blob: 01c88e22917919b0bde88d58793f5e84066695ec [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import argparse
import errno
import os
import pipes
import re
import shutil
import signal
import stat
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import threading
import logging
# Turn the logging level to INFO before importing other autotest
# code, to avoid having failed import logging messages confuse the
# test_that user.
import common
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.cros import dev_server, retry
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error, logging_manager
from autotest_lib.server.cros.dynamic_suite import suite, constants
from autotest_lib.server.cros import provision
from autotest_lib.server.hosts import factory
from autotest_lib.server import autoserv_utils
from autotest_lib.server import server_logging_config
from autotest_lib.server import utils
from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib
except ImportError:
print 'Unable to import chromite.'
print 'This script must be either:'
print ' - Be run in the chroot.'
print ' - (not yet supported) be run after running '
print ' ../utils/'
_autoserv_proc = None
_sigint_handler_lock = threading.Lock()
_NO_BOARD = 'ad_hoc_board'
_NO_BUILD = 'ad_hoc_build'
_SUITE_REGEX = r'suite:(.*)'
_QUICKMERGE_SCRIPTNAME = '/mnt/host/source/chromite/bin/autotest_quickmerge'
_TEST_KEY_FILENAME = 'testing_rsa'
_TEST_KEY_PATH = ('/mnt/host/source/src/scripts/mod_for_test_scripts/'
'ssh_keys/%s' % _TEST_KEY_FILENAME)
_TEST_REPORT_SCRIPTNAME = '/usr/bin/generate_test_report'
_LATEST_RESULTS_DIRECTORY = '/tmp/test_that_latest'
class TestThatRunError(Exception):
"""Raised if test_that encounters something unexpected while running."""
class TestThatProvisioningError(Exception):
"""Raised when it fails to provision the DUT to the requested build."""
def schedule_local_suite(autotest_path, suite_predicate, afe, remote,
build=_NO_BUILD, board=_NO_BOARD,
results_directory=None, no_experimental=False,
"""Schedule a suite against a mock afe object, for a local suite run.
Satisfaction of dependencies is enforced by Suite.schedule() if
ignore_deps is False. Note that this method assumes only one host,
i.e. |remote|, was added to afe. Suite.schedule() will not
schedule a job if none of the hosts in the afe (in our case,
just one host |remote|) has a label that matches a requested
test dependency.
@param autotest_path: Absolute path to autotest (in sysroot or
custom autotest directory set by --autotest_dir).
@param suite_predicate: callable that takes ControlData objects, and
returns True on those that should be in suite
@param afe: afe object to schedule against (typically a directAFE)
@param remote: String representing the IP of the remote host.
@param build: Build to schedule suite for.
@param board: Board to schedule suite for.
@param results_directory: Absolute path of directory to store results in.
(results will be stored in subdirectory of this).
@param no_experimental: Skip experimental tests when scheduling a suite.
@param ignore_deps: If True, test dependencies will be ignored.
@returns: The number of tests scheduled.
fs_getter = suite.Suite.create_fs_getter(autotest_path)
devserver = dev_server.ImageServer('')
my_suite = suite.Suite.create_from_predicates([suite_predicate],
build, constants.BOARD_PREFIX + board,
devserver, fs_getter, afe=afe,
results_dir=results_directory, forgiving_parser=False)
if len(my_suite.tests) == 0:
raise ValueError('Suite contained no tests.')
if not ignore_deps:
# Log tests whose dependencies can't be satisfied.
labels = [ for label in
for test in my_suite.tests:
if test.experimental and no_experimental:
unsatisfiable_deps = set(test.dependencies).difference(labels)
if unsatisfiable_deps:
logging.warn('%s will be skipped, unsatisfiable '
'test dependencies: %s',,
# Schedule tests, discard record calls.
return my_suite.schedule(lambda x: None,
add_experimental=not no_experimental)
def _run_autoserv(command, pretend=False):
"""Run autoserv command.
Run the autoserv command and wait on it. Log the stdout.
Ensure that SIGINT signals are passed along to autoserv.
@param command: the autoserv command to run.
