Convert all python code to use four-space indents instead of eight-space tabs.

Signed-off-by: John Admanski <>

git-svn-id: 592f7852-d20e-0410-864c-8624ca9c26a4
diff --git a/tko/migrations/ b/tko/migrations/
index 2c19abc..065e5c5 100755
--- a/tko/migrations/
+++ b/tko/migrations/
@@ -1,31 +1,31 @@
 import os
 required_tables = ('machines', 'jobs', 'patches', 'tests', 'test_attributes',
-		   'iteration_result')
+                   'iteration_result')
 def migrate_up(manager):
-	manager.execute("SHOW TABLES")
-	tables = [row[0] for row in manager.cursor.fetchall()]
-	db_initialized = True
-	for table in required_tables:
-		if table not in tables:
-			db_initialized = False
-			break
-	if not db_initialized:
-		response = raw_input(
-		    'Your tko database does not appear to be initialized.  Do '
-		    'you want to recreate it (this will result in loss of any '
-		    'existing data) (yes/No)? ')
-		if response != 'yes':
-			raise Exception('User has chosen to abort migration')
+    manager.execute("SHOW TABLES")
+    tables = [row[0] for row in manager.cursor.fetchall()]
+    db_initialized = True
+    for table in required_tables:
+        if table not in tables:
+            db_initialized = False
+            break
+    if not db_initialized:
+        response = raw_input(
+            'Your tko database does not appear to be initialized.  Do '
+            'you want to recreate it (this will result in loss of any '
+            'existing data) (yes/No)? ')
+        if response != 'yes':
+            raise Exception('User has chosen to abort migration')
-		manager.execute_script(CREATE_DB_SQL)
+        manager.execute_script(CREATE_DB_SQL)
-	manager.create_migrate_table()
+    manager.create_migrate_table()
 def migrate_down(manager):
-	manager.execute_script(DROP_DB_SQL)
+    manager.execute_script(DROP_DB_SQL)
 DROP_DB_SQL = """\
@@ -48,44 +48,44 @@
 -- status key
 CREATE TABLE status (
-status_idx int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY ,		-- numerical status
-word VARCHAR(10)			-- status word
+status_idx int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY ,               -- numerical status
+word VARCHAR(10)                        -- status word
 ) TYPE=InnoDB;
 -- kernel versions
 CREATE TABLE kernels (
 kernel_idx int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY,
-kernel_hash VARCHAR(35),		-- Hash of base + all patches
-base VARCHAR(30),			-- Base version without patches
-printable VARCHAR(100)			-- Full version with patches
+kernel_hash VARCHAR(35),                -- Hash of base + all patches
+base VARCHAR(30),                       -- Base version without patches
+printable VARCHAR(100)                  -- Full version with patches
 ) TYPE=InnoDB;
 -- machines/hosts table
 CREATE TABLE machines (
 machine_idx int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY,
-hostname VARCHAR(100) unique KEY,	-- hostname
-machine_group VARCHAR(80),		-- group name
-owner VARCHAR(80)			-- owner name
+hostname VARCHAR(100) unique KEY,       -- hostname
+machine_group VARCHAR(80),              -- group name
+owner VARCHAR(80)                       -- owner name
 ) TYPE=InnoDB;
 -- main jobs table
-job_idx int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY,	-- index number
-tag VARCHAR(100) unique KEY,		-- job key
+job_idx int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY,   -- index number
+tag VARCHAR(100) unique KEY,            -- job key
 label VARCHAR(100),                     -- job label assigned by user
 KEY (label),
-username VARCHAR(80),			-- user name
+username VARCHAR(80),                   -- user name
 KEY (username),
-machine_idx INT(10) unsigned NOT NULL,	-- reference to machine table
+machine_idx INT(10) unsigned NOT NULL,  -- reference to machine table
 KEY (machine_idx),
 FOREIGN KEY (machine_idx) REFERENCES machines(machine_idx) ON DELETE CASCADE
 ) TYPE=InnoDB;
 -- One entry per patch used, anywhere
 CREATE TABLE patches (
-kernel_idx INT(10) unsigned NOT NULL,	-- index number
-name VARCHAR(80),			-- short name
-url VARCHAR(300),			-- full URL
+kernel_idx INT(10) unsigned NOT NULL,   -- index number
+name VARCHAR(80),                       -- short name
+url VARCHAR(300),                       -- full URL
 hash VARCHAR(35),
 KEY (kernel_idx),
 FOREIGN KEY (kernel_idx) REFERENCES kernels(kernel_idx) ON DELETE CASCADE
@@ -93,18 +93,18 @@
 -- test functional results
-test_idx int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY,	-- index number
-job_idx INTEGER,			-- ref to job table
-test VARCHAR(30),			-- name of test
-subdir VARCHAR(60),			-- subdirectory name
-kernel_idx INT(10) unsigned NOT NULL,	-- kernel test was AGAINST
+test_idx int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY,  -- index number
+job_idx INTEGER,                        -- ref to job table
+test VARCHAR(30),                       -- name of test
+subdir VARCHAR(60),                     -- subdirectory name
+kernel_idx INT(10) unsigned NOT NULL,   -- kernel test was AGAINST
 KEY (kernel_idx),
 FOREIGN KEY (kernel_idx) REFERENCES kernels(kernel_idx) ON DELETE CASCADE,
-status int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,	-- test status
+status int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,       -- test status
 KEY (status),
 FOREIGN KEY (status) REFERENCES status(status_idx) ON DELETE CASCADE,
-reason VARCHAR(100),			-- reason for test status
-machine_idx INT(10) unsigned NOT NULL,	-- reference to machine table
+reason VARCHAR(100),                    -- reason for test status
+machine_idx INT(10) unsigned NOT NULL,  -- reference to machine table
 KEY (machine_idx),
 FOREIGN KEY (machine_idx) REFERENCES machines(machine_idx) ON DELETE CASCADE,
 invalid BOOL NOT NULL
@@ -112,49 +112,49 @@
 -- test attributes (key value pairs at a test level)
 CREATE TABLE test_attributes (
-test_idx int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,	-- ref to test table
+test_idx int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,     -- ref to test table
-attribute VARCHAR(30),			-- attribute name (e.g. 'version')
-value VARCHAR(100),			-- attribute value
+attribute VARCHAR(30),                  -- attribute name (e.g. 'version')
+value VARCHAR(100),                     -- attribute value
 KEY `test_idx` (`test_idx`)
 ) TYPE=InnoDB;
 -- test performance results
 CREATE TABLE iteration_result(
-test_idx int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,	-- ref to test table
+test_idx int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,     -- ref to test table
-iteration INTEGER,			-- integer
-attribute VARCHAR(30),			-- attribute name (e.g. 'throughput')
-value FLOAT,				-- attribute value (eg 700.1)
+iteration INTEGER,                      -- integer
+attribute VARCHAR(30),                  -- attribute name (e.g. 'throughput')
+value FLOAT,                            -- attribute value (eg 700.1)
 KEY `test_idx` (`test_idx`)
 ) TYPE=InnoDB;
 -- BRRD syncronization
 CREATE TABLE brrd_sync (
-test_idx int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,	-- ref to test table
+test_idx int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,     -- ref to test table
 ) TYPE=InnoDB;
 -- test_view (to make life easier for people trying to mine data)
 CREATE VIEW test_view AS
-SELECT	tests.test_idx,
-	tests.job_idx,
-	tests.test,
-	tests.subdir,
-	tests.kernel_idx,
-	tests.status,
-	tests.reason,
-	tests.machine_idx,
-	jobs.tag AS job_tag,
-	jobs.label AS job_label,
-	jobs.username AS job_username,
-	machines.hostname AS machine_hostname,
-	machines.machine_group,
-	machines.owner AS machine_owner,
-	kernels.kernel_hash,
-	kernels.base AS kernel_base, 
-	kernels.printable AS kernel_printable,
-	status.word AS status_word
+SELECT  tests.test_idx,
+        tests.job_idx,
+        tests.test,
+        tests.subdir,
+        tests.kernel_idx,
+        tests.status,
+        tests.reason,
+        tests.machine_idx,
+        jobs.tag AS job_tag,
+        jobs.label AS job_label,
+        jobs.username AS job_username,
+        machines.hostname AS machine_hostname,
+        machines.machine_group,
+        machines.owner AS machine_owner,
+        kernels.kernel_hash,
+        kernels.base AS kernel_base,
+        kernels.printable AS kernel_printable,
+        status.word AS status_word
 FROM tests
 INNER JOIN jobs ON jobs.job_idx = tests.job_idx
 INNER JOIN machines ON machines.machine_idx = jobs.machine_idx
@@ -163,27 +163,27 @@
 -- perf_view (to make life easier for people trying to mine performance data)
 CREATE VIEW perf_view AS
-SELECT	tests.test_idx,
-	tests.job_idx,
-	tests.test,
-	tests.subdir,
-	tests.kernel_idx,
-	tests.status,
-	tests.reason,
-	tests.machine_idx,
-	jobs.tag AS job_tag,
-	jobs.label AS job_label,
-	jobs.username AS job_username,
-	machines.hostname AS machine_hostname,
-	machines.machine_group,
-	machines.owner AS machine_owner,
-	kernels.kernel_hash,
-	kernels.base AS kernel_base, 
-	kernels.printable AS kernel_printable,
-	status.word AS status_word,
-	iteration_result.iteration,
-	iteration_result.attribute AS iteration_key,
-	iteration_result.value AS iteration_value
+SELECT  tests.test_idx,
+        tests.job_idx,
+        tests.test,
+        tests.subdir,
+        tests.kernel_idx,
+        tests.status,
+        tests.reason,
+        tests.machine_idx,
+        jobs.tag AS job_tag,
+        jobs.label AS job_label,
+        jobs.username AS job_username,
+        machines.hostname AS machine_hostname,
+        machines.machine_group,
+        machines.owner AS machine_owner,
+        kernels.kernel_hash,
+        kernels.base AS kernel_base,
+        kernels.printable AS kernel_printable,
+        status.word AS status_word,
+        iteration_result.iteration,
+        iteration_result.attribute AS iteration_key,
+        iteration_result.value AS iteration_value
 FROM tests
 INNER JOIN jobs ON jobs.job_idx = tests.job_idx
 INNER JOIN machines ON machines.machine_idx = jobs.machine_idx