blob: 4af44ad55e76d6183396213969c2a204ddc560ba [file] [log] [blame]
Selects all rows and columns that satisfy the condition specified
and draws the matrix. There is a seperate SQL query made for every (x,y)
in the matrix.
print "Content-type: text/html\n"
import cgi, cgitb, re
import sys, os
import urllib
tko = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])))
sys.path.insert(0, tko)
import display, frontend, db, query_lib
client_bin = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(tko, '../client/bin'))
sys.path.insert(0, client_bin)
import kernel_versions
html_header = """\
<form action="compose_query.cgi" method="get">
<table border="0">
<td>Column: </td>
<td>Row: </td>
<td>Condition: </td>
<td align="center"><a href="index.html">Help</a></td>
<SELECT NAME="columns">
<SELECT NAME="rows">
<input type="text" name="condition" size="30" maxlength="200" value="%s">
<input type="hidden" name="title" value="Report">
<td align="center"><input type="submit" value="Submit">
next_field = {
'machine_group': 'hostname',
'hostname': 'tag',
'tag': 'tag',
'kernel': 'test',
'test': 'test',
'label': 'label',
'reason': 'reason',
'user': 'user',
'status': 'status',
def parse_field(form, form_field, field_default):
if not form_field in form:
return field_default
field_input = form[form_field].value.lower()
if field_input and field_input in frontend.test_view_field_dict:
return field_input
return field_default
def parse_condition(form, form_field, field_default):
if not form_field in form:
return field_default
return form[form_field].value
form = cgi.FieldStorage()
row = parse_field(form, 'rows', 'kernel')
column = parse_field(form, 'columns', 'machine_group')
condition_field = parse_condition(form, 'condition', '')
## caller can specify rows and columns that shall be included into the report
## regardless of whether actual test data is available yet
force_row_field = parse_condition(form,'force_row','')
force_column_field = parse_condition(form,'force_column','')
def split_forced_fields(force_field):
if force_field:
return force_field.split()
return []
force_row = split_forced_fields(force_row_field)
force_column = split_forced_fields(force_column_field)
db = db.db()
def construct_link(x, y):
next_row = row
next_column = column
condition_list = []
if condition_field != '':
if y:
next_row = next_field[row]
condition_list.append("%s='%s'" % (row, y))
if x:
next_column = next_field[column]
condition_list.append("%s='%s'" % (column, x))
next_condition = '&'.join(condition_list)
return 'compose_query.cgi?' + urllib.urlencode({'columns': next_column,
'rows': next_row, 'condition': next_condition})
def create_select_options(selected_val):
ret = ""
for option in sorted(frontend.test_view_field_dict.keys()):
if selected_val == option:
selected = " SELECTED"
selected = ""
ret += '<OPTION VALUE="%s"%s>%s</OPTION>\n' % \
(option, selected, option)
return ret
def map_kernel_base(kernel_name):
## insert <br> after each / in kernel name
## but spare consequtive //
kernel_name = kernel_name.replace('/','/<br>')
kernel_name = kernel_name.replace('/<br>/<br>','//')
return kernel_name
# Kernel name mappings -- the kernels table 'printable' field is
# effectively a sortable identifier for the kernel It encodes the base
# release which is used for overall sorting, plus where patches are
# applied it adds an increasing pNNN patch combination identifier
# (actually the kernel_idx for the entry). This allows sorting
# as normal by the base kernel version and then sub-sorting by the
# "first time we saw" a patch combination which should keep them in
# approximatly date order. This patch identifier is not suitable
# for display, so we have to map it to a suitable html fragment for
# display. This contains the kernel base version plus the truncated
# names of all the patches,
# 2.6.24-mm1 p112
# +add-new-string-functions-
# +x86-amd-thermal-interrupt
# This mapping is produced when the first mapping is request, with
# a single query over the patches table; the result is then cached.
# Note: that we only count a base version as patched if it contains
# patches which are not already "expressed" in the base version.
# This includes both -gitN and -mmN kernels.
map_kernel_map = None
def map_kernel_init():
fields = ['base', 'k.kernel_idx', 'name', 'url']
map = {}
for (base, idx, name, url) in','.join(fields),
'kernels k,patches p', 'k.kernel_idx=p.kernel_idx'):
match = re.match(r'.*(-mm[0-9]+|-git[0-9]+)\.(bz2|gz)$', url)
if match:
key = base + ' p%d' % (idx)
if not map.has_key(key):
map[key] = map_kernel_base(base) + ' p%d' % (idx)
map[key] += '<br>+<span title="' + name + '">' + name[0:25] + '</span>'
return map
def map_kernel(name):
global map_kernel_map
if map_kernel_map == None:
map_kernel_map = map_kernel_init()
if map_kernel_map.has_key(name):
return map_kernel_map[name]
return map_kernel_base(name.split(' ')[0])
field_map = {
def gen_matrix():
where = None
if condition_field.strip() != '':
where = query_lib.parse_scrub_and_gen_condition(
condition_field, frontend.test_view_field_dict)
print "<!-- where clause: %s -->" % (where,)
test_data = frontend.get_matrix_data(db, column, row, where)
for f_row in force_row:
if not f_row in test_data.y_values:
for f_column in force_column:
if not f_column in test_data.x_values:
if not test_data.y_values:
msg = "There are no results for this query (yet?)."
return [[]]
link = 'compose_query.cgi?columns=%s&rows=%s&condition=%s' % (
row, column, condition_field)
header_row = ["<center>(Flip Axis)</center>", link=link)]
for x in test_data.x_values:
link = construct_link(x, None)
dx = x
if field_map.has_key(column):
dx = field_map[column](x)
header_row.append(, header=True, link=link))
matrix = [header_row]
for y in test_data.y_values:
link = construct_link(None, y)
dy = y
if field_map.has_key(row):
dy = field_map[row](y)
cur_row = [, header=True, link=link)]
for x in test_data.x_values:
box_data =[x][y].status_count
cur_row.append(, None))
job_tag =[x][y].job_tag
if job_tag:
link = frontend.html_root + job_tag + '/'
if (row == 'test' and
not 'boot' in y and
not 'build' in y and
not 'install' in y ):
link += y + '/'
if (column == 'test' and
not 'boot' in x and
not 'build' in x and
not 'install' in x):
link += x + '/'
link = construct_link(x, y)
return matrix
def main():
# create the actual page
print '<html><head><title>'
print 'Filtered Autotest Results'
print '</title></head><body>'
print html_header % (create_select_options(column),
print display.color_keys_row()
print display.color_keys_row()
print '</body></html>'