Convert all python code to use four-space indents instead of eight-space tabs.

Signed-off-by: John Admanski <>

git-svn-id: 592f7852-d20e-0410-864c-8624ca9c26a4
diff --git a/tko/ b/tko/
index 235b485..175869b 100644
--- a/tko/
+++ b/tko/
@@ -5,488 +5,488 @@
 class MySQLTooManyRows(Exception):
-	pass
+    pass
 class db_sql:
-	def __init__(self, debug=False, autocommit=True, host=None,
-		     database=None, user=None, password=None):
-		self.debug = debug
-		self.autocommit = autocommit
-		self._load_config(host, database, user, password)
+    def __init__(self, debug=False, autocommit=True, host=None,
+                 database=None, user=None, password=None):
+        self.debug = debug
+        self.autocommit = autocommit
+        self._load_config(host, database, user, password)
-		self.con = None
-		self._init_db()
+        self.con = None
+        self._init_db()
-		# if not present, insert statuses
-		self.status_idx = {}
-		self.status_word = {}
-		status_rows ='status_idx, word', 'status', None)
-		for s in status_rows:
-			self.status_idx[s[1]] = s[0]
-			self.status_word[s[0]] = s[1]
+        # if not present, insert statuses
+        self.status_idx = {}
+        self.status_word = {}
+        status_rows ='status_idx, word', 'status', None)
+        for s in status_rows:
+            self.status_idx[s[1]] = s[0]
+            self.status_word[s[0]] = s[1]
-		machine_map = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
-					   'machines')
-		if os.path.exists(machine_map):
-			self.machine_map = machine_map
-		else:
-			self.machine_map = None
-		self.machine_group = {}
+        machine_map = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
+                                   'machines')
+        if os.path.exists(machine_map):
+            self.machine_map = machine_map
+        else:
+            self.machine_map = None
+        self.machine_group = {}
-	def _load_config(self, host, database, user, password):
-		# grab the global config
-		get_value = global_config.global_config.get_config_value
+    def _load_config(self, host, database, user, password):
+        # grab the global config
+        get_value = global_config.global_config.get_config_value
-		# grab the host, database
-		if host:
- = host
-		else:
- = get_value("TKO", "host")
-		if database:
-			self.database = database
-		else:
-			self.database = get_value("TKO", "database")
+        # grab the host, database
+        if host:
+   = host
+        else:
+   = get_value("TKO", "host")
+        if database:
+            self.database = database
+        else:
+            self.database = get_value("TKO", "database")
-		# grab the user and password
-		if user:
-			self.user = user
-		else:
-			self.user = get_value("TKO", "user")
-		if password:
-			self.password = password
-		else:
-			self.password = get_value("TKO", "password")
+        # grab the user and password
+        if user:
+            self.user = user
+        else:
+            self.user = get_value("TKO", "user")
+        if password:
+            self.password = password
+        else:
+            self.password = get_value("TKO", "password")
-		# grab the timeout configuration
-		self.query_timeout = get_value("TKO", "query_timeout",
-					       type=int, default=3600)
-		self.min_delay = get_value("TKO", "min_retry_delay", type=int,
-					   default=20)
-		self.max_delay = get_value("TKO", "max_retry_delay", type=int,
-					   default=60)
+        # grab the timeout configuration
+        self.query_timeout = get_value("TKO", "query_timeout",
+                                       type=int, default=3600)
+        self.min_delay = get_value("TKO", "min_retry_delay", type=int,
+                                   default=20)
+        self.max_delay = get_value("TKO", "max_retry_delay", type=int,
+                                   default=60)
-	def _init_db(self):
-		# make sure we clean up any existing connection
-		if self.con:
-			self.con.close()
-			self.con = None
+    def _init_db(self):
+        # make sure we clean up any existing connection
+        if self.con:
+            self.con.close()
+            self.con = None
-		# create the db connection and cursor
-		self.con = self.connect(, self.database,
-					self.user, self.password)
-		self.cur = self.con.cursor()
+        # create the db connection and cursor
+        self.con = self.connect(, self.database,
+                                self.user, self.password)
+        self.cur = self.con.cursor()
-	def _random_delay(self):
-		delay = random.randint(self.min_delay, self.max_delay)
-		time.sleep(delay)
+    def _random_delay(self):
+        delay = random.randint(self.min_delay, self.max_delay)
+        time.sleep(delay)
-	def run_with_retry(self, function, *args, **dargs):
-		"""Call function(*args, **dargs) until either it passes
-		without an operational error, or a timeout is reached.
