Convert all python code to use four-space indents instead of eight-space tabs.

Signed-off-by: John Admanski <>

git-svn-id: 592f7852-d20e-0410-864c-8624ca9c26a4
diff --git a/tko/ b/tko/
index 6d88d83..bdccdda 100755
--- a/tko/
+++ b/tko/
@@ -8,194 +8,194 @@
 def parse_args():
-	# build up our options parser and parse sys.argv
-	parser = optparse.OptionParser()
-	parser.add_option("-m", help="Send mail for FAILED tests",
-			  dest="mailit", action="store_true")
-	parser.add_option("-r", help="Reparse the results of a job",
-			  dest="reparse", action="store_true")
-	parser.add_option("-o", help="Parse a single results directory",
-			  dest="singledir", action="store_true")
-	parser.add_option("-l", help=("Levels of subdirectories to include "
-				      "in the job name"),
-			  type="int", dest="level", default=1)
-	parser.add_option("-n", help="No blocking on an existing parse",
-			  dest="noblock", action="store_true")
-	parser.add_option("-s", help="Database server hostname",
-			  dest="db_host", action="store")
-	parser.add_option("-u", help="Database username", dest="db_user",
-			  action="store")
-	parser.add_option("-p", help="Database password", dest="db_pass",
-			  action="store")
-	parser.add_option("-d", help="Database name", dest="db_name",
-			  action="store")
-	options, args = parser.parse_args()
+    # build up our options parser and parse sys.argv
+    parser = optparse.OptionParser()
+    parser.add_option("-m", help="Send mail for FAILED tests",
+                      dest="mailit", action="store_true")
+    parser.add_option("-r", help="Reparse the results of a job",
+                      dest="reparse", action="store_true")
+    parser.add_option("-o", help="Parse a single results directory",
+                      dest="singledir", action="store_true")
+    parser.add_option("-l", help=("Levels of subdirectories to include "
+                                  "in the job name"),
+                      type="int", dest="level", default=1)
+    parser.add_option("-n", help="No blocking on an existing parse",
+                      dest="noblock", action="store_true")
+    parser.add_option("-s", help="Database server hostname",
+                      dest="db_host", action="store")
+    parser.add_option("-u", help="Database username", dest="db_user",
+                      action="store")
+    parser.add_option("-p", help="Database password", dest="db_pass",
+                      action="store")
+    parser.add_option("-d", help="Database name", dest="db_name",
+                      action="store")
+    options, args = parser.parse_args()
-	# we need a results directory
-	if len(args) == 0:
-		tko_utils.dprint("ERROR: at least one results directory must "
-				 "be provided")
-		parser.print_help()
-		sys.exit(1)
+    # we need a results directory
+    if len(args) == 0:
+        tko_utils.dprint("ERROR: at least one results directory must "
+                         "be provided")
+        parser.print_help()
+        sys.exit(1)
-	# pass the options back
-	return options, args
+    # pass the options back
+    return options, args
 def format_failure_message(jobname, kernel, testname, status, reason):
-	format_string = "%-12s %-20s %-12s %-10s %s"
-	return format_string % (jobname, kernel, testname, status, reason)
+    format_string = "%-12s %-20s %-12s %-10s %s"
+    return format_string % (jobname, kernel, testname, status, reason)
 def mailfailure(jobname, job, message):
-	message_lines = [""]
-	message_lines.append("The following tests FAILED for this job")
-	message_lines.append("http://%s/results/%s" %
-			     (socket.gethostname(), jobname))
-	message_lines.append("")
-	message_lines.append(format_failure_message("Job name", "Kernel",
-						    "Test name", "FAIL/WARN",
-						    "Failure reason"))
-	message_lines.append(format_failure_message("=" * 8, "=" * 6, "=" * 8,
-						    "=" * 8, "=" * 14))
-	message_header = "\n".join(message_lines)
+    message_lines = [""]
+    message_lines.append("The following tests FAILED for this job")
+    message_lines.append("http://%s/results/%s" %
+                         (socket.gethostname(), jobname))
+    message_lines.append("")
+    message_lines.append(format_failure_message("Job name", "Kernel",
+                                                "Test name", "FAIL/WARN",
+                                                "Failure reason"))
+    message_lines.append(format_failure_message("=" * 8, "=" * 6, "=" * 8,
+                                                "=" * 8, "=" * 14))
+    message_header = "\n".join(message_lines)
-	subject = "AUTOTEST: FAILED tests from job %s" % jobname
-	mail.send("", job.user, "", subject, message_header + message)
+    subject = "AUTOTEST: FAILED tests from job %s" % jobname
+    mail.send("", job.user, "", subject, message_header + message)
 def parse_one(db, jobname, path, reparse, mail_on_failure):
-	"""
-	Parse a single job. Optionally send email on failure.
-	"""
-	tko_utils.dprint("\nScanning %s (%s)" % (jobname, path))
-	if reparse and db.find_job(jobname):
-		tko_utils.dprint("! Deleting old copy of job results to "
-				 "reparse it")
-		db.delete_job(jobname)
-	if db.find_job(jobname):
-		tko_utils.dprint("! Job is already parsed, done")
-		return
+    """
+    Parse a single job. Optionally send email on failure.
+    """
+    tko_utils.dprint("\nScanning %s (%s)" % (jobname, path))
+    if reparse and db.find_job(jobname):
+        tko_utils.dprint("! Deleting old copy of job results to "
+                         "reparse it")
+        db.delete_job(jobname)
+    if db.find_job(jobname):
+        tko_utils.dprint("! Job is already parsed, done")
+        return
-	# look up the status version
-	try:
-		job_keyval = utils.read_keyval(path)
-	except IOError, e:
-		if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
-			status_version = 0
-		else:
-			raise
-	else:
-		status_version = job_keyval.get("status_version", 0)
+    # look up the status version
+    try:
+        job_keyval = utils.read_keyval(path)
+    except IOError, e:
+        if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
+            status_version = 0
+        else:
+            raise
+    else:
+        status_version = job_keyval.get("status_version", 0)
-	# parse out the job
-	parser = status_lib.parser(status_version)
-	job = parser.make_job(path)
-	status_log = os.path.join(path, "status.log")
-	if not os.path.exists(status_log):
-		status_log = os.path.join(path, "status")
-	if not os.path.exists(status_log):
-		tko_utils.dprint("! Unable to parse job, no status file")
-		return
+    # parse out the job
+    parser = status_lib.parser(status_version)
+    job = parser.make_job(path)
+    status_log = os.path.join(path, "status.log")
+    if not os.path.exists(status_log):
+        status_log = os.path.join(path, "status")
+    if not os.path.exists(status_log):
+        tko_utils.dprint("! Unable to parse job, no status file")
+        return
-	# parse the status logs
-	tko_utils.dprint("+ Parsing dir=%s, jobname=%s" % (path, jobname))
-	status_lines = open(status_log).readlines()
-	parser.start(job)
-	tests = parser.end(status_lines)
-	job.tests = tests
+    # parse the status logs
+    tko_utils.dprint("+ Parsing dir=%s, jobname=%s" % (path, jobname))
+    status_lines = open(status_log).readlines()
+    parser.start(job)
+    tests = parser.end(status_lines)
+    job.tests = tests
-	# check for failures
-	message_lines = [""]
-	for test in job.tests:
-		if not test.subdir:
-			continue
-		tko_utils.dprint("* testname, status, reason: %s %s %s"
-				 % (test.subdir, test.status, test.reason))
-		if test.status in ("FAIL", "WARN"):
-			message_lines.append(format_failure_message(
-			    jobname, test.kernel.base, test.subdir,
-			    test.status, test.reason))
-	message = "\n".join(message_lines)
+    # check for failures
+    message_lines = [""]
+    for test in job.tests:
+        if not test.subdir:
+            continue
+        tko_utils.dprint("* testname, status, reason: %s %s %s"
+                         % (test.subdir, test.status, test.reason))
+        if test.status in ("FAIL", "WARN"):
+            message_lines.append(format_failure_message(
+                jobname, test.kernel.base, test.subdir,
+                test.status, test.reason))
+    message = "\n".join(message_lines)
-	# send out a email report of failure
-	if len(message) > 2 and mail_on_failure:
-		tko_utils.dprint("Sending email report of failure on %s to %s"
-				 % (jobname, job.user))
-		mailfailure(jobname, job, message)
+    # send out a email report of failure
+    if len(message) > 2 and mail_on_failure:
+        tko_utils.dprint("Sending email report of failure on %s to %s"
+                         % (jobname, job.user))
+        mailfailure(jobname, job, message)
-	# write the job into the database
-	db.insert_job(jobname, job)
-	db.commit()
+    # write the job into the database
+    db.insert_job(jobname, job)
+    db.commit()
 def parse_path(db, path, level, reparse, mail_on_failure):
-	machine_list = os.path.join(path, ".machines")
