blob: 9e25a0a2ed61206e860c71246fe54e388e4bd09e [file] [log] [blame]
KVM test utility functions.
@copyright: 2008-2009 Red Hat Inc.
import time, string, random, socket, os, signal, re, logging, commands, cPickle
import fcntl, shelve, ConfigParser, rss_file_transfer, threading, sys, UserDict
from autotest_lib.client.bin import utils, os_dep
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error, logging_config
import kvm_subprocess
import koji
except ImportError:
def _lock_file(filename):
f = open(filename, "w")
fcntl.lockf(f, fcntl.LOCK_EX)
return f
def _unlock_file(f):
fcntl.lockf(f, fcntl.LOCK_UN)
def is_vm(obj):
Tests whether a given object is a VM object.
@param obj: Python object.
return obj.__class__.__name__ == "VM"
class Env(UserDict.IterableUserDict):
A dict-like object containing global objects used by tests.
def __init__(self, filename=None, version=0):
Create an empty Env object or load an existing one from a file.
If the version recorded in the file is lower than version, or if some
error occurs during unpickling, or if filename is not supplied,
create an empty Env object.
@param filename: Path to an env file.
@param version: Required env version (int).
empty = {"version": version}
if filename:
self._filename = filename
f = open(filename, "r")
env = cPickle.load(f)
if env.get("version", 0) >= version: = env
logging.warn("Incompatible env file found. Not using it.") = empty
# Almost any exception can be raised during unpickling, so let's
# catch them all
except Exception, e:
logging.warn(e) = empty
else: = empty
def save(self, filename=None):
Pickle the contents of the Env object into a file.
@param filename: Filename to pickle the dict into. If not supplied,
use the filename from which the dict was loaded.
filename = filename or self._filename
f = open(filename, "w")
cPickle.dump(, f)
def get_all_vms(self):
Return a list of all VM objects in this Env object.
return [o for o in self.values() if is_vm(o)]
def get_vm(self, name):
Return a VM object by its name.
@param name: VM name.
return self.get("vm__%s" % name)
def register_vm(self, name, vm):
Register a VM in this Env object.
@param name: VM name.
@param vm: VM object.
self["vm__%s" % name] = vm
def unregister_vm(self, name):
Remove a given VM.
@param name: VM name.
del self["vm__%s" % name]
def register_installer(self, installer):
Register a installer that was just run
The installer will be available for other tests, so that
information about the installed KVM modules and qemu-kvm can be used by
self['last_installer'] = installer
def previous_installer(self):
Return the last installer that was registered
return self.get('last_installer')
class Params(UserDict.IterableUserDict):
A dict-like object passed to every test.
def objects(self, key):
Return the names of objects defined using a given key.
@param key: The name of the key whose value lists the objects
(e.g. 'nics').
return self.get(key, "").split()
def object_params(self, obj_name):
Return a dict-like object containing the parameters of an individual
This method behaves as follows: the suffix '_' + obj_name is removed
from all key names that have it. Other key names are left unchanged.
The values of keys with the suffix overwrite the values of their
suffixless versions.
@param obj_name: The name of the object (objects are listed by the
objects() method).
suffix = "_" + obj_name
new_dict = self.copy()
for key in self:
if key.endswith(suffix):
new_key = key.split(suffix)[0]
new_dict[new_key] = self[key]
return new_dict
# Functions related to MAC/IP addresses
def _open_mac_pool(lock_mode):
lock_file = open("/tmp/mac_lock", "w+")
fcntl.lockf(lock_file, lock_mode)
pool ="/tmp/address_pool")
return pool, lock_file
def _close_mac_pool(pool, lock_file):
fcntl.lockf(lock_file, fcntl.LOCK_UN)
def _generate_mac_address_prefix(mac_pool):
Generate a random MAC address prefix and add it to the MAC pool dictionary.
If there's a MAC prefix there already, do not update the MAC pool and just
return what's in there. By convention we will set KVM autotest MAC
addresses to start with 0x9a.
@param mac_pool: The MAC address pool object.
@return: The MAC address prefix.
if "prefix" in mac_pool:
prefix = mac_pool["prefix"]
logging.debug("Used previously generated MAC address prefix for this "
"host: %s", prefix)
r = random.SystemRandom()
prefix = "9a:%02x:%02x:%02x:" % (r.randint(0x00, 0xff),
r.randint(0x00, 0xff),
r.randint(0x00, 0xff))
mac_pool["prefix"] = prefix
logging.debug("Generated MAC address prefix for this host: %s", prefix)
return prefix
def generate_mac_address(vm_instance, nic_index):
Randomly generate a MAC address and add it to the MAC address pool.
Try to generate a MAC address based on a randomly generated MAC address
prefix and add it to a persistent dictionary.
key = VM instance + NIC index, value = MAC address
e.g. {'20100310-165222-Wt7l:0': '9a:5d:94:6a:9b:f9'}
@param vm_instance: The instance attribute of a VM.
@param nic_index: The index of the NIC.
@return: MAC address string.
mac_pool, lock_file = _open_mac_pool(fcntl.LOCK_EX)
key = "%s:%s" % (vm_instance, nic_index)
if key in mac_pool:
mac = mac_pool[key]
prefix = _generate_mac_address_prefix(mac_pool)
r = random.SystemRandom()
while key not in mac_pool:
mac = prefix + "%02x:%02x" % (r.randint(0x00, 0xff),
r.randint(0x00, 0xff))
if mac in mac_pool.values():
mac_pool[key] = mac
logging.debug("Generated MAC address for NIC %s: %s", key, mac)
_close_mac_pool(mac_pool, lock_file)
return mac
def free_mac_address(vm_instance, nic_index):
Remove a MAC address from the address pool.
@param vm_instance: The instance attribute of a VM.
@param nic_index: The index of the NIC.
mac_pool, lock_file = _open_mac_pool(fcntl.LOCK_EX)
key = "%s:%s" % (vm_instance, nic_index)
if key in mac_pool:
logging.debug("Freeing MAC address for NIC %s: %s", key, mac_pool[key])
del mac_pool[key]
_close_mac_pool(mac_pool, lock_file)
def set_mac_address(vm_instance, nic_index, mac):
Set a MAC address in the pool.
@param vm_instance: The instance attribute of a VM.
@param nic_index: The index of the NIC.
mac_pool, lock_file = _open_mac_pool(fcntl.LOCK_EX)
mac_pool["%s:%s" % (vm_instance, nic_index)] = mac
_close_mac_pool(mac_pool, lock_file)
def get_mac_address(vm_instance, nic_index):
Return a MAC address from the pool.
@param vm_instance: The instance attribute of a VM.
@param nic_index: The index of the NIC.
@return: MAC address string.
mac_pool, lock_file = _open_mac_pool(fcntl.LOCK_SH)
mac = mac_pool.get("%s:%s" % (vm_instance, nic_index))
_close_mac_pool(mac_pool, lock_file)
return mac
def verify_ip_address_ownership(ip, macs, timeout=10.0):
Use arping and the ARP cache to make sure a given IP address belongs to one
of the given MAC addresses.
@param ip: An IP address.
@param macs: A list or tuple of MAC addresses.
@return: True iff ip is assigned to a MAC address in macs.
# Compile a regex that matches the given IP address and any of the given
# MAC addresses
mac_regex = "|".join("(%s)" % mac for mac in macs)
regex = re.compile(r"\b%s\b.*\b(%s)\b" % (ip, mac_regex), re.IGNORECASE)
# Check the ARP cache
o = commands.getoutput("%s -n" % find_command("arp"))
return True
# Get the name of the bridge device for arping
o = commands.getoutput("%s route get %s" % (find_command("ip"), ip))
dev = re.findall("dev\s+\S+", o, re.IGNORECASE)
if not dev:
return False
dev = dev[0].split()[-1]
# Send an ARP request
o = commands.getoutput("%s -f -c 3 -I %s %s" %
(find_command("arping"), dev, ip))
return bool(
# Utility functions for dealing with external processes
def find_command(cmd):
for dir in ["/usr/local/sbin", "/usr/local/bin",
"/usr/sbin", "/usr/bin", "/sbin", "/bin"]:
file = os.path.join(dir, cmd)
if os.path.exists(file):
return file
raise ValueError('Missing command: %s' % cmd)
def pid_exists(pid):
Return True if a given PID exists.
@param pid: Process ID number.
os.kill(pid, 0)
return True
return False
def safe_kill(pid, signal):
Attempt to send a signal to a given process that may or may not exist.
@param signal: Signal number.
os.kill(pid, signal)
return True
return False
def kill_process_tree(pid, sig=signal.SIGKILL):
"""Signal a process and all of its children.
If the process does not exist -- return.
@param pid: The pid of the process to signal.
@param sig: The signal to send to the processes.
if not safe_kill(pid, signal.SIGSTOP):
children = commands.getoutput("ps --ppid=%d -o pid=" % pid).split()
for child in children:
kill_process_tree(int(child), sig)
safe_kill(pid, sig)
safe_kill(pid, signal.SIGCONT)
def get_latest_kvm_release_tag(release_listing):
Fetches the latest release tag for KVM.
@param release_listing: URL that contains a list of the Source Forge
KVM project files.
release_page = utils.urlopen(release_listing)
data =
rx = re.compile("kvm-(\d+).tar.gz", re.IGNORECASE)
matches = rx.findall(data)
# In all regexp matches to something that looks like a release tag,
# get the largest integer. That will be our latest release tag.
latest_tag = max(int(x) for x in matches)
return str(latest_tag)
except Exception, e:
message = "Could not fetch latest KVM release tag: %s" % str(e)
raise error.TestError(message)
def get_git_branch(repository, branch, srcdir, commit=None, lbranch=None):
Retrieves a given git code repository.
@param repository: Git repository URL
""""Fetching git [REP '%s' BRANCH '%s' COMMIT '%s'] -> %s",
repository, branch, commit, srcdir)
if not os.path.exists(srcdir):
if os.path.exists(".git"):
utils.system("git reset --hard")
utils.system("git init")
if not lbranch:
lbranch = branch
utils.system("git fetch -q -f -u -t %s %s:%s" %
(repository, branch, lbranch))
utils.system("git checkout %s" % lbranch)
if commit:
utils.system("git checkout %s" % commit)
h = utils.system_output('git log --pretty=format:"%H" -1')
desc = "tag %s" % utils.system_output("git describe")
except error.CmdError:
desc = "no tag found""Commit hash for %s is %s (%s)", repository, h.strip(), desc)
return srcdir
def check_kvm_source_dir(source_dir):
Inspects the kvm source directory and verifies its disposition. In some
occasions build may be dependant on the source directory disposition.
The reason why the return codes are numbers is that we might have more
changes on the source directory layout, so it's not scalable to just use
strings like 'old_repo', 'new_repo' and such.
@param source_dir: Source code path that will be inspected.
has_qemu_dir = os.path.isdir('qemu')
has_kvm_dir = os.path.isdir('kvm')
if has_qemu_dir:
logging.debug("qemu directory detected, source dir layout 1")
return 1
if has_kvm_dir and not has_qemu_dir:
logging.debug("kvm directory detected, source dir layout 2")
return 2
raise error.TestError("Unknown source dir layout, cannot proceed.")
# Functions and classes used for logging into guests and transferring files
class LoginError(Exception):
def __init__(self, msg, output):
Exception.__init__(self, msg, output)
self.msg = msg
self.output = output
def __str__(self):
return "%s (output: %r)" % (self.msg, self.output)
class LoginAuthenticationError(LoginError):
class LoginTimeoutError(LoginError):
def __init__(self, output):
LoginError.__init__(self, "Login timeout expired", output)
class LoginProcessTerminatedError(LoginError):
def __init__(self, status, output):
LoginError.__init__(self, None, output)
self.status = status
def __str__(self):
return ("Client process terminated (status: %s, output: %r)" %
(self.status, self.output))
class LoginBadClientError(LoginError):
def __init__(self, client):
LoginError.__init__(self, None, None)
self.client = client
def __str__(self):
return "Unknown remote shell client: %r" % self.client
class SCPError(Exception):
def __init__(self, msg, output):
Exception.__init__(self, msg, output)
self.msg = msg
self.output = output
def __str__(self):
return "%s (output: %r)" % (self.msg, self.output)
class SCPAuthenticationError(SCPError):
class SCPAuthenticationTimeoutError(SCPAuthenticationError):
def __init__(self, output):
SCPAuthenticationError.__init__(self, "Authentication timeout expired",
class SCPTransferTimeoutError(SCPError):
def __init__(self, output):
SCPError.__init__(self, "Transfer timeout expired", output)
class SCPTransferFailedError(SCPError):
def __init__(self, status, output):
SCPError.__init__(self, None, output)
self.status = status
def __str__(self):
return ("SCP transfer failed (status: %s, output: %r)" %
(self.status, self.output))
def _remote_login(session, username, password, prompt, timeout=10):
Log into a remote host (guest) using SSH or Telnet. Wait for questions
and provide answers. If timeout expires while waiting for output from the
child (e.g. a password prompt or a shell prompt) -- fail.
@brief: Log into a remote host (guest) using SSH or Telnet.
@param session: An Expect or ShellSession instance to operate on
@param username: The username to send in reply to a login prompt
@param password: The password to send in reply to a password prompt
@param prompt: The shell prompt that indicates a successful login
@param timeout: The maximal time duration (in seconds) to wait for each
step of the login procedure (i.e. the "Are you sure" prompt, the
password prompt, the shell prompt, etc)
@raise LoginTimeoutError: If timeout expires
@raise LoginAuthenticationError: If authentication fails
@raise LoginProcessTerminatedError: If the client terminates during login
@raise LoginError: If some other error occurs
password_prompt_count = 0
login_prompt_count = 0
while True:
match, text = session.read_until_last_line_matches(
[r"[Aa]re you sure", r"[Pp]assword:\s*$", r"[Ll]ogin:\s*$",
r"[Cc]onnection.*closed", r"[Cc]onnection.*refused",
r"[Pp]lease wait", prompt],
timeout=timeout, internal_timeout=0.5)
if match == 0: # "Are you sure you want to continue connecting"
logging.debug("Got 'Are you sure...'; sending 'yes'")
elif match == 1: # "password:"
if password_prompt_count == 0:
logging.debug("Got password prompt; sending '%s'", password)
password_prompt_count += 1
raise LoginAuthenticationError("Got password prompt twice",
elif match == 2: # "login:"
if login_prompt_count == 0 and password_prompt_count == 0:
logging.debug("Got username prompt; sending '%s'", username)
login_prompt_count += 1
if login_prompt_count > 0:
msg = "Got username prompt twice"
msg = "Got username prompt after password prompt"
raise LoginAuthenticationError(msg, text)
elif match == 3: # "Connection closed"
raise LoginError("Client said 'connection closed'", text)
elif match == 4: # "Connection refused"
raise LoginError("Client said 'connection refused'", text)
elif match == 5: # "Please wait"
logging.debug("Got 'Please wait'")
timeout = 30
elif match == 6: # prompt
logging.debug("Got shell prompt -- logged in")
except kvm_subprocess.ExpectTimeoutError, e:
raise LoginTimeoutError(e.output)
except kvm_subprocess.ExpectProcessTerminatedError, e:
raise LoginProcessTerminatedError(e.status, e.output)
def remote_login(client, host, port, username, password, prompt, linesep="\n",
log_filename=None, timeout=10):
Log into a remote host (guest) using SSH/Telnet/Netcat.
@param client: The client to use ('ssh', 'telnet' or 'nc')
@param host: Hostname or IP address
@param port: Port to connect to
@param username: Username (if required)
@param password: Password (if required)
@param prompt: Shell prompt (regular expression)
@param linesep: The line separator to use when sending lines
(e.g. '\\n' or '\\r\\n')
@param log_filename: If specified, log all output to this file
@param timeout: The maximal time duration (in seconds) to wait for
each step of the login procedure (i.e. the "Are you sure" prompt
or the password prompt)
@raise LoginBadClientError: If an unknown client is requested
@raise: Whatever _remote_login() raises
@return: A ShellSession object.
if client == "ssh":
cmd = ("ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null "
"-o PreferredAuthentications=password -p %s %s@%s" %
(port, username, host))
elif client == "telnet":
cmd = "telnet -l %s %s %s" % (username, host, port)
elif client == "nc":
cmd = "nc %s %s" % (host, port)
raise LoginBadClientError(client)
logging.debug("Trying to login with command '%s'", cmd)
session = kvm_subprocess.ShellSession(cmd, linesep=linesep, prompt=prompt)
_remote_login(session, username, password, prompt, timeout)
if log_filename:
return session
def wait_for_login(client, host, port, username, password, prompt, linesep="\n",
log_filename=None, timeout=240, internal_timeout=10):
Make multiple attempts to log into a remote host (guest) until one succeeds
or timeout expires.
@param timeout: Total time duration to wait for a successful login
@param internal_timeout: The maximal time duration (in seconds) to wait for
each step of the login procedure (e.g. the "Are you sure" prompt
or the password prompt)
@see: remote_login()
@raise: Whatever remote_login() raises
@return: A ShellSession object.
logging.debug("Attempting to log into %s:%s using %s (timeout %ds)",
host, port, client, timeout)
end_time = time.time() + timeout
while time.time() < end_time:
return remote_login(client, host, port, username, password, prompt,
linesep, log_filename, internal_timeout)
except LoginError, e:
# Timeout expired; try one more time but don't catch exceptions
return remote_login(client, host, port, username, password, prompt,
linesep, log_filename, internal_timeout)
def _remote_scp(session, password, transfer_timeout=600, login_timeout=10):
Transfer file(s) to a remote host (guest) using SCP. Wait for questions
and provide answers. If login_timeout expires while waiting for output
from the child (e.g. a password prompt), fail. If transfer_timeout expires
while waiting for the transfer to complete, fail.
@brief: Transfer files using SCP, given a command line.
@param session: An Expect or ShellSession instance to operate on
@param password: The password to send in reply to a password prompt.
@param transfer_timeout: The time duration (in seconds) to wait for the
transfer to complete.
@param login_timeout: The maximal time duration (in seconds) to wait for
each step of the login procedure (i.e. the "Are you sure" prompt or
the password prompt)
@raise SCPAuthenticationError: If authentication fails
@raise SCPTransferTimeoutError: If the transfer fails to complete in time
@raise SCPTransferFailedError: If the process terminates with a nonzero
exit code
@raise SCPError: If some other error occurs
password_prompt_count = 0
timeout = login_timeout
authentication_done = False
while True:
match, text = session.read_until_last_line_matches(
[r"[Aa]re you sure", r"[Pp]assword:\s*$", r"lost connection"],
timeout=timeout, internal_timeout=0.5)
if match == 0: # "Are you sure you want to continue connecting"
logging.debug("Got 'Are you sure...'; sending 'yes'")
elif match == 1: # "password:"
if password_prompt_count == 0:
logging.debug("Got password prompt; sending '%s'", password)
password_prompt_count += 1
timeout = transfer_timeout
authentication_done = True
raise SCPAuthenticationError("Got password prompt twice",
elif match == 2: # "lost connection"
raise SCPError("SCP client said 'lost connection'", text)
except kvm_subprocess.ExpectTimeoutError, e:
if authentication_done:
raise SCPTransferTimeoutError(e.output)
raise SCPAuthenticationTimeoutError(e.output)
except kvm_subprocess.ExpectProcessTerminatedError, e:
if e.status == 0:
logging.debug("SCP process terminated with status 0")
raise SCPTransferFailedError(e.status, e.output)
def remote_scp(command, password, log_filename=None, transfer_timeout=600,
Transfer file(s) to a remote host (guest) using SCP.
@brief: Transfer files using SCP, given a command line.
@param command: The command to execute
(e.g. "scp -r foobar root@localhost:/tmp/").
@param password: The password to send in reply to a password prompt.
@param log_filename: If specified, log all output to this file
@param transfer_timeout: The time duration (in seconds) to wait for the
transfer to complete.
@param login_timeout: The maximal time duration (in seconds) to wait for
each step of the login procedure (i.e. the "Are you sure" prompt
or the password prompt)
@raise: Whatever _remote_scp() raises
logging.debug("Trying to SCP with command '%s', timeout %ss",
command, transfer_timeout)
if log_filename:
output_func = log_line
output_params = (log_filename,)
output_func = None
output_params = ()
session = kvm_subprocess.Expect(command,
_remote_scp(session, password, transfer_timeout, login_timeout)
def scp_to_remote(host, port, username, password, local_path, remote_path,
log_filename=None, timeout=600):
Copy files to a remote host (guest) through scp.
@param host: Hostname or IP address
@param username: Username (if required)
@param password: Password (if required)
@param local_path: Path on the local machine where we are copying from
@param remote_path: Path on the remote machine where we are copying to
@param log_filename: If specified, log all output to this file
@param timeout: The time duration (in seconds) to wait for the transfer
to complete.
@raise: Whatever remote_scp() raises
command = ("scp -v -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null "
"-o PreferredAuthentications=password -r -P %s %s %s@%s:%s" %
(port, local_path, username, host, remote_path))
remote_scp(command, password, log_filename, timeout)
def scp_from_remote(host, port, username, password, remote_path, local_path,
log_filename=None, timeout=600):
Copy files from a remote host (guest).
@param host: Hostname or IP address
@param username: Username (if required)
@param password: Password (if required)
@param local_path: Path on the local machine where we are copying from
@param remote_path: Path on the remote machine where we are copying to
@param log_filename: If specified, log all output to this file
@param timeout: The time duration (in seconds) to wait for the transfer
to complete.
@raise: Whatever remote_scp() raises
command = ("scp -v -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null "
"-o PreferredAuthentications=password -r -P %s %s@%s:%s %s" %
(port, username, host, remote_path, local_path))
remote_scp(command, password, log_filename, timeout)
def copy_files_to(address, client, username, password, port, local_path,
remote_path, log_filename=None, verbose=False, timeout=600):
Copy files to a remote host (guest) using the selected client.
@param client: Type of transfer client
@param username: Username (if required)
@param password: Password (if requried)
@param local_path: Path on the local machine where we are copying from
@param remote_path: Path on the remote machine where we are copying to
@param address: Address of remote host(guest)
@param log_filename: If specified, log all output to this file (SCP only)
@param verbose: If True, log some stats using logging.debug (RSS only)
@param timeout: The time duration (in seconds) to wait for the transfer to
@raise: Whatever remote_scp() raises
if client == "scp":
scp_to_remote(address, port, username, password, local_path,
remote_path, log_filename, timeout)
elif client == "rss":
log_func = None
if verbose:
log_func = logging.debug
c = rss_file_transfer.FileUploadClient(address, port, log_func)
c.upload(local_path, remote_path, timeout)
def copy_files_from(address, client, username, password, port, remote_path,
local_path, log_filename=None, verbose=False, timeout=600):
Copy files from a remote host (guest) using the selected client.
@param client: Type of transfer client
@param username: Username (if required)
@param password: Password (if requried)
@param remote_path: Path on the remote machine where we are copying from
@param local_path: Path on the local machine where we are copying to
@param address: Address of remote host(guest)
@param log_filename: If specified, log all output to this file (SCP only)
@param verbose: If True, log some stats using logging.debug (RSS only)
@param timeout: The time duration (in seconds) to wait for the transfer to
@raise: Whatever remote_scp() raises
if client == "scp":
scp_from_remote(address, port, username, password, remote_path,
local_path, log_filename, timeout)
elif client == "rss":
log_func = None
if verbose:
log_func = logging.debug
c = rss_file_transfer.FileDownloadClient(address, port, log_func), local_path, timeout)
# The following are utility functions related to ports.
def is_port_free(port, address):
Return True if the given port is available for use.
@param port: Port number
s = socket.socket()
#s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
if address == "localhost":
s.bind(("localhost", port))
free = True
s.connect((address, port))
free = False
except socket.error:
if address == "localhost":
free = False
free = True
return free
def find_free_port(start_port, end_port, address="localhost"):
Return a host free port in the range [start_port, end_port].
@param start_port: First port that will be checked.
@param end_port: Port immediately after the last one that will be checked.
for i in range(start_port, end_port):
if is_port_free(i, address):
return i
return None
def find_free_ports(start_port, end_port, count, address="localhost"):
Return count of host free ports in the range [start_port, end_port].
@count: Initial number of ports known to be free in the range.
@param start_port: First port that will be checked.
@param end_port: Port immediately after the last one that will be checked.
ports = []
i = start_port
while i < end_port and count > 0:
if is_port_free(i, address):
count -= 1
i += 1
return ports
# An easy way to log lines to files when the logging system can't be used
_open_log_files = {}
_log_file_dir = "/tmp"
def log_line(filename, line):
Write a line to a file. '\n' is appended to the line.
@param filename: Path of file to write to, either absolute or relative to
the dir set by set_log_file_dir().
@param line: Line to write.
global _open_log_files, _log_file_dir
if filename not in _open_log_files:
path = get_path(_log_file_dir, filename)
except OSError:
_open_log_files[filename] = open(path, "w")
timestr = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
_open_log_files[filename].write("%s: %s\n" % (timestr, line))
def set_log_file_dir(dir):
Set the base directory for log files created by log_line().
@param dir: Directory for log files.
global _log_file_dir
_log_file_dir = dir
# The following are miscellaneous utility functions.
def get_path(base_path, user_path):
Translate a user specified path to a real path.
If user_path is relative, append it to base_path.
If user_path is absolute, return it as is.
@param base_path: The base path of relative user specified paths.
@param user_path: The user specified path.
if os.path.isabs(user_path):
return user_path
return os.path.join(base_path, user_path)
def generate_random_string(length):
Return a random string using alphanumeric characters.
@length: length of the string that will be generated.
r = random.SystemRandom()
str = ""
chars = string.letters + string.digits
while length > 0:
str += r.choice(chars)
length -= 1
return str
def generate_random_id():
Return a random string suitable for use as a qemu id.
return "id" + generate_random_string(6)
def generate_tmp_file_name(file, ext=None, dir='/tmp/'):
Returns a temporary file name. The file is not created.
while True:
file_name = (file + '-' + time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S-") +
if ext:
file_name += '.' + ext
file_name = os.path.join(dir, file_name)
if not os.path.exists(file_name):
return file_name
def format_str_for_message(str):
Format str so that it can be appended to a message.
If str consists of one line, prefix it with a space.
If str consists of multiple lines, prefix it with a newline.
@param str: string that will be formatted.
lines = str.splitlines()
num_lines = len(lines)
str = "\n".join(lines)
if num_lines == 0:
return ""
elif num_lines == 1:
return " " + str
return "\n" + str
def wait_for(func, timeout, first=0.0, step=1.0, text=None):
If func() evaluates to True before timeout expires, return the
value of func(). Otherwise return None.
@brief: Wait until func() evaluates to True.
@param timeout: Timeout in seconds
@param first: Time to sleep before first attempt
@param steps: Time to sleep between attempts in seconds
@param text: Text to print while waiting, for debug purposes
start_time = time.time()
end_time = time.time() + timeout
while time.time() < end_time:
if text:
logging.debug("%s (%f secs)", text, (time.time() - start_time))
output = func()
if output:
return output
logging.debug("Timeout elapsed")
return None
def get_hash_from_file(hash_path, dvd_basename):
Get the a hash from a given DVD image from a hash file
(Hash files are usually named MD5SUM or SHA1SUM and are located inside the
download directories of the DVDs)
@param hash_path: Local path to a hash file.
@param cd_image: Basename of a CD image
hash_file = open(hash_path, 'r')
for line in hash_file.readlines():
if dvd_basename in line:
return line.split()[0]
def run_tests(test_list, job):
Runs the sequence of KVM tests based on the list of dictionaries
generated by the configuration system, handling dependencies.
@param test_list: List with all dictionary test parameters.
@param job: Autotest job object.
@return: True, if all tests ran passed, False if any of them failed.
status_dict = {}
failed = False
for dict in test_list:
if dict.get("skip") == "yes":
dependencies_satisfied = True
for dep in dict.get("dep"):
for test_name in status_dict.keys():
if not dep in test_name:
if not status_dict[test_name]:
dependencies_satisfied = False
if dependencies_satisfied:
test_iterations = int(dict.get("iterations", 1))
test_tag = dict.get("shortname")
# Setting up profilers during test execution.
profilers = dict.get("profilers", "").split()
for profiler in profilers:
# We need only one execution, profiled, hence we're passing
# the profile_only parameter to job.run_test().
current_status = job.run_test("kvm", params=dict, tag=test_tag,
profile_only= bool(profilers) or None)
for profiler in profilers:
if not current_status:
failed = True
current_status = False
status_dict[dict.get("name")] = current_status
return not failed
def create_report(report_dir, results_dir):
Creates a neatly arranged HTML results report in the results dir.
@param report_dir: Directory where the report script is located.
@param results_dir: Directory where the results will be output.
reporter = os.path.join(report_dir, '')
html_file = os.path.join(results_dir, 'results.html')
os.system('%s -r %s -f %s -R' % (reporter, results_dir, html_file))
def get_full_pci_id(pci_id):
Get full PCI ID of pci_id.
@param pci_id: PCI ID of a device.
cmd = "lspci -D | awk '/%s/ {print $1}'" % pci_id
status, full_id = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
if status != 0:
return None
return full_id
def get_vendor_from_pci_id(pci_id):
Check out the device vendor ID according to pci_id.
@param pci_id: PCI ID of a device.
cmd = "lspci -n | awk '/%s/ {print $3}'" % pci_id
return re.sub(":", " ", commands.getoutput(cmd))
class Thread(threading.Thread):
Run a function in a background thread.
def __init__(self, target, args=(), kwargs={}):
Initialize the instance.
@param target: Function to run in the thread.
@param args: Arguments to pass to target.
@param kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to target.
self._target = target
self._args = args
self._kwargs = kwargs
def run(self):
Run target (passed to the constructor). No point in calling this
function directly. Call start() to make this function run in a new
self._e = None
self._retval = None
self._retval = self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
self._e = sys.exc_info()
# Avoid circular references (start() may be called only once so
# it's OK to delete these)
del self._target, self._args, self._kwargs
def join(self, timeout=None, suppress_exception=False):
Join the thread. If target raised an exception, re-raise it.
Otherwise, return the value returned by target.
@param timeout: Timeout value to pass to threading.Thread.join().
@param suppress_exception: If True, don't re-raise the exception.
threading.Thread.join(self, timeout)
if self._e:
if not suppress_exception:
# Because the exception was raised in another thread, we
# need to explicitly insert the current context into it
s = error.exception_context(self._e[1])
s = error.join_contexts(error.get_context(), s)
error.set_exception_context(self._e[1], s)
raise self._e[0], self._e[1], self._e[2]
return self._retval
# Avoid circular references (join() may be called multiple times
# so we can't delete these)
self._e = None
self._retval = None
def parallel(targets):
Run multiple functions in parallel.
@param targets: A sequence of tuples or functions. If it's a sequence of
tuples, each tuple will be interpreted as (target, args, kwargs) or
(target, args) or (target,) depending on its length. If it's a
sequence of functions, the functions will be called without
@return: A list of the values returned by the functions called.
threads = []
for target in targets:
if isinstance(target, tuple) or isinstance(target, list):
t = Thread(*target)
t = Thread(target)
return [t.join() for t in threads]
class KvmLoggingConfig(logging_config.LoggingConfig):
Used with the sole purpose of providing convenient logging setup
for the KVM test auxiliary programs.
def configure_logging(self, results_dir=None, verbose=False):
super(KvmLoggingConfig, self).configure_logging(use_console=True,
class PciAssignable(object):
Request PCI assignable devices on host. It will check whether to request
PF (physical Functions) or VF (Virtual Functions).
def __init__(self, type="vf", driver=None, driver_option=None,
names=None, devices_requested=None):
Initialize parameter 'type' which could be:
vf: Virtual Functions
pf: Physical Function (actual hardware)
mixed: Both includes VFs and PFs
If pass through Physical NIC cards, we need to specify which devices
to be assigned, e.g. 'eth1 eth2'.
If pass through Virtual Functions, we need to specify how many vfs
are going to be assigned, e.g. passthrough_count = 8 and max_vfs in
config file.
@param type: PCI device type.
@param driver: Kernel module for the PCI assignable device.
@param driver_option: Module option to specify the maximum number of
VFs (eg 'max_vfs=7')
@param names: Physical NIC cards correspondent network interfaces,
e.g.'eth1 eth2 ...'
@param devices_requested: Number of devices being requested.
self.type = type
self.driver = driver
self.driver_option = driver_option
if names:
self.name_list = names.split()
if devices_requested:
self.devices_requested = int(devices_requested)
self.devices_requested = None
def _get_pf_pci_id(self, name, search_str):
Get the PF PCI ID according to name.
@param name: Name of the PCI device.
@param search_str: Search string to be used on lspci.
cmd = "ethtool -i %s | awk '/bus-info/ {print $2}'" % name
s, pci_id = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
if not (s or "Cannot get driver information" in pci_id):
return pci_id[5:]
cmd = "lspci | awk '/%s/ {print $1}'" % search_str
pci_ids = [id for id in commands.getoutput(cmd).splitlines()]
nic_id = int('[0-9]+', name).group(0))
if (len(pci_ids) - 1) < nic_id:
return None
return pci_ids[nic_id]
def _release_dev(self, pci_id):
Release a single PCI device.
@param pci_id: PCI ID of a given PCI device.
base_dir = "/sys/bus/pci"
full_id = get_full_pci_id(pci_id)
vendor_id = get_vendor_from_pci_id(pci_id)
drv_path = os.path.join(base_dir, "devices/%s/driver" % full_id)
if 'pci-stub' in os.readlink(drv_path):
cmd = "echo '%s' > %s/new_id" % (vendor_id, drv_path)
if os.system(cmd):
return False
stub_path = os.path.join(base_dir, "drivers/pci-stub")
cmd = "echo '%s' > %s/unbind" % (full_id, stub_path)
if os.system(cmd):
return False
driver = self.dev_drivers[pci_id]
cmd = "echo '%s' > %s/bind" % (full_id, driver)
if os.system(cmd):
return False
return True
def get_vf_devs(self):
Catch all VFs PCI IDs.
@return: List with all PCI IDs for the Virtual Functions avaliable
if not self.sr_iov_setup():
return []
cmd = "lspci | awk '/Virtual Function/ {print $1}'"
return commands.getoutput(cmd).split()
def get_pf_devs(self):
Catch all PFs PCI IDs.
@return: List with all PCI IDs for the physical hardware requested
pf_ids = []
for name in self.name_list:
pf_id = self._get_pf_pci_id(name, "Ethernet")
if not pf_id:
return pf_ids
def get_devs(self, count):
Check out all devices' PCI IDs according to their name.
@param count: count number of PCI devices needed for pass through
@return: a list of all devices' PCI IDs
if self.type == "vf":
vf_ids = self.get_vf_devs()
elif self.type == "pf":
vf_ids = self.get_pf_devs()
elif self.type == "mixed":
vf_ids = self.get_vf_devs()
return vf_ids[0:count]
def get_vfs_count(self):
Get VFs count number according to lspci.
# FIXME: Need to think out a method of identify which
# 'virtual function' belongs to which physical card considering
# that if the host has more than one 82576 card. PCI_ID?
cmd = "lspci | grep 'Virtual Function' | wc -l"
return int(commands.getoutput(cmd))
def check_vfs_count(self):
Check VFs count number according to the parameter driver_options.
# Network card 82576 has two network interfaces and each can be
# virtualized up to 7 virtual functions, therefore we multiply
# two for the value of driver_option 'max_vfs'.
expected_count = int((re.findall("(\d)", self.driver_option)[0])) * 2
return (self.get_vfs_count == expected_count)
def is_binded_to_stub(self, full_id):
Verify whether the device with full_id is already binded to pci-stub.
@param full_id: Full ID for the given PCI device
base_dir = "/sys/bus/pci"
stub_path = os.path.join(base_dir, "drivers/pci-stub")
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(stub_path, full_id)):
return True
return False
def sr_iov_setup(self):
Ensure the PCI device is working in sr_iov mode.
Check if the PCI hardware device drive is loaded with the appropriate,
parameters (number of VFs), and if it's not, perform setup.
@return: True, if the setup was completed successfuly, False otherwise.
re_probe = False
s, o = commands.getstatusoutput('lsmod | grep %s' % self.driver)
if s:
re_probe = True
elif not self.check_vfs_count():
os.system("modprobe -r %s" % self.driver)
re_probe = True
return True
# Re-probe driver with proper number of VFs
if re_probe:
cmd = "modprobe %s %s" % (self.driver, self.driver_option)"Loading the driver '%s' with option '%s'",
self.driver, self.driver_option)
s, o = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
if s:
return False
return True
def request_devs(self):
Implement setup process: unbind the PCI device and then bind it
to the pci-stub driver.
