blob: 165dcf6e9c3fe6fa4b63372d8c052da54ba1acbf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// IntermNode_util.h: High-level utilities for creating AST nodes and node hierarchies. Mostly meant
// to be used in AST transforms.
#include "compiler/translator/IntermNode.h"
#include "compiler/translator/tree_util/FindFunction.h"
namespace sh
class TSymbolTable;
class TVariable;
TIntermFunctionPrototype *CreateInternalFunctionPrototypeNode(const TFunction &func);
TIntermFunctionDefinition *CreateInternalFunctionDefinitionNode(const TFunction &func,
TIntermBlock *functionBody);
TIntermTyped *CreateZeroNode(const TType &type);
TIntermConstantUnion *CreateFloatNode(float value);
TIntermConstantUnion *CreateIndexNode(int index);
TIntermConstantUnion *CreateUIntNode(unsigned int value);
TIntermConstantUnion *CreateBoolNode(bool value);
TVariable *CreateTempVariable(TSymbolTable *symbolTable, const TType *type);
TVariable *CreateTempVariable(TSymbolTable *symbolTable, const TType *type, TQualifier qualifier);
TIntermSymbol *CreateTempSymbolNode(const TVariable *tempVariable);
TIntermDeclaration *CreateTempDeclarationNode(const TVariable *tempVariable);
TIntermDeclaration *CreateTempInitDeclarationNode(const TVariable *tempVariable,
TIntermTyped *initializer);
TIntermBinary *CreateTempAssignmentNode(const TVariable *tempVariable, TIntermTyped *rightNode);
TVariable *DeclareTempVariable(TSymbolTable *symbolTable,
const TType *type,
TQualifier qualifier,
TIntermDeclaration **declarationOut);
TVariable *DeclareTempVariable(TSymbolTable *symbolTable,
TIntermTyped *initializer,
TQualifier qualifier,
TIntermDeclaration **declarationOut);
std::pair<const TVariable *, const TVariable *> DeclareStructure(
TIntermBlock *root,
TSymbolTable *symbolTable,
TFieldList *fieldList,
TQualifier qualifier,
const TMemoryQualifier &memoryQualifier,
uint32_t arraySize,
const ImmutableString &structTypeName,
const ImmutableString *structInstanceName);
const TVariable *DeclareInterfaceBlock(TIntermBlock *root,
TSymbolTable *symbolTable,
TFieldList *fieldList,
TQualifier qualifier,
const TLayoutQualifier &layoutQualifier,
const TMemoryQualifier &memoryQualifier,
uint32_t arraySize,
const ImmutableString &blockTypeName,
const ImmutableString &blockVariableName);
// If the input node is nullptr, return nullptr.
// If the input node is a block node, return it.
// If the input node is not a block node, put it inside a block node and return that.
TIntermBlock *EnsureBlock(TIntermNode *node);
// Should be called from inside Compiler::compileTreeImpl() where the global level is in scope.
TIntermSymbol *ReferenceGlobalVariable(const ImmutableString &name,
const TSymbolTable &symbolTable);
// Note: this can't access desktop GLSL built-ins. Those can only be accessed directly through
// BuiltIn.h.
TIntermSymbol *ReferenceBuiltInVariable(const ImmutableString &name,
const TSymbolTable &symbolTable,
int shaderVersion);
TIntermTyped *CreateBuiltInFunctionCallNode(const char *name,
TIntermSequence *arguments,
const TSymbolTable &symbolTable,
int shaderVersion);
TIntermTyped *CreateBuiltInUnaryFunctionCallNode(const char *name,
TIntermTyped *argument,
const TSymbolTable &symbolTable,
int shaderVersion);
inline void GetSwizzleIndex(TVector<int> *indexOut) {}
template <typename T, typename... ArgsT>
void GetSwizzleIndex(TVector<int> *indexOut, T arg, ArgsT... args)
GetSwizzleIndex(indexOut, args...);
template <typename... ArgsT>
TIntermSwizzle *CreateSwizzle(TIntermTyped *reference, ArgsT... args)
TVector<int> swizzleIndex;
GetSwizzleIndex(&swizzleIndex, args...);
return new TIntermSwizzle(reference, swizzleIndex);
} // namespace sh