blob: 6cd15c7657ca2fe80722bb7392f93509262f5a16 [file] [log] [blame]
import sys, re, os, time
logfile = open(sys.argv[1], 'a', 0)
warnfile = os.fdopen(int(sys.argv[2]), 'w', 0)
# the format for a warning used here is:
# <timestamp (integer)> <tab> <status (string)> <newline>
def make_alert(msg):
def alert(*params):
formatted_msg = msg % params
timestamped_msg = "%d\t%s" % (time.time(), formatted_msg)
print >> warnfile, timestamped_msg
return alert
pattern_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'warning_patterns')
pattern_lines = open(pattern_file).readlines()
# expected pattern format:
# <regex> <newline> <alert> <newline> <newline>
# regex = a python regular expression
# alert = a string describing the alert message
# if the regex matches the line, this displayed warning will
# be the result of (alert % match.groups())
patterns = zip(pattern_lines[0::3], pattern_lines[1::3])
# assert that the patterns are separated by empty lines
if sum(len(line.strip()) for line in pattern_lines[2::3]) > 0:
raise ValueError('warning patterns are not separated by blank lines')
hooks = [(re.compile(regex.rstrip('\n')), make_alert(alert.rstrip('\n')))
for regex, alert in patterns]
while True:
line = sys.stdin.readline()
for regex, callback in hooks:
match = re.match(regex, line.strip())
if match: