blob: b17ee4b2b22e3df4532a55b28a6ca677b1621851 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import unittest
import common
from import iw_runner
class IwRunnerTest(unittest.TestCase):
"""Unit test for the IWRunner object."""
class host_cmd(object):
"""Mock host command class."""
def __init__(self, stdout, stderr, exit_status):
self._stdout = stdout
self._stderr = stderr
self._exit_status = exit_status
def stdout(self):
"""Returns stdout."""
return self._stdout
def stderr(self):
"""Returns stderr."""
return self._stderr
def exit_status(self):
"""Returns the exit status."""
return self._exit_status
class host(object):
"""Mock host class."""
def __init__(self, host_cmd):
self._host_cmd = IwRunnerTest.host_cmd(host_cmd, 1.0, 0)
def run(self, cmd, ignore_status=False):
"""Returns the mocked output.
@param cmd: a stub input ignore
@param ignore_status: a stub input ignore
return self._host_cmd
HT20 = str('BSS aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa (on wlan0)\n'
' freq: 2412\n'
' signal: -50.00 dBm\n'
' SSID: support_ht20\n'
' HT operation:\n'
' * secondary channel offset: no secondary\n')
HT20_IW_BSS = iw_runner.IwBss('aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa', 2412,
'support_ht20', iw_runner.SECURITY_OPEN,
iw_runner.WIDTH_HT20, -50.00)
HT20_2 = str('BSS 11:11:11:11:11:11 (on wlan0)\n'
' freq: 2462\n'
' signal: -42.00 dBm\n'
' SSID: support_ht20\n'
' WPA: * Version: 1\n'
' HT operation:\n'
' * secondary channel offset: below\n')
HT20_2_IW_BSS = iw_runner.IwBss('11:11:11:11:11:11', 2462,
'support_ht20', iw_runner.SECURITY_WPA,
iw_runner.WIDTH_HT40_MINUS, -42.00)
HT40_ABOVE = str('BSS bb:bb:bb:bb:bb:bb (on wlan0)\n'
' freq: 5180\n'
' signal: -55.00 dBm\n'
' SSID: support_ht40_above\n'
' RSN: * Version: 1\n'
' HT operation:\n'
' * secondary channel offset: above\n')
HT40_ABOVE_IW_BSS = iw_runner.IwBss('bb:bb:bb:bb:bb:bb', 5180,
iw_runner.WIDTH_HT40_PLUS, -55.00)
HT40_BELOW = str('BSS cc:cc:cc:cc:cc:cc (on wlan0)\n'
' freq: 2462\n'
' signal: -44.00 dBm\n'
' SSID: support_ht40_below\n'
' RSN: * Version: 1\n'
' WPA: * Version: 1\n'
' HT operation:\n'
' * secondary channel offset: below\n')
HT40_BELOW_IW_BSS = iw_runner.IwBss('cc:cc:cc:cc:cc:cc', 2462,
iw_runner.WIDTH_HT40_MINUS, -44.00)
NO_HT = str('BSS dd:dd:dd:dd:dd:dd (on wlan0)\n'
' freq: 2412\n'
' signal: -45.00 dBm\n'
' SSID: no_ht_support\n')
NO_HT_IW_BSS = iw_runner.IwBss('dd:dd:dd:dd:dd:dd', 2412,
'no_ht_support', iw_runner.SECURITY_OPEN,
None, -45.00)
HIDDEN_SSID = str('BSS ee:ee:ee:ee:ee:ee (on wlan0)\n'
' freq: 2462\n'
' signal: -70.00 dBm\n'
' SSID: \n'
' HT operation:\n'
' * secondary channel offset: no secondary\n')
SCAN_TIME_OUTPUT = str('real 4.5\n'
'user 2.1\n'
'system 3.1\n')
HIDDEN_SSID_IW_BSS = iw_runner.IwBss('ee:ee:ee:ee:ee:ee', 2462,
None, iw_runner.SECURITY_OPEN,
iw_runner.WIDTH_HT20, -70.00)
'Connected to 12:34:56:ab:cd:ef (on wlan0)\n'
' SSID: PMKSACaching_4m9p5_ch1\n'
' freq: 5220\n'
' RX: 5370 bytes (37 packets)\n'
' TX: 3604 bytes (15 packets)\n'
' signal: -59 dBm\n'
' tx bitrate: 13.0 MBit/s MCS 1\n'
' bss flags: short-slot-time\n'
' dtim period: 5\n'
' beacon int: 100\n')
STATION_LINK_BSSID = '12:34:56:ab:cd:ef'
'SSID': 'PMKSACaching_4m9p5_ch1',
'freq': '5220',
'RX': '5370 bytes (37 packets)',
'TX': '3604 bytes (15 packets)',
'signal': '-59 dBm',
'tx bitrate': '13.0 MBit/s MCS 1',
'bss flags': 'short-slot-time',
'dtim period': '5',
'beacon int': '100'
'Station dd:ee:ff:33:44:55 (on mesh-5000mhz)\n'
' inactive time: 140 ms\n'
' rx bytes: 2883498\n'
' rx packets: 31981\n'
' tx bytes: 1369934\n'
' tx packets: 6615\n'
' tx retries: 4\n'
' tx failed: 0\n'
' rx drop misc: 5\n'
' signal: -4 dBm\n'
' signal avg: -11 dBm\n'
' Toffset: 81715566854 us\n'
' tx bitrate: 866.7 MBit/s VHT-MCS 9 80MHz '
'short GI VHT-NSS 2\n'
' rx bitrate: 866.7 MBit/s VHT-MCS 9 80MHz '
'short GI VHT-NSS 2\n'
' mesh llid: 0\n'
' mesh plid: 0\n'
' mesh plink: ESTAB\n'
' mesh local PS mode: ACTIVE\n'
' mesh peer PS mode: ACTIVE\n'
' mesh non-peer PS mode: ACTIVE\n'
' authorized: yes\n'
' authenticated: yes\n'
' preamble: long\n'
' WMM/WME: yes\n'
' MFP: yes\n'
' TDLS peer: no\n'
' connected time: 8726 seconds\n'
'Station aa:bb:cc:00:11:22 (on mesh-5000mhz)\n'
' inactive time: 140 ms\n'
' rx bytes: 2845200\n'
' rx packets: 31938\n'
' tx bytes: 1309945\n'
' tx packets: 6672\n'
' tx retries: 0\n'
' tx failed: 1\n'
' signal: -21 dBm\n'
' signal avg: -21 dBm\n'
' tx bitrate: 866.7 MBit/s VHT-MCS 9 80MHz '
'short GI VHT-NSS 2\n'
' rx bitrate: 650.0 MBit/s VHT-MCS 7 80MHz '
'short GI VHT-NSS 2\n'
' mesh llid: 0\n'
' mesh plid: 0\n'
' mesh plink: ESTAB\n'
' mesh local PS mode: ACTIVE\n'
' mesh peer PS mode: ACTIVE\n'
' mesh non-peer PS mode: ACTIVE\n'
' authorized: yes\n'
' authenticated: yes\n'
' preamble: long\n'
' WMM/WME: yes\n'
' MFP: yes\n'
' TDLS peer: no\n'
' connected time: 8724 seconds\n'
'Station ff:aa:bb:aa:44:55 (on mesh-5000mhz)\n'
' inactive time: 304 ms\n'
' rx bytes: 18816\n'
' rx packets: 75\n'
' tx bytes: 5386\n'
' tx packets: 21\n'
' signal: -29 dBm\n'
' tx bitrate: 65.0 MBit/s VHT-MCS 0 80MHz short GI VHT-NSS 2\n'
' mesh llid: 0\n'
' mesh plid: 0\n'
' mesh plink: ESTAB\n'
' mesh local PS mode: ACTIVE\n'
' mesh peer PS mode: ACTIVE\n'
' mesh non-peer PS mode: ACTIVE\n'
' authorized: yes\n'
' authenticated: yes\n'
' preamble: long\n'
' WMM/WME: yes\n'
' MFP: yes\n'
' TDLS peer: no\n'
' connected time: 824 seconds\n')
{'mac': 'aa:bb:cc:00:11:22',
'rssi_str': '-21 dBm',
'rssi_int': -21,
'rx_bitrate': '650.0 MBit/s VHT-MCS 7 80MHz short GI VHT-NSS 2',
'rx_drops': 0,
'rx_drop_rate': 0.0,
'rx_packets': 31938,
'tx_bitrate': '866.7 MBit/s VHT-MCS 9 80MHz short GI VHT-NSS 2',
'tx_failures': 1,
'tx_failure_rate': 0.00014988009592326138,
'tx_packets': 6672,
'tx_retries': 0,
'tx_retry_rate': 0.0},
{'mac': 'dd:ee:ff:33:44:55',
'rssi_str': '-4 dBm',
'rssi_int': -4,
'rx_bitrate': '866.7 MBit/s VHT-MCS 9 80MHz short GI VHT-NSS 2',
'rx_drops': 5,
'rx_drop_rate': 0.0001563428285544542,
'rx_packets': 31981,
'tx_bitrate': '866.7 MBit/s VHT-MCS 9 80MHz short GI VHT-NSS 2',
'tx_failures': 0,
'tx_failure_rate': 0.0,
'tx_packets': 6615,
'tx_retries': 4,
'tx_retry_rate': 0.0006046863189720333},
{'mac': 'ff:aa:bb:aa:44:55',
'rssi_str': '-29 dBm',
'rssi_int': -29,
'rx_bitrate': '0',
'rx_drops': 0,
'rx_drop_rate': 0.0,
'rx_packets': 75,
'tx_bitrate': '65.0 MBit/s VHT-MCS 0 80MHz short GI VHT-NSS 2',
'tx_failures': 0,
'tx_failure_rate': 0.0,
'tx_retries': 0,
'tx_retry_rate': 0.0,
'tx_packets': 21},
STATION_DUMP_IFACE = 'mesh-5000mhz'
'Interface wlan-2400mhz\n'
' ifindex 10\n'
' wdev 0x100000002\n'
' addr aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff\n'
' type mesh point\n'
' wiphy 1\n'
' channel 149 (5745 MHz), width: 80 MHz, center1: 5775 MHz\n')
'Interface wlan-2400mhz\n'
' ifindex 8\n'
' wdev 0x1\n'
' addr 00:11:22:33:44:55\n'
' ssid testap_170501151530_wsvx\n'
' type AP\n'
' wiphy 0\n'
' channel 11 (2462 MHz), width: 20 MHz, center1: 2462 MHz\n')
RADIO_CONFIG_AP_MODE = {'number': 11, 'freq': 2462, 'width': 20,
'center1_freq': 2462}
'Interface wlan-2400mhz\n'
' ifindex 9\n'
' wdev 0x1\n'
' addr 44:55:66:77:88:99\n'
' type managed\n'
' wiphy 0\n'
' channel 11 (2462 MHz), width: 20 MHz, center1: 2462 MHz\n')
INFO_IFACE = 'wlan-2400mhz'
'Wiphy phy1\n'
' max # scan SSIDs: 20\n'
' max scan IEs length: 425 bytes\n'
' Fragmentation threshold: 256\n'
' Retry short limit: 7\n'
' Retry long limit: 4\n')
INFO_PHY = 'phy1'
VHT_IW_INFO = str(
'Wiphy phy0\n'
' max # scan SSIDs: 20\n'
' max scan IEs length: 425 bytes\n'
' max # sched scan SSIDs: 20\n'
' max # match sets: 11\n'
' Retry short limit: 7\n'
' Retry long limit: 4\n'
' Coverage class: 0 (up to 0m)\n'
' Device supports RSN-IBSS.\n'
' Device supports AP-side u-APSD.\n'
' Device supports T-DLS.\n'
' Supported Ciphers:\n'
' * WEP40 (00-0f-ac:1)\n'
' * WEP104 (00-0f-ac:5)\n'
' * TKIP (00-0f-ac:2)\n'
' * CCMP-128 (00-0f-ac:4)\n'
' * CMAC (00-0f-ac:6)\n'
' Available Antennas: TX 0 RX 0\n'
' Supported interface modes:\n'
' * IBSS\n'
' * managed\n'
' * AP\n'
' * AP/VLAN\n'
' * monitor\n'
' * P2P-client\n'
' * P2P-GO\n'
' * P2P-device\n'
' Band 1:\n'
' Capabilities: 0x11ef\n'
' RX LDPC\n'
' HT20/HT40\n'
' SM Power Save disabled\n'
' RX HT20 SGI\n'
' RX HT40 SGI\n'
' TX STBC\n'
' RX STBC 1-stream\n'
' Max AMSDU length: 3839 bytes\n'
' DSSS/CCK HT40\n'
' Maximum RX AMPDU length 65535 bytes (exponent: 0x003)\n'
' Minimum RX AMPDU time spacing: 4 usec (0x05)\n'
' HT Max RX data rate: 300 Mbps\n'
' HT TX/RX MCS rate indexes supported: 0-15\n'
' Band 2:\n'
' Capabilities: 0x11ef\n'
' RX LDPC\n'
' HT20/HT40\n'
' SM Power Save disabled\n'
' RX HT20 SGI\n'
' RX HT40 SGI\n'
' TX STBC\n'
' RX STBC 1-stream\n'
' Max AMSDU length: 3839 bytes\n'
' DSSS/CCK HT40\n'
' Maximum RX AMPDU length 65535 bytes (exponent: 0x003)\n'
' Minimum RX AMPDU time spacing: 4 usec (0x05)\n'
' HT Max RX data rate: 300 Mbps\n'
' HT TX/RX MCS rate indexes supported: 0-15\n'
' VHT Capabilities (0x038071b0):\n'
' Max MPDU length: 3895\n'
' Supported Channel Width: neither 160 nor 80+80\n'
' RX LDPC\n'
' short GI (80 MHz)\n'
' TX STBC\n'
' SU Beamformee\n')
HE_IW_INFO = str(
'Wiphy phy0\n'
' max # scan SSIDs: 20\n'
' max scan IEs length: 365 bytes\n'
' max # sched scan SSIDs: 20\n'
' max # match sets: 11\n'
' max # scan plans: 2\n'
' max scan plan interval: 65535\n'
' max scan plan iterations: 254\n'
' Retry short limit: 7\n'
' Retry long limit: 4\n'
' Coverage class: 0 (up to 0m)\n'
' Device supports RSN-IBSS.\n'
' Device supports AP-side u-APSD.\n'
' Device supports T-DLS.\n'
' Supported Ciphers:\n'
' * WEP40 (00-0f-ac:1)\n'
' * WEP104 (00-0f-ac:5)\n'
' * TKIP (00-0f-ac:2)\n'
' * CCMP-128 (00-0f-ac:4)\n'
' * GCMP-128 (00-0f-ac:8)\n'
' * GCMP-256 (00-0f-ac:9)\n'
' * CMAC (00-0f-ac:6)\n'
' * GMAC-128 (00-0f-ac:11)\n'
' * GMAC-256 (00-0f-ac:12)\n'
' Available Antennas: TX 0 RX 0\n'
' Supported interface modes:\n'
' * IBSS\n'
' * managed\n'
' * AP\n'
' * AP/VLAN\n'
' * monitor\n'
' * P2P-client\n'
' * P2P-GO\n'
' * P2P-device\n'
' Band 1:\n'
' Capabilities: 0x19ef\n'