-	if os.path.exists(machine_list):
-		# multi-machine job
-		for m in file(machine_list):
-			machine = m.rstrip()
-			if not machine:
-				continue
-			jobpath = os.path.join(path, machine)
-			jobname = "%s/%s" % (os.path.basename(path), machine)
-			try:
-				db.run_with_retry(parse_one, db, jobname,
-						  path, reparse,
-						  mail_on_failure)
-			except Exception:
-				traceback.print_exc()
-				continue
-	else:
-		# single machine job
-		job_elements = path.split("/")[-level:]
-		jobname = "/".join(job_elements)
-		try:
-			db.run_with_retry(parse_one, db, jobname, path,
-					  reparse, mail_on_failure)
-		except Exception:
-			traceback.print_exc()
+    machine_list = os.path.join(path, ".machines")
+    if os.path.exists(machine_list):
+        # multi-machine job
+        for m in file(machine_list):
+            machine = m.rstrip()
+            if not machine:
+                continue
+            jobpath = os.path.join(path, machine)
+            jobname = "%s/%s" % (os.path.basename(path), machine)
+            try:
+                db.run_with_retry(parse_one, db, jobname,
+                                  path, reparse,
+                                  mail_on_failure)
+            except Exception:
+                traceback.print_exc()
+                continue
+    else:
+        # single machine job
+        job_elements = path.split("/")[-level:]
+        jobname = "/".join(job_elements)
+        try:
+            db.run_with_retry(parse_one, db, jobname, path,
+                              reparse, mail_on_failure)
+        except Exception:
+            traceback.print_exc()
 def main():
-	options, args = parse_args()
-	results_dir = os.path.abspath(args[0])
-	assert os.path.exists(results_dir)
+    options, args = parse_args()
+    results_dir = os.path.abspath(args[0])
+    assert os.path.exists(results_dir)
-	# build up the list of job dirs to parse
-	if options.singledir:
-		jobs_list = [results_dir]
-	else:
-		jobs_list = [os.path.join(results_dir, subdir)
-			     for subdir in os.listdir(results_dir)]
+    # build up the list of job dirs to parse
+    if options.singledir:
+        jobs_list = [results_dir]
+    else:
+        jobs_list = [os.path.join(results_dir, subdir)
+                     for subdir in os.listdir(results_dir)]
-	# build up the database
-	db = tko_db.db(autocommit=False, host=options.db_host,
-		       user=options.db_user, password=options.db_pass,
-		       database=options.db_name)
+    # build up the database
+    db = tko_db.db(autocommit=False, host=options.db_host,
+                   user=options.db_user, password=options.db_pass,
+                   database=options.db_name)
-	# parse all the jobs
-	for path in jobs_list:
-		lockfile = open(os.path.join(path, ".parse.lock"), "w")
-		flags = fcntl.LOCK_EX
-		if options.noblock:
-			flags != fcntl.LOCK_NB
-		try:
-			fcntl.flock(lockfile, flags)
-		except IOError, e:
-			# was this because the lock is unavailable?
-			if e.errno == errno.EWOULDBLOCK:
-				lockfile.close()
-				continue
-			else:
-				raise # something unexpected happened
-		try:
-			parse_path(db, path, options.level, options.reparse,
-				   options.mailit)
-		finally:
-			fcntl.flock(lockfile, fcntl.LOCK_UN)
-			lockfile.close()
+    # parse all the jobs
+    for path in jobs_list:
+        lockfile = open(os.path.join(path, ".parse.lock"), "w")
+        flags = fcntl.LOCK_EX
+        if options.noblock:
+            flags != fcntl.LOCK_NB
+        try:
+            fcntl.flock(lockfile, flags)
+        except IOError, e:
+            # was this because the lock is unavailable?
+            if e.errno == errno.EWOULDBLOCK:
+                lockfile.close()
+                continue
+            else:
+                raise # something unexpected happened
+        try:
+            parse_path(db, path, options.level, options.reparse,
+                       options.mailit)
+        finally:
+            fcntl.flock(lockfile, fcntl.LOCK_UN)
+            lockfile.close()
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-	main()
+    main()