@return: a list of successfully requested devices' PCI IDs.
base_dir = "/sys/bus/pci"
stub_path = os.path.join(base_dir, "drivers/pci-stub")
self.pci_ids = self.get_devs(self.devices_requested)
logging.debug("The following pci_ids were found: %s", self.pci_ids)
requested_pci_ids = []
self.dev_drivers = {}
# Setup all devices specified for assignment to guest
for pci_id in self.pci_ids:
full_id = get_full_pci_id(pci_id)
if not full_id:
drv_path = os.path.join(base_dir, "devices/%s/driver" % full_id)
dev_prev_driver = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(drv_path,
self.dev_drivers[pci_id] = dev_prev_driver
# Judge whether the device driver has been binded to stub
if not self.is_binded_to_stub(full_id):
logging.debug("Binding device %s to stub", full_id)
vendor_id = get_vendor_from_pci_id(pci_id)
stub_new_id = os.path.join(stub_path, 'new_id')
unbind_dev = os.path.join(drv_path, 'unbind')
stub_bind = os.path.join(stub_path, 'bind')
info_write_to_files = [(vendor_id, stub_new_id),
(full_id, unbind_dev),
(full_id, stub_bind)]
for content, file in info_write_to_files:
utils.open_write_close(file, content)
except IOError:
logging.debug("Failed to write %s to file %s", content,
if not self.is_binded_to_stub(full_id):
logging.error("Binding device %s to stub failed", pci_id)
logging.debug("Device %s already binded to stub", pci_id)
self.pci_ids = requested_pci_ids
return self.pci_ids
def release_devs(self):
Release all PCI devices currently assigned to VMs back to the
virtualization host.
for pci_id in self.dev_drivers:
if not self._release_dev(pci_id):
logging.error("Failed to release device %s to host", pci_id)
else:"Released device %s successfully", pci_id)
class KojiDownloader(object):
Stablish a connection with the build system, either koji or brew.
This class provides a convenience methods to retrieve packages hosted on
the build system.
def __init__(self, cmd):
Verifies whether the system has koji or brew installed, then loads
the configuration file that will be used to download the files.
@param cmd: Command name, either 'brew' or 'koji'. It is important
to figure out the appropriate configuration used by the
@param dst_dir: Destination dir for the packages.
raise ValueError('No koji/brew installed on the machine')
if os.path.isfile(cmd):
koji_cmd = cmd
koji_cmd = os_dep.command(cmd)
logging.debug("Found %s as the buildsystem interface", koji_cmd)
config_map = {'/usr/bin/koji': '/etc/koji.conf',
'/usr/bin/brew': '/etc/brewkoji.conf'}
config_file = config_map[koji_cmd]
except IndexError:
raise ValueError('Could not find config file for %s' % koji_cmd)
base_name = os.path.basename(koji_cmd)
if os.access(config_file, os.F_OK):
f = open(config_file)
config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
raise IOError('Configuration file %s missing or with wrong '
'permissions' % config_file)
if config.has_section(base_name):
self.koji_options = {}
session_options = {}
server = None
for name, value in config.items(base_name):
if name in ('user', 'password', 'debug_xmlrpc', 'debug'):
session_options[name] = value
self.koji_options[name] = value
self.session = koji.ClientSession(self.koji_options['server'],
raise ValueError('Koji config file %s does not have a %s '
'session' % (config_file, base_name))
def get(self, src_package, dst_dir, rfilter=None, tag=None, build=None,
Download a list of packages from the build system.
This will download all packages originated from source package [package]
with given [tag] or [build] for the architecture reported by the
@param src_package: Source package name.
@param dst_dir: Destination directory for the downloaded packages.
@param rfilter: Regexp filter, only download the packages that match
that particular filter.
@param tag: Build system tag.
@param build: Build system ID.
@param arch: Package arch. Useful when you want to download noarch
@return: List of paths with the downloaded rpm packages.
if build and build.isdigit():
build = int(build)
if tag and build:"Both tag and build parameters provided, ignoring tag "
if not tag and not build:
raise ValueError("Koji install selected but neither koji_tag "
"nor koji_build parameters provided. Please "
"provide an appropriate tag or build name.")
if not build:
builds = self.session.listTagged(tag, latest=True, inherit=True,
if not builds:
raise ValueError("Tag %s has no builds of %s" % (tag,
info = builds[0]
info = self.session.getBuild(build)
if info is None:
raise ValueError('No such brew/koji build: %s' % build)
if arch is None:
arch = utils.get_arch()
rpms = self.session.listRPMs(buildID=info['id'],
if not rpms:
raise ValueError("No %s packages available for %s" %
arch, koji.buildLabel(info))
rpm_paths = []
for rpm in rpms:
rpm_name = koji.pathinfo.rpm(rpm)
url = ("%s/%s/%s/%s/%s" % (self.koji_options['pkgurl'],
info['version'], info['release'],
if rfilter:
filter_regexp = re.compile(rfilter, re.IGNORECASE)
if filter_regexp.match(os.path.basename(rpm_name)):
download = True
download = False
download = True
if download:
r = utils.get_file(url,
os.path.join(dst_dir, os.path.basename(url)))
return rpm_paths
def umount(src, mount_point, type):
Umount the src mounted in mount_point.
@src: mount source
@mount_point: mount point
@type: file system type
mount_string = "%s %s %s" % (src, mount_point, type)
if mount_string in file("/etc/mtab").read():
umount_cmd = "umount %s" % mount_point
return True
except error.CmdError:
return False
logging.debug("%s is not mounted under %s", src, mount_point)
return True
def mount(src, mount_point, type, perm="rw"):
Mount the src into mount_point of the host.
@src: mount source
@mount_point: mount point
@type: file system type
@perm: mount premission
umount(src, mount_point, type)
mount_string = "%s %s %s %s" % (src, mount_point, type, perm)
if mount_string in file("/etc/mtab").read():
logging.debug("%s is already mounted in %s with %s",
src, mount_point, perm)
return True
mount_cmd = "mount -t %s %s %s -o %s" % (type, src, mount_point, perm)
except error.CmdError:
return False
logging.debug("Verify the mount through /etc/mtab")
if mount_string in file("/etc/mtab").read():
logging.debug("%s is successfully mounted", src)
return True
logging.error("Can't find mounted NFS share - /etc/mtab contents \n%s",
return False