' RX LDPC\n'
' HT20/HT40\n'
' SM Power Save disabled\n'
' RX HT20 SGI\n'
' RX HT40 SGI\n'
' TX STBC\n'
' RX STBC 1-stream\n'
' Max AMSDU length: 7935 bytes\n'
' DSSS/CCK HT40\n'
' Maximum RX AMPDU length 65535 bytes (exponent: 0x003)\n'
' Minimum RX AMPDU time spacing: 4 usec (0x05)\n'
' HT Max RX data rate: 300 Mbps\n'
' HT TX/RX MCS rate indexes supported: 0-15\n'
' HE Iftypes: Station\n'
' HE MAC Capabilities (0x780112a0abc0):\n'
' +HTC HE Supported\n'
' HE PHY Capabilities: (0x0e3f0200fd09800ecff200):\n'
' HE40/2.4GHz\n'
' HE40/HE80/5GHz\n'
' HE160/5GHz\n'
' Band 2:\n'
' Capabilities: 0x19ef\n'
' RX LDPC\n'
' HT20/HT40\n'
' SM Power Save disabled\n'
' RX HT20 SGI\n'
' RX HT40 SGI\n'
' TX STBC\n'
' RX STBC 1-stream\n'
' Max AMSDU length: 7935 bytes\n'
' DSSS/CCK HT40\n'
' Maximum RX AMPDU length 65535 bytes (exponent: 0x003)\n'
' Minimum RX AMPDU time spacing: 4 usec (0x05)\n'
' HT Max RX data rate: 300 Mbps\n'
' HT TX/RX MCS rate indexes supported: 0-15\n'
' VHT Capabilities (0x039071f6):\n'
' Max MPDU length: 11454\n'
' Supported Channel Width: 160 MHz\n'
' RX LDPC\n'
' short GI (80 MHz)\n'
' short GI (160/80+80 MHz)\n'
' TX STBC\n'
' SU Beamformee\n'
' MU Beamformee\n'
' VHT RX MCS set:\n'
' 1 streams: MCS 0-9\n'
' 2 streams: MCS 0-9\n'
' 3 streams: not supported\n'
' 4 streams: not supported\n'
' 5 streams: not supported\n'
' 6 streams: not supported\n'
' 7 streams: not supported\n'
' 8 streams: not supported\n'
' VHT RX highest supported: 0 Mbps\n'
' VHT TX MCS set:\n'
' 1 streams: MCS 0-9\n'
' 2 streams: MCS 0-9\n'
' 3 streams: not supported\n'
' 4 streams: not supported\n'
' 5 streams: not supported\n'
' 6 streams: not supported\n'
' 7 streams: not supported\n'
' 8 streams: not supported\n'
' VHT TX highest supported: 0 Mbps\n'
' HE Iftypes: Station\n'
' HE MAC Capabilities (0x780112a0abc0):\n'
' +HTC HE Supported\n'
' HE PHY Capabilities: (0x0e3f0200fd09800ecff200):\n'
' HE40/2.4GHz\n'
' HE40/HE80/5GHz\n'
' HE160/5GHz\n')
def verify_values(self, iw_bss_1, iw_bss_2):
"""Checks all of the IWBss values
@param iw_bss_1: an IWBss object
@param iw_bss_2: an IWBss object
self.assertEquals(iw_bss_1.bss, iw_bss_2.bss)
self.assertEquals(iw_bss_1.ssid, iw_bss_2.ssid)
self.assertEquals(iw_bss_1.frequency, iw_bss_2.frequency)
self.assertEquals(iw_bss_1.signal, iw_bss_2.signal)
def search_by_bss(self, scan_output, test_iw_bss):
@param scan_output: the output of the scan as a string
@param test_iw_bss: an IWBss object
Uses the runner to search for a network by bss.
