blob: 55e924be4ccfacc2f1a4af2e545534c908a484b1 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import logging
from autotest_lib.server.cros import vboot_constants as vboot
from autotest_lib.server.cros.faftsequence import FAFTSequence
class firmware_CorruptBothKernelAB(FAFTSequence):
Servo based both kernel A and B corruption test.
This test requires a USB disk plugged-in, which contains a Chrome OS test
image (built by "build_image --test"). On runtime, this test corrupts
both kernel A and B. On next reboot, the kernel verification fails
and enters recovery mode. This test then checks the success of the
recovery boot.
version = 1
def ensure_kernel_on_non_recovery(self, part):
"""Ensure the requested kernel part on normal/dev boot path.
If not, it may be a test failure during step 2, try to recover to
the requested kernel on normal/dev mode by recovering the whole OS
and rebooting.
if not self.check_root_part_on_non_recovery(part):'Recover the disk OS by running chromeos-install...')
'userspace_action': (self.faft_client.run_shell_command,
'chromeos-install --yes')
def setup(self, dev_mode=False):
super(firmware_CorruptBothKernelAB, self).setup()
self.servo.set('usb_mux_sel1', 'dut_sees_usbkey')
def cleanup(self):
super(firmware_CorruptBothKernelAB, self).cleanup()
def run_once(self, host=None, dev_mode=False):
platform = self.faft_client.get_platform_name()
if platform in ('Mario', 'Alex', 'ZGB'):
recovery_reason = vboot.RECOVERY_REASON['RW_NO_OS']
elif platform in ('Aebl', 'Kaen'):
recovery_reason = vboot.RECOVERY_REASON['RW_INVALID_OS']
recovery_reason = vboot.RECOVERY_REASON['RW_NO_DISK']
{ # Step 1, corrupt kernel A and B
'state_checker': (self.check_root_part_on_non_recovery, 'a'),
'userspace_action': (self.faft_client.corrupt_kernel,
(('a', 'b'),)),
# Kernel is verified after firmware screen.
# Should press Ctrl-D to skip the screen on dev_mode.
'firmware_action': self.wait_fw_screen_and_ctrl_d if dev_mode
else self.wait_fw_screen_and_plug_usb,
'install_deps_after_boot': True,
{ # Step 2, expected recovery boot and restore the OS image.
'state_checker': (self.crossystem_checker, {
'mainfw_type': 'recovery',
'recovery_reason': recovery_reason,
'userspace_action': (self.faft_client.restore_kernel,
(('a', 'b'),)),
{ # Step 3, expected kernel A normal/dev boot
'state_checker': (self.check_root_part_on_non_recovery, 'a'),