blob: 36f2af19221dc73b9748a5bb3a406eab022f6b30 [file] [log] [blame]
import collections
import common
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import logging
statuses = logging.job_statuses
def is_worse_than(lhs, rhs):
""" Compare two statuses and return a boolean indicating if the LHS status
is worse than the RHS status."""
return (statuses.index(lhs) < statuses.index(rhs))
def is_worse_than_or_equal_to(lhs, rhs):
""" Compare two statuses and return a boolean indicating if the LHS status
is worse than or equal to the RHS status."""
if lhs == rhs:
return True
return is_worse_than(lhs, rhs)
class status_stack(object):
def __init__(self):
self.status_stack = [statuses[-1]]
def current_status(self):
return self.status_stack[-1]
def update(self, new_status):
if new_status not in statuses:
if is_worse_than(new_status, self.current_status()):
self.status_stack[-1] = new_status
def start(self):
def end(self):
result = self.status_stack.pop()
if len(self.status_stack) == 0:
return result
def size(self):
return len(self.status_stack) - 1
class line_buffer(object):
def __init__(self):
self.buffer = collections.deque()
def get(self):
return self.buffer.pop()
def put(self, line):
def put_multiple(self, lines):
def put_back(self, line):
def size(self):
return len(self.buffer)
def parser(version):
library = "autotest_lib.tko.parsers.version_%d" % version
module = __import__(library, globals(), locals(), ["parser"])
return module.parser()