Convert all python code to use four-space indents instead of eight-space tabs.

Signed-off-by: John Admanski <>

git-svn-id: 592f7852-d20e-0410-864c-8624ca9c26a4
diff --git a/tko/ b/tko/
index 00e7fed..45de298 100755
--- a/tko/
+++ b/tko/
@@ -10,299 +10,299 @@
 root_url_file = os.path.join(tko, '.root_url')
 if os.path.exists(root_url_file):
-	html_root = open(root_url_file, 'r').readline().rstrip()
+    html_root = open(root_url_file, 'r').readline().rstrip()
-	html_root = '/results/'
+    html_root = '/results/'
 class status_cell:
-	# One cell in the matrix of status data.
-	def __init__(self):
-		# Count is a dictionary: status -> count of tests with status
-		self.status_count = {}
-		self.reasons_list = []
-		self.job_tag = None
-		self.job_tag_count = 0
+    # One cell in the matrix of status data.
+    def __init__(self):
+        # Count is a dictionary: status -> count of tests with status
+        self.status_count = {}
+        self.reasons_list = []
+        self.job_tag = None
+        self.job_tag_count = 0
-	def add(self, status, count, job_tags, reasons = None):
-		assert count > 0
+    def add(self, status, count, job_tags, reasons = None):
+        assert count > 0
-		self.job_tag = job_tags
-		self.job_tag_count += count
-		if self.job_tag_count > 1:
-			self.job_tag = None
-		self.status_count[status] = count
-		### status == 6 means 'GOOD'
-		if status != 6:
-			## None implies sorting problems and extra CRs in a cell
-			if reasons:
-				self.reasons_list.append(reasons)
+        self.job_tag = job_tags
+        self.job_tag_count += count
+        if self.job_tag_count > 1:
+            self.job_tag = None
+        self.status_count[status] = count
+        ### status == 6 means 'GOOD'
+        if status != 6:
+            ## None implies sorting problems and extra CRs in a cell
+            if reasons:
+                self.reasons_list.append(reasons)
 class status_data:
-	def __init__(self, sql_rows, x_field, y_field, query_reasons = False):
-		data = {}
-		y_values = set()
+    def __init__(self, sql_rows, x_field, y_field, query_reasons = False):
+        data = {}
+        y_values = set()
-		# Walk through the query, filing all results by x, y info
-		for row in sql_rows:
-			if query_reasons:
-				(x,y, status, count, job_tags, reasons) = row
-			else:
-				(x,y, status, count, job_tags) = row
-				reasons = None
-			if not data.has_key(x):
-				data[x] = {}
-			if not data[x].has_key(y):
-				y_values.add(y)
-				data[x][y] = status_cell()
-			data[x][y].add(status, count, job_tags, reasons)
+        # Walk through the query, filing all results by x, y info
+        for row in sql_rows:
+            if query_reasons:
+                (x,y, status, count, job_tags, reasons) = row
+            else:
+                (x,y, status, count, job_tags) = row
+                reasons = None
+            if not data.has_key(x):
+                data[x] = {}
+            if not data[x].has_key(y):
+                y_values.add(y)
+                data[x][y] = status_cell()
+            data[x][y].add(status, count, job_tags, reasons)
-		# 2-d hash of data - [x-value][y-value]
- = data
-		# List of possible columns (x-values)
-		self.x_values = smart_sort(data.keys(), x_field)
-		# List of rows columns (y-values)
-		self.y_values = smart_sort(list(y_values), y_field)
-		nCells = len(self.y_values)*len(self.x_values)
-		if nCells > MAX_CELLS:
-			msg = 'Exceeded allowed number of cells in a table'
-			raise db.MySQLTooManyRows(msg)
+        # 2-d hash of data - [x-value][y-value]
+ = data
+        # List of possible columns (x-values)
+        self.x_values = smart_sort(data.keys(), x_field)
+        # List of rows columns (y-values)
+        self.y_values = smart_sort(list(y_values), y_field)
+        nCells = len(self.y_values)*len(self.x_values)
+        if nCells > MAX_CELLS:
+            msg = 'Exceeded allowed number of cells in a table'
+            raise db.MySQLTooManyRows(msg)
 def get_matrix_data(db_obj, x_axis, y_axis, where = None,
-		    query_reasons = False):
-	# Searches on the test_view table - x_axis and y_axis must both be
-	# column names in that table.
-	x_field = test_view_field_dict[x_axis]
-	y_field = test_view_field_dict[y_axis]
-	query_fields_list = [x_field, y_field, 'status','COUNT(status)']
-	query_fields_list.append("LEFT(GROUP_CONCAT(job_tag),100)")
-	if query_reasons:
-		query_fields_list.append(
-			)
-	fields = ','.join(query_fields_list)
+                    query_reasons = False):
+    # Searches on the test_view table - x_axis and y_axis must both be
+    # column names in that table.
+    x_field = test_view_field_dict[x_axis]
+    y_field = test_view_field_dict[y_axis]
+    query_fields_list = [x_field, y_field, 'status','COUNT(status)']
+    query_fields_list.append("LEFT(GROUP_CONCAT(job_tag),100)")
+    if query_reasons:
+        query_fields_list.append(
+                "LEFT(GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT reason SEPARATOR '|'),500)"
+                )
+    fields = ','.join(query_fields_list)
-	group_by = '%s, %s, status' % (x_field, y_field)
-	rows =, 'test_view',
-			where=where, group_by=group_by, max_rows = MAX_RECORDS)
-	return status_data(rows, x_field, y_field, query_reasons)
+    group_by = '%s, %s, status' % (x_field, y_field)
+    rows =, 'test_view',
+                    where=where, group_by=group_by, max_rows = MAX_RECORDS)
+    return status_data(rows, x_field, y_field, query_reasons)
 # Dictionary used simply for fast lookups from short reference names for users
 # to fieldnames in test_view
 test_view_field_dict = {
-	'kernel'        : 'kernel_printable',
-	'hostname'      : 'machine_hostname',
-	'test'          : 'test',
-	'label'         : 'job_label',
-	'machine_group' : 'machine_group',
-	'reason'        : 'reason',
-	'tag'           : 'job_tag',
-	'user'          : 'job_username',
-	'status'        : 'status_word',
-	'time'          : 'test_finished_time',
-	'time_daily'    : 'DATE(test_finished_time)'
+        'kernel'        : 'kernel_printable',
+        'hostname'      : 'machine_hostname',
+        'test'          : 'test',
+        'label'         : 'job_label',
+        'machine_group' : 'machine_group',
+        'reason'        : 'reason',
+        'tag'           : 'job_tag',
+        'user'          : 'job_username',
+        'status'        : 'status_word',
+        'time'          : 'test_finished_time',
+        'time_daily'    : 'DATE(test_finished_time)'
 def smart_sort(list, field):
-	if field == 'kernel_printable':
-		def kernel_encode(kernel):
-		        return kernel_versions.version_encode(kernel) 
-		list.sort(key = kernel_encode, reverse = True)
-		return list
-	## old records may contain time=None 
-	## make None comparable with timestamp datetime or date
-	elif field == 'test_finished_time':
-		def convert_None_to_datetime(date_time):
-			if not date_time:
-				return datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
-			else:
-				return date_time
-		list = map(convert_None_to_datetime, list)
-	elif field == 'DATE(test_finished_time)':
-		def convert_None_to_date(date):
-			if not date:
-				return, 1, 1)
-			else:
-				return date
-		list = map(convert_None_to_date, list)
-	list.sort()
-	return list
+    if field == 'kernel_printable':
+        def kernel_encode(kernel):
+            return kernel_versions.version_encode(kernel)
+        list.sort(key = kernel_encode, reverse = True)
+        return list
+    ## old records may contain time=None
+    ## make None comparable with timestamp datetime or date
+    elif field == 'test_finished_time':
+        def convert_None_to_datetime(date_time):
+            if not date_time:
+                return datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
+            else:
+                return date_time
+        list = map(convert_None_to_datetime, list)
+    elif field == 'DATE(test_finished_time)':
+        def convert_None_to_date(date):
+            if not date:
+                return, 1, 1)
+            else:
+                return date
+        list = map(convert_None_to_date, list)
+    list.sort()
+    return list
 class group:
-	@classmethod
-	def select(klass, db):
-		"""Return all possible machine groups"""
-		rows ='distinct machine_group', 'machines',
-						'machine_group is not null')
-		groupnames = sorted([row[0] for row in rows])
-		return [klass(db, groupname) for groupname in groupnames]
+    @classmethod
+    def select(klass, db):
+        """Return all possible machine groups"""
+        rows ='distinct machine_group', 'machines',
+                                        'machine_group is not null')
+        groupnames = sorted([row[0] for row in rows])
+        return [klass(db, groupname) for groupname in groupnames]
-	def __init__(self, db, name):
- = name
-		self.db = db
+    def __init__(self, db, name):
+ = name