@returns: exit code of the command.
if not pretend:
logging.debug('Running autoserv command: %s', command)
global _autoserv_proc
_autoserv_proc = subprocess.Popen(command,
# This incantation forces unbuffered reading from stdout,
# so that autoserv output can be displayed to the user
# immediately.
for message in iter(_autoserv_proc.stdout.readline, b''):'autoserv| %s', message.strip())
returncode = _autoserv_proc.returncode
_autoserv_proc = None
else:'Pretend mode. Would run autoserv command: %s',
returncode = 0
return returncode
def run_provisioning_job(provision_label, host, autotest_path,
results_directory, fast_mode,
ssh_verbosity=0, ssh_options=None,
pretend=False, autoserv_verbose=False):
"""Shell out to autoserv to run provisioning job.
@param provision_label: Label to provision the machine to.
@param host: Hostname of DUT.
@param autotest_path: Absolute path of autotest directory.
@param results_directory: Absolute path of directory to store results in.
(results will be stored in subdirectory of this).
@param fast_mode: bool to use fast mode (disables slow autotest features).
@param ssh_verbosity: SSH verbosity level, passed along to autoserv_utils
@param ssh_options: Additional ssh options to be passed to autoserv_utils
@param pretend: If True, will print out autoserv commands rather than
running them.
@param autoserv_verbose: If true, pass the --verbose flag to autoserv.
@returns: Absolute path of directory where results were stored.
# TODO(fdeng): When running against a local DUT, autoserv
# is still hitting the AFE in the lab.
# provision_AutoUpdate checks the current build of DUT by
# retrieving build info from AFE.
results_directory = os.path.join(results_directory, 'results-provision')
provision_arg = '='.join(['--provision', provision_label])
command = autoserv_utils.autoserv_run_job_command(
os.path.join(autotest_path, 'server'),
machines=host, job=None, verbose=autoserv_verbose,
fast_mode=fast_mode, ssh_verbosity=ssh_verbosity,
ssh_options=ssh_options, extra_args=[provision_arg],
if _run_autoserv(command, pretend) != 0:
raise TestThatProvisioningError('Command returns non-zero code: %s ' %
return results_directory
def run_job(job, host, autotest_path, results_directory, fast_mode,
id_digits=1, ssh_verbosity=0, ssh_options=None,
args=None, pretend=False,
Shell out to autoserv to run an individual test job.
@param job: A Job object containing the control file contents and other
relevent metadata for this test.
@param host: Hostname of DUT to run test against.
@param autotest_path: Absolute path of autotest directory.
@param results_directory: Absolute path of directory to store results in.
(results will be stored in subdirectory of this).
@param fast_mode: bool to use fast mode (disables slow autotest features).
@param id_digits: The minimum number of digits that job ids should be
0-padded to when formatting as a string for results
@param ssh_verbosity: SSH verbosity level, passed along to autoserv_utils
@param ssh_options: Additional ssh options to be passed to autoserv_utils
@param args: String that should be passed as args parameter to autoserv,
and then ultimitely to test itself.
@param pretend: If True, will print out autoserv commands rather than
running them.
@param autoserv_verbose: If true, pass the --verbose flag to autoserv.
@returns: Absolute path of directory where results were stored.
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as temp_file:
name_tail ='/')[-1]
results_directory = os.path.join(results_directory,
'results-%0*d-%s' % (id_digits,,
# Drop experimental keyval in the keval file in the job result folder.
{constants.JOB_EXPERIMENTAL_KEY: job.keyvals[
extra_args = []
if args:
extra_args.extend(['--args', args])
command = autoserv_utils.autoserv_run_job_command(
os.path.join(autotest_path, 'server'),
machines=host, job=job, verbose=autoserv_verbose,
fast_mode=fast_mode, ssh_verbosity=ssh_verbosity,
_run_autoserv(command, pretend)
return results_directory
def setup_local_afe():
Setup a local afe database and return a direct_afe object to access it.
@returns: A autotest_lib.frontend.afe.direct_afe instance.
# This import statement is delayed until now rather than running at
# module load time, because it kicks off a local sqlite :memory: backed
# database, and we don't need that unless we are doing a local run.
from autotest_lib.frontend import setup_django_lite_environment
from autotest_lib.frontend.afe import direct_afe
return direct_afe.directAFE()
def get_predicate_for_test_arg(test):
Gets a suite predicte function for a given command-line argument.
@param test: String. An individual TEST command line argument, e.g.
