blob: e69cedc317a978994dae80cae8013addc0b6fbbf [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
<release version="1.1" date="as in SVN" description="Release 1.1">
<action type="add" date="2010-02-19">
The Zip*Stream and ZipFile classes now have canRead/Write
methods that can be used to check whether a given entry can be
The method currently returns false if an entry uses an
unsupported compression method or encryption.
<action type="add" date="2010-02-19" issue="COMPRESS-89">
The ZIP classes now detect encrypted entries.
<action type="fix" date="2010-02-18" issue="COMPRESS-74">
ZipArchiveInputStream failed to update the number of bytes
read properly.
<action type="fix" date="2010-02-18">
ArchiveInputStream has a new method getBytesRead that should
be preferred over getCount since the later may truncate the
number of bytes read for big archives.
<action type="fix" date="2010-02-18" issue="COMPRESS-85">
The cpio archives created by CpioArchiveOutputStream couldn't
be read by many existing native implementations because the
archives contained multiple entries with the same inode/device
combinations and weren't padded to a blocksize of 512 bytes.
<action type="fix" date="2010-02-16" issue="COMPRESS-73">
ZipArchiveEntry, ZipFile and ZipArchiveInputStream are now
more lenient when parsing extra fields.
<action type="fix" date="2010-02-12">
Improved exception message if the extra field data in ZIP
archives cannot be parsed.
<action type="add" issue="COMPRESS-95" date="2010-01-29"
due-to="Joerg Bellmann">
Improve ExceptionMessages in ArchiveStreamFactory
<action type="fix" issue="COMPRESS-94" date="2010-01-07"
due-to="Anon Devs">
ZipArchiveEntry's equals method was broken for entries created
with the String-arg constructor. This lead to broken ZIP
archives if two different entries had the same hash code.
<action type="fix" issue="COMPRESS-87" date="2009-10-30"
due-to="Antoni Mylka">
ZipArchiveInputStream could repeatedly return 0 on read() when
the archive was truncated.
<action type="fix" issue="COMPRESS-86" date="2009-10-08">
Tar archive entries holding the file name for names longer
than 100 characters in GNU longfile mode didn't properly
specify they'd be using the "oldgnu" extension.
<action type="add" date="2009-08-25">
A new constructor of TarArchiveEntry can create entries with
names that start with slashes - the default is to strip
leading slashes in order to create relative path names.
<action issue="COMPRESS-83" type="fix" date="2009-08-01">
Delegate all read and write methods in GZip stream in order to
speed up operations.
<action type="add" date="2009-08-01">
ArchiveEntry now has a getLastModifiedDate method.
<action type="fix" date="2009-08-01">
The ar and cpio streams now properly read and write last
modified times.
<action issue="COMPRESS-81" type="fix" date="2009-06-30">
TarOutputStream can leave garbage at the end of the archive
<action issue="COMPRESS-78" type="add" date="2009-06-30"
due-to="Jukka Zitting">
Add a BZip2Utils class modelled after GZipUtils
<release version="1.0" date="2009-05-21" description="First Public Release">
<action dev="all" type="add" date="2009-05-21">
Initial release
<action dev="sgoeschl" type="fix">
Updating the pom.xml for preparing a move to commons-proper