-		This will re-connect to the database, so it is NOT safe
-		to use this inside of a database transaction.
+    def run_with_retry(self, function, *args, **dargs):
+        """Call function(*args, **dargs) until either it passes
+        without an operational error, or a timeout is reached.
+        This will re-connect to the database, so it is NOT safe
+        to use this inside of a database transaction.
-		It can be safely used with transactions, but the
-		transaction start & end must be completely contained
-		within the call to 'function'."""
-		OperationalError = _get_error_class("OperationalError")
+        It can be safely used with transactions, but the
+        transaction start & end must be completely contained
+        within the call to 'function'."""
+        OperationalError = _get_error_class("OperationalError")
-		success = False
-		start_time = time.time()
-		while not success:
-			try:
-				result = function(*args, **dargs)
-			except OperationalError, e:
-				self._log_operational_error(e)
-				stop_time = time.time()
-				elapsed_time = stop_time - start_time
-				if elapsed_time > self.query_timeout:
-					raise
-				else:
-					try:
-						self._random_delay()
-						self._init_db()
-					except OperationalError, e:
-						self._log_operational_error(e)
-			else:
-				success = True
-		return result
+        success = False
+        start_time = time.time()
+        while not success:
+            try:
+                result = function(*args, **dargs)
+            except OperationalError, e:
+                self._log_operational_error(e)
+                stop_time = time.time()
+                elapsed_time = stop_time - start_time
+                if elapsed_time > self.query_timeout:
+                    raise
+                else:
+                    try:
+                        self._random_delay()
+                        self._init_db()
+                    except OperationalError, e:
+                        self._log_operational_error(e)
+            else:
+                success = True
+        return result
-	def _log_operational_error(self, e):
-		msg = ("An operational error occured during a database "
-		       "operation: %s" % str(e))
-		print >> sys.stderr, msg
-		sys.stderr.flush() # we want these msgs to show up immediately
+    def _log_operational_error(self, e):
+        msg = ("An operational error occured during a database "
+               "operation: %s" % str(e))
+        print >> sys.stderr, msg
+        sys.stderr.flush() # we want these msgs to show up immediately
-	def dprint(self, value):
-		if self.debug:
-			sys.stdout.write('SQL: ' + str(value) + '\n')
+    def dprint(self, value):
+        if self.debug:
+            sys.stdout.write('SQL: ' + str(value) + '\n')
-	def commit(self):
-		self.con.commit()
+    def commit(self):
+        self.con.commit()
-	def get_last_autonumber_value(self):
-		self.cur.execute('SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()', [])
-		return self.cur.fetchall()[0][0]
+    def get_last_autonumber_value(self):
+        self.cur.execute('SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()', [])
+        return self.cur.fetchall()[0][0]
-	def select(self, fields, table, where, wherein={},
-		   distinct = False, group_by = None, max_rows = None):
-		"""\
-			This selects all the fields requested from a
-			specific table with a particular where clause.
-			The where clause can either be a dictionary of
-			field=value pairs, a string, or a tuple of (string, 
-			a list of values).  The last option is what you
-			should use when accepting user input as it'll
-			protect you against sql injection attacks (if
-			all user data is placed in the array rather than
-			the raw SQL).
+    def select(self, fields, table, where, wherein={},
+               distinct = False, group_by = None, max_rows = None):
+        """\
+                This selects all the fields requested from a
+                specific table with a particular where clause.
+                The where clause can either be a dictionary of
+                field=value pairs, a string, or a tuple of (string,
+                a list of values).  The last option is what you
+                should use when accepting user input as it'll
+                protect you against sql injection attacks (if
+                all user data is placed in the array rather than
+                the raw SQL).