'login_CryptohomeMounted' or 'suite:smoke'
@returns: A (predicate, string) tuple with the necessary suite
predicate, and a description string of the suite that
this predicate will produce.
suitematch = re.match(_SUITE_REGEX, test)
name_pattern_match = re.match(r'e:(.*)', test)
file_pattern_match = re.match(r'f:(.*)', test)
if suitematch:
suitename =
return (suite.Suite.name_in_tag_predicate(suitename),
'suite named %s' % suitename)
if name_pattern_match:
pattern = '^%s$' %
return (suite.Suite.test_name_matches_pattern_predicate(pattern),
'suite to match name pattern %s' % pattern)
if file_pattern_match:
pattern = '^%s$' %
return (suite.Suite.test_file_matches_pattern_predicate(pattern),
'suite to match file name pattern %s' % pattern)
return (suite.Suite.test_name_equals_predicate(test),
'job named %s' % test)
def _add_ssh_identity(temp_directory):
"""Add an ssh identity to the agent.
@param temp_directory: A directory to copy the testing_rsa into.
# Add the testing key to the current ssh agent.
if os.environ.has_key('SSH_AGENT_PID'):
# Copy the testing key to the temp directory and make it NOT
# world-readable. Otherwise, ssh-add complains.
shutil.copy(_TEST_KEY_PATH, temp_directory)
key_copy_path = os.path.join(temp_directory, _TEST_KEY_FILENAME)
os.chmod(key_copy_path, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR)
p = subprocess.Popen(['ssh-add', key_copy_path],
stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
p_out, _ = p.communicate()
for line in p_out.splitlines():
logging.warning('There appears to be no running ssh-agent. Attempting '
'to continue without running ssh-add, but ssh commands '
'may fail.')
def _get_board_from_host(remote):
"""Get the board of the remote host.
@param remote: string representing the IP of the remote host.
@return: A string representing the board of the remote host.
"""'Board unspecified, attempting to determine board from host.')
host = factory.create_host(remote)
board = host.get_board().replace(constants.BOARD_PREFIX, '')
except error.AutoservRunError:
raise TestThatRunError('Cannot determine board, please specify '
'a --board option.')'Detected host board: %s', board)
return board
def _auto_detect_labels(afe, remote):
"""Automatically detect host labels and add them to the host in afe.
Note that the label of board will not be auto-detected.
This method assumes the host |remote| has already been added to afe.
@param afe: A direct_afe object used to interact with local afe database.
@param remote: The hostname of the remote device.
cros_host = factory.create_host(remote)
labels_to_create = [label for label in cros_host.get_labels()
if not label.startswith(constants.BOARD_PREFIX)]
labels_to_add_to_afe_host = []
for label in labels_to_create:
new_label = afe.create_label(label)
hosts = afe.get_hosts(hostname=remote)
if not hosts:
raise TestThatRunError('Unexpected error: %s has not '
'been added to afe.' % remote)
afe_host = hosts[0]
def perform_local_run(afe, autotest_path, tests, remote, fast_mode,
build=_NO_BUILD, board=_NO_BOARD, args=None,
pretend=False, no_experimental=False,
results_directory=None, ssh_verbosity=0,
"""Perform local run of tests.
This method enforces satisfaction of test dependencies for tests that are
run as a part of a suite.
@param afe: A direct_afe object used to interact with local afe database.
@param autotest_path: Absolute path of autotest installed in sysroot or
custom autotest path set by --autotest_dir.
@param tests: List of strings naming tests and suites to run. Suite strings
should be formed like "suite:smoke".
@param remote: Remote hostname.
@param fast_mode: bool to use fast mode (disables slow autotest features).
@param build: String specifying build for local run.
@param board: String specifyinb board for local run.
@param args: String that should be passed as args parameter to autoserv,
and then ultimitely to test itself.
@param pretend: If True, will print out autoserv commands rather than
running them.
@param no_experimental: Skip experimental tests when scheduling a suite.
@param ignore_deps: If True, test dependencies will be ignored.
@param results_directory: Directory to store results in. Defaults to None,
in which case results will be stored in a new
subdirectory of /tmp
@param ssh_verbosity: SSH verbosity level, passed through to
@param ssh_options: Additional ssh options to be passed to autoserv_utils
@param autoserv_verbose: If true, pass the --verbose flag to autoserv.
# Create host in afe, add board and build labels.
cros_version_label = provision.cros_version_to_label(build)
build_label = afe.create_label(cros_version_label)
board_label = afe.create_label(constants.BOARD_PREFIX + board)
new_host = afe.create_host(remote)
if not ignore_deps:'Auto-detecting labels for %s', remote)
_auto_detect_labels(afe, remote)
# Provision the host to |build|.
if build != _NO_BUILD:'Provisioning %s...', cros_version_label)
run_provisioning_job(cros_version_label, remote, autotest_path,
results_directory, fast_mode,
ssh_verbosity, ssh_options,
pretend, autoserv_verbose)
except TestThatProvisioningError as e:
logging.error('Provisioning %s to %s failed, tests are aborted, '
'failure reason: %s',
remote, cros_version_label, e)
# Schedule tests / suites in local afe
for test in tests:
(predicate, description) = get_predicate_for_test_arg(test)'Scheduling %s...', description)
ntests = schedule_local_suite(autotest_path, predicate, afe,
build=build, board=board,
ignore_deps=ignore_deps)'... scheduled %s job(s).', ntests)
if not afe.get_jobs():'No jobs scheduled. End of local run.')
last_job_id = afe.get_jobs()[-1].id
job_id_digits = len(str(last_job_id))
for job in afe.get_jobs():
run_job(job, remote, autotest_path, results_directory, fast_mode,
job_id_digits, ssh_verbosity, ssh_options, args, pretend,
def validate_arguments(arguments):
Validates parsed arguments.
@param arguments: arguments object, as parsed by ParseArguments
@raises: ValueError if arguments were invalid.
if arguments.remote == ':lab:':
if arguments.args:
raise ValueError('--args flag not supported when running against '
if arguments.pretend:
raise ValueError('--pretend flag not supported when running '
'against :lab:')
if arguments.ssh_verbosity:
raise ValueError('--ssh_verbosity flag not supported when running '
'against :lab:')
def parse_arguments(argv):
Parse command line arguments
@param argv: argument list to parse
@returns: parsed arguments.
@raises SystemExit if arguments are malformed, or required arguments
are not present.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Run remote tests.')
parser.add_argument('remote', metavar='REMOTE',
help='hostname[:port] for remote device. Specify '
':lab: to run in test lab, or :vm:PORT_NUMBER to '
'run in vm.')
parser.add_argument('tests', nargs='+', metavar='TEST',
help='Run given test(s). Use suite:SUITE to specify '
'test suite. Use e:[NAME_PATTERN] to specify a '
'NAME-matching regular expression. Use '
'f:[FILE_PATTERN] to specify a filename matching '
'regular expression. Specified regular '
'expressiosn will be implicitly wrapped in '
'^ and $.')
default_board = cros_build_lib.GetDefaultBoard()
parser.add_argument('-b', '--board', metavar='BOARD', default=default_board,
help='Board for which the test will run. Default: %s' %
(default_board or 'Not configured'))
parser.add_argument('-i', '--build', metavar='BUILD', default=_NO_BUILD,
help='Build to test. Device will be reimaged if '
'necessary. Omit flag to skip reimage and test '
'against already installed DUT image.')
parser.add_argument('--fast', action='store_true', dest='fast_mode',
help='Enable fast mode. This will cause test_that to '
'skip time consuming steps like sysinfo and '
'collecting crash information.')
parser.add_argument('--args', metavar='ARGS',
help='Argument string to pass through to test. Only '
'supported for runs against a local DUT.')
parser.add_argument('--autotest_dir', metavar='AUTOTEST_DIR',
help='Use AUTOTEST_DIR instead of normal board sysroot '
'copy of autotest, and skip the quickmerge step.')
parser.add_argument('--results_dir', metavar='RESULTS_DIR', default=None,
help='Instead of storing results in a new subdirectory'
' of /tmp , store results in RESULTS_DIR. If '
'RESULTS_DIR already exists, it will be deleted.')
parser.add_argument('--pretend', action='store_true', default=False,
help='Print autoserv commands that would be run, '
'rather than running them.')
parser.add_argument('--no-quickmerge', action='store_true', default=False,
help='Skip the quickmerge step and use the sysroot '
'as it currently is. May result in un-merged '
'source tree changes not being reflected in run.'
'If using --autotest_dir, this flag is '
'automatically applied.')
parser.add_argument('--no-experimental', action='store_true',
default=False, dest='no_experimental',
help='When scheduling a suite, skip any tests marked '
'as experimental. Applies only to tests scheduled'
' via suite:[SUITE].')
parser.add_argument('--whitelist-chrome-crashes', action='store_true',
default=False, dest='whitelist_chrome_crashes',
help='Ignore chrome crashes when producing test '
'report. This flag gets passed along to the '
'report generation tool.')
parser.add_argument('--enforce-deps', action='store_true',
default=False, dest='enforce_deps',
help='Skip tests whose DEPENDENCIES can not '
'be satisfied.')
parser.add_argument('--ssh_verbosity', action='store', type=int,
choices=[0, 1, 2, 3], default=0,
help='Verbosity level for ssh, between 0 and 3 '
parser.add_argument('--ssh_options', action='store', default=None,
help='A string giving additional options to be '
'added to ssh commands.')
parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true',
help='Include DEBUG level messages in stdout. Note: '
'these messages will be included in output log '
'file regardless. In addition, turn on autoserv '
return parser.parse_args(argv)
def sigint_handler(signum, stack_frame):
#pylint: disable-msg=C0111
"""Handle SIGINT or SIGTERM to a local test_that run.
This handler sends a SIGINT to the running autoserv process,
if one is running, giving it up to 5 seconds to clean up and exit. After
the timeout elapses, autoserv is killed. In either case, after autoserv
exits then this process exits with status 1.
# If multiple signals arrive before handler is unset, ignore duplicates
if not _sigint_handler_lock.acquire(False):
# Ignore future signals by unsetting handler.
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIG_IGN)
logging.warning('Received SIGINT or SIGTERM. Cleaning up and exiting.')
if _autoserv_proc:
logging.warning('Sending SIGINT to autoserv process. Waiting up '
'to %s seconds for cleanup.',
timed_out, _ = retry.timeout(_autoserv_proc.wait,
if timed_out:
logging.warning('Timed out waiting for autoserv to handle '
'SIGINT. Killed autoserv.')
_sigint_handler_lock.release() # this is not really necessary?
def _create_results_directory(results_directory=None):
"""Create a results directory.
If no directory is specified this method will create and return a
temp directory to hold results. If a directory name is specified this
method will create a directory at the given path, provided it doesn't
already exist.
@param results_directory: The path to the results_directory to create.
@return results_directory: A path to the results_directory, ready for use.
if results_directory is None:
# Create a results_directory as subdir of /tmp
results_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='test_that_results_')
# Delete results_directory if it already exists.
except OSError as e:
if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
# Create results_directory if it does not exist
except OSError as e:
if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
return results_directory
def _perform_bootstrap_into_autotest_root(arguments, autotest_path, argv,
Perfoms a bootstrap to run test_that from the |autotest_path|.
This function is to be called from test_that's main() script, when
test_that is executed from the source tree location. It runs
autotest_quickmerge to update the sysroot unless arguments.no_quickmerge
is set. It then executes and waits on the version of
in |autotest_path|.
@param arguments: A parsed arguments object, as returned from
@param autotest_path: Full absolute path to the autotest root directory.
@param argv: The arguments list, as passed to main(...)
@param legacy_path: Flag for backwards compatibility with builds
that have autotest in old usr/local/autotest location
@returns: The return code of the test_that script that was executed in
if arguments.no_quickmerge:'Skipping quickmerge step.')
else:'Running autotest_quickmerge step.')
command = [_QUICKMERGE_SCRIPTNAME, '--board='+arguments.board]
if legacy_path:
s = subprocess.Popen(command,
for message in iter(s.stdout.readline, b''):'quickmerge| %s', message.strip())
return_code = s.wait()
if return_code:
raise TestThatRunError('autotest_quickmerge failed with error code'
' %s.' % return_code)'Re-running test_that script in %s copy of autotest.',
script_command = os.path.join(autotest_path, 'site_utils',
if not os.path.exists(script_command):
raise TestThatRunError('Unable to bootstrap to autotest root, '
'%s not found.' % script_command)
proc = None
def resend_sig(signum, stack_frame):
#pylint: disable-msg=C0111
if proc:
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, resend_sig)
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, resend_sig)
proc = subprocess.Popen([script_command] + argv)
return proc.wait()
def _perform_run_from_autotest_root(arguments, autotest_path, argv):
Perform a test_that run, from the |autotest_path|.
This function is to be called from test_that's main() script, when
test_that is executed from the |autotest_path|. It handles all stages
of a test_that run that come after the bootstrap into |autotest_path|.
@param arguments: A parsed arguments object, as returned from
@param autotest_path: Full absolute path to the autotest root directory.
@param argv: The arguments list, as passed to main(...)
@returns: A return code that test_that should exit with.
results_directory = arguments.results_dir
if results_directory is None or not os.path.exists(results_directory):
raise ValueError('Expected valid results directory, got %s' %
debug_log_name='test_that')'Began logging to %s', results_directory)
logging.debug('test_that command line was: %s', argv)
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sigint_handler)
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, sigint_handler)
afe = setup_local_afe()
perform_local_run(afe, autotest_path, arguments.tests,
arguments.remote, arguments.fast_mode,, arguments.board,
ignore_deps=not arguments.enforce_deps,
if arguments.pretend:'Finished pretend run. Exiting.')
return 0
test_report_command = [_TEST_REPORT_SCRIPTNAME]
# Experimental test results do not influence the exit code.
if arguments.whitelist_chrome_crashes:
final_result =
with open(os.path.join(results_directory, 'test_report.log'),
'w') as report_log:, stdout=report_log)'Finished running tests. Results can be found in %s',
except OSError:
os.symlink(results_directory, _LATEST_RESULTS_DIRECTORY)
return final_result
def _main_for_local_run(argv, arguments):
Effective entry point for local test_that runs.
@param argv: Script command line arguments.
@param arguments: Parsed command line arguments.
if not cros_build_lib.IsInsideChroot():
print >> sys.stderr, 'For local runs, script must be run inside chroot.'
return 1
results_directory = _create_results_directory(arguments.results_dir)
arguments.results_dir = results_directory
legacy_path = False
# If the board has not been specified through --board, and is not set in the
# default_board file, determine the board by ssh-ing into the host. Also
# prepend it to argv so we can re-use it when we run test_that from the
# sysroot.
if arguments.board is None:
arguments.board = _get_board_from_host(arguments.remote)
argv = ['--board', arguments.board] + argv
if arguments.autotest_dir:
autotest_path = arguments.autotest_dir
arguments.no_quickmerge = True
sysroot_path = os.path.join('/build', arguments.board, '')
if not os.path.exists(sysroot_path):
print >> sys.stderr, ('%s does not exist. Have you run '
'setup_board?' % sysroot_path)
return 1
# For backwards compatibility with builds that pre-date
# This code can eventually be removed once those builds no longer need
# test_that support.
new_path = 'usr/local/build/autotest'
old_path = 'usr/local/autotest'
legacy_path = (os.path.exists(os.path.join(sysroot_path, old_path))
and not
os.path.exists(os.path.join(sysroot_path, new_path)))
if legacy_path:
path_ending = old_path
path_ending = new_path
autotest_path = os.path.join(sysroot_path, path_ending)
site_utils_path = os.path.join(autotest_path, 'site_utils')
if not os.path.exists(autotest_path):
print >> sys.stderr, ('%s does not exist. Have you run '
'build_packages? Or if you are using '
'--autotest-dir, make sure it points to'
'a valid autotest directory.' % autotest_path)
return 1
realpath = os.path.realpath(__file__)
# If we are not running the sysroot version of script, perform
# a quickmerge if necessary and then re-execute
# the sysroot version of script with the same arguments.
if os.path.dirname(realpath) != site_utils_path:
return _perform_bootstrap_into_autotest_root(
arguments, autotest_path, argv, legacy_path)
return _perform_run_from_autotest_root(
arguments, autotest_path, argv)
def _main_for_lab_run(argv, arguments):
Effective entry point for lab test_that runs.
@param argv: Script command line arguments.
@param arguments: Parsed command line arguments.
autotest_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
flattened_argv = ' '.join([pipes.quote(item) for item in argv])
command = [os.path.join(autotest_path, 'site_utils',
'--board', arguments.board,
'--suite_name', 'test_that_wrapper',
'--pool', 'try-bot',
'--suite_args', flattened_argv]'About to start lab suite with command %s.', command)
def main(argv):
Entry point for test_that script.
@param argv: arguments list
arguments = parse_arguments(argv)
except ValueError as err:
print >> sys.stderr, ('Invalid arguments. %s' % err.message)
return 1
if arguments.remote == ':lab:':
return _main_for_lab_run(argv, arguments)
return _main_for_local_run(argv, arguments)
if __name__ == '__main__':