blob: 234e960accd37d4e7158cf7c1d3da8f9c8f116fb [file] [log] [blame]
Apache Commons Compress 1.5 RELEASE NOTES
Apache Commons Compress software defines an API for working with compression and archive formats.
These include: bzip2, gzip, pack200 and ar, cpio, jar, tar, zip, dump.
Release 1.5
Changes in this version include:
New features:
o CompressorStreamFactory has an option to create decompressing
streams that decompress the full input for formats that support
multiple concatenated streams.
Issue: COMPRESS-220.
Fixed Bugs:
o Typo in CompressorStreamFactory Javadoc
Issue: COMPRESS-218.
Thanks to Gili.
o ArchiveStreamFactory's tar stream detection created false positives
for AIFF files.
Issue: COMPRESS-191.
Thanks to Jukka Zitting.
o XZ for Java didn't provide an OSGi bundle. Compress' dependency on
it has now been marked optional so Compress itself can still be used
in an OSGi context.
Issue: COMPRESS-199.
Thanks to Jukka Zitting.
o When specifying the encoding explicitly TarArchiveOutputStream would
write unreadable names in GNU mode or even cause errors in POSIX
mode for file names longer than 66 characters.
Issue: COMPRESS-200.
Thanks to Christian Schlichtherle.
o Writing TAR PAX headers failed if the generated entry name ended
with a "/".
Issue: COMPRESS-203.
o ZipArchiveInputStream sometimes failed to provide input to the
Inflater when it needed it, leading to reads returning 0.
Issue: COMPRESS-189.
Thanks to Daniel Lowe.
o TarArchiveInputStream ignored the encoding for GNU long name
Issue: COMPRESS-212.
o TarArchiveInputStream could leave the second EOF record inside the
stream it had just finished reading.
Issue: COMPRESS-206.
Thanks to Peter De Maeyer.
o DumpArchiveInputStream no longer implicitly closes the original
input stream when it reaches the end of the archive.
o ZipArchiveInputStream now consumes the remainder of the archive when
getNextZipEntry returns null.
o Unit tests could fail if the source tree was checked out to a
directory tree containign spaces.
Issue: COMPRESS-205.
Thanks to Daniel Lowe.
o Fixed a potential ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when reading STORED
entries from ZipArchiveInputStream.
Issue: COMPRESS-219.
o CompressorStreamFactory can now be used without XZ for Java being
Issue: COMPRESS-221.
o Improved exception message if a zip archive cannot be read because
of an unsupported compression method.
Issue: COMPRESS-188.
Thanks to Harald Kuhn.
o ArchiveStreamFactory has a setting for file name encoding that sets
up encoding for ZIP and TAR streams.
Issue: COMPRESS-192.
Thanks to Jukka Zitting.
o TarArchiveEntry now has a method to verify its checksum.
Issue: COMPRESS-191.
Thanks to Jukka Zitting.
o Split/spanned ZIP archives are now properly detected by
ArchiveStreamFactory but will cause an
UnsupportedZipFeatureException when read.
o ZipArchiveInputStream now reads archives that start with a "PK00"
signature. Archives with this signatures are created when the
archiver was willing to split the archive but in the end only needed
a single segment - so didn't split anything.
Issue: COMPRESS-208.
o TarArchiveEntry has a new constructor that allows setting linkFlag
and preserveLeadingSlashes at the same time.
Issue: COMPRESS-201.
o ChangeSetPerformer has a new perform overload that uses a ZipFile
instance as input.
Issue: COMPRESS-159.
o Garbage collection pressure has been reduced by reusing temporary
byte arrays in classes.
Issue: COMPRESS-172.
Thanks to Thomas Mair.
o Can now handle zip extra field 0x5455 - Extended Timestamp.
Issue: COMPRESS-210.
Thanks to Julius Davies.
o handle zip extra field 0x7875 - Info Zip New Unix Extra Field.
Issue: COMPRESS-211.
Thanks to Julius Davies.
o ZipShort, ZipLong, ZipEightByteInteger should implement Serializable
Issue: COMPRESS-213.
Thanks to Julius Davies.
o better support for unix symlinks in ZipFile entries.
Issue: COMPRESS-214.
Thanks to Julius Davies.
o ZipFile's initialization has been improved for non-Zip64 archives.
Issue: COMPRESS-215.
Thanks to Robin Power.
o Updated XZ for Java dependency to 1.2 as this version provides
proper OSGi manifest attributes.
For complete information on Commons Compress, including instructions on how to submit bug reports,
patches, or suggestions for improvement, see the Apache Commons Compress website: