blob: 7e3a503cc62dd3b3d955e876aa912a8fe695cd5f [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2014 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
'component%': 'static_library',
'use_libpci%': 1,
'windows_sdk_path%': 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Windows Kits/8.1',
# build/gyp_angle sets this to 1.
'angle_standalone%': '0',
'angle_build_winrt%': '0',
'angle_build_winphone%': '0',
['OS=="linux" and use_x11==1 and chromeos==0', {
'angle_use_glx%': 1,
'angle_use_glx%': 0,
# root of the OSX SDK for Chromium builds, the system root for standalone builds
'SDKROOT%': "",
4100, # Unreferenced formal parameter. Not interesting.
4127, # conditional expression is constant. Too noisy to be useful.
# TODO: 4702 doesn't fire on xtree in VS2015 (CTP6). We can remove C4702 after moving to VS2015.
4702, # Unreachable code. Should only fire on system header xtree.
4718, # Recursive call has no side effects. Fires on xtree too.
'defines': [ 'COMPONENT_BUILD' ],
4251, # STL objects do not have DLL interface, needed by ShaderVars.h
# Normally the WinRT project should rely on the default SDK header include paths
# However, the WinPhone projects also need the Windows SDK path for DXProgrammableCapture.h
['angle_build_winrt==0 or angle_build_winphone==1',
# winrt compilation is dynamic depending on the project
# type. AdditionalDependencies is automatically configured
# with the required .libs
# Windows SDK library directories for the configurations
'abstract': 1,
'abstract': 1,