blob: 6696393add6224d1e2944302f0ad1e0dae0e9a20 [file] [log] [blame]
Apache Commons Compress 1.6 RELEASE NOTES
The Commons Compress team is pleased to announce the
commons-compress-1.6 release!
Apache Commons Compress software defines an API for working with
compression and archive formats. These include: bzip2, gzip, pack200,
xz and ar, cpio, jar, tar, zip, dump, 7z, arj, Z.
Version 1.6 introduces changes to the internal API of the tar package that
break backwards compatibility in the following rare cases. This version
removes the package private TarBuffer class along with the protected "buffer"
members in TarArchiveInputStream and TarArchiveOutputStream. This change will
only affect you if you have created a subclass of one of the stream classes
and accessed the buffer member or directly used the TarBuffer class.
Changes in this version include:
New features:
o Added support for 7z archives. Most compression algorithms
can be read and written, LZMA and encryption are only
supported when reading. Issue: COMPRESS-54. Thanks to Damjan Jovanovic.
o Added read-only support for ARJ archives that don't use
compression. Issue: COMPRESS-226. Thanks to Damjan Jovanovic.
o DumpArchiveInputStream now supports an encoding parameter that
can be used to specify the encoding of file names.
o The CPIO streams now support an encoding parameter that can be
used to specify the encoding of file names.
o Read-only support for LZMA standalone compression has been added.
Issue: COMPRESS-111.
Fixed Bugs:
o TarBuffer.tryToConsumeSecondEOFRecord could throw a
NullPointerException Issue: COMPRESS-223. Thanks to Jeremy Gustie.
o Parsing of zip64 extra fields has become more lenient in order
to be able to read archives created by DotNetZip and maybe
other archivers as well. Issue: COMPRESS-228.
o TAR will now properly read the names of symbolic links with
long names that use the GNU variant to specify the long file
name. Issue: COMPRESS-229. Thanks to Christoph Gysin.
o ZipFile#getInputStream could return null if the archive
contained duplicate entries.
The class now also provides two new methods to obtain all
entries of a given name rather than just the first one.
Issue: COMPRESS-227.
o CpioArchiveInputStream failed to read archives created by
Redline RPM. Issue: COMPRESS-236. Thanks to Andrew Duffy.
o TarArchiveOutputStream now properly handles link names that
are too long to fit into a traditional TAR header. Issue:
COMPRESS-237. Thanks to Emmanuel Bourg.
o The auto-detecting create*InputStream methods of Archive and
CompressorStreamFactory could fail to detect the format of
blocking input streams. Issue: COMPRESS-239.
o Readabilty patch to TarArchiveInputStream. Issue:
o Performance improvements to TarArchiveInputStream, in
particular to the skip method. Issue: COMPRESS-234. Thanks to BELUGA BEHR.
For complete information on Commons Compress, including instructions
on how to submit bug reports, patches, or suggestions for improvement,
see the Apache Commons Compress website: