blob: 07705f9099295a7791d0c3706ecc56d4b97f97eb [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import logging
import time
import common
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import hosts
from autotest_lib.server.cros.dynamic_suite import frontend_wrappers
from autotest_lib.server.hosts import repair_utils
class _UpdateVerifier(hosts.Verifier):
Verifier to trigger a servo host update, if necessary.
The operation doesn't wait for the update to complete and is
considered a success whether or not the servo is currently
def verify(self, host):
# First, only run this verifier if the host is in the physical lab.
# Secondly, skip if the test is being run by test_that, because subnet
# restrictions can cause the update to fail.
if host.is_in_lab() and host.job and host.job.in_lab:
def description(self):
return 'servo host software is up-to-date'
class _ConfigVerifier(hosts.Verifier):
Base verifier for the servo config file verifiers.
CONFIG_FILE = '/var/lib/servod/config'
ATTR = ''
def _get_config_val(host, config_file, attr):
Get the `attr` for `host` from `config_file`.
@param host Host to be checked for `config_file`.
@param config_file Path to the config file to be tested.
@param attr Attribute to get from config file.
@return The attr val as set in the config file, or `None` if
the file was absent.
getboard = ('CONFIG=%s ; [ -f $CONFIG ] && '
'. $CONFIG && echo $%s' % (config_file, attr))
attr_val =, ignore_status=True).stdout
return attr_val.strip('\n') if attr_val else None
def _validate_attr(host, val, expected_val, attr, config_file):
Check that the attr setting is valid for the host.
This presupposes that a valid config file was found. Raise an
execption if:
* There was no attr setting from the file (i.e. the setting
is an empty string), or
* The attr setting is valid, the attr is known,
and the setting doesn't match the DUT.
@param host Host to be checked for `config_file`.
@param val Value to be tested.
@param expected_val Expected value.
@param attr Attribute we're validating.
@param config_file Path to the config file to be tested.
if not val:
raise hosts.AutoservVerifyError(
'config file %s exists, but %s '
'is not set' % (attr, config_file))
if expected_val is not None and val != expected_val:
raise hosts.AutoservVerifyError(
'%s is %s; it should be %s' % (attr, val, expected_val))
def _get_configs(self, host):
Return all the config files to check.
@param host Host object.
@return The list of config files to check.
return ['%s_%d' % (self.CONFIG_FILE, host.servo_port)]
def description(self):
return 'servo %s setting is correct' % self.ATTR
class _SerialConfigVerifier(_ConfigVerifier):
Verifier for the servo SERIAL configuration.
def verify(self, host):
Test whether the `host` has a `SERIAL` setting configured.
This tests the config file names used by the `servod` upstart
job for a valid setting of the `SERIAL` variable. The following
conditions raise errors:
* The SERIAL setting doesn't match the DUT's entry in the AFE
* There is no config file.
if not host.is_cros_host():
# Not all servo hosts will have a servo serial so don't verify if it's
# not set.
if host.servo_serial is None:
for config in self._get_configs(host):
serialval = self._get_config_val(host, config, self.ATTR)
if serialval is not None:
self._validate_attr(host, serialval, host.servo_serial,
self.ATTR, config)
msg = 'Servo serial is unconfigured; should be %s' % host.servo_serial
raise hosts.AutoservVerifyError(msg)
class _BoardConfigVerifier(_ConfigVerifier):
Verifier for the servo BOARD configuration.
def verify(self, host):
Test whether the `host` has a `BOARD` setting configured.
This tests the config file names used by the `servod` upstart
job for a valid setting of the `BOARD` variable. The following
conditions raise errors:
* A config file exists, but the content contains no setting
for BOARD.
* The BOARD setting doesn't match the DUT's entry in the AFE
* There is no config file.
if not host.is_cros_host():
for config in self._get_configs(host):
boardval = self._get_config_val(host, config, self.ATTR)
if boardval is not None:
self._validate_attr(host, boardval, host.servo_board, self.ATTR,
msg = 'Servo board is unconfigured'
if host.servo_board is not None:
msg += '; should be %s' % host.servo_board
raise hosts.AutoservVerifyError(msg)
class _ServodJobVerifier(hosts.Verifier):
Verifier to check that the `servod` upstart job is running.
def verify(self, host):
if not host.is_cros_host():
status_cmd = 'status servod PORT=%d' % host.servo_port
job_status =, ignore_status=True).stdout
if 'start/running' not in job_status:
raise hosts.AutoservVerifyError(
'servod not running on %s port %d' %
(host.hostname, host.servo_port))
def description(self):
return 'servod upstart job is running'
class _ServodConnectionVerifier(hosts.Verifier):
Verifier to check that we can connect to `servod`.
This tests the connection to the target servod service with a simple
method call. As a side-effect, all servo signals are initialized to
default values.
N.B. Initializing servo signals is necessary because the power
button and lid switch verifiers both test against expected initial
def verify(self, host):
def description(self):
return 'servod service is taking calls'
class _PowerButtonVerifier(hosts.Verifier):
Verifier to check sanity of the `pwr_button` signal.
Tests that the `pwr_button` signal shows the power button has been
released. When `pwr_button` is stuck at `press`, it commonly
indicates that the ribbon cable is disconnected.
