blob: 402142b2bd9e1a47570288d56bf2bc2e4cd41fa5 [file] [log] [blame]
This library provides a bunch of miscellaneous parameter parsing,
sql generating and list cleanup library functions that are used
by both the reporting cli and web interface.
import sys, os, re
tko = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])))
sys.path.insert(0, tko)
import display, frontend, db
db = db.db()
def generate_sql_condition(condition_list):
""" generate the sql for the condition list."""
sql = ''
value = []
for field, operator, values in condition_list:
if len(values) == 1:
if sql != '':
sql += " and "
sql += " %s%s%%s" % (field, operator)
elif len(values) > 1:
expression = [" %s %s %%s" % (field, operator) for val in values]
for val in values:
if sql != '':
sql += " and "
sql += "(%s)" % " or ".join(expression)
return sql, value
def prune_list(thelist, condition_sql, condition_value):
""" keep track of which columns do not have any elements."""
pruned_list = []
for g in thelist:
# check for multiple index values in the db.
sql = "t where "
expr = [" %s = %%s" % (g.idx_name) for val in g.idx_value]
sql += " (%s) " % " or ".join(expr)
value = []
if condition_sql:
sql += " and "
sql += condition_sql
tests = frontend.test.select_sql(db, sql, value)
if len(tests) > 0:
return pruned_list
def parse_condition(condition):
""" parse the condition into independent clauses."""
condition_list = []
if not condition:
return condition_list
attribute_re = r"(\w+)"
op_re = r"(=|!=)"
value_re = r"('[^']*')"
# condition is clause & clause & ..
clause_re = r"%s\s*%s\s*%s" % (attribute_re, op_re, value_re)
condition_re = re.compile(r"^\s*%s(\s*&\s*%s)*\s*$" % (clause_re, clause_re))
if not condition_re.match(condition):
print "Condition not in the correct format: %s" % condition
triples = []
for clause in [c.strip() for c in condition.split('&')]:
attribute, op, value = re.match(clause_re, clause).groups()
triples.append((attribute, op, value))
for (field_name, operator, value) in triples:
match, field =, field_name, value, distinct=True)
if len(match) > 0:
condition_list.append((field, operator, match))
print "No matching results found for condition %s." % \
return condition_list
def get_value(test, field):
""" get specific field values from the given test object."""
if field == 'test':
return test.testname
elif field == 'kernel_idx':
return test.kernel_idx
elif field == 'machine_idx':
return test.machine_idx
elif field == 'status':
return test.status_num
def get_tests(condition_sql, condition_value):
# get all the tests that satify the given condition.
if condition_sql:
sql = "t where "
sql += condition_sql
value = [str(val) for val in condition_value]
#print sql , value
tests = frontend.test.select_sql(db, sql, value)
sql = None
value = None
tests = frontend.test.select_sql(db, " t ", None)
return tests