+        self.db = db
-	def machines(self):
-		return, { 'machine_group' : })
+    def machines(self):
+        return, { 'machine_group' : })
-	def tests(self, where = {}):
-		values = []
-		sql = 't inner join machines m on m.machine_idx=t.machine_idx'
-		sql += ' where m.machine_group=%s'
-		for key in where.keys():
-			sql += ' and %s=%%s' % key
-			values.append(where[key])
-		return test.select_sql(self.db, sql, values)
+    def tests(self, where = {}):
+        values = []
+        sql = 't inner join machines m on m.machine_idx=t.machine_idx'
+        sql += ' where m.machine_group=%s'
+        for key in where.keys():
+            sql += ' and %s=%%s' % key
+            values.append(where[key])
+        return test.select_sql(self.db, sql, values)
 class machine:
-	@classmethod
-	def select(klass, db, where = {}):
-		fields = ['machine_idx', 'hostname', 'machine_group', 'owner']
-		machines = []
-		for row in','.join(fields), 'machines', where):
-			machines.append(klass(db, *row))
-		return machines
+    @classmethod
+    def select(klass, db, where = {}):
+        fields = ['machine_idx', 'hostname', 'machine_group', 'owner']
+        machines = []
+        for row in','.join(fields), 'machines', where):
+            machines.append(klass(db, *row))
+        return machines
-	def __init__(self, db, idx, hostname, group, owner):
-		self.db = db
-		self.idx = idx
-		self.hostname = hostname
- = group
-		self.owner = owner
+    def __init__(self, db, idx, hostname, group, owner):
+        self.db = db
+        self.idx = idx
+        self.hostname = hostname
+ = group
+        self.owner = owner
 class kernel:
-	@classmethod
-	def select(klass, db, where = {}):
-		fields = ['kernel_idx', 'kernel_hash', 'base', 'printable']
-		rows =','.join(fields), 'kernels', where)
-		return [klass(db, *row) for row in rows]
+    @classmethod
+    def select(klass, db, where = {}):
+        fields = ['kernel_idx', 'kernel_hash', 'base', 'printable']
+        rows =','.join(fields), 'kernels', where)
+        return [klass(db, *row) for row in rows]
-	def __init__(self, db, idx, hash, base, printable):
-		self.db = db
-		self.idx = idx
-		self.hash = hash
-		self.base = base
-		self.printable = printable
-		self.patches = []    # THIS SHOULD PULL IN PATCHES!
+    def __init__(self, db, idx, hash, base, printable):
+        self.db = db
+        self.idx = idx
+        self.hash = hash
+        self.base = base
+        self.printable = printable
+        self.patches = []    # THIS SHOULD PULL IN PATCHES!
 class test:
-	@classmethod
-	def select(klass, db, where = {}, wherein = {}, distinct = False):
-		fields = ['test_idx', 'job_idx', 'test', 'subdir', 
-			  'kernel_idx', 'status', 'reason', 'machine_idx']
-		tests = []
-		for row in','.join(fields), 'tests', where,
-				     wherein,distinct):
-			tests.append(klass(db, *row))
-		return tests
+    @classmethod
+    def select(klass, db, where = {}, wherein = {}, distinct = False):
+        fields = ['test_idx', 'job_idx', 'test', 'subdir',
+                  'kernel_idx', 'status', 'reason', 'machine_idx']
+        tests = []
+        for row in','.join(fields), 'tests', where,
+                             wherein,distinct):
+            tests.append(klass(db, *row))
+        return tests
-	@classmethod
-	def select_sql(klass, db, sql, values):
-		fields = ['test_idx', 'job_idx', 'test', 'subdir', 
-			  'kernel_idx', 'status', 'reason', 'machine_idx']
-		fields = ['t.'+field for field in fields]
-		rows = db.select_sql(','.join(fields), 'tests', sql, values)
-		return [klass(db, *row) for row in rows]
-	def __init__(self, db, test_idx, job_idx, testname, subdir, kernel_idx,
-		     status_num, reason, machine_idx):
-		self.idx = test_idx
-		self.job = job(db, job_idx)
-		self.testname = testname
-		self.subdir = subdir
-		self.kernel_idx = kernel_idx
-		self.__kernel = None
-		self.__iterations = None
-		self.machine_idx = machine_idx
-		self.__machine = None
-		self.status_num = status_num
-		self.status_word = db.status_word[status_num]
-		self.reason = reason
-		self.db = db
-		if self.subdir:
-			self.url = html_root + self.job.tag + '/' + self.subdir
-		else:
-			self.url = None
+    @classmethod
+    def select_sql(klass, db, sql, values):
+        fields = ['test_idx', 'job_idx', 'test', 'subdir',
+                  'kernel_idx', 'status', 'reason', 'machine_idx']
+        fields = ['t.'+field for field in fields]
+        rows = db.select_sql(','.join(fields), 'tests', sql, values)
+        return [klass(db, *row) for row in rows]
-	def iterations(self):
-		"""
-		Caching function for iterations
-		"""
-		if not self.__iterations:
-			self.__iterations = {}
-			# A dictionary - dict{key} = [value1, value2, ....]
