(__pnacl__)
#if __clang_major__ == 3 && __clang_minor__ >= 7 || __clang_major__ > 3
#define XNN_IGNORE_SHIFT_BASE_UB __attribute__((__no_sanitize__("shift-base")))
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
#if __GNUC__ >= 8
#define XNN_IGNORE_SHIFT_BASE_UB __attribute__((__no_sanitize__("shift-base")))
#elif __GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 9 || __GNUC__ > 4
// 4.9 <= gcc < 8 support ubsan, but doesn't support no_sanitize attribute
inline static int32_t asr_s32(int32_t x, uint32_t n) {
#if XNN_ARCH_X86_64 || XNN_ARCH_ARM64
return (int32_t) ((uint64_t) (int64_t) x >> n);
return x >= 0 ? x >> n : ~(~x >> n);
return x >> n;
inline static int64_t asr_s64(int64_t x, uint32_t n) {
return x >= 0 ? x >> n : ~(~x >> n);
return x >> n;
inline static uint8_t scalar_requantize_precise(
int32_t value,
float scale,
uint8_t zero_point,
uint8_t qmin,
uint8_t qmax)
assert(scale < 1.0f);
assert(scale >= 0x1.0p-32f);
const uint32_t scale_bits = fp32_to_bits(scale);
const uint32_t multiplier = (scale_bits & UINT32_C(0x007FFFFF)) | UINT32_C(0x00800000);
const uint32_t shift = 127 + 23 - (scale_bits >> 23);
assert(shift >= 24);
assert(shift < 56);
// Compute absolute value of input as unsigned 32-bit int.
// All further computations will work with unsigned values to avoid undefined behaviour on signed operations.
const uint32_t abs_value = (value >= 0) ? (uint32_t) value : -(uint32_t) value;
// Compute full 64-bit product of 32-bit factors
const uint64_t product = (uint64_t) abs_value * (uint64_t) multiplier;
// Shift the full 64-bit product right with rounding.
// Rounding is performed towards closest integer, with midpoints rounded up (same as away from zero).
const uint64_t rounding = UINT64_C(1) << (shift - 1);
const uint32_t abs_scaled_value = (uint32_t) ((product + rounding) >> shift);
// Copy the sign of input to scaled absolute input value.
const int32_t scaled_value = (int32_t) (value >= 0 ? abs_scaled_value : -abs_scaled_value);
// Clamp scaled value with zero point between smin and smax.
int32_t clamped_value = scaled_value;
const int32_t smin = (int32_t) (uint32_t) qmin - (int32_t) (uint32_t) zero_point;
if (clamped_value < smin) {
clamped_value = smin;
const int32_t smax = (int32_t) (uint32_t) qmax - (int32_t) (uint32_t) zero_point;
if (clamped_value > smax) {
clamped_value = smax;
// Add zero point to clamped value.
const int32_t biased_value = clamped_value + (int32_t) (uint32_t) zero_point;
return biased_value;