blob: af25cd1c4f4445b25dcb3de7b2d1ea64a75e46f9 [file] [log] [blame]
"""Provides a factory method to create a host object."""
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error, global_config
from autotest_lib.server import autotest, utils as server_utils
from autotest_lib.server.hosts import site_factory, cros_host, ssh_host, serial
from autotest_lib.server.hosts import logfile_monitor
DEFAULT_FOLLOW_PATH = '/var/log/kern.log'
DEFAULT_PATTERNS_PATH = 'console_patterns'
SSH_ENGINE = global_config.global_config.get_config_value('AUTOSERV',
# for tracking which hostnames have already had job_start called
_started_hostnames = set()
def create_host(
hostname, auto_monitor=False, follow_paths=None, pattern_paths=None,
netconsole=False, **args):
"""Create a host object.
This method mixes host classes that are needed into a new subclass
and creates a instance of the new class.
@param hostname: A string representing the host name of the device.
@param auto_monitor: A boolean value, if True, will try to mix
SerialHost in. If the host supports use as SerialHost,
will not mix in LogfileMonitorMixin anymore.
If the host doesn't support it, will
fall back to direct demesg logging and mix
LogfileMonitorMixin in.
@param follow_paths: A list, passed to LogfileMonitorMixin,
remote paths to monitor.
@param pattern_paths: A list, passed to LogfileMonitorMixin,
local paths to alert pattern definition files.
@param netconsole: A boolean value, if True, will mix NetconsoleHost in.
@param args: Args that will be passed to the constructor of
the new host class.
@returns: A host object which is an instance of the newly created
host class.
# TODO(fdeng): this method should should dynamically discover
# and allocate host types,
classes = [cros_host.CrosHost]
# by default assume we're using SSH support
if SSH_ENGINE == 'paramiko':
from autotest_lib.server.hosts import paramiko_host
elif SSH_ENGINE == 'raw_ssh':
raise error.AutoServError("Unknown SSH engine %s. Please verify the "
"value of the configuration key 'ssh_engine' "
"on autotest's global_config.ini file." %
# by default mix in run_test support
# if the user really wants to use netconsole, let them
if netconsole:
if auto_monitor:
# use serial console support if it's available
conmux_args = {}
for key in ("conmux_server", "conmux_attach"):
if key in args:
conmux_args[key] = args[key]
if serial.SerialHost.host_is_supported(hostname, **conmux_args):
# no serial available, fall back to direct dmesg logging
if follow_paths is None:
follow_paths = [DEFAULT_FOLLOW_PATH]
follow_paths = list(follow_paths) + [DEFAULT_FOLLOW_PATH]
if pattern_paths is None:
pattern_paths = [DEFAULT_PATTERNS_PATH]
pattern_paths = (
list(pattern_paths) + [DEFAULT_PATTERNS_PATH])
logfile_monitor_class = logfile_monitor.NewLogfileMonitorMixin(
follow_paths, pattern_paths)
elif follow_paths:
logfile_monitor_class = logfile_monitor.NewLogfileMonitorMixin(
follow_paths, pattern_paths)
# do any site-specific processing of the classes list
site_factory.postprocess_classes(classes, hostname,
auto_monitor=auto_monitor, **args)
hostname, args['user'], args['password'], args['port'] = \
server_utils.parse_machine(hostname, ssh_user, ssh_pass, ssh_port)
args['ssh_verbosity_flag'] = ssh_verbosity_flag
args['ssh_options'] = ssh_options
# create a custom host class for this machine and return an instance of it
host_class = type("%s_host" % hostname, tuple(classes), {})
host_instance = host_class(hostname, **args)
# call job_start if this is the first time this host is being used
if hostname not in _started_hostnames:
return host_instance