-			For example:
-			  where = ("a = %s AND b = %s", ['val', 'val'])
-			is better than
-			  where = "a = 'val' AND b = 'val'"
-		"""
-		cmd = ['select']
-		if distinct:
-			cmd.append('distinct')
-		cmd += [fields, 'from', table]
+                For example:
+                  where = ("a = %s AND b = %s", ['val', 'val'])
+                is better than
+                  where = "a = 'val' AND b = 'val'"
+        """
+        cmd = ['select']
+        if distinct:
+            cmd.append('distinct')
+        cmd += [fields, 'from', table]
-		values = []
-		if where and isinstance(where, types.DictionaryType):
-			# key/value pairs (which should be equal)
-			keys = [field + '=%s' for field in where.keys()]
-			values = [where[field] for field in where.keys()]
+        values = []
+        if where and isinstance(where, types.DictionaryType):
+            # key/value pairs (which should be equal)
+            keys = [field + '=%s' for field in where.keys()]
+            values = [where[field] for field in where.keys()]
-			cmd.append(' where ' + ' and '.join(keys))
-		elif where and isinstance(where, types.StringTypes):
-			# the exact string
-			cmd.append(' where ' + where)
-		elif where and isinstance(where, types.TupleType):
-			# preformatted where clause + values
-			(sql, vals) = where
-			values = vals
-			cmd.append(' where (%s) ' % sql)
+            cmd.append(' where ' + ' and '.join(keys))
+        elif where and isinstance(where, types.StringTypes):
+            # the exact string
+            cmd.append(' where ' + where)
+        elif where and isinstance(where, types.TupleType):
+            # preformatted where clause + values
+            (sql, vals) = where
+            values = vals
+            cmd.append(' where (%s) ' % sql)
-		# TODO: this assumes there's a where clause...bad
-		if wherein and isinstance(wherein, types.DictionaryType):
-			keys_in = ["%s in (%s) " % (field, ','.join(where))
-				   for field, where in wherein.iteritems()]
-			cmd.append(' and '+' and '.join(keys_in))
+        # TODO: this assumes there's a where clause...bad
+        if wherein and isinstance(wherein, types.DictionaryType):
+            keys_in = ["%s in (%s) " % (field, ','.join(where))
+                       for field, where in wherein.iteritems()]
+            cmd.append(' and '+' and '.join(keys_in))
-		if group_by:
-			cmd.append(' GROUP BY ' + group_by)
+        if group_by:
+            cmd.append(' GROUP BY ' + group_by)
-		self.dprint('%s %s' % (' '.join(cmd), values))
+        self.dprint('%s %s' % (' '.join(cmd), values))
-		# create a re-runable function for executing the query
-		def exec_sql():
-			sql = ' '.join(cmd)
-			numRec = self.cur.execute(sql, values)
-			if max_rows != None and numRec > max_rows:
-				msg = 'Exceeded allowed number of records'
-				raise MySQLTooManyRows(msg)
-			return self.cur.fetchall()
+        # create a re-runable function for executing the query
+        def exec_sql():
+            sql = ' '.join(cmd)
+            numRec = self.cur.execute(sql, values)
+            if max_rows != None and numRec > max_rows:
+                msg = 'Exceeded allowed number of records'
+                raise MySQLTooManyRows(msg)
+            return self.cur.fetchall()
-		# run the query, re-trying after operational errors
-		if self.autocommit:
-			return self.run_with_retry(exec_sql)
-		else:
-			return exec_sql()
+        # run the query, re-trying after operational errors
+        if self.autocommit:
+            return self.run_with_retry(exec_sql)
+        else:
+            return exec_sql()
-	def select_sql(self, fields, table, sql, values):
-		"""\
-			select fields from table "sql"
-		"""
-		cmd = 'select %s from %s %s' % (fields, table, sql)
-		self.dprint(cmd)
-		# create a -re-runable function for executing the query
-		def exec_sql():
-			self.cur.execute(cmd, values)
-			return self.cur.fetchall()
-		# run the query, re-trying after operational errors
-		if self.autocommit:
-			return self.run_with_retry(exec_sql)
-		else:
-			return exec_sql()
-	def _exec_sql_with_commit(self, sql, values, commit):
-		if self.autocommit:
-			# re-run the query until it succeeds
-			def exec_sql():
-				self.cur.execute(sql, values)
-				self.con.commit()
-			self.run_with_retry(exec_sql)
-		else:
-			# take one shot at running the query
-			self.cur.execute(sql, values)
-			if commit:
-				self.con.commit()
-	def insert(self, table, data, commit = None):
-		"""\
-			'insert into table (keys) values (%s ... %s)', values
-			data:
-				dictionary of fields and data
-		"""
-		fields = data.keys()
-		refs = ['%s' for field in fields]
-		values = [data[field] for field in fields]
-		cmd = 'insert into %s (%s) values (%s)' % \
-				(table, ','.join(fields), ','.join(refs))
-		self.dprint('%s %s' % (cmd, values))
-		self._exec_sql_with_commit(cmd, values, commit)
-	def delete(self, table, where, commit = None):
-		cmd = ['delete from', table]
-		if commit == None:
-			commit = self.autocommit
-		if where and isinstance(where, types.DictionaryType):
-			keys = [field + '=%s' for field in where.keys()]
-			values = [where[field] for field in where.keys()]
-			cmd += ['where', ' and '.join(keys)]
-		sql = ' '.join(cmd)
-		self.dprint('%s %s' % (sql, values))
-		self._exec_sql_with_commit(sql, values, commit)
-	def update(self, table, data, where, commit = None):
-		"""\
-			'update table set data values (%s ... %s) where ...'
-			data:
-				dictionary of fields and data
-		"""
-		if commit == None:
-			commit = self.autocommit
-		cmd = 'update %s ' % table
-		fields = data.keys()
-		data_refs = [field + '=%s' for field in fields]
-		data_values = [data[field] for field in fields]
-		cmd += ' set ' + ' and '.join(data_refs)
-		where_keys = [field + '=%s' for field in where.keys()]
-		where_values = [where[field] for field in where.keys()]
-		cmd += ' where ' + ' and '.join(where_keys)
-		values = data_values + where_values
-		print '%s %s' % (cmd, values)
-		self._exec_sql_with_commit(cmd, values, commit)
+    def select_sql(self, fields, table, sql, values):
+        """\
+                select fields from table "sql"
+        """
+        cmd = 'select %s from %s %s' % (fields, table, sql)
+        self.dprint(cmd)
-	def delete_job(self, tag, commit = None):
-		job_idx = self.find_job(tag)
-		for test_idx in self.find_tests(job_idx):
-			where = {'test_idx' : test_idx}
-			self.delete('iteration_result', where)
-			self.delete('test_attributes', where)
-		where = {'job_idx' : job_idx}
-		self.delete('tests', where)
-		self.delete('jobs', where)
+        # create a -re-runable function for executing the query
+        def exec_sql():
+            self.cur.execute(cmd, values)
+            return self.cur.fetchall()
+        # run the query, re-trying after operational errors
+        if self.autocommit:
+            return self.run_with_retry(exec_sql)
+        else:
+            return exec_sql()
-	def insert_job(self, tag, job, commit = None):
-		job.machine_idx = self.lookup_machine(job.machine)
-		if not job.machine_idx:
-			job.machine_idx = self.insert_machine(job,
-		                                              commit=commit)
-		self.insert('jobs', {'tag':tag,
-                                     'label': job.label,
-                                     'username': job.user,
-		                     'machine_idx': job.machine_idx,
-				     'queued_time': job.queued_time,
-				     'started_time': job.started_time,
-				     'finished_time': job.finished_time},
-                                     commit=commit)
-		job.index = self.get_last_autonumber_value()
-		for test in job.tests:
-			self.insert_test(job, test, commit=commit)
+    def _exec_sql_with_commit(self, sql, values, commit):
+        if self.autocommit:
+            # re-run the query until it succeeds
+            def exec_sql():
+                self.cur.execute(sql, values)
+                self.con.commit()
+            self.run_with_retry(exec_sql)
+        else:
+            # take one shot at running the query
+            self.cur.execute(sql, values)
+            if commit:
+                self.con.commit()
-	def insert_test(self, job, test, commit = None):
-		kver = self.insert_kernel(test.kernel, commit=commit)
-		data = {'job_idx':job.index, 'test':test.testname,
-			'subdir':test.subdir, 'kernel_idx':kver,
-			'status':self.status_idx[test.status],
-			'reason':test.reason, 'machine_idx':job.machine_idx,
-			'started_time': test.started_time,
-			'finished_time':test.finished_time}
-		self.insert('tests', data, commit=commit)
-		test_idx = self.get_last_autonumber_value()
-		data = { 'test_idx':test_idx }
-		for i in test.iterations:
-			data['iteration'] = i.index
-			for key, value in i.attr_keyval.iteritems():
-				data['attribute'] = key
-				data['value'] = value
-				self.insert('iteration_attributes', data,
-					    commit=commit)
-			for key, value in i.perf_keyval.iteritems():
-				data['attribute'] = key
-				data['value'] = value
-				self.insert('iteration_result', data,
-					    commit=commit)
+    def insert(self, table, data, commit = None):
+        """\
+                'insert into table (keys) values (%s ... %s)', values
-		for key, value in test.attributes.iteritems():
-			data = {'test_idx': test_idx, 'attribute': key,
-				'value': value}
-			self.insert('test_attributes', data, commit=commit)
+                data:
+                        dictionary of fields and data
+        """
+        fields = data.keys()
+        refs = ['%s' for field in fields]
+        values = [data[field] for field in fields]
+        cmd = 'insert into %s (%s) values (%s)' % \
+                        (table, ','.join(fields), ','.join(refs))
+        self.dprint('%s %s' % (cmd, values))
+        self._exec_sql_with_commit(cmd, values, commit)
-	def read_machine_map(self):
-		self.machine_group = {}
-		for line in open(self.machine_map, 'r').readlines():
-			(machine, group) = line.split()
-			self.machine_group[machine] = group
+    def delete(self, table, where, commit = None):
+        cmd = ['delete from', table]
+        if commit == None:
+            commit = self.autocommit
+        if where and isinstance(where, types.DictionaryType):
+            keys = [field + '=%s' for field in where.keys()]
+            values = [where[field] for field in where.keys()]
+            cmd += ['where', ' and '.join(keys)]
+        sql = ' '.join(cmd)
+        self.dprint('%s %s' % (sql, values))
-	def insert_machine(self, job, group = None, commit = None):
-		hostname = job.machine
-		if self.machine_map and not self.machine_group:
-			self.read_machine_map()
+        self._exec_sql_with_commit(sql, values, commit)
-		if not group:
-			group = self.machine_group.get(hostname, hostname)
-			if group == hostname and job.machine_owner:
-				group = job.machine_owner + '/' + hostname
-		self.insert('machines',
-                            { 'hostname' : hostname ,
-		              'machine_group' : group ,
-			      'owner' : job.machine_owner },
-		            commit=commit)
-		return self.get_last_autonumber_value()
+    def update(self, table, data, where, commit = None):
+        """\
+                'update table set data values (%s ... %s) where ...'
+                data:
+                        dictionary of fields and data
+        """
+        if commit == None:
+            commit = self.autocommit
+        cmd = 'update %s ' % table
+        fields = data.keys()
+        data_refs = [field + '=%s' for field in fields]
+        data_values = [data[field] for field in fields]
+        cmd += ' set ' + ' and '.join(data_refs)
-	def lookup_machine(self, hostname):
-		where = { 'hostname' : hostname }
-		rows ='machine_idx', 'machines', where)
-		if rows:
-			return rows[0][0]
-		else:
-			return None
+        where_keys = [field + '=%s' for field in where.keys()]
+        where_values = [where[field] for field in where.keys()]
+        cmd += ' where ' + ' and '.join(where_keys)
+        values = data_values + where_values
+        print '%s %s' % (cmd, values)
-	def lookup_kernel(self, kernel):
-		rows ='kernel_idx', 'kernels', 
-					{'kernel_hash':kernel.kernel_hash})
-		if rows:
-			return rows[0][0]
-		else:
-			return None
+        self._exec_sql_with_commit(cmd, values, commit)
-	def insert_kernel(self, kernel, commit = None):
-		kver = self.lookup_kernel(kernel)
-		if kver:
-			return kver
-		# If this kernel has any significant patches, append their hash
-		# as diferentiator.
