blob: 22c433538e90d38cdb74b9a02b8fb099e230fc4b [file] [log] [blame]
# solo_compare_graph.cgi: generate one graph image for solo container results
# of all benchmarks on one platform and kernel, comparing effects of two or
# more combos of kernel options (numa_fake, stale_page, kswapd_merge, sched_idle)
__author__ = """ (Duane Sand), Copyright Google 2008"""
import cgi, cgitb
import common
from autotest_lib.tko import perf, plotgraph
def get_cgi_args():
form = cgi.FieldStorage(keep_blank_values=True)
platform = form.getvalue('platform', '')
# required platform=xyz
# e.g. platform=Warp18
# graph for selected type of test machines, & variants
kernel = form.getvalue('kernel', '')
# required kernel=xyz
# e.g. kernel=2.6.18-smp-230.0
graph_size = form.getvalue('size', '700,450' )
# optional size=width,height (in pixels)
dark = form.has_key('dark')
# optional, graph uses dark navy background
common_attrs = perf.parse_test_attr_args(form)
# optional test attributes shared by all plotted lines
# see variations listed in
vary_attrs = [dict([pair.split('=',1) for pair in vary_group.split(',')])
for vary_group in form.getlist('vary')]
# required, two or more vary-groups, one for each plotted line
# each group has comma-separated list of test attributes, ended by &
# vary=testattr1,testattr2,...
# each test attribute is keyval pair
# attrname=value
if not vary_attrs: # for cgi testing convenience
vary_attrs = [{'numa_fake':'64'}, {'numa_fake':'128M'}]
if not platform:
platform = 'Ilium' # for cgi testing convenience
if not kernel:
kernel = '2.6.18-smp-230.0_rc11' # for cgi testing convenience
return (platform, kernel, common_attrs, vary_attrs, graph_size, dark)
def one_graph():
(platform, kernel, common_attrs, vary_attrs,
graph_size, dark) = get_cgi_args()
kernels = perf.kernels()
kernel_idx = kernels.kernel_name_to_idx(kernel)
title = "%s on %s" % (kernel, platform)
for attr in common_attrs:
title += ', %s=%s' % (attr, common_attrs[attr])
xlegend = "Benchmark, Solo"
ylegend = "Relative Perf"
graph = plotgraph.gnuplot(title, xlegend, ylegend, size=graph_size)
baselines = {}
for vary in vary_attrs:
test_attributes = common_attrs.copy()
linekey = ''
for attr in vary:
test_attributes[attr] = vary[attr]
linekey += '%s=%s ' % (attr, vary[attr])
twoway = perf.twoway_queries(kernels, selected_platforms=platform,
data = {}
for benchmark in twoway.testnames:
metric = perf.benchmark_main_metric(benchmark)
vals = twoway.get_scores(kernel_idx, platform,
benchmark, '', metric)
if vals:
if benchmark not in baselines:
baselines[benchmark], stddev = plotgraph.avg_dev(vals)
vals = [val/baselines[benchmark] for val in vals]
data[benchmark] = vals
if data:
graph.add_dataset(linekey, data)
graph.plot(cgi_header=True, dark=dark, ymin=0.8)