blob: f2e9749ea07f74b13863cea97b25df41af37224d [file] [log] [blame]
Selects all rows and columns that satisfy the condition specified
and draws the matrix. There is a seperate SQL query made for every (x,y)
in the matrix.
print "Content-type: text/html\n"
import cgi, cgitb, re
import sys, os
tko = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])))
sys.path.insert(0, tko)
import display, frontend, db, query_lib
html_header = """\
<form action="compose_query.cgi" method="get">
<table border="0">
<td>Column: </td>
<td>Row: </td>
<td>Condition: </td>
<td align="center"><a href="index.html">Help</a></td>
<SELECT NAME="columns">
<SELECT NAME="rows">
<input type="text" name="condition" size="80" maxlength="80" value="%s">
<input type="hidden" name="title" value="Report">
<td align="center"><input type="submit" value="Submit">
columns_default = 'kernel'
rows_default = 'test'
db = db.db()
def create_select_options(selected_val, default_val):
ret = ""
option_list = ['kernel', 'hostname', 'test', 'label',
'machine_group', 'reason']
if option_list.count(selected_val) == 0:
selected_val = default_val
assert(option_list.count(selected_val) > 0)
for option in option_list:
if selected_val == option:
selected = " SELECTED"
selected = ""
ret += '<OPTION VALUE="%s"%s>%s</OPTION>\n' % (option,
return ret
def main():
# parse the fields from the form.
form = cgi.FieldStorage()
columns = columns_default
rows = rows_default
condition = None
for field in form:
value = form[field].value
if field == 'columns':
columns = value
elif field == 'rows':
rows = value
elif field == 'condition':
condition = value
# parse the conditions into sql query and value list.
condition_sql = ""
condition_value = []
if condition:
condition_list = query_lib.parse_condition(condition)
condition_sql, condition_value = \
# get all possible column values.
column_groups = frontend.anygroup.selectunique(db, columns)
# get all possible row values.
row_groups = frontend.anygroup.selectunique(db,rows)
# keep only those values in rows/columns that have a test
# corresponding to it.
row_groups = query_lib.prune_list(row_groups, condition_sql, \
column_groups = query_lib.prune_list(column_groups, condition_sql, \
# prepare the header for the table.
headers = [ for g in column_groups]
header_row = [, header=True) for x in headers]
header_row.insert(0,"", header=True))
matrix = [header_row]
# get all the tests that satify the given condition.
tests = query_lib.get_tests(condition_sql, condition_value)
for r_group in row_groups:
row = []
# build the row sql for this row.
row_expr = [ " %s = %%s " % r_group.idx_name for val in r_group.idx_value]
row_sql = " (%s) " % " or ".join(row_expr)
# get individual unit values
for c_group in column_groups:
# get the list of tests that belong to this x,y in the matrix.
xy_test = [test for test in tests
if query_lib.get_value(test, r_group.idx_name) \
in r_group.idx_value \
and query_lib.get_value(test,c_group.idx_name) \
in c_group.idx_value]
# build the column sql
column_expr = [ " %s = %%s " % c_group.idx_name for val in c_group.idx_value]
column_sql = " (%s) " % " or ".join(column_expr)
sql = "t where %s and %s " % (row_sql, column_sql)
# add the corresponding values of the fields to
# the value list.
value = []
# append the condition sql and the values to the
# sql/list respectively.
if condition_sql:
sql += " and "
sql += condition_sql
value_str = [str(val) for val in value]
link = 'test.cgi?sql=%s&values=%s' % \
(sql, ','.join(value_str))
row.append(display.status_count_box(db, xy_test, link))
# create the actual page
condition_str = condition
if condition_str == None:
condition_str = ""
print '<html><head><title>'
print 'Filtered Autotest Results'
print '</title></head><body>'
print html_header % (create_select_options(columns, columns_default),
create_select_options(rows, rows_default),
print '</body></html>'