# TODO ( - Remove list below once servo has been updated
# with a dummy pwr_button signal.
_BOARDS_WO_PWR_BUTTON = ['arkham', 'storm', 'whirlwind', 'gale']
def verify(self, host):
if host.servo_board in self._BOARDS_WO_PWR_BUTTON:
button = host.get_servo().get('pwr_button')
if button != 'release':
raise hosts.AutoservVerifyError(
'Check ribbon cable: \'pwr_button\' is stuck')
def description(self):
return 'pwr_button control is normal'
class _LidVerifier(hosts.Verifier):
Verifier to check sanity of the `lid_open` signal.
def verify(self, host):
lid_open = host.get_servo().get('lid_open')
if lid_open != 'yes' and lid_open != 'not_applicable':
raise hosts.AutoservVerifyError(
'Check lid switch: lid_open is %s' % lid_open)
def description(self):
return 'lid_open control is normal'
class _RestartServod(hosts.RepairAction):
"""Restart `servod` with the proper BOARD setting."""
def repair(self, host):
if not host.is_cros_host():
raise hosts.AutoservRepairError(
'Can\'t restart servod: not running '
'embedded Chrome OS.')'stop servod PORT=%d || true' % host.servo_port)
serial = 'SERIAL=%s' % host.servo_serial if host.servo_serial else ''
model = 'MODEL=%s' % host.servo_model if host.servo_model else ''
if host.servo_board:'start servod BOARD=%s %s PORT=%d %s' %
(host.servo_board, model, host.servo_port, serial))
# TODO(jrbarnette): It remains to be seen whether
# this action is the right thing to do...
logging.warning('Board for DUT is unknown; starting '
'servod assuming a pre-configured '
'board.')'start servod PORT=%d %s' % (host.servo_port, serial))
# There's a lag between when `start servod` completes and when
# the _ServodConnectionVerifier trigger can actually succeed.
# The call to time.sleep() below gives time to make sure that
# the trigger won't fail after we return.
# The delay selection was based on empirical testing against
# servo V3 on a desktop:
# + 10 seconds was usually too slow; 11 seconds was
# usually fast enough.
# + So, the 20 second delay is about double what we
# expect to need.
def description(self):
return 'Start servod with the proper config settings.'
class _ServoRebootRepair(repair_utils.RebootRepair):
Reboot repair action that also waits for an update.
This is the same as the standard `RebootRepair`, but for
a servo host, if there's a pending update, we wait for that
to complete before rebooting. This should ensure that the
servo is up-to-date after reboot.
def repair(self, host):
if host.is_localhost() or not host.is_cros_host():
raise hosts.AutoservRepairError(
'Target servo is not a test lab servo')
afe = frontend_wrappers.RetryingAFE(timeout_min=5, delay_sec=10)
dut_list = host.get_attached_duts(afe)
if len(dut_list) > 1:
raise hosts.AutoservRepairError(
'Repairing labstation with > 1 host not supported.'
' See')
super(_ServoRebootRepair, self).repair(host)
def description(self):
return 'Wait for update, then reboot servo host.'
class _DutRebootRepair(hosts.RepairAction):
Reboot DUT to recover some servo controls depending on EC console.
Some servo controls, like lid_open, requires communicating with DUT through
EC UART console. Failure of this kinds of controls can be recovered by
rebooting the DUT.
def repair(self, host):
# Get the lid_open value which requires EC console.
lid_open = host.get_servo().get('lid_open')
if lid_open != 'yes' and lid_open != 'not_applicable':
raise hosts.AutoservVerifyError(
'Still fail to contact EC console after rebooting DUT')
def description(self):
return 'Reset the DUT via servo'
def create_servo_repair_strategy():
Return a `RepairStrategy` for a `ServoHost`.
config = ['brd_config', 'ser_config']
verify_dag = [
(repair_utils.SshVerifier, 'servo_ssh', []),
(_UpdateVerifier, 'update', ['servo_ssh']),
(_BoardConfigVerifier, 'brd_config', ['servo_ssh']),
(_SerialConfigVerifier, 'ser_config', ['servo_ssh']),
(_ServodJobVerifier, 'job', config),
(_ServodConnectionVerifier, 'servod', ['job']),
(_PowerButtonVerifier, 'pwr_button', ['servod']),
(_LidVerifier, 'lid_open', ['servod']),
# TODO(jrbarnette): We want a verifier for whether there's
# a working USB stick plugged into the servo. However,
# although we always want to log USB stick problems, we don't
# want to fail the servo because we don't want a missing USB
# stick to prevent, say, power cycling the DUT.
# So, it may be that the right fix is to put diagnosis into
# ServoInstallRepair rather than add a verifier.
servod_deps = ['job', 'servod', 'pwr_button']
repair_actions = [
(repair_utils.RPMCycleRepair, 'rpm', [], ['servo_ssh']),
(_RestartServod, 'restart', ['servo_ssh'], config + servod_deps),
(_ServoRebootRepair, 'servo_reboot', ['servo_ssh'], servod_deps),
(_DutRebootRepair, 'dut_reboot', ['servod'], ['lid_open']),
return hosts.RepairStrategy(verify_dag, repair_actions, 'servo')