blob: 054fab715e664a0c47d47f3dbfea677f696dd89c [file] [log] [blame]
import sqlite, re
class db:
def __init__(self):
self.con = sqlite.connect('tko_db')
self.cur = self.con.cursor()
def select(self, cmd):
print 'select ' + cmd
self.cur.execute('select ' + cmd)
return self.cur.fetchall()
def insert_job(self, tag, job):
# is kernel version in tree?
command = 'insert into jobs ' + \
'(tag, machine) ' + \
'values (%s, %s) '
print command
values = (tag, 'UNKNOWN')
self.cur.execute(command, values)
# Select it back from the job table and find the uniq key
def insert_test(self, job,
def lookup_kernel_version(base, patches):
command = 'select kversion from kversions where base = %s'
def insert_kernel_version(base, patches):
base = re.sub(r'\+.*', '', printable)
command = 'select kversion from kversions where printable = %s'
self.cur.execute(command, tag)
results = self.cur.fetchall()
if results:
return results[0]
command = 'insert into kversions (printable, base) ' + \
'values (%s, %s)'
self.cur.execute(command, (printable, base))
def find_job(self, tag):
command = 'select * from jobs where tag = %s'
self.cur.execute(command, tag)
return self.cur.fetchall()