blob: 334d6cc52e757b884fbe23da0a81e8dd20d3d5cf [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import getpass
import mock
import unittest
import common
from autotest_lib.server.cros.dynamic_suite import constants
from autotest_lib.site_utils import run_suite
class ResultCollectorUnittest(unittest.TestCase):
"""Runsuite unittest"""
def setUp(self):
"""Set up test."""
self.afe = mock.MagicMock()
self.tko = mock.MagicMock()
def _build_view(self, test_idx, test_name, subdir, status, afe_job_id,
job_name='fake_job_name', reason='fake reason',
job_keyvals=None, test_started_time=None,
"""Build a test view using the given fields.
@param test_idx: An integer representing test_idx.
@param test_name: A string, e.g. 'dummy_Pass'
@param subdir: A string representing the subdir field of the test view.
e.g. 'dummy_Pass'.
@param status: A string representing the test status.
e.g. 'FAIL', 'PASS'
@param afe_job_id: An integer representing the afe job id.
@param job_name: A string representing the job name.
@param reason: A string representing the reason field of the test view.
@param job_keyvals: A dictionary stroing the job keyvals.
@param test_started_time: A string, e.g. '2014-04-12 12:35:33'
@param test_finished_time: A string, e.g. '2014-04-12 12:35:33'
@reutrn: A dictionary representing a test view.
if job_keyvals is None:
job_keyvals = {}
return {'test_idx': test_idx, 'test_name': test_name, 'subdir':subdir,
'status': status, 'afe_job_id': afe_job_id,
'job_name': job_name, 'reason': reason,
'job_keyvals': job_keyvals,
'test_started_time': test_started_time,
'test_finished_time': test_finished_time}
def _mock_tko_get_detailed_test_views(self, test_views):
"""Mock tko method get_detailed_test_views call.
@param test_views: A list of test views that will be returned
by get_detailed_test_views.
return_values = {}
for v in test_views:
views_of_job = return_values.setdefault(
('get_detailed_test_views', v['afe_job_id']), [])
def side_effect(*args, **kwargs):
"""Maps args and kwargs to the mocked return values."""
key = (kwargs['call'], kwargs['afe_job_id'])
return return_values[key] = mock.MagicMock(side_effect=side_effect)
def _mock_afe_get_jobs(self, suite_job_id, child_job_ids):
"""Mock afe get_jobs call.
@param suite_job_id: The afe job id of the suite job.
@param child_job_ids: A list of job ids of the child jobs.
return_values = {suite_job_id: []}
for job_id in child_job_ids:
new_job = mock.MagicMock() = job_id
def side_effect(*args, **kwargs):
"""Maps args and kwargs to the mocked return values."""
return return_values[kwargs['parent_job_id']]
self.afe.get_jobs = mock.MagicMock(side_effect=side_effect)
def testFetchSuiteTestView(self):
"""Test that it fetches the correct suite test views."""
suite_job_id = 100
server_job_view = self._build_view(
10, 'SERVER_JOB', '----', 'GOOD', suite_job_id)
test_to_ignore = self._build_view(
11, 'dummy_Pass', '101-user/host/dummy_Pass',
'GOOD', suite_job_id)
test_to_include = self._build_view(
12, 'dummy_Pass.bluetooth', None, 'TEST_NA', suite_job_id)
[server_job_view, test_to_ignore, test_to_include])
collector = run_suite.ResultCollector(
'fake_server', self.afe, self.tko,
build='fake/build', suite_name='dummy',
suite_views = collector._fetch_relevant_test_views_of_suite()
suite_views = sorted(suite_views, key=lambda view: view['test_idx'])
# Verify that SERVER_JOB is renamed to 'Suite Prep'
server_job_view['test_name'] = run_suite.ResultCollector.SUITE_PREP
# Verify that the test with a subidr is not included.
expected = [server_job_view, test_to_include]
self.assertEqual(suite_views, expected)
def testFetchTestViewOfChildJobs(self):
"""Test that it fetches the correct child test views."""
build = 'lumpy-release/R36-5788.0.0'
suite_name = 'my_suite'
suite_job_id = 100
good_job_id = 101
good_job_name = '%s/%s/test_Pass' % (build, suite_name)
bad_job_id = 102
bad_job_name = '%s/%s/test_ServerJobFail' % (build, suite_name)
good_job_server_job = self._build_view(
20, 'SERVER_JOB', '----', 'GOOD', good_job_id, good_job_name)
good_job_test = self._build_view(
21, 'test_Pass', 'fake/subdir', 'GOOD', good_job_id,
bad_job_server_job = self._build_view(
22, 'SERVER_JOB', '----', 'FAIL', bad_job_id, bad_job_name)
bad_job_test = self._build_view(
23, 'test_ServerJobFail', 'fake/subdir', 'GOOD',
bad_job_id, bad_job_name)
[good_job_server_job, good_job_test,
bad_job_server_job, bad_job_test])
self._mock_afe_get_jobs(suite_job_id, [good_job_id, bad_job_id])
collector = run_suite.ResultCollector(
'fake_server', self.afe, self.tko,
build, suite_name, suite_job_id)
child_views = collector._fetch_test_views_of_child_jobs()
child_views = sorted(child_views, key=lambda view: view['test_idx'])
# Verify that the SERVER_JOB has been renamed properly
bad_job_server_job['test_name'] = '%s_%s' % (
good_job_name, 'SERVER_JOB')
# Verify that failed SERVER_JOB and actual tests are included,
expected = [good_job_test, bad_job_server_job, bad_job_test]
self.assertEqual(child_views, expected)
def testGenerateLinks(self):
"""Test that it generates correct web and buildbot links."""