-		printable = kernel.base
-		patch_count = 0
-		for patch in kernel.patches:
-			match = re.match(r'.*(-mm[0-9]+|-git[0-9]+)\.(bz2|gz)$',
-								patch.reference)
-			if not match:
-				patch_count += 1
+    def delete_job(self, tag, commit = None):
+        job_idx = self.find_job(tag)
+        for test_idx in self.find_tests(job_idx):
+            where = {'test_idx' : test_idx}
+            self.delete('iteration_result', where)
+            self.delete('test_attributes', where)
+        where = {'job_idx' : job_idx}
+        self.delete('tests', where)
+        self.delete('jobs', where)
-		self.insert('kernels',
-                            {'base':kernel.base,
-		             'kernel_hash':kernel.kernel_hash,
-		             'printable':printable},
-		            commit=commit)
-		kver = self.get_last_autonumber_value()
-		if patch_count > 0:
-			printable += ' p%d' % (kver)
-			self.update('kernels',
-				{'printable':printable},
-				{'kernel_idx':kver})
+    def insert_job(self, tag, job, commit = None):
+        job.machine_idx = self.lookup_machine(job.machine)
+        if not job.machine_idx:
+            job.machine_idx = self.insert_machine(job,
+                                                  commit=commit)
+        self.insert('jobs', {'tag':tag,
+                             'label': job.label,
+                             'username': job.user,
+                             'machine_idx': job.machine_idx,
+                             'queued_time': job.queued_time,
+                             'started_time': job.started_time,
+                             'finished_time': job.finished_time},
+                             commit=commit)
+        job.index = self.get_last_autonumber_value()
+        for test in job.tests:
+            self.insert_test(job, test, commit=commit)
-		for patch in kernel.patches:
-			self.insert_patch(kver, patch, commit=commit)
-		return kver
+    def insert_test(self, job, test, commit = None):
+        kver = self.insert_kernel(test.kernel, commit=commit)
+        data = {'job_idx':job.index, 'test':test.testname,
+                'subdir':test.subdir, 'kernel_idx':kver,
+                'status':self.status_idx[test.status],
+                'reason':test.reason, 'machine_idx':job.machine_idx,
+                'started_time': test.started_time,
+                'finished_time':test.finished_time}
+        self.insert('tests', data, commit=commit)
+        test_idx = self.get_last_autonumber_value()
+        data = { 'test_idx':test_idx }
-	def insert_patch(self, kver, patch, commit = None):
-		print patch.reference
-		name = os.path.basename(patch.reference)[:80]
-		self.insert('patches',
-                            {'kernel_idx': kver, 
-		             'name':name,
-		             'url':patch.reference, 
-		             'hash':patch.hash},
+        for i in test.iterations:
+            data['iteration'] = i.index
+            for key, value in i.attr_keyval.iteritems():
+                data['attribute'] = key
+                data['value'] = value
+                self.insert('iteration_attributes', data,
+                            commit=commit)
+            for key, value in i.perf_keyval.iteritems():
+                data['attribute'] = key
+                data['value'] = value
+                self.insert('iteration_result', data,
-	def find_test(self, job_idx, subdir):
-		where = { 'job_idx':job_idx , 'subdir':subdir }
-		rows ='test_idx', 'tests', where)
-		if rows:
-			return rows[0][0]
-		else:
-			return None
+        for key, value in test.attributes.iteritems():
+            data = {'test_idx': test_idx, 'attribute': key,
+                    'value': value}
+            self.insert('test_attributes', data, commit=commit)
-	def find_tests(self, job_idx):
-		where = { 'job_idx':job_idx }
-		rows ='test_idx', 'tests', where)
-		if rows:
-			return [row[0] for row in rows]
-		else:
-			return []
+    def read_machine_map(self):
+        self.machine_group = {}
+        for line in open(self.machine_map, 'r').readlines():
+            (machine, group) = line.split()
+            self.machine_group[machine] = group
-	def find_job(self, tag):
-		rows ='job_idx', 'jobs', {'tag': tag})
-		if rows:
-			return rows[0][0]
-		else:
-			return None
+    def insert_machine(self, job, group = None, commit = None):
+        hostname = job.machine
+        if self.machine_map and not self.machine_group:
+            self.read_machine_map()
+        if not group:
+            group = self.machine_group.get(hostname, hostname)
+            if group == hostname and job.machine_owner:
+                group = job.machine_owner + '/' + hostname
+        self.insert('machines',
+                    { 'hostname' : hostname ,
+                      'machine_group' : group ,
+                      'owner' : job.machine_owner },
+                    commit=commit)
+        return self.get_last_autonumber_value()
+    def lookup_machine(self, hostname):
+        where = { 'hostname' : hostname }
+        rows ='machine_idx', 'machines', where)
+        if rows:
+            return rows[0][0]
+        else:
+            return None
+    def lookup_kernel(self, kernel):
+        rows ='kernel_idx', 'kernels',
+                                {'kernel_hash':kernel.kernel_hash})
+        if rows:
+            return rows[0][0]
+        else:
+            return None
+    def insert_kernel(self, kernel, commit = None):
+        kver = self.lookup_kernel(kernel)
+        if kver:
+            return kver
+        # If this kernel has any significant patches, append their hash
+        # as diferentiator.
