blob: 7c571de7f48cf2799e933d7b1f025c0e2d2b7c55 [file] [log] [blame]
import os, itertools, shutil, tempfile, logging
import common
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import utils, error
from autotest_lib.server import autotest, hosts
PROFILER_TMPDIR = "/tmp/profilers"
# control file template for running a job that uses profiler 'name'
run_profiler_control = """\
def get_unpassable_types(arg):
""" Given an argument, returns a set of types contained in arg that are
unpassable. If arg is an atomic type (e.g. int) it either returns an
empty set (if the type is passable) or a singleton of the type (if the
type is not passable). """
if isinstance(arg, (basestring, int, long)):
return set()
elif isinstance(arg, (list, tuple, set, frozenset, dict)):
if isinstance(arg, dict):
# keys and values must both be passable
parts = itertools.chain(arg.iterkeys(), arg.itervalues())
# for all other containers we just iterate
parts = iter(arg)
types = set()
for part in parts:
types |= get_unpassable_types(part)
return types
return set([type(arg)])
def validate_args(args):
""" Validates arguments. Lists and dictionaries are valid argument types,
so you can pass *args and **dargs in directly, rather than having to
iterate over them yourself. """
unpassable_types = get_unpassable_types(args)
if unpassable_types:
msg = "arguments of type '%s' cannot be passed to remote profilers"
msg %= ", ".join(t.__name__ for t in unpassable_types)
raise TypeError(msg)
def encode_args(profiler, args, dargs):
parts = [repr(profiler)]
parts += [repr(arg) for arg in args]
parts += ["%s=%r" % darg for darg in dargs.iteritems()]
return ", ".join(parts)
def get_profiler_log_path(autodir):
"""Given the directory of a profiler client, find the client log path."""
return os.path.join(PROFILER_TMPDIR, autodir, "results", "default",
"debug", "client.DEBUG")
def get_profiler_results_dir(autodir):
""" Given the directory of the autotest client used to run a profiler,
return the remote path where profiler results will be stored."""
return os.path.join(PROFILER_TMPDIR, autodir, "results", "default",
"profiler_test", "profiling")
class profiler_proxy(object):
""" This is a server-side class that acts as a proxy to a real client-side
profiler class."""
def __init__(self, job, profiler_name):
self.job = job = profiler_name
# maps hostname to (host object, autotest.Autotest object, Autotest
# install dir), where the host object is the one created specifically
# for profiling
self.installed_hosts = {}
self.current_test = None
# does the profiler support rebooting?
profiler_module = common.setup_modules.import_module(
profiler_name, "autotest_lib.client.profilers.%s" % profiler_name)
profiler_class = getattr(profiler_module, profiler_name)
self.supports_reboot = profiler_class.supports_reboot
def _install(self):
""" Install autotest on any current job hosts. """
in_use_hosts = set(host.hostname for host in self.job.hosts
if not # exclude hosts created here for profiling
(host.get_autodir() and
logging.debug('Hosts currently in use: %s', in_use_hosts)
# determine what valid host objects we already have installed
profiler_hosts = set()
for host, at, profiler_dir in self.installed_hosts.values():
if host.path_exists(profiler_dir):
# the profiler was wiped out somehow, drop this install
logging.warning('The profiler client on %s at %s was deleted',
host.hostname, profiler_dir)
del self.installed_hosts[host.hostname]
logging.debug('Hosts with profiler clients already installed: %s',
# install autotest on any new hosts in use
for hostname in in_use_hosts - profiler_hosts:
host = hosts.create_host(hostname, auto_monitor=False)
tmp_dir = host.get_tmp_dir(parent=PROFILER_TMPDIR)
at = autotest.Autotest(host)
self.installed_hosts[host.hostname] = (host, at, tmp_dir)
# drop any installs from hosts no longer in job.hosts
hostnames_to_drop = profiler_hosts - in_use_hosts
hosts_to_drop = [self.installed_hosts[hostname][0]
for hostname in hostnames_to_drop]
for host in hosts_to_drop:
del self.installed_hosts[host.hostname]
def initialize(self, *args, **dargs):
self.args, self.dargs = args, dargs
def setup(self, *args, **dargs):
assert self.args == args and self.dargs == dargs
# the actual setup happens lazily at start()
def _signal_client(self, host, autodir, command):
""" Signal to a client that it should execute profilers.command
by writing a byte into AUTODIR/profilers.command. """
path = os.path.join(autodir, "profiler.%s" % command)"echo A > %s" % path)
def _wait_on_client(self, host, autodir, command):
""" Wait for the client to signal that it's finished by writing
a byte into AUTODIR/profilers.command. Only waits for 30 seconds
before giving up. """
path = os.path.join(autodir, "profiler.%s" % command)
try:"cat %s" % path, ignore_status=True, timeout=180)
except error.AutoservSSHTimeout:
pass # even if it times out, just give up and go ahead anyway
def _get_hosts(self, host=None):
Returns a list of (Host, Autotest, install directory) tuples for hosts
currently supported by this profiler. The returned Host object is always
the one created by this profiler, regardless of what's passed in. If
'host' is not None, all entries not matching that host object are
filtered out of the list.
if host is None:
return self.installed_hosts.values()
if host.hostname in self.installed_hosts:
return [self.installed_hosts[host.hostname]]
return []
def _get_failure_logs(self, autodir, test, host):
"""Collect the client logs from a profiler run and put them in a
file named failure-*.log."""
profdir = os.path.join(test.profdir, host.hostname)
if not os.path.exists(profdir):
fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".log", prefix="failure-",
host.get_file(get_profiler_log_path(autodir), path)
except (error.AutotestError, error.AutoservError):
logging.exception("Profiler failure log collection failed")
# swallow the exception so that we don't override an existing
# exception being thrown
def start(self, test, host=None):
encoded_args = encode_args(, self.args, self.dargs)
control_script = run_profiler_control % (encoded_args,
for host, at, autodir in self._get_hosts(host):
fifo_pattern = os.path.join(autodir, "profiler.*")"rm -f %s" % fifo_pattern)"mkfifo %s" % os.path.join(autodir, "profiler.ready"))
try:, background=True)
self._wait_on_client(host, autodir, "ready")
self._signal_client(host, autodir, "start")
remote_results_dir = get_profiler_results_dir(autodir)
local_results_dir = os.path.join(test.profdir, host.hostname)
self.job.add_client_log(host.hostname, remote_results_dir,
self._get_failure_logs(autodir, test, host)
self.current_test = test
def stop(self, test, host=None):
assert self.current_test == test
for host, at, autodir in self._get_hosts(host):
self._signal_client(host, autodir, "stop")
self._get_failure_logs(autodir, test, host)
def report(self, test, host=None, wait_on_client=True):
assert self.current_test == test
self.current_test = None
# signal to all the clients that they should report
if wait_on_client:
for host, at, autodir in self._get_hosts(host):
self._signal_client(host, autodir, "report")
self._get_failure_logs(autodir, test, host)
# pull back all the results
for host, at, autodir in self._get_hosts(host):
if wait_on_client:
self._wait_on_client(host, autodir, "finished")
results_dir = get_profiler_results_dir(autodir)
local_dir = os.path.join(test.profdir, host.hostname)
if not os.path.exists(local_dir):
self.job.remove_client_log(host.hostname, results_dir, local_dir)
tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=self.job.tmpdir)
host.get_file(results_dir + "/", tempdir)
except error.AutoservRunError:
pass # no files to pull back, nothing we can do
utils.merge_trees(tempdir, local_dir)
shutil.rmtree(tempdir, ignore_errors=True)
def handle_reboot(self, host):
if self.current_test:
test = self.current_test
if not self.supports_reboot:
msg = "profiler '%s' does not support rebooting during tests"
msg %=
self.job.record("WARN", os.path.basename(test.outputdir),
None, msg), host, wait_on_client=False)
self.start(test, host)