-			where = {'test_idx' : self.idx}
-			for i in, where):
-				if self.__iterations.has_key(i.key):
-					self.__iterations[i.key].append(i.value)
-				else:
-					self.__iterations[i.key] = [i.value]
-		return self.__iterations
-	def kernel(self):
-		"""
-		Caching function for kernels
-		"""
-		if not self.__kernel:
-			where = {'kernel_idx' : self.kernel_idx}
-			self.__kernel =, where)[0]
-		return self.__kernel
+    def __init__(self, db, test_idx, job_idx, testname, subdir, kernel_idx,
+                 status_num, reason, machine_idx):
+        self.idx = test_idx
+        self.job = job(db, job_idx)
+        self.testname = testname
+        self.subdir = subdir
+        self.kernel_idx = kernel_idx
+        self.__kernel = None
+        self.__iterations = None
+        self.machine_idx = machine_idx
+        self.__machine = None
+        self.status_num = status_num
+        self.status_word = db.status_word[status_num]
+        self.reason = reason
+        self.db = db
+        if self.subdir:
+            self.url = html_root + self.job.tag + '/' + self.subdir
+        else:
+            self.url = None
-	def machine(self):
-		"""
-		Caching function for kernels
-		"""
-		if not self.__machine:
-			where = {'machine_idx' : self.machine_idx}
-			self.__machine =, where)[0]
-		return self.__machine
+    def iterations(self):
+        """
+        Caching function for iterations
+        """
+        if not self.__iterations:
+            self.__iterations = {}
+            # A dictionary - dict{key} = [value1, value2, ....]
+            where = {'test_idx' : self.idx}
+            for i in, where):
+                if self.__iterations.has_key(i.key):
+                    self.__iterations[i.key].append(i.value)
+                else:
+                    self.__iterations[i.key] = [i.value]
+        return self.__iterations
+    def kernel(self):
+        """
+        Caching function for kernels
+        """
+        if not self.__kernel:
+            where = {'kernel_idx' : self.kernel_idx}
+            self.__kernel =, where)[0]
+        return self.__kernel
+    def machine(self):
+        """
+        Caching function for kernels
+        """
+        if not self.__machine:
+            where = {'machine_idx' : self.machine_idx}
+            self.__machine =, where)[0]
+        return self.__machine
 class job:
-	def __init__(self, db, job_idx):
-		where = {'job_idx' : job_idx}
-		rows ='tag, machine_idx', 'jobs', where)
-		if not rows:
-			return None
-		(self.tag, self.machine_idx) = rows[0]
-		self.job_idx = job_idx
+    def __init__(self, db, job_idx):
+        where = {'job_idx' : job_idx}
+        rows ='tag, machine_idx', 'jobs', where)
+        if not rows:
+            return None
+        (self.tag, self.machine_idx) = rows[0]
+        self.job_idx = job_idx
 class iteration:
-	@classmethod
-	def select(klass, db, where):
-		fields = ['iteration', 'attribute', 'value']
-		iterations = []
-		rows =','.join(fields), 'iteration_result', where)
-		for row in rows:
-			iterations.append(klass(*row))
-		return iterations
+    @classmethod
+    def select(klass, db, where):
+        fields = ['iteration', 'attribute', 'value']
+        iterations = []
+        rows =','.join(fields), 'iteration_result', where)
+        for row in rows:
+            iterations.append(klass(*row))
+        return iterations
-	def __init__(self, iteration, key, value):
-		self.iteration = iteration
-		self.key = key
-		self.value = value
+    def __init__(self, iteration, key, value):
+        self.iteration = iteration
+        self.key = key
+        self.value = value
 # class patch:
-# 	def __init__(self):
-# 		self.spec = None
+#       def __init__(self):
+#               self.spec = None