+        printable = kernel.base
+        patch_count = 0
+        for patch in kernel.patches:
+            match = re.match(r'.*(-mm[0-9]+|-git[0-9]+)\.(bz2|gz)$',
+                                                    patch.reference)
+            if not match:
+                patch_count += 1
+        self.insert('kernels',
+                    {'base':kernel.base,
+                     'kernel_hash':kernel.kernel_hash,
+                     'printable':printable},
+                    commit=commit)
+        kver = self.get_last_autonumber_value()
+        if patch_count > 0:
+            printable += ' p%d' % (kver)
+            self.update('kernels',
+                    {'printable':printable},
+                    {'kernel_idx':kver})
+        for patch in kernel.patches:
+            self.insert_patch(kver, patch, commit=commit)
+        return kver
+    def insert_patch(self, kver, patch, commit = None):
+        print patch.reference
+        name = os.path.basename(patch.reference)[:80]
+        self.insert('patches',
+                    {'kernel_idx': kver,
+                     'name':name,
+                     'url':patch.reference,
+                     'hash':patch.hash},
+                    commit=commit)
+    def find_test(self, job_idx, subdir):
+        where = { 'job_idx':job_idx , 'subdir':subdir }
+        rows ='test_idx', 'tests', where)
+        if rows:
+            return rows[0][0]
+        else:
+            return None
+    def find_tests(self, job_idx):
+        where = { 'job_idx':job_idx }
+        rows ='test_idx', 'tests', where)
+        if rows:
+            return [row[0] for row in rows]
+        else:
+            return []
+    def find_job(self, tag):
+        rows ='job_idx', 'jobs', {'tag': tag})
+        if rows:
+            return rows[0][0]
+        else:
+            return None
 def _get_db_type():
-	"""Get the database type name to use from the global config."""
-	get_value = global_config.global_config.get_config_value
-	return "db_" + get_value("TKO", "db_type", default="mysql")
+    """Get the database type name to use from the global config."""
+    get_value = global_config.global_config.get_config_value
+    return "db_" + get_value("TKO", "db_type", default="mysql")
 def _get_error_class(class_name):
-	"""Retrieves the appropriate error class by name from the database
-	module."""
-	db_module = __import__("autotest_lib.tko." + _get_db_type(),
-			       globals(), locals(), ["driver"])
-	return getattr(db_module.driver, class_name)
+    """Retrieves the appropriate error class by name from the database
+    module."""
+    db_module = __import__("autotest_lib.tko." + _get_db_type(),
+                           globals(), locals(), ["driver"])
+    return getattr(db_module.driver, class_name)
 def db(*args, **dargs):
-	"""Creates an instance of the database class with the arguments
-	provided in args and dargs, using the database type specified by
-	the global configuration (defaulting to mysql)."""
-	db_type = _get_db_type()
-	db_module = __import__("autotest_lib.tko." + db_type, globals(),
-			       locals(), [db_type])
-	db = getattr(db_module, db_type)(*args, **dargs)
-	return db
+    """Creates an instance of the database class with the arguments
+    provided in args and dargs, using the database type specified by
+    the global configuration (defaulting to mysql)."""
+    db_type = _get_db_type()
+    db_module = __import__("autotest_lib.tko." + db_type, globals(),
+                           locals(), [db_type])
+    db = getattr(db_module, db_type)(*args, **dargs)
+    return db