blob: e79cd68858a9ed7f6e8d5f71194dcbed9c00f14e [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import logging
import re
import time
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.cros import cr50_utils
from autotest_lib.server.cros.faft.cr50_test import Cr50Test
class firmware_Cr50RMAOpen(Cr50Test):
"""Verify Cr50 RMA behavoior
Verify a couple of things:
- basic open from AP and command line
- Rate limiting
- Authcodes can't be reused once another challenge is generated.
- if the image is prod signed with mp flags, it isn't using test keys
Generate the challenge and calculate the response using rma_reset -c. Verify
open works and enables all of the ccd features.
If the generated challenge has the wrong version, make sure the challenge
generated with the test key fails.
version = 1
# Various Error Messages from the command line and AP RMA failures
MISMATCH_CLI = 'Auth code does not match.'
MISMATCH_AP = 'rma unlock failed, code 6'
LIMIT_CLI = 'RMA Auth error 0x504'
LIMIT_AP = 'error 4'
ERR_DISABLE_AP = 'error 7'
DISABLE_WARNING = ('mux_client_request_session: read from master failed: '
'Broken pipe')
# GSCTool exit statuses
# Cr50 limits generating challenges to once every 10 seconds
# Cr50 RMA commands can be sent from the AP or command line. They should
# behave the same and be interchangeable
CMD_INTERFACES = ['ap', 'cli']
def initialize(self, host, cmdline_args):
"""Initialize the test"""
super(firmware_Cr50RMAOpen, self).initialize(host, cmdline_args) = host
if not hasattr(self, 'cr50'):
raise error.TestNAError('Test can only be run on devices with '
'access to the Cr50 console')
if not self.cr50.has_command('rma_auth'):
raise error.TestNAError('Cannot test on Cr50 without RMA support')
if not self.cr50.using_servo_v4():
raise error.TestNAError('This messes with ccd settings. Use flex '
'cable to run the test.')
if'rma_reset -h', ignore_status=True).exit_status == 127:
raise error.TestNAError('Cannot test RMA open without rma_reset')
# Disable all capabilities at the start of the test'gsctool -a -r disable', ignore_status=True)
self.is_prod_mp = self.get_prod_mp_status()
def get_prod_mp_status(self):
"""Returns True if Cr50 is running a prod signed mp flagged image"""
# Determine if the running image is using premp flags
bid = self.cr50.get_active_board_id_str()
premp_flags = int(bid.split(':')[2], 16) & 0x10 if bid else False
# Check if the running image is signed with prod keys
prod_keys = self.cr50.using_prod_rw_keys()'%s keys with %s flags', 'prod' if prod_keys else 'dev',
'premp' if premp_flags else 'mp')
return not premp_flags and prod_keys
def parse_challenge(self, challenge):
"""Remove the whitespace from the challenge"""
return re.sub('\s', '', challenge.strip())
def generate_response(self, challenge):
"""Generate the authcode from the challenge.
challenge: The Cr50 challenge string
A tuple of the authcode and a bool True if the response should
work False if it shouldn't
stdout ='rma_reset -c ' + challenge).stdout
# rma_reset generates authcodes with the test key. MP images should use
# prod keys. Make sure prod signed MP images aren't using the test key.
self.prod_keyid = 'Unsupported KeyID' in stdout
if self.is_prod_mp and not self.prod_keyid:
raise error.TestFail('MP image cannot use test key')
return'Authcode: +(\S+)', stdout).group(1), self.prod_keyid
def rma_cli(self, authcode='', disable=False, expected_exit_status=SUCCESS):
"""Run RMA commands using the command line.
authcode: The authcode string
disable: True if RMA open should be disabled.
expected_exit_status: the expected exit status
The entire stdout from the command or the RMA challenge
cmd = 'rma_auth ' + ('disable' if disable else authcode)
get_challenge = not (authcode or disable)
resp = 'rma_auth(.*)>'
if expected_exit_status:
resp = self.LIMIT_CLI if get_challenge else self.MISMATCH_CLI
result = self.cr50.send_command_get_output(cmd, [resp])
return (self.parse_challenge(result[0][1]) if get_challenge else
def rma_ap(self, authcode='', disable=False, expected_exit_status=SUCCESS):
"""Run RMA commands using vendor commands from the ap.
authcode: the authcode string.
disable: True if RMA open should be disabled.