suite_job_id = 100
suite_job_view = self._build_view(
20, 'Suite prep', '----', 'GOOD', suite_job_id)
good_test = self._build_view(
21, 'test_Pass', 'fake/subdir', 'GOOD', 101)
bad_test = self._build_view(
23, 'test_Fail', 'fake/subdir', 'FAIL', 102)
collector = run_suite.ResultCollector(
'fake_server', self.afe, self.tko,
'lumpy-release/R36-5788.0.0', 'my_suite', suite_job_id)
collector._display_names = {20: 'Suite prep', 21: 'test_Pass',
23: 'test_Fail'}
collector._suite_views = [suite_job_view]
collector._test_views = [suite_job_view, good_test, bad_test]
collector._max_testname_width = max(
[len(v['test_name']) for v in collector._test_views]) + 3
URL_PATTERN = run_suite.LogLink._URL_PATTERN
# expected_web_links is list of (anchor, url) tuples we
# are expecting.
expected_web_links = [
URL_PATTERN % ('fake_server',
'%s-%s' % (v['afe_job_id'], getpass.getuser())))
for v in collector._test_views]
# Verify web links are generated correctly.
for i in range(len(collector._web_links)):
expect = expected_web_links[i]
self.assertEqual(collector._web_links[i].anchor, expect[0])
self.assertEqual(collector._web_links[i].url, expect[1])
expected_buildbot_links = [
URL_PATTERN % ('fake_server',
'%s-%s' % (v['afe_job_id'], getpass.getuser())))
for v in collector._test_views if v['status'] != 'GOOD']
# Verify buildbot links are generated correctly.
for i in range(len(collector._buildbot_links)):
expect = expected_buildbot_links[i]
self.assertEqual(collector._buildbot_links[i].anchor, expect[0])
self.assertEqual(collector._buildbot_links[i].url, expect[1])
def _end_to_end_test_helper(self, include_bad_test=False,
"""A helper method for testing ResultCollector end-to-end.
This method mocks the retrieving of required test views,
and call to collect the results.
@param include_bad_test: If True, include a view of a test
which has status 'FAIL'.
@param include_warn_test: If True, include a view of a test
which has status 'WARN'
@param include_experimental_bad_test:
If True, include a view of an experimental test
which has status 'FAIL'.
suite_job_id = 100
good_job_id = 101
bad_job_id = 102
warn_job_id = 103
experimental_bad_job_id = 104
suite_job_keyvals = {
constants.DOWNLOAD_STARTED_TIME: '2014-04-29 13:14:20',
constants.PAYLOAD_FINISHED_TIME: '2014-04-29 13:14:25',
constants.ARTIFACT_FINISHED_TIME: '2014-04-29 13:14:30'}
server_job_view = self._build_view(
10, 'SERVER_JOB', '----', 'GOOD', suite_job_id,
'', suite_job_keyvals, '2014-04-29 13:14:37',
'2014-04-29 13:25:27')
good_test = self._build_view(
11, 'dummy_Pass', '101-user/host/dummy_Pass', 'GOOD',
good_job_id, 'lumpy-release/R27-3888.0.0/dummy_Pass',
'', {}, '2014-04-29 13:15:35', '2014-04-29 13:15:36')
bad_test = self._build_view(
12, 'dummy_Fail.Fail', '102-user/host/dummy_Fail.Fail', 'FAIL',
bad_job_id, 'lumpy-release/R27-3888.0.0/dummy_Fail.Fail',
'always fail', {}, '2014-04-29 13:16:00',
'2014-04-29 13:16:02')
warn_test = self._build_view(
12, 'dummy_Fail.Warn', '102-user/host/dummy_Fail.Warn', 'WARN',
warn_job_id, 'lumpy-release/R27-3888.0.0/dummy_Fail.Warn',
'always warn', {}, '2014-04-29 13:16:00',
'2014-04-29 13:16:02')
experimental_bad_test = self._build_view(
13, 'experimental_dummy_Fail.Fail',
'102-user/host/dummy_Fail.Fail', 'FAIL',
'always fail', {'experimental': 'True'}, '2014-04-29 13:16:06',
'2014-04-29 13:16:07')
test_views = [server_job_view, good_test]
child_jobs = [good_job_id]
if include_bad_test:
if include_warn_test:
if include_experimental_bad_test:
self._mock_afe_get_jobs(suite_job_id, child_jobs)
collector = run_suite.ResultCollector(
'fake_server', self.afe, self.tko,
'lumpy-release/R36-5788.0.0', 'dummy', suite_job_id)
return collector
def testEndToEndSuitePass(self):
"""Test it returns code OK when all test pass."""
collector = self._end_to_end_test_helper()
self.assertEqual(collector.return_code, run_suite.RETURN_CODES.OK)
def testEndToEndExperimentalTestFails(self):
"""Test that it returns code OK when only experimental test fails."""
collector = self._end_to_end_test_helper(
self.assertEqual(collector.return_code, run_suite.RETURN_CODES.OK)
def testEndToEndSuiteWarn(self):
"""Test it returns code WARNING when there is a test that warns."""
collector = self._end_to_end_test_helper(include_warn_test=True)
self.assertEqual(collector.return_code, run_suite.RETURN_CODES.WARNING)
def testEndToEndSuiteFail(self):
"""Test it returns code ERROR when there is a test that fails."""
# Test that it returns ERROR when there is test that fails.
collector = self._end_to_end_test_helper(include_bad_test=True)
self.assertEqual(collector.return_code, run_suite.RETURN_CODES.ERROR)
# Test that it returns ERROR when both experimental and non-experimental
# test fail.
collector = self._end_to_end_test_helper(
include_bad_test=True, include_warn_test=True,
self.assertEqual(collector.return_code, run_suite.RETURN_CODES.ERROR)
if __name__ == '__main__':