host = + self.SCAN_TIME_OUTPUT)
runner = iw_runner.IwRunner(remote_host=host)
network = runner.wait_for_scan_result('wlan0', bsses=[test_iw_bss.bss])
self.verify_values(test_iw_bss, network[0])
def test_find_first(self):
"""Test with the first item in the list."""
scan_output = self.HT20 + self.HT40_ABOVE
self.search_by_bss(scan_output, self.HT20_IW_BSS)
def test_find_last(self):
"""Test with the last item in the list."""
scan_output = self.HT40_ABOVE + self.HT20
self.search_by_bss(scan_output, self.HT20_IW_BSS)
def test_find_middle(self):
"""Test with the middle item in the list."""
scan_output = self.HT40_ABOVE + self.HT20 + self.NO_HT
self.search_by_bss(scan_output, self.HT20_IW_BSS)
def test_ht40_above(self):
"""Test with a HT40+ network."""
scan_output = self.HT20 + self.HT40_ABOVE + self.NO_HT
self.search_by_bss(scan_output, self.HT40_ABOVE_IW_BSS)
def test_ht40_below(self):
"""Test with a HT40- network."""
scan_output = self.HT20 + self.HT40_BELOW + self.NO_HT
self.search_by_bss(scan_output, self.HT40_BELOW_IW_BSS)
def test_no_ht(self):
"""Test with a network that doesn't have ht."""
scan_output = self.HT20 + self.NO_HT + self.HT40_ABOVE
self.search_by_bss(scan_output, self.NO_HT_IW_BSS)
def test_hidden_ssid(self):
"""Test with a network with a hidden ssid."""
scan_output = self.HT20 + self.HIDDEN_SSID + self.NO_HT
self.search_by_bss(scan_output, self.HIDDEN_SSID_IW_BSS)
def test_multiple_ssids(self):
"""Test with multiple networks with the same ssids."""
scan_output = self.HT40_ABOVE + self.HT20 + self.NO_HT + self.HT20_2
host = + self.SCAN_TIME_OUTPUT)
runner = iw_runner.IwRunner(remote_host=host)
networks = runner.wait_for_scan_result('wlan 0',
for iw_bss_1, iw_bss_2 in zip([self.HT20_IW_BSS, self.HT20_2_IW_BSS],
self.verify_values(iw_bss_1, iw_bss_2)
def test_station_bssid(self):
"""Test parsing of the bssid of a station-mode link."""
host =
runner = iw_runner.IwRunner(remote_host=host)
def test_station_link_parsing(self):
"""Test all link keys can be parsed from station link information."""
def test_station_link_key(self):
"""Test a link key is extracted from station link information."""
host =
runner = iw_runner.IwRunner(remote_host=host)
def test_station_dump(self):
"""Test parsing of a station dump."""
host =
runner = iw_runner.IwRunner(remote_host=host)
def test_operating_mode_mesh(self):
"""Test mesh operating mode parsing."""
host =
runner = iw_runner.IwRunner(remote_host=host)
def test_operating_mode_ap(self):
"""Test AP operating mode parsing."""
host =
runner = iw_runner.IwRunner(remote_host=host)
def test_operating_mode_station(self):
"""Test STA operating mode parsing."""
host =
runner = iw_runner.IwRunner(remote_host=host)
def test_radio_information(self):
"""Test radio information parsing."""
host =
runner = iw_runner.IwRunner(remote_host=host)
def test_fragmentation_threshold(self):
"""Test fragmentation threshold parsing."""
host =
runner = iw_runner.IwRunner(remote_host=host)
def test_vht_supported(self):
"""Test VHT support parsing."""
host =
runner = iw_runner.IwRunner(remote_host=host)
self.assertEquals(runner.vht_supported(), True)
def test_he_supported(self):
"""Test HE support parsing."""
host =
runner = iw_runner.IwRunner(remote_host=host)
self.assertEquals(runner.he_supported(), True)
if __name__ == '__main__':