expected_exit_status: the expected exit status
The entire stdout from the command or the RMA challenge
error.TestFail if there is an unexpected gsctool response
cmd = 'disable' if disable else authcode
get_challenge = not (authcode or disable)
expected_stderr = ''
if expected_exit_status:
if authcode:
expected_stderr = self.MISMATCH_AP
elif disable:
expected_stderr = self.ERR_DISABLE_AP
expected_stderr = self.LIMIT_AP
result = cr50_utils.RMAOpen(, cmd,
# Various connection issues result in warnings. If there is a real issue
# the expected_exit_status will raise it. Ignore any warning messages in
# stderr.
ignore_stderr = 'WARNING' in result.stderr and not expected_stderr
if not ignore_stderr and expected_stderr not in result.stderr.strip():
raise error.TestFail('Unexpected stderr: expected %s got %s' %
(expected_stderr, result.stderr.strip()))
if result.exit_status != expected_exit_status:
raise error.TestFail('Unexpected exit_status: expected %s got %s' %
(expected_exit_status, result.exit_status))
if get_challenge:
return self.parse_challenge(result.stdout.split('Challenge:')[-1])
return result.stdout
def check_ccd_cap_settings(self, rma_opened):
"""Verify the ccd capability permissions match the RMA state
rma_opened: True if we expect Cr50 to be RMA opened
TestFail if Cr50 is opened when it should be closed or it is closed
when it should be opened.
caps = self.cr50.get_cap_dict().values()
closed = len(caps) == caps.count('Default')
opened = len(caps) == caps.count('Always')
if rma_opened and not opened:
raise error.TestFail('Not all capablities were set to Always')
if not rma_opened and not closed:
raise error.TestFail('Not all capablities were set to Default')
def rma_open(self, challenge_func, auth_func):
"""Run the RMA open process
Run the RMA open process with the given functions. Use challenge func
to generate the challenge and auth func to verify the authcode. The
commands can be sent from the command line or ap. Both should be able
to be used as the challenge or auth function interchangeably.
challenge_func: The method used to generate the challenge
auth_func: The method used to verify the authcode
# Get the challenge
challenge = challenge_func()
# Try using the challenge. If the Cr50 KeyId is not supported, make sure
# RMA open fails.
authcode, unsupported_key = self.generate_response(challenge)
exit_status = self.UPDATE_ERROR if unsupported_key else self.SUCCESS
# Attempt RMA open with the given authcode
auth_func(authcode=authcode, expected_exit_status=exit_status)
# Make sure capabilities are in the correct state.
self.check_ccd_cap_settings(not unsupported_key)
# Force enable write protect, so we can make sure it's reset after RMA
# disable
if not unsupported_key:'wp enable',
# Run RMA disable to reset the capabilities.
self.rma_ap(disable=True, expected_exit_status=exit_status)
# Confirm write protect has been reset to follow battery presence. The
# WP state may be enabled or disabled. The state just can't be forced.'wp',
['Flash WP: (enabled|disabled)']))
# Make sure capabilities have been reset
def rate_limit_check(self, rma_func1, rma_func2):
"""Verify that Cr50 ratelimits challenge generation from any interface
Get the challenge from rma_func1. Try to generate a challenge with
rma_func2 in a time less than challenge_interval. Make sure it fails.
Wait a little bit longer and make sure the function then succeeds.
rma_func1: the method to generate the first challenge
rma_func2: the method to generate the second challenge
# Wait too short of a time. Verify challenge generation fails
time.sleep(self.CHALLENGE_INTERVAL - self.SHORT_WAIT)
# Wait long enough for the timeout to have elapsed. Verify another
# challenge is generated.
def challenge_reset(self, rma_func1, rma_func2):
"""Verify a response for a previous challenge can't be used again
Generate 2 challenges. Verify only the authcode from the second
challenge can be used to open the device.
rma_func1: the method to generate the first challenge
rma_func2: the method to generate the second challenge
challenge1 = rma_func1()
authcode1 = self.generate_response(challenge1)[0]
challenge2 = rma_func2()
authcode2 = self.generate_response(challenge2)[0]
rma_func1(authcode1, expected_exit_status=self.UPDATE_ERROR)
def verify_interface_combinations(self, test_func):
"""Run through tests using ap and cli
Cr50 can run RMA commands from the AP or command line. Test sending
commands from both, so we know there aren't any weird interactions
between the two.
test_func: The function to verify some RMA behavior
for rma_interface1 in self.CMD_INTERFACES:
rma_func1 = getattr(self, 'rma_' + rma_interface1)
for rma_interface2 in self.CMD_INTERFACES:
rma_func2 = getattr(self, 'rma_' + rma_interface2)
test_func(rma_func1, rma_func2)
def run_once(self):
"""Verify Cr50 RMA behavior"""
# We can only do RMA unlock with test keys, so this won't be useful
# to run unless the Cr50 image is using test keys.
if